

If you want to get better at anything:


  1. Solve your own problems,

  2. Write about it,

  3. Teach others.


1.十年前的搜寻 (1. Searching, a decade ago)

I was a young graduate with newly-minted freedoms, and I was about to fall in love. I had plenty of imagination, a couple handfuls of tenacity, and no sense of direction at all.

我是一个年轻的毕业生,拥有崭新的自由,我即将坠入爱河。 我有很多想像力,几度坚韧,根本没有方向感。

For much of my youth, when I encountered a problem, I just sort of bumped up against it. I tried using whatever was in my head from past experiences or my own imagination to find a solution. For some problems, like managing staff duties at work, my experience was sufficient guidance. For other, more complicated problems, it wasn’t.

在我年轻的大部分时间里,当我遇到问题时,我都会碰到它。 我尝试根据过去的经验或自己的想象力来寻找解决方案。 对于某些问题,例如管理工作中的员工职责,我的经验是足够的指导。 对于其他更复杂的问题,不是。

When you don’t have a wealth of experience to draw upon, relying on it is a poor strategy. Like many people at my age then, I thought I knew enough. Like many people at my age now, I recognize how insufficient “enough” can be. A lack of self-directed momentum meant being dragged in any direction life’s currents took me. When falling in love turned out to mean falling from a far greater height than I had anticipated, I tumbled on, complacent. When higher-ups at work handed me further responsibilities, I accepted them without considering if I wanted them at all. When, inevitably, life became more and more complicated, I encountered even more problems I didn’t know how to solve. I felt stuck.

当您没有丰富的经验可借鉴时,依靠它是一个糟糕的策略。 就像那时的许多人一样,我认为我已经足够了解。 就像现在我这个年龄的许多人一样,我认识到“足够”是多么的不足。 缺乏自我导向的动力意味着被生活潮流带向任何方向。 当坠入爱河却意味着坠入爱河的高度超出了我的预期,我跌跌撞撞地沾沾自喜。 当工作中的上级把责任交给我时,我接受了他们,却没有考虑我是否完全想要他们。 当生活不可避免地变得越来越复杂时,我遇到了更多不知道如何解决的问题。 我感觉卡住了。

Though I was morbidly embarrassed about it at the time, I’m not shy to say it now. At one point, it had to be pointed out to me that I could search the Internet for the solution to any of my problems. Anything I wanted to solve - interactions with people at work, a floundering relationship, or the practicalities of filing taxes - I was lucky enough to have the greatest collection of human knowledge ever assembled at my disposal.

尽管当时我对此感到病态尴尬,但我现在并不害羞。 在某一时刻,必须向我指出,我可以在Internet上搜索我遇到的任何问题的解决方案。 我想解决的所有问题-与工作人员的互动,陷入困境的关系或报税的实用性-我很幸运能够拥有我所掌握的最丰富的人类知识。

Instead of bumbling along in the floatsam of my own trial and error, I started to take advantage of the collective experiences of all those who have been here before me. They weren’t always right, and I often found information only somewhat similar to my own experience. Still, it always got me moving in the right direction. Eventually, I started to steer.

我不再沉迷于自己的反复试验中,而是开始利用所有在我之前的人的集体经验。 它们并不总是正确的,而且我经常发现信息仅与我自己的经历有些相似。 尽管如此,它始终使我朝着正确的方向前进。 最终,我开始转向。

There’s a learning curve, even when just searching for a problem. Distilling the jumble of confusion in your head to the right search terms is a learned skill. It helped me to understand how search engines like Google work:

