

by Kurt


下雨代码-矩阵样式 (Making it rain code — Matrix Style)

HTML 5画布动画简介 (An introduction to HTML 5 canvas animations)

Out of all the great things HTML 5 brought us, I love the canvas element the most. I hope that once you see how powerful it is, you’ll want to put in the time to master canvas animations yourself.

在HTML 5带给我们的所有美好事物中,我最喜欢canvas元素。 我希望一旦您了解它的功能强大,就可以花些时间自己掌握画布动画。

什么是画布? (What is a canvas?)

A canvas is exactly what its name implies. It is a blank canvas that you can paint as you wish and then render in your browser as an image. The real beauty is that it not only allows you to create images, but also to continuously redraw & render them — hence creating an animation.

画布正是其名称所隐含的含义。 它是一块空白画布,您可以根据需要绘画,然后在浏览器中将其渲染为图像。 真正的美在于它不仅允许您创建图像,而且可以连续地重绘和渲染它们-因此可以创建动画。

The power of canvas is limited only by your imagination. I’ve used the canvas element to create everything from static images on-the-fly to games, graphical user interfaces. and even a MailChimp-style email builder. You can even render the canvas in 3D!

画布的力量仅受您的想象力限制。 我使用canvas元素创建了从动态图像到游戏,图形用户界面的所有内容。 甚至是MailChimp样式的电子邮件生成器。 您甚至可以3D渲染画布!

For me, the canvas element changed everything. I was no longer limited to using the default HTML tags. I could create everything I wanted in the browser. And you’d better believe this pushed my JavaScript skills to a whole new level.

对我来说,canvas元素改变了一切。 我不再局限于使用默认HTML标签。 我可以在浏览器中创建所有想要的东西。 并且您最好相信这将我JavaScript技能提升到了一个全新的水平。

入门 (Getting Started)

Instead of demonstrating how to simply draw on a canvas, I want to give you a glimpse of what you can create with it. If you haven’t seen The Matrix yet, stop reading now and go watch it. If you have seen it, you’ll recognize the famous “falling code” from the title. Let’s create this with canvas!

我不想展示如何简单地在画布上绘画,而是让您一目了然。 如果您尚未看到《黑客帝国》,请立即停止阅读并继续观看。 如果您看过它,就会从标题中识别出著名的“下降代码”。 让我们用画布创建它!

Instead of doing a step by step tutorial, to save time I will post the code below and walk you through it explaining what each piece is doing as we move along.




<canvas id=”canvas” width=”600px” height=”400px”></canvas><img id=”logo” width=”400px;” src=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/freecodecamp_logo.svg"/>

The CSS:


body{ background-color:#d2d2d2;}#canvas{ background-color:#000; display:block; margin:auto;}#logo{ display:none;}

The JavaScript:


var canvas = document.getElementById(‘canvas’);var ctx = canvas.getContext(‘2d’);var t = text();var logo = document.getElementById(‘logo’);var lines = [];window.setInterval(draw, 100);
function draw() { if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) === 0 && lines.length < 100) {  lines.push(new textLine()); } ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); lines.forEach(function(tl) {
ctx.drawImage(tl.text, tl.posX, tl.animate(), 20, 1000); }); ctx.drawImage(logo, 100, 155, 400, 70);
function textLine() { this.text = t; this.posX = (function() {  return Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.width); })(); this.offsetY = -1000; this.animate = function() {  if (this.offsetY >= 0) {   this.offsetY = -1000;  }  this.offsetY += 10;  return this.offsetY; };}
function text() { var offscreenCanvas = document.createElement(‘canvas’); offscreenCanvas.width = “30”; offscreenCanvas.height = “1000”; offscreenCanvas.style.display = “none”; document.body.appendChild(offscreenCanvas); var octx = offscreenCanvas.getContext(‘2d’); octx.textAlign = “center”; octx.shadowColor = “lightgreen”; octx.shadowOffsetX = 2; octx.shadowOffsetY = -5; octx.shadowBlur = 1; octx.fillStyle = ‘darkgreen’; octx.textAlign = “left”; var step = 10; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {  var charCode = 0;  while (charCode < 60) {   charCode = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);  }  octx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(charCode), 0, step);  step += 10; } return offscreenCanvas;}
它是如何工作的? (How does it work?)

