
Have you ever wasted your time being entertained while you were working?


It was happening to me every time before I start reading a lot on this and searching for ways to improve my productivity. I was like you, but today everything is over. When I focus on a task, nothing can disturb me anymore.

每当我开始大量阅读此书并寻找提高生产率的方法之前,这一切都是发生在我身上的。 我就像你,但今天一切都结束了。 当我专注于一项任务时,没有什么可以打扰我了。

“Stop wasting time, start investing time for that is the only way to greatness.”― Sunday Adelaja, How To Become Great Through Time Conversion: Are you wasting time, spending time or investing time?

“不要浪费时间,为此要投入时间是实现卓越的唯一途径。”-Sunday Adelaja, 如何通过时间转换来实现卓越:您是在浪费时间,花费时间还是投入时间?

有哪些不良习惯? (What are the bad habits?)

When I started coding every day, a few years ago, my productivity was so weak. Unconsciously each thing was a trigger to me: a noise, my social networks, my emails, someone speaking next to me, etc.

几年前,当我每天开始编码时,我的生产力太差了。 每件事不知不觉地触发了我:噪音,我的社交网络,我的电子邮件,在我旁边讲话的​​人等。

I think most of us know this; you are starting to work on something, then suddenly you have the wrong idea to open a webpage and start reading one, two, three articles. Then you close your browser, a half-hour later, and ask yourself where I was? Your brain takes a few times to remember everything before you start working again.

我想我们大多数人都知道这一点; 您开始从事某项工作,然后突然您打开一个网页并开始阅读一,二,三篇文章的想法不对。 然后,半小时后关闭浏览器,问问自己我在哪里? 在重新开始工作之前,您的大脑需要花几次时间才能记住一切。

Other examples of my daily habits, 30-45 minutes of social networks right after waking up, 5-10 minutes of youtube videos at the toilet, 20 minutes of news each break, etc.


Do you recognize yourself? So, you are like me: you waste your time and decrease your productivity considerably.

你认识你自己吗? 因此,您就像我:您浪费时间并大大降低了生产率。

“Time should be invested instead of wasting it or spending it.” — Sunday Adelaja, How To Become Great Through Time Conversion: Are you wasting time, spending time or investing time?

“应该投入时间,而不是浪费时间或花费时间。” —周日Adelaja, 如何通过时间转换来变得出色:您是在浪费时间,花费时间还是投资时间?

其实为什么会这样呢? (In fact, why is it a problem?)

Once you are dependent on these bad habits, you are doing multitasking.


In a first thought, we can say that multitasking is a good thing. We can achieve many things at the same time, and my productivity is incredibly huge.

乍一看,我们可以说多任务是一件好事。 我们可以同时实现许多目标,而我的生产力非常高。

But it’s false. Unfortunately, humans are not computers, and our brains can’t handle it correctly.

但这是错误的。 不幸的是,人不是计算机,我们的大脑无法正确处理它。

When I was writing this article, I was looking for a multitasking definition, and I found something funny.


“Multitasking, in an operating system, is allowing a user to perform more than one computer task (such as the operation of an application program) at a time. The operating system is able to keep track of where you are in these tasks and go from one to the other without losing information.” - WhatIs.com

“在操作系统中,多任务处理允许用户一次执行多个计算机任务(例如应用程序的操作)。 操作系统能够跟踪您在这些任务中所处的位置,并从一个任务转到另一个任务而不会丢失信息。” -WhatIs.com

Multitasking is in a first search, a computer skill.


Indeed, it seems like a great way to finish a lot of things at once, but researchers have shown that our brains can’t do it. By doing it, you will lose a lot of focus and also IQ.

确实,这似乎是一次完成很多事情的好方法,但研究人员表明,我们的大脑无法做到。 这样做,您将失去很多注意力和智商。

"According to a study by the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London, e-mailing while talking on the phone reduce your IQ by 10 points. Researchers studied 1,100 workers at a British company and found that multitasking with electronic media caused a greater decrease in IQ than smoking pot or losing a night's sleep." — Chicago Tribune

“根据伦敦大学精神病学研究所的一项研究,在电话交谈时发送电子邮件会使您的智商降低10点。研究人员对一家英国公司的1100名工人进行了研究,发现与电子媒体进行多任务处理导致了更大的下降智商比抽烟或失去一夜的睡眠更重要。” — 芝加哥论坛报

Much more than that, some research found that a typical office worker gets only 11 minutes between each interruption and can take an average of 25 minutes to return to the original task after interruption.


Did you remember the last time you were working on something, and a colleague asked you to finish another task quickly? Try to remember the time you took to come back to your first task.

