


Object-oriented programming offers a sustainable way to write spaghetti code. It lets you accrete programs as a series of patches.

面向对象的编程提供了一种可持续的方式来编写意大利面条式代码。 它使您可以将程序作为一系列补丁来添加。

Object-oriented programming offers a sustainable way to write spaghetti code. It lets you accrete programs as a series of patches.― Paul Graham

面向对象的编程提供了一种可持续的方式来编写意大利面条式代码。 它使您可以将程序作为一系列补丁来添加。 保罗·格雷厄姆

面向对象编程的基础 (Fundamentals of object-oriented programming)

Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm where everything is represented as an object.


Objects pass messages to each other. Each object decides what to do with a received message. OOP focuses on each object’s states and behaviors.

对象之间传递消息。 每个对象决定如何处理收到的消息。 OOP专注于每个对象的状态和行为。

什么是物体? (What Are Objects?)

An object is an entity that has states and behaviors.


For example, dog, cat, and vehicle. To illustrate, a dog has states like age, color, name, and behaviors like eating, sleeping, and running.

例如,狗,猫和车辆。 为了说明这一点,狗的年龄,肤色,名字等状态以及进食,睡眠和奔跑等行为都有。

State tells us how the object looks or what properties it has.


Behavior tells us what the object does.


We can actually represent a real world dog in a program as a software object by defining its states and behaviors.


Software objects are the actual representation of real world objects. Memory is allocated in RAM whenever creating a logical object.

软件对象是真实世界对象的实际表示。 每当创建逻辑对象时,都会在RAM中分配内存。

An object is also referred to an instance of a class. Instantiating a class means the same thing as creating an object.

对象也称为类的实例。 实例化一个类与创建一个对象的意思相同。

The important thing to remember when creating an object is: the reference type should be the same type or a super type of the object type. We’ll see what a reference type is later in this article.

创建对象时要记住的重要事项是:引用类型应该与对象类型相同为父类型。 我们将在本文后面看到什么是引用类型。

什么是课程? (What Are Classes?)

A class is a template or blueprint from which objects are created.


Imagine a class as a cookie-cutter and objects as cookies.


Classes define states as instance variables and behaviors as instance methods.


Instance variables are also known as member variables.


Classes don't consume any space.


To give you an idea about classes and objects, let's create a Cat class that represents states and behaviors of real world Cat.


public class Cat {
    Instance variables: states of Cat
    String name;
    int age;
    String color;
    String breed;

    Instance methods: behaviors of Cat
    void sleep(){
    void play(){
    void feed(){


Now we have successfully defined a template for Cat. Let’s say we have two cats named Thor and Rambo.

现在,我们已经成功地为Cat定义了模板。 假设我们有两只猫叫雷神(Thor)和兰博(Rambo)。

How can we define them in our program?


First, we need to create two objects of the Cat class.


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       Cat thor = new Cat();
       Cat rambo = new Cat();

Next, we’ll define their states and behaviors.


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
       Creating objects
       Cat thor = new Cat();
       Cat rambo = new Cat();

       Defining Thor cat
       thor.name = "Thor";
       thor.age = 3;
       thor.breed = "Russian Blue";
       thor.color = "Brown";


       Defining Rambo cat
       rambo.name = "Rambo";
       rambo.age = 4;
       rambo.breed = "Maine Coon";
       rambo.color = "Brown";



Like the above code examples, we can define our class, instantiate it (create objects) and specify the states and behaviors for those objects.


Now, we have covered the basics of object-oriented programming. Let's move on to the principles of object-oriented programming.

现在,我们已经介绍了面向对象编程的基础知识。 让我们继续进行面向对象编程的原理。

面向对象编程的原理 (Principles of object-oriented programming)

These are the four main principles of the object-oriented programming paradigm. Understanding them is essential to becoming a successful programmer.

这些是面向对象编程范例的四个主要原理。 了解它们对于成为一名成功的程序员至关重要。

  1. Encapsulation

  2. Inheritance

  3. Abstraction

  4. Polymorphism


Now let's look at each in more detail.


封装形式 (Encapsulation)

Encapsulation is a process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit.


It's just like a capsule that contains a mix of several medicines, and is a technique that helps keep instance variables protected.


This can be achieved by using private access modifiers that can’t be accessed by anything outside the class. In order to access private states safely, we have to provide public getter and setter methods. (In Java, these methods should follow JavaBeans naming standards.)