即使只是在寻找问题,也存在学习曲线。 将混乱的头脑提炼成正确的搜索词是一种博学的技能。 它帮助我了解了Google之类的搜索引擎的工作方式

We use software known as web crawlers to discover publicly available webpages. Crawlers look at webpages and follow links on those pages, much like you would if you were browsing content on the web. They go from link to link and bring data about those webpages back to Google’s servers…
我们使用称为网络搜寻器的软件来发现可公开访问的网页。 抓取工具会查看网页并跟踪这些页面上的链接,就像浏览网页内容一样。 它们从一个链接到另一个链接,并将有关这些网页的数据带回到Google的服务器…
When crawlers find a webpage, our systems render the content of the page, just as a browser does. We take note of key signals — from keywords to website freshness — and we keep track of it all in the Search index.
搜寻器找到网页后,我们的系统就像浏览器一样呈现页面内容。 我们注意到关键信号-从关键字到网站更新-并在搜索索引中对其进行跟踪。

Sometimes, I find what I need by using the right keyword. Other times, I discover the keyword by searching for text that might surround it on the content of the page. For software development, I search for the weirdest word or combination of words attached to what I’m trying to learn. I rarely find whole solutions in my search results, but I always find direction for solving the problem myself.

有时,我会通过使用正确的关键字找到所需的内容。 其他时候,我通过搜索页面内容周围可能包含的文本来发现关键字。 对于软件开发,我搜索与我尝试学习的内容最奇怪的单词或单词组合。 我很少在搜索结果中找到完整的解决方案,但是我总是自己寻找解决问题的方向。

Solving my own problems, even just a few little ones at a time, gave me confidence and built momentum. I began to pursue the experiences I wanted, instead of waiting for experiences to happen to me.

解决我自己的问题,即使一次只解决几个问题,也给了我信心,并建立了动力。 我开始追求自己想要的体验,而不是等待体验发生在我身上。

2.几年前更新互联网 (2. Updating the Internet, some years ago)

I’d solved myself out of a doomed relationship and stagnant job. I found myself, rather gleefully, country-hopping with just one backpack of possessions. I met, though I didn’t know it at the time, my future husband. I found a new sense of freedom, of having options, that I knew I never wanted to give up. I had to find a means to sustain myself by working remotely.

我已经摆脱了注定的关系和停滞的工作。 我发现自己只有一个背包 ,却在乡下闲逛,颇为愉快。 我认识了,虽然当时我还不知道,但我未来的丈夫。 我发现一种新的自由感,可以选择,我知道自己从不放弃。 我必须找到一种方法来通过远程工作来维持自己的生活。

When I first tried to make a living on the Internet, I felt like a right amateur. Sitting on the bed, hunched over my laptop, I started a  crappy Wordpress blog with a modified theme that didn’t entirely work. I  posted about how I tried and failed to start a dropshipping business.  My site was terrible, and I knew it. My first forays into being a “real” developer were to solve my own problems: how to get my blog working, how to set up a custom domain, how to get and use a security certificate. I found some guidance in blogs and answers that others had written, but much of it was outdated, or not entirely correct. Still, it helped me.

当我第一次尝试在互联网上谋生时,我感觉自己像是一个合适的业余爱好者。 坐在床上,弯腰抱在笔记本电脑上,我开了一个糟糕的Wordpress博客,主题修改后并不能完全起作用。 我发布了关于我尝试和失败开展直销业务的方式的信息。 我的网站糟透了,我知道。 我最初想成为一名“真正的”开发人员是为了解决我自己的问题:如何使我的博客正常工作,如何设置自定义域,如何获取和使用安全证书。 我在博客中找到了一些其他人写的指南和答案,但是其中很多已经过时或不完全正确。 不过,它对我有帮助。

I can’t imagine a world in which people did nothing to pass on their knowledge to future generations. Our stories are all we have beyond instinct and determination.

我无法想象一个世界,在这个世界上,人们没有做任何事情将自己的知识传给后代。 我们的故事无非是本能和决心。

I stopped posting about dropshipping and started writing about the technical problems I was solving. I wrote about what I tried, and ultimately what worked. I started hearing from people who thanked me for  explaining the solution they were looking for. Even in posts where all I’d done was link to the correct set of instructions on some other website, people thanked me for leading them to it. I still thought my web site was terrible, but I realized I was doing something useful. The more problems I solved, the better I got at solving them, and the more I wrote about it in turn.