您是否还记得上一次您正在做某事,而一位同事要求您快速完成另一项任务? 试着记住您回到第一项任务所花费的时间。

"Gloria Mark of the University of California, Irvine, found that a typical office worker gets only 11 minutes between each interruption, while it takes an average of 25 minutes to return to the original task after an interruption." — NYTime

“加利福尼亚大学欧文分校的格洛里亚·马克发现,典型的办公室工作人员每次中断之间只有11分钟的时间,而中断后平均要花费25分钟才能恢复到原来的任务。” — 纽约时报

改变习惯还为时不晚 (It’s not too late to change your habits)

What I want to show in the previous part is that we do a lot of things by habits, without really thinking about it. If a practice is right, this is fine, but in these cases, our patterns are wrong, and we need to find solutions to break them.

我想在上一部分中展示的是,我们按习惯做很多事情,而没有真正考虑它。 如果实践是正确的,那很好,但是在这些情况下,我们的模式是错误的,我们需要找到解决方案以打破它们。

I will help you to stop multitasking and increase your productivity by giving you the tips which helped me.


定义您的时间浪费者 (Define your time wasters)

The first thing you need to do is define your time wasters. As I explained precedently, in my case, it was social applications most of the time.

您需要做的第一件事就是定义您的时间浪费者。 正如我之前解释的那样,在大多数情况下,这是社交应用程序。

You need to take a break and write on paper all the triggers that make you unfocused on a task. Try to remember the last time you worked or tried to learn something. Once you do that, you make a considerable improvement to your future improved productivity.

您需要休息一下,在纸上写下所有使您不专心于任务的触发器。 记得记得上一次工作或尝试学习某些东西的时间。 完成此操作后,您将极大提高您将来提高的生产率。

停止浪费时间的提示 (Tips to stop wasting time)

I’ve sorted my advice in 3 categories:


  • General: Tips that everyone can use to improve productivity.


  • Low time-waster: If you lost a bit of time and you want to make some improvements without blocking everything.


  • Hard time-waster: If you already tried many times to stop being distracted, but nothing is working.



帕金森定律 (Parkinson’s law)

This law follows the principle of work expands to fill the time available for its completion. It explains why you are more productive when you do last-minute work. Your brain will focus more because you know it’s the last limit, and you can’t exceed it.

该法律遵循工作扩展原则,以填补完成工作所需的时间。 它说明了为什么在最后一刻工作效率更高。 您的大脑将更加专注,因为您知道这是最后的极限,并且不能超过极限。

If you want to counter this law, you need to create constraints of time in your tasks. For example, you should finish a task in one month, try to do it in two weeks.

如果要违反此法律,则需要在任务中创建时间限制。 例如,您应该在一个月内完成一项任务,而在两周内尝试完成。

The constraint will give you a clear objective and make it easier for you to concentrate.


番茄技术 (The Pomodoro Technique)

This method of work helps a lot of people (developers, project managers, etc.), and it’s the most simple productivity method to implement in your daily life.


Only 5 simple steps are required to accomplish this method.


As simple as it may seem, the timer will create a sense of urgency. Unconsciously, you will focus more on your task because you want to reach your goal.

计时器看起来很简单,但会产生一种紧迫感。 在不知不觉中,您将更加专注于您的任务,因为您想实现自己的目标。

If you are distracted while doing Pomodoro, for example, a colleague is talking to you, you need to postpone your timer and start it again when you can focus again.


Free Pomodoro timer (Online, Android, or IOS):


“For many people, time is an enemy. We race against the clock to finish assignments and meet deadlines. The Pomodoro Technique teaches you to work with time, instead of struggling against it. A revolutionary time management system, it is at once deceptively simple to learn and life-changing to use.”  — The Pomodoro Technique

对于许多人来说,时间是敌人。 我们争分夺秒地完成任务并按时完成任务。 Pomodoro技术可以教您如何与时间共事,而不是为之奋斗。 这是一种革命性的时间管理系统,从外观上看,它简单易学,并且可以改变生活。” - 番茄技术

降噪耳机 (Noise canceling headset)

This advice is simple but efficient. For most people, noise can be a trigger to concentration. Your brain will have a lot of difficulties to stay concentrated if you work in a noisy workplace (co-working, coffee, etc.).

该建议简单但有效。 对于大多数人来说,噪音可能是注意力集中的诱因。 如果您在嘈杂的工作场所(同事,咖啡等)工作,大脑将很难集中注意力。

When I started coding, I decided to invest in a noise-canceling headset. It was a bit expensive, but by making this purchase, my productivity has exponentially improved.

当我开始编码时,我决定投资购买降噪耳机。 这有点贵,但是通过购买,我的生产率得到了成倍的提高。

You can find a lot of headsets or earphones with this feature at different prices. My article will not give you what is the best one, but a few examples.