这可以通过使用private访问修饰符来实现,该修饰符不能被类之外的任何人访问。 为了安全地访问私有国家,我们必须提供公共获取和设置方法。 (在Java中,这些方法应遵循JavaBeans命名标准。)

Let’s say there is a record shop that sells music albums of different artists and a stock keeper who manages them.


If you look at figure 4, the StockKeeper class can access the Album class’s states directly as Album class’s states are set to public.


What if the stock keeper creates an album and sets states to negative values? This can be done intentionally or unintentionally by a stock keeper.

如果库存管理员创建相册并将状态设置为负值怎么办? 这可以由库存管理员有意或无意地完成。

To illustrate, let’s see a sample Java program that explains the above diagram and statement.


Album class:


public class Album {
    public String name;
    public String artist;
    public double price;
    public int numberOfCopies;
    public void sellCopies(){
        if(numberOfCopies > 0){
            System.out.println("One album has sold!");
            System.out.println("No more albums available!");
    public void orderCopies(int num){
        numberOfCopies += num;

StockKeeper class:


public class StockKeeper {
    public String name;
    public StockKeeper(String name){
        this.name = name;
    public void manageAlbum(Album album, String name, String artist, double price, int numberOfCopies){
       Defining states and behaviors for album
        album.name = name;
        album.artist = artist;
        album.price = price;
        album.numberOfCopies = numberOfCopies;

       Printing album details
        System.out.println("Album managed by :"+ this.name);
        System.out.println("Album details::::::::::");
        System.out.println("Album name : " + album.name);
        System.out.println("Album artist : " + album.artist);
        System.out.println("Album price : " + album.price);
        System.out.println("Album number of copies : " + album.numberOfCopies);

Main class:


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       StockKeeper johnDoe = new StockKeeper("John Doe");
       Stock keeper creates album and assigns negative values for price and number of copies available
       johnDoe.manageAlbum(new Album(), "Slippery When Wet", "Bon Jovi", -1000.00, -50);



Album managed by :John Doe
Album details::::::::::
Album name : Slippery When Wet
Album artist : Bon Jovi
Album price : -1000.0
Album number of copies : -50

The album’s price and number of copies can’t be negative values. How can we avoid this situation? This is where we use encapsulation.

专辑的价格和份数不能为负值。 我们如何避免这种情况? 这是我们使用封装的地方。

In this scenario, we can block the stock keeper from assigning negative values. If they attempt to assign negative values for the album’s price and number of copies, we’ll assign them as 0.0 and 0.

在这种情况下,我们可以阻止库存管理者分配负值。 如果他们尝试为相册的价格和份数分配负值,我们会将它们分配为0.0和0。

Album class:


public class Album {
    private String name;
    private String artist;
    private double price;
    private int numberOfCopies;
    public void sellCopies(){
        if(numberOfCopies > 0){
            System.out.println("One album has sold!");
            System.out.println("No more albums available!");
    public void orderCopies(int num){
        numberOfCopies += num;
   public String getName() {
      return name;
   public void setName(String name) {
      this.name = name;
   public String getArtist() {
      return artist;
   public void setArtist(String artist) {
      this.artist = artist;
   public double getPrice() {
      return price;
   public void setPrice(double price) {
      if(price > 0) {
         this.price = price;          
      else {
         this.price = 0.0;
   public int getNumberOfCopies() {
      return numberOfCopies;
   public void setNumberOfCopies(int numberOfCopies) {
      if(numberOfCopies > 0) {
         this.numberOfCopies = numberOfCopies;        
      else {
         this.numberOfCopies = 0;

StockKeeper class:


public class StockKeeper {
    private String name;
    StockKeeper(String name){
    public void manageAlbum(Album album, String name, String artist, double price, int numberOfCopies){
          Defining states and behaviors for album
          Printing album details
        System.out.println("Album managed by :"+ getName());
        System.out.println("Album details::::::::::");
        System.out.println("Album name : " + album.getName());
        System.out.println("Album artist : " + album.getArtist());
        System.out.println("Album price : " + album.getPrice());
        System.out.println("Album number of copies : " + album.getNumberOfCopies());
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

Main class:


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       StockKeeper johnDoe = new StockKeeper("John Doe");
       Stock keeper creates album and assigns negative values for price and number of copies available
       johnDoe.manageAlbum(new Album(), "Slippery When Wet", "Bon Jovi", -1000.00, -50);



Album managed by :John Doe
Album details::::::::::
Album name : Slippery When Wet
Album artist : Bon Jovi
Album price : 0.0
Album number of copies : 0

With encapsulation, we’ve blocked our stock keeper from assigning negative values, meaning we have control over the data.


