深度学习 再次爆发_如何教自己再次学习

深度学习 再次爆发

This is a story of how I struggled to learn when I came