我停止发布有关直销的文章,并开始写有关我正在解决的技术问题的文章。 我写了关于我尝试过的东西,以及最终成功的文章。 我开始收到人们的感谢,他们感谢我向他们解释了他们所寻找的解决方案。 即使在我所做的只是链接到其他网站上的正确说明集的帖子中,人们也感谢我带给他们的指导。 我仍然认为自己的网站糟透了,但是我意识到自己正在做一些有用的事情。 我解决的问题越多,解决问题的能力就越强,反过来我写的越多。

One day, someone offered me money for one of my solutions. To my great delight, they weren’t the last to do so.

有一天,有人为我提供一种解决方案的钱。 令我非常高兴的是,它们并不是最后这样做的人。

As I built up my skills, I started taking on more challenging offers to solve problems. I discovered, as others have before me, that especially in software development, not every solution is out there waiting for you. The most frustrating part of working on an unsolved problem is that, at least to your knowledge, there’s no one about to tell you how to solve it. If you’re lucky, you’ve at least got a heading from someone’s cold trail in an old blog post. If you’re lucky and  tenacious, you’ll find a working solution.

随着技能的提高,我开始接受更具挑战性的报价来解决问题。 我发现像其他人一样,特别是在软件开发中,并不是每个解决方案都在等着您。 解决未解决问题最令人沮丧的部分是,至少就您所知,没有人会告诉您如何解决它。 如果幸运的话,至少您可以从旧博客中的某人的冷酷经历中找到自己的方向。 如果您幸运和顽强,就会找到一个可行的解决方案。

Don’t leave it scribbled in the corner of a soon-forgotten notepad, never to ease the path of someone who comes along later. Update that old blog post by commenting on it, or sending a note to the author. Put your solution on the Internet, somewhere. Ideally, blog about it yourself in as much detail as you can recall. Some of the people who find your post might have the same problem, and might even be willing to pay you to solve it. And, if my own experience and some scattered stories hold true, one of the people to who’ll come along later, looking for that same solution, will be you.

不要将它乱涂在一个很快被遗忘的记事本的角落里,永远不要让后来的人走上路。 通过评论该旧博客帖子或向其发送注释来更新该旧博客帖子。 将您的解决方案放在Internet上的某个位置。 理想情况下,您可以回忆起自己写的博客。 有些找到您帖子的人可能会遇到同样的问题,甚至可能愿意付钱给您解决它。 而且,如果我自己的经验和一些零散的故事成立,那么稍后会寻找相同解决方案的人中的一员将是您。

3.向前,向后和投资支付; 两年前 (3. Paying it forwards, backwards, and investing; two years ago)

Already being familiar with how easy it is to stop steering and start drifting, I sought new ways to challenge myself and my skills. I wanted to do more than just sustain my lifestyle. I wanted to offer something to others; something that mattered.

我已经熟悉停止转向并开始漂移的难易程度,因此我寻求新的方法来挑战自己和我的技能。 我想做的不仅仅是维持自己的生活方式。 我想给别人一些东西。 重要的事情。

A strange thing started happening when I decided, deliberately, to write an in-depth technical blog about topics I was only beginning to become familiar with. I started to deeply understand some fundamental computer science topics - and trust me, that was strange enough - but odder than that was that others started to see me as a resource. People asked me questions because they thought I had the answers. I didn’t, at least, not always - but I knew enough now to not let that stop me. I went to find the answers, to test and understand them, and then I wrote about them to teach those who had asked. I hardly noticed, along the way, that I was learning too.