Java封装的优点 (Advantages of encapsulation in Java)

  1. We can make a class read-only or write-only: for a read-only class, we should provide only a getter method. For a write-only class, we should provide only a setter method.

    我们可以将类设为只读 :对于只读类,我们应该仅提供getter方法。 对于只写类,我们应该只提供一个setter方法。

  2. Control over the data: we can control the data by providing logic to setter methods, just like we restricted the stock keeper from assigning negative values in the above example.

  3. Data hiding: other classes can’t access private members of a class directly.


遗产 (Inheritance )

Let’s say that the record shop we discussed above also sells Blu-ray movies.


As you can see in the above diagram, there are many common states and behaviors (common code) between Album and Movie.

如上图所示, AlbumMovie之间有许多常见的状态和行为(通用代码)。

When implementing this class diagram into code, are you going to write (or copy & paste) the entire code for Movie? If you do, you are repeating yourself. How can you avoid code duplication?

在代码中实现此类图时,是否要编写(或复制并粘贴) Movie的整个代码? 如果这样做,您就是在重复自己。 如何避免代码重复?

This is where we use inheritance.


Inheritance is a mechanism in which one object acquires all the states and behaviors of a parent object.


Inheritance uses a parent-child relationship (IS-A relationship).


那么到底是什么继承了呢? (So what exactly is inherited?)

Visibility/access modifiers impact what gets inherited from one class to another.


In Java, as a rule of thumb we make instance variables private and instance methods public .


In this case, we can safely say that the following are inherited:


  1. public instance methods.

  2. private instance variables (private instance variables can be accessed only through public getter and setter methods).

    私有实例变量(只能通过public getter和setter方法访问私有实例变量)。

Java中的继承类型 (Types of Inheritance in Java)

There are five types of inheritance in Java. They are single, multilevel, hierarchical, multiple, and hybrid.

Java有五种继承类型。 它们是单层,多层,分层,多层和混合型。

Class allows single, multilevel and hierarchical inheritances. Interface allows multiple and hybrid inheritances.

类允许单,多级和分层继承。 接口允许多重继承和混合继承。

A class can extend only one class however it can implement any number of interfaces. An interface can extend more than one interfaces.

一个类只能扩展一个类,但是它可以实现任何数量的接口。 一个接口可以扩展多个接口。

人际关系 (Relationships)

I. IS-A relationship


An IS-A relationship refers to inheritance or implementation.


一个。 概括 (a. Generalization)

Generalization uses an IS-A relationship from a specialization class to generalization class.


二。 HAS-A关系 (II. HAS-A relationship)

An instance of one class HAS-A reference to an instance of another class.


一个。 聚合 (a. Aggregation)

In this relationship, the existence of class A and B are not dependent on each other.


For this aggregation part, we going to see an example of the Student class and the ContactInfo class.


class ContactInfo {
    private String homeAddress;
    private String emailAddress;
    private int telephoneNumber; //12025550156
public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private int grade;
    private ContactInfo contactInfo;//Student HAS-A ContactInfo
    public void study() {

Student HAS-A ContactInfo. ContactInfo can be used in other places – for example, a company's Employee class can also use this ContactInfo class. So Student can exist without ContactInfo and ContactInfo can exist without Student . This type of relationship is known as aggregation.

Student HAS-A ContactInfoContactInfo可以在其他地方使用-例如,公司的Employee类也可以使用此ContactInfo类。 因此Student可以不使用ContactInfo而存在,而ContactInfo可以不使用Student而存在。 这种类型的关系称为聚合。

b。 组成 (b. Composition)

In this relationship, class B can not exist without class A – but class A can exist without class B.


To give you an idea about composition, let's see an example of the Student class and the StudentId class.


class StudentId {
    private String idNumber;//A-123456789
    private String bloodGroup;
    private String accountNumber;
public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private int grade;
    private StudentId studentId;//Student HAS-A StudentId
    public void study() {

Student HAS-A StudentId. Student can exist without StudentId but StudentId can not exist without Student. This type of relationship is known as composition.