On line #1 we grab the canvas element by its id. Every canvas element has its own context — an interface to manipulate its contents. This is what the ctx variable on line 2 refers to.

在第1行上,我们通过其id捕获canvas元素。 每个canvas元素都有其自己的上下文-操作其内容的接口。 这就是第2行上的ctx变量所指的内容。

To create the animated background, we will need a vertical line of random text, which we will then redraw multiple times over the X-axis and animate incrementally on the Y-axis to give us the end effect.


Since text is always rendered horizontally, we will render the text on another invisible canvas and draw it as an image on our original canvas.


On line #3 we set the variable t to the result of the text() function which generates and returns our invisible canvas element.


In this function we create a new canvas, set its width and height and set its display property to none to hide it and then append it to the document body. Then we set the color, shadow and offset for the text that we will draw.

在此函数中,我们创建一个新画布,将其宽度和高度设置为空,并将其显示属性设置为none以隐藏它,然后将其附加到文档主体中。 然后,我们为要绘制的文本设置颜色,阴影和偏移量。

To generate vertical random characters we loop and draw a new random character 100 times and increment it by 10px on the Y-axis on each interval. To generate a random character I use Math.random() to get a number between 60 and 100 and then convert it into a character using String.fromCharCode().

为了生成垂直随机字符,我们循环并绘制一个新的随机字符100次,并在每个间隔的Y轴上将其递增10px。 为了生成随机字符,我使用Math.random()获得60到100之间的数字,然后使用String.fromCharCode()将其转换为字符

This draws our vertical text with a shadow and returns the canvas to the t variable.


动画循环 (The animation loop)

Over the next 3 line of code, I retrieve the FreeCodeCamp logo, declare an array that will hold the separate lines that make up the background, and use window.setInterval to run the draw() function every 100 milliseconds.


When animating a canvas, it’s good practice to rather use window.requestAnimationFrame(), but I felt this is too confusing for beginners, since its a bit tricky setting the frame rate.


The first thing the draw() function does is generate a random number between 1 and 0. If the number is 0 and there are less than 100 individual lines of text being animated on the background it pushes a new textLine() into the lines array.


The textLine() function returns an object which contains


  1. The resulting vertical text held in the t variable.


  2. The offset amount that it will be rendered on the X-axis (generated randomly on each instance of the object).

  3. An initial offset of -1000px on the Y-axis which places it just above the canvas.

  4. An animate method which adds 10px to the Y-axis each time it is called and returns the result making the text move downwards. If the Y-axis offset reaches 0 it is reset to -1000px providing a continual animation.

    一种动画方法,每次调用时将10像素添加到Y轴,并返回使文本向下移动的结果。 如果Y轴偏移量达到0,则将其重置为-1000px,以提供连续动画。

The canvas is cleared, and then the draw() function loops through each line of text in the lines array and draws it on the canvas calling its animate method each time a line is drawn to move it downwards.


Since each line has a random offset on the X-axis and a newline is added at random intervals the lines of text fall at different rates across the canvas creating the raining code effect!


Lastly the FreeCodeCamp logo is drawn over the background, giving us our final animation.


现在到哪里? (Where to now?)

If canvas is something that interests you, you can learn more about it in the Mozilla Docs.

如果您对画布感兴趣,可以在Mozilla Docs中对其进行更多了解。

I plan like create a series of more basic step by step tutorials walking through canvas animations as I find the time.


If you didn’t find the above code too difficult and would like to mess with it, here are a few cool ideas:


  1. Make the dimensions dynamic so that the canvas scales and continues animating as you resize your browser.

  2. Instead of randomly generating characters, grab a file of your own code from GitHub and animate that instead.

  3. Render your name in place of the FreeCodeCamp logo, and make it look like the Matrix poster.

  4. Instead of generating each line at random, bind a click event to the canvas and render a new line at the X coordinates of your mouse click.


I hope you enjoyed this intro, if you did feel free to check out some of the other articles that I’ve written.


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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/canmaking-it-rain-code-matrix-style-ec6e1386084e/


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