当我有意决定写一个关于我才刚刚开始熟悉的主题的深入技术博客时,发生了一件奇怪的事情。 我开始深刻理解一些基础计算机科学主题-相信我,这很奇怪-但比其他人开始将我视为一种资源更奇怪。 人们问我问题,因为他们认为我有答案。 我不是,至少不是一直如此-但是我现在知道的程度足以不阻止我前进。 我去寻找答案,测试并理解它们,然后我写了关于它们的知识,教那些提出要求的人。 一路上,我几乎没有注意到我也在学习。

When someone’s outdated blog post leads you to an eventual solution, you can pay them back by posting an update, or blogging about it yourself. When you solve an unsolved problem, you pay it forward by recording that solution for the next person who comes along (sometimes you). In either case, by writing about it - honestly, and with your best effort to be thorough and correct - you end up investing in yourself.

当某人过时的博客文章将您引向最终解决方案时,您可以通过发布更新或自己撰写博客来偿还他们。 当您解决未解决的问题时,可以通过记录下一个解决方案的人(有时是您)来解决该问题。 在任何一种情况下,通过诚实地写这篇文章,并尽最大努力做到彻底和正确,您最终会投资自己。

Explaining topics you’re interested in to other people helps you find the missing pieces in your own knowledge. It helps you fill those gaps with learning, and integrate the things you learn into a new, greater understanding. Teaching something to others helps you become better at it yourself. Getting better at something - anything - means you have more to offer.

向其他人解释您感兴趣的主题,可以帮助您根据自己的知识找到缺失的部分。 它可以帮助您通过学习填补这些空白,并将您学到的东西融入到新的,更好的理解中。 向别人教一些东西可以帮助您自己变得更好。 在某些方面(任何方面)变得更好意味着您可以提供更多的服务。

过去的十年和未来的十年 (The past decade, and the next decade)

It’s the end of a decade. I went from an aimless drift through life to being captain of my ship. I bettered my environment, learned new skills, made myself a resource, and became a wife to my best friend. I’m pretty happy with all of it.

十年结束了。 我从漫无目的的漂泊生活变成了船长。 我改善了我的环境,学习了新技能,使自己成为一种资源,并成为了我最好的朋友的妻子。 我对所有这些都很满意。

It’s the end of 2019. Despite a whole lot of life happening just this year, I’ve written one article on this blog for each week since I started in July. That’s 23 articles for 23 weeks, plus one Christmas bonus. I hear from people almost every day who tell me that an article I wrote was helpful to them, and it makes me happy and proud to think that I’ve been doing something that matters. The first week of January will make my blog two years old.

到2019年底。尽管今年生活很多,但自7月开始以来,我每周在此博客上写一篇文章。 那是23个星期的23篇文章,外加一份圣诞节奖金。 我几乎每天都听到人们告诉我,我写的一篇文章对他们有所帮助,并且让我以为自己一直在做重要的事情而感到高兴和自豪。 一月的第一周将使我的博客两岁。

The past several months have seen me change tack, slightly. I’ve become very interested in cybersecurity, and have been lending my skills to the Open Web Application Security Project. I’m now an author and maintainer of the Web Security Testing Guide, version 5. I’m pretty happy with that, too.

在过去的几个月中,我略有改变。 我对网络安全非常感兴趣,并一直将自己的技能借给Open Web Application Security Project。 我现在是《 Web安全测试指南》第5版的作者和维护者。对此我也感到非常满意。

Next year, I’ll be posting a little less, though writing even more, as I pursue an old dream of publishing a book, as well as develop my new cybersecurity interests. I aim to get better at quite a few things. Thankfully, I know just how to do it - and now, so do you:

明年,我将追求出版一本书的古老梦想,并发展我的新网络安全兴趣,尽管我写的书会更多,但我的发布会更少。 我的目标是在很多方面变得更好。 幸运的是,我知道该怎么做-现在,您也可以:

  1. Solve your own problems,

  2. Write about it,

  3. Teach others.


Have a very happy new decade, dear reader.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-last-ten-years-or-how-to-get-better-at-anything/






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