Student HAS-A StudentId 。 没有StudentId Student可以存在,但是没有Student StudentId不能存在。 这种关系称为组合。

Now, let’s back to our previous record shop example that we discussed above.


We can implement this diagram in Java to avoid code duplication.


继承的优点 (Advantages of inheritance)
  1. Code reuse: the child class inherits all instance members of the parent class.

  2. You have more flexibility to change code: changing code in place is enough.

  3. You can use polymorphism: method overriding requires IS-A relationship.


抽象化 (Abstraction)

Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and showing only functionality to the user.


A common example of abstraction is that pressing the accelerator will increase the speed of a car. But the driver doesn’t know how pressing the accelerator increases the speed – they don't have to know that.

一个常见的抽象示例是,按下加速器将提高汽车的速度。 但是驾驶员不知道踩油门踏板会如何提高速度–他们不必知道。

Technically abstract means something incomplete or to be completed later.


In Java, we can achieve abstraction in two ways: abstract class (0 to 100%) and interface (100%).


The keyword abstract can be applied to classes and methods. abstract and final or static can never be together.

关键字abstract可以应用于类和方法。 abstractfinalstatic永远不能在一起。

一,抽象类 (I. Abstract class)

An abstract class is one that contains the keyword abstract.


Abstract classes can’t be instantiated (can’t create objects of abstract classes). They can have constructors, static methods, and final methods.

抽象类无法实例化(无法创建抽象类的对象)。 它们可以具有构造函数,静态方法和最终方法。

二。 抽象方法 (II. Abstract methods)

An abstract method is one that contains the keyword abstract.


An abstract method doesn’t have implementation (no method body and ends up with a semi colon). It shouldn’t be marked as private.

抽象方法没有实现(没有方法主体,并且以半冒号结尾)。 不应将其标记为private

三, 抽象类和抽象方法 (III. Abstract class and Abstract methods)
  • If at least one abstract method exists inside a class then the whole class should be abstract.

  • We can have an abstract class with no abstract methods.

  • We can have any number of abstract as well as non-abstract methods inside an abstract class at the same time.

  • The first concrete sub class of an abstract class must provide implementation to all abstract methods.

  • If this doesn't happen, then the sub class also should be marked as abstract.


In a real world scenario, the implementation will be provided by someone who is unknown to end users. Users don’t know the implementation class and the actual implementation.

在现实世界中,实现将由最终用户未知的人员提供。 用户不知道实现类和实际实现。

Let’s consider an example of abstract concept usage.


abstract class Shape {
    public abstract void draw();
class Circle extends Shape{
    public void draw() {
public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Shape circle = new Circle();
我们什么时候要将一个类标记为抽象? (When do we want to mark a class as abstract?)
  1. To force sub classes to implement abstract methods.

  2. To stop having actual objects of that class.

  3. To keep having a class reference.

  4. To retain common class code.


接口 (Interface)

An interface is a blueprint of a class.


An interface is 100% abstract. No constructors are allowed here. It represents an IS-A relationship.

接口是100%抽象的。 此处不允许使用构造函数。 它表示IS-A关系。

NOTE: Interfaces only define required methods. We can not retain common code.

注意:接口仅定义必需的方法。 我们无法保留通用代码。

An interface can have only abstract methods, not concrete methods. By default, interface methods are public and abstract. So inside the interface, we don’t need to specify public and abstract.

接口只能具有抽象方法,而不能具有具体方法。 默认情况下,接口方法是publicabstract 。 因此,在界面内部,我们无需指定publicabstract

So when a class implements an interface’s method without specifying the access level of that method, the compiler will throw an error stating “Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from interface”. So that implemented method’s access level must be set to public.

因此,当一个类在未指定该方法的访问级别的情况下实现该接口的方法时,编译器将引发错误,指出“Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from interface” 。 因此,必须将实现的方法的访问级别设置为public

By default, interface variables are public, static and final.


For instance:


interface Runnable {
    int a = 10; //similar to: public static final int a = 10;
    void run(); //similar to: public abstract void run();
public class InterfaceChecker implements Runnable{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Runnable.a = 5;//The final field Runnable.a cannot be assigned.

Let’s see an example that explains the interface concept:


interface Drawable {
    void draw();
class Circle implements Drawable{
    public void draw() {
public class InterfaceChecker {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Drawable circle = new Circle();
接口中的默认方法和静态方法 (Default and Static methods in Interfaces)

Usually we implement interface methods in a separate class. Let’s say we are required to add a new method in an interface. Then we must implement that method in that separate class, too.

通常,我们在单独的类中实现接口方法。 假设我们需要在接口中添加新方法。 然后,我们也必须在单独的类中实现该方法。

To overcome this issue Java 8 introduced default and static methods that implement methods inside an interface, unlike abstract methods.

为了克服这个问题,Java 8引入了默认和静态方法,这些方法在接口内部实现方法,这与抽象方法不同。

  • Default method


public interface DefaultInterface {
    void sleep();
    default void run() {
        System.out.println("I'm running!");
public class InterfaceCheckers implements DefaultInterface{
    public void sleep() {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InterfaceCheckers checker = new InterfaceCheckers();
I'm running!
  • Static method


Similar to static methods of classes, we can call them by their interface’s name.


public interface DefaultInterface {
    void sleep();
    static void run() {
        System.out.println("I'm running!");
public class InterfaceCheckers implements DefaultInterface{
    public void sleep() {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InterfaceCheckers checker = new InterfaceCheckers();
I'm running!
  • Marker interface


It’s an empty interface. For instance, Serializable, Cloneable, and Remote interfaces.

这是一个空接口。 例如,可序列化,可克隆和远程接口。

public interface Serializable 
  //No fields or methods

接口的优点 (Advantages of interfaces)

  • They help us use multiple inheritance in Java.

  • They provide abstraction.

  • They provide loose coupling: objects are independent from one another.


什么时候要将类更改为接口? (When do we want to change a class to an interface?)

  1. To force sub classes to implement abstract methods.

  2. To stop having actual objects of that class.

  3. To keep having a class reference.


NOTE: Remember, we can’t retain common code inside the interface.


If you want to define potentially required methods and common code, use an abstract class.


If you just want to define a required method, use an interface.


多态性 (Polymorphism)

Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms.


Polymorphism in OOP occurs when a super class references a sub class object.


All Java objects are considered to be polymorphic as they share more than one IS-A relationship (at least all objects will pass the IS-A test for their own type and for the class Object).


We can access an object through a reference variable. A reference variable can be of only one type. Once declared, the type of a reference variable cannot be changed.

我们可以通过引用变量访问对象。 参考变量只能是一种类型。 声明后,引用变量的类型无法更改。

A reference variable can be declared as a class or interface type.


A single object can be referred to by reference variables of many different types as long as they are the same type or a super type of the object.


方法重载 (Method overloading)

If a class has multiple methods that have same name but different parameters, this is known as method overloading.


Method overloading rules:


  1. Must have a different parameter list.


  2. May have different return types.

  3. May have different access modifiers.

  4. May throw different exceptions.

class JavaProgrammer{
    public void code() {
        System.out.println("Coding in C++");
    public void code(String language) {
        System.out.println("Coding in "+language);
public class MethodOverloader {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JavaProgrammer gosling = new JavaProgrammer();
Coding in C++
Coding in Java

NOTE: Static methods can also be overloaded.


class Addition {
    public static int add(int a,int b) {
        return a+b;
    public static int add(int a,int b,int c) {
        return a+b+c;
public class PolyTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(Addition.add(5, 5));
        System.out.println(Addition.add(2, 4, 6));

NOTE: We can overload the main() method but the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) calls the main() method that receives String arrays as arguments.


public class PolyTest {
    public static void main() {
    public static void main(String args) {
        System.out.println("String args");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("String[] args");
//Output: String[] args

多态性要遵循的规则 (Rules to follow for polymorphism)

编译时间规则 (Compile time rules)
  1. Compiler only knows reference type.

  2. It can only look in reference type for methods.

  3. Outputs a method signature.

运行时间规则 (Run time rules)
  1. At runtime, JVM follows exact runtime type (object type) to find method.


  2. Must match compile time method signature to method in actual object’s class.


方法覆盖 (Method overriding)

If a subclass has the same method as declared in the super class, this is known as method overriding.


Method overriding rules:


  1. Must have the same parameter list.

  2. Must have the same return type: although a covariant return allows us to change the return type of the overridden method.

  3. Must not have a more restrictive access modifier: may have a less restrictive access modifier.

  4. Must not throw new or broader checked exceptions: may throw narrower checked exceptions and may throw any unchecked exception.

  5. Only inherited methods may be overridden (must have IS-A relationship).


Example for method overriding:


public class Programmer {
    public void code() {
        System.out.println("Coding in C++");
public class JavaProgrammer extends Programmer{
    public void code() {
        System.out.println("Coding in Java");
public class MethodOverridder {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Programmer ben = new JavaProgrammer();
Coding in Java

NOTE: Static methods can’t be overridden because methods are overridden at run time. Static methods are associated with classes while instance methods are associated with objects. So in Java, the main() method also can’t be overridden.

注意:静态方法不能被覆盖,因为方法在运行时被覆盖。 静态方法与类相关联,而实例方法与对象相关联。 因此,在Java中, main()方法也不能被覆盖。

NOTE: Constructors can be overloaded but not overridden.


对象类型和引用类型 (Object types and reference types)

class Person{
    void eat() {
        System.out.println("Person is eating");
class Student extends Person{
    void study() {
        System.out.println("Student is studying");
public class InheritanceChecker {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person alex = new Person();//New Person "is a" Person
        Student jane = new Student();//New Student "is a" Student
        Person mary = new Student();//New Student "is a" Person
        //Student chris = new Person(); //New Person isn't a Student.

In Person mary = new Student(); , this object creation is perfectly fine.

Person mary = new Student(); ,此对象创建就很好。

mary is a Person type reference variable and new Student() will create a new Student object.

mary是一个Person类型的引用变量,并且new Student()将创建一个新的Student对象。

mary can’t access study() in compile time because the compiler only knows the reference type. Since there is no study() in the reference type class, it can’t access it. But in runtime mary is going to be the Student type (Runtime type/ object type).

mary在编译时无法访问study() ,因为编译器仅知道引用类型。 由于引用类型类中没有study() ,因此无法访问它。 但是在运行时中, mary将是Student类型(运行时类型/对象类型)。

Please review this post for more information on runtime types.


In this case, we can convince the compiler by saying “at runtime, mary will be Student type, so please allow me to call it”. How can we convince the compiler like this? This is where we use casting.

在这种情况下,我们可以说“在运行时maryStudent类型,因此请允许我调用它”来说服编译器。 我们怎样才能说服这样的编译器? 这是我们使用投射的地方。

We can make mary a Student type in compile time and can call study() by casting it.



We’ll learn about casting next.


对象类型转换 (Object type casting)

Java type casting is classified into two types:


  1. Widening casting (implicit): automatic type conversion.

  2. Narrowing casting (explicit): need explicit conversion.


In primitives, long is a larger type than int . Like in objects, the parent class is a larger type than the child class.

在基元中, long是比int大的类型。 像在对象中一样,父类的类型比子类大。

The reference variable only refers to an object. Casting a reference variable doesn’t change the object on the heap but it labels the same object in another way by means of instance members accessibility.

引用变量仅引用对象。 强制转换引用变量不会更改堆上的对象,但会通过实例成员可访问性以另一种方式标记同一对象。

I. Widening casting


Superclass superRef = new Subclass();

II. Narrowing casting

二。 缩小铸造

Subclass ref = (Subclass) superRef;

We have to be careful when narrowing. When narrowing, we convince the compiler to compile without any error. If we convince it wrongly, we will get a run time error (usually ClassCastException).

缩小范围时必须小心。 缩小范围时,我们说服编译器进行编译而不会出现任何错误。 如果我们错误地说服它,则会收到运行时错误(通常是ClassCastException )。

In order to perform narrowing correctly, we use the instanceof operator. It checks for an IS-A relationship.

为了正确执行缩小,我们使用instanceof运算符。 它检查IS-A关系。

class A {
    public void display(){
        System.out.println("Class A");

class B extends A{
    public void display(){
        System.out.println("Class B");

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        A objA = new B();
        if(objA instanceof B){
 * Output: Class B

As I already stated before, we must remember one important thing when creating an object using the new keyword: the reference type should be the same type or a super type of the object type.


结论 (Conclusion)

Thank you everyone for reading. I hope this article helped you.

谢谢大家阅读。 希望本文对您有所帮助。

I strongly encourage you to read more related articles on OOP.


Checkout my original article series on Medium: Object-oriented programming principles in Java

查阅我有关“媒介: Java中的面向对象的编程原理”的原始文章系列。

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.


A P J Abdul Kalam, Wings of Fire: An Autobiography

APJ Abdul Kalam,《火翼:自传》

Thank you.


Happy Coding!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/java-object-oriented-programming-system-principles-oops-concepts-for-beginners/






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