

by Payal Gupta

通过Payal Gupta

深层副本与浅层副本-以及如何在Swift中使用它们 (Deep copy vs. shallow copy — and how you can use them in Swift)

Copying an object has always been an essential part in the coding paradigm. Be it in Swift, Objective-C, JAVA or any other language, we’ll always need to copy an object for use in different contexts.

复制对象一直是编码范例中必不可少的部分。 无论是Swift,Objective-C,JAVA还是其他任何语言,我们始终需要复制一个对象以用于不同的上下文。

In this article, we’ll discuss in detail how to copy different data types in Swift and how they behave in different circumstances.


值和引用类型 (Value and Reference types)

All the data types in Swift broadly fall into two categories, namely value types and reference types.


  • Value type — each instance keeps a unique copy of its data. Data types that fall into this category include — all the basic data types, struct, enum, array, tuples.

    值类型 -每个实例都保留其数据的唯一副本。 属于此类的数据类型包括- all the basic data types, struct, enum, array, tuples

  • Reference type — instances share a single copy of the data, and the type is usually defined as a class.

    引用类型 -实例共享数据的单个副本,并且该类型通常定义为class

The most distinguishing feature of both the types lies in their copying behaviour.


什么是深浅复制? (What is Deep and Shallow copy?)

An instance, whether it’s a value type or a reference type, can be copied in one of the following ways:


深度复制-复制所有内容 (Deep copy — Duplicates everything)
  • With a deep copy, any object pointed to by the source is copied and the copy is pointed to by the destination. So two completely separate objects will be created.

    对于深层副本,将复制源指向的任何对象,而副本将由目标指向。 因此,将创建两个完全独立的对象。
  • Collections — A deep copy of a collection is two collections with all of the elements in the original collection duplicated.

    集合 - 集合的深层副本是两个集合,原始集合中的所有元素都重复了。

  • Less prone to race conditions and performs well in a multithreaded environment — changes in one object will have no effect on another object.

    较不容易出现竞争状况 ,并且在多线程环境中表现良好-一个对象的更改不会对另一对象产生影响。

  • Value types are copied deeply.


In the above code,


  • Line 1: arr1 — array (a value type) of Strings

    第1行arr1 —字符串数组(值类型)

  • Line 2: arr1 is assigned to arr2. This will create a deep copy of arr1 and then assign that copy to arr2

    第2行 :将arr1分配给arr2 。 这将创建arr1的深层副本,然后将该副本分配给arr2

  • Lines 7 to 11: any changes done in arr2 don’t reflect in arr1 .

    第7至11行 :在arr2所做的任何更改都不会反映在arr1

This is what deep copy is — completely separate instances. The same concept works with all the value types.

这就是深层副本-完全独立的实例。 相同的概念适用于所有值类型。

In some scenarios, that is when a value type contains nested reference types, deep copy reveals a different kind of behaviour. We’ll see that in upcoming sections.

在某些情况下,即当值类型包含嵌套的引用类型时,深拷贝显示了另一种行为。 我们将在接下来的部分中看到。

浅拷贝-尽可能少重复 (Shallow copy — Duplicates as little as possible)
  • With a shallow copy, any object pointed to by the source is also pointed to by the destination. So only one object will be created in the memory.

    对于浅表副本,目标指向的对象也指向源指向的任何对象。 因此,将在内存中仅创建一个对象。
  • Collections — A shallow copy of a collection is a copy of the collection structure, not the elements. With a shallow copy, two collections now share the individual elements.

    集合 - 集合的浅表副本是集合结构的副本,而不是元素。 对于浅表副本,现在两个集合共享各个元素。

  • Faster — only the reference is copied.

    更快 -仅复制参考。

  • Copying reference types creates a shallow copy.


In the above code,


  • Lines 1 to 8: Address class type


  • Line 10: a1 — an instance of Address type

    第10行a1 Address类型的实例

  • Line 11: a1 is assigned to a2. This will create a shallow copy of a1 and then assign that copy to a2 , that is only the reference is copied into a2.

    第11行a1分配给a2 。 这将创建a1的浅表副本,然后将该副本分配给a2 ,即仅将引用复制到a2

  • Lines 16 to 19: any changes done in a2 will certainly reflect in a1 .

    第16至19行 :在a2所做的任何更改肯定会反映在a1

In the above illustration, we can see that both a1 and a2 point to the same memory address.


深度复制参考类型 (Copying Reference Types Deeply)

As of now, we know that whenever we try to copy a reference type, only the reference to the object is copied. No new object is created. What if we want to create a completely separate object?

到目前为止,我们知道,只要尝试复制引用类型,就只会复制对对象的引用。 没有创建新对象。 如果我们要创建一个完全独立的对象怎么办?

We can create a deep copy of the reference type using the copy() method. According to the documentation,

我们可以使用copy()方法创建引用类型的深层副本。 根据文档

copy() — Returns the object returned by copy(with:).


This is a convenience method for classes that adopt the NSCopying protocol. An exception is raised if there is no implementation for copy(with:).

对于采用NSCopying协议的类,这是一种便捷的方法。 如果没有实现copy(with:)则会引发异常。

Let’s restructure the Address class we created in Code Snippet 2 to conform to the NSCopying protocol.

让我们重组在代码片段2中创建的Address class ,使其符合NSCopying协议。

In the above code,


  • Lines 1 to 14: Address class type conforms to NSCopying and implements copy(with:) method


  • Line 16: a1 — an instance of Address type

    第16行a1 Address类型的实例

  • Line 17: a1 is assigned to a2 using copy() method. This will create a deep copy of a1 and then assign that copy to a2 , that is a completely new object will be created.

    第17行 :使用copy()方法copy() a1分配给a2 。 这将创建a1的深层副本,然后将该副本分配给a2 ,这将创建一个全新的对象。

  • Lines 22 to 25: any changes done in a2 will not reflect in a1 .

    第22至25行 :在a2所做的任何更改都不会反映在a1

As is evident from the above illustration, both a1 and a2 point to different memory locations.

从上面的插图中可以明显看出, a1a2指向不同的存储位置。

Let’s look at another example. This time we’ll see how it works with nested reference types — a reference type containing another reference type.

让我们看另一个例子。 这次,我们将看到它如何与嵌套引用类型一起工作-包含另一个引用类型的引用类型

In the above code,


  • Line 22: a deep copy of p1 is assigned to p2 using the copy() method. This implies that any change in one of them must not have any effect on the other one.

    第22行:使用copy()方法将p1的深层副本分配给p2 。 这意味着其中之一的任何更改都不得对另一方产生任何影响。

  • Lines 27 to 28: p2’s name and city values are changed. These must not reflect in p1.

    第27至28行: p2's namecity值已更改。 这些一定不能反映在p1

  • Line 30: p1’s name is as expected, but its city? It should be “Mumbai” shouldn’t it? But we can’t see that happening. “Bangalore” was only for p2 right? Yup…exactly.?

    第30行: p1's name符合预期,但其city ? 应该是“Mumbai”吗? 但是我们看不到这种情况。 “Bangalore”仅用于p2吧? 是的...是。

Deep copy…!? That was not expected from you. You said you’ll copy everything. And now you are behaving like this. Why oh why..?! What do I do now? ☠

深度复制...!没想到你会这样。 您说过要复制所有内容。 现在您的行为是这样的。 为什么哦为什么..?! 现在我该怎么做? ️️

Don’t panic. Let’s look at what memory addresses has to say in this.

不要惊慌 让我们看看在这方面要说的内存地址。

From the above illustration, we can see that


  • p1 and p2 point to different memory locations as expected.


  • But their address variables are still pointing to the same location. This means that even after copying them deeply, only the references are copied — that is, a shallow copy of course.

    但是它们的address变量仍指向同一位置。 这意味着即使复制了很深的内容,也只会复制引用-即当然是浅表副本

Please note: every time we copy a reference type, a shallow copy is created by default until we explicitly specify that it should be copied deeply.


func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any{    let person = Person(self.name, self.address)    return person}

In the above method we implemented earlier for the Person class, we have created a new instance by copying the address with self.address . This will only copy the reference to the address object. This is the reason why both p1 and p2’s address point to the same location.

在我们之前为Person类实现的上述方法中,我们通过复制具有self.address的地址来创建了一个新实例。 这只会将引用复制到地址对象。 这就是为什么p1p2's address指向同一位置的原因。

So, copying the object using the copy() method won’t create a true deep copy of the object.


To duplicate a reference object completely: the reference type along with all the nested reference types must be copied with the copy() method.


let person = Person(self.name, self.address.copy() as? Address)

Using the above code in the func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any method will get everything working. You can see that from the below illustration.

func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) ->使用上面的代码func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) ->任何方法都可以使一切工作。 从下图可以看到。

真正的深复制-引用和值类型 (True Deep Copy — Reference and Value types)

We’ve already seen how we can create a deep copy of the reference types. Of course we can do that with all the nested reference types.

我们已经了解了如何创建引用类型的深层副本。 当然,我们可以使用所有嵌套的引用类型来做到这一点。

But what about the nested reference type in a value type, that is an array of objects, or a reference type variable in a struct or maybe a tuple? Can we resolve that using copy() too? No we can’t, actually. The copy() method requires implementing NSCopying protocol which only works for NSObject subclasses. Value types don’t support inheritance, so we can’t use copy() with them.

但是,值类型中的嵌套引用类型(即对象数组)还是结构或元组中的引用类型变量呢? 我们也可以使用copy()解决该问题吗? 不,我们不能,实际上。 copy()方法需要实现NSCopying协议,该协议仅适用于NSObject子类。 值类型不支持继承,因此我们不能copy()它们与copy()一起使用。

In line 2, only the structure of arr1 is deep copied, but the Address objects inside it are still shallow copied. You can see that from the below memory map.

在第2行中,仅深度复制了arr1的结构,但内部的Address对象仍然被浅复制。 您可以从下面的内存映射中看到。

The elements in both arr1 and arr2 both point to the same memory locations. This is because of the same reason — reference types are shallow copied by default.

arr1arr2的元素都指向相同的存储位置。 这是由于相同的原因-默认情况下,引用类型是浅表复制。

Serializing and then de-serializing an object always creates a brand new object. It is valid for both value types as well as the reference types.

序列化然后反序列化对象总是会创建一个全新的对象。 对于值类型和引用类型均有效。

Here are some APIs that we can use to serialize and de-serialize data:


  1. NSCoding — A protocol that enables an object to be encoded and decoded for archiving and distribution. It will only work with class type objects as it requires inheriting from NSObject .

    NSCoding —一种协议,用于对对象进行编码和解码以进行归档和分发。 它仅适用于class类型对象,因为它需要从NSObject继承。

  2. Codable — Make your data types encodable and decodable for compatibility with external representations such as JSON. It will work for both value types — struct, array, tuple, basic data typeswell as reference types — class .

    可编码 -使您的数据类型编码且可解码与外部表示,如JSON的兼容性。 它适用于两种值类型struct, array, tuple, basic data types以及引用类型class

Let’s restructure the Address class a bit further to conform to the Codable protocol and remove all the NSCopying code that we added earlier in Code Snippet 3.


In the above code, lines 11–13 will create a true deep copy of arr1. Below is the illustration that gives a clear picture of the memory locations.

在上面的代码中,第11-13行将创建arr1的真实深层副本。 下面的插图清晰地显示了内存位置。

写时复制 (Copy on Write)

Copy on write is an optimization technique that helps boost performance when copying value types.


Let’s say we copy a single String or Int or maybe any other value type — we won’t face any crucial performance issues in that case. But what about when we copy an array of thousands of elements? Will it still not create any performance issues? What if we just copy it and don’t make any changes to that copy? Isn’t that extra memory we used just a waste in that case?

假设我们复制一个String或Int或任何其他值类型-在这种情况下,我们将不会遇到任何关键的性能问题。 但是,当我们复制成千上万个元素的数组时呢? 仍然不会产生任何性能问题吗? 如果我们只是复制它而不对该副本做任何更改怎么办? 在这种情况下,难道我们只是浪费了额外的内存吗?

Here comes the concept of Copy in Write — when copying, each reference points to the same memory address. It’s only when one of the references modifies the underlying data that Swift actually copies the original instance and makes the modification.

这里有写复制的概念-复制时,每个引用都指向相同的内存地址。 只有当其中一个引用修改基础数据时,Swift才实际复制原始实例并进行修改。

That is, whether it’s deep copy or shallow copy, a new copy will not be created until we make a change in one of the objects.


In the above code,


  • Line 2: a deep copy of arr1 is assigned to arr2

    第2行 :将arr1的深层副本分配给arr2

  • Lines 4 and 5: arr1 and arr2 still point to the same memory address


  • Line 7: changes made in arr2

    第7行 :在arr2所做的更改

  • Lines 9 and 10: arr1 and arr2 now pointing to different memory locations


Now you know more about deep and shallow copies and how they behave in different scenarios with different data types. You can try them with your own set of examples and see what results you get.

现在,您进一步了解了深层副本和浅层副本,以及它们在不同数据类型的不同情况下的行为。 您可以使用自己的示例集来尝试使用它们,然后查看获得的结果。

进一步阅读 (Further reading)

Don’t forget to read my other articles:


  1. Everything about Codable in Swift 4

    Swift 4中有关Codable的一切

  2. Everything you’ve always wanted to know about notifications in iOS


  3. Color it with GRADIENTS — iOS

    使用GRADIENTS为它着色— iOS

  4. Coding for iOS 11: How to drag & drop into collections & tables

    iOS 11编码:如何拖放到集合和表格中

  5. All you need to know about Today Extensions (Widget) in iOS 10

    您需要了解的有关iOS 10中的Today Extensions(Widget)的所有信息

  6. UICollectionViewCell selection made easy..!!

    UICollectionViewCell选择变得简单.. !!

Feel free to leave comments in case you have any questions.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/deep-copy-vs-shallow-copy-and-how-you-can-use-them-in-swift-c623833f5ad3/


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