您可以以不同的价格找到许多具有此功能的耳机。 我的文章不会为您提供最佳的文章,而是一些示例。

  1. Sony WH-1000XM3

  2. Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700

  3. Sony WH-1000XM2

  4. Bose QuietComfort 35 II

    Bose QuietComfort 35 II
  5. Sony WF-1000XM3 True Wireless Earbuds

  6. Jabra Elite 85H

    捷波朗Elite 85H
  7. Philips Fidelio NC1

    飞利浦Fidelio NC1
  8. Bose QuietComfort 25

    Bose QuietComfort 25
  9. Bowers and Wilkins PX Wireless

    Bowers and Wilkins PX Wireless
  10. Sennheiser HD 4.50 BTNC

    森海塞尔HD 4.50 BTNC
  11. JBL Live 650BTNC

    JBL Live 650BTNC
  12. Microsoft Surface Headphones

    Microsoft Surface耳机

(Low time-waster)

禁用无用应用程序的数据连接 (Disable data connectivity for useless apps)

A few months ago, I received many hundreds of notifications a day. I was always looking at my phone. Most of these notifications were not interesting: who liked my last twitter post, an advertisement by email, games, etc.

几个月前,我每天收到数百条通知。 我一直在看手机。 这些通知大多数都不有趣:谁喜欢我的最新推特帖子,通过电子邮件发送的广告,游戏等。

I disabled data connectivity in the background for all my not essential applications.


You must know that all smartphones are always synching notifications in the background. It's why you receive them even if everything is closed.

您必须知道所有智能手机始终在后台同步通知。 这就是为什么即使一切都关闭了您仍然收到它们的原因。

On IOS and Android, you can select for each application if you want this feature or not. What I recommend is to disable data fetching for every social network, news, and games.

在IOS和Android上,是否需要此功能可以为每个应用程序选择。 我建议为每个社交网络,新闻和游戏禁用数据获取。

It does not mean that you will not be able to use these applications. You will receive notifications when you open them only.

这并不意味着您将无法使用这些应用程序。 仅在打开通知时会收到通知。

Besides, it will save your battery power!


退订无用的电子邮件 (Unsubscribe from useless emails)

It's a bit similar to the previous tip. Most of your email notifications are advertising, don't be overwhelmed and use the "unsubscribe" option at the bottom of useless emails.

这与前面的技巧有点类似。 您的大多数电子邮件通知都是广告,不要被淹没,请使用无用电子邮件底部的“取消订阅”选项。

After a few weeks of doing this, your phone will stop ringing constantly.


使用“请勿打扰”模式 (Use "do not disturb" mode)

If you can't control yourself and unlock your phone regularly, you can enable "do not disturb" mode. It will prevent your phone from the light on when you receive a notification, and you will not leave your task to watch your mobile.

如果您无法控制自己并定期解锁手机,则可以启用“请勿打扰”模式。 当您收到通知时,它将阻止您的手机点亮,并且您不会离开任务来观看手机。

浪费时间 (Hard time-waster)

Block time-wasting website and applications It’s for me the most important thing, and I still use it today.


If you want to force yourself to focus on your task, you should remove every distraction. Some companies and developers created blockers on smartphones and computers to remove access to distracting websites or applications.

如果您想强迫自己专注于自己的任务,则应消除所有干扰。 一些公司和开发人员在智能手机和计算机上创建了阻止程序,以消除对分散注意力的网站或应用程序的访问。

When I feel distracted, I switch-on, and I don’t have anything else to do. You can be safe; you can call and answer with your phone if it’s needed.

当我分心时,我会开机,而我没有其他事情要做。 您可以安全; 您可以在需要时使用电话拨打和接听电话。

Some applications (Windows, Mac, Android, and IOS) you can use:


关闭手机或使用“飞机”模式 (Switch off your phone or use “airplane” mode)

If your phone is a real distraction, you can switch it off or use the “airplane” mode to stay concentrated. It can be useful when you are learning a new thing or working on your examinations.

如果您的手机确实让人分心,则可以将其关闭或使用“飞机”模式保持专注。 当您学习新事物或进行考试时,它可能会很有用。

多睡点 (Sleep more)

Lack of sleep negatively affects your way of thinking and your productivity. If it’s hard for you to be focused daily, it can be because you don’t sleep enough.

睡眠不足会对您的思维方式和生产力产生负面影响。 如果您每天都难以集中精力,那可能是因为您睡眠不足。

For high-performance work, it’s essential to have a healthy life. If your life is not qualitative, you can’t focus.

对于高性能工作,拥有健康的生活至关重要。 如果您的生活质量不好,就无法集中精力。

不要逃避规则 (Don’t escape the rule)

I hope that this article has helped you to find ways to avoid wasting time.


One last tip is: don’t escape the rule. If you keep these new habits in your daily tasks, you will succeed!

最后一个提示是: 不要逃避规则 。 如果您在日常工作中保持这些新习惯,您将成功!

If these habits help you, feel free to share this article and your feedback.


Don't miss my content by following me on Twitter and Instagram.


You can find other articles like this on my website: herewecode.io.

您可以在我的网站上找到其他类似的文章: herewecode.io

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/low-productivity-how-to-stop-wasting-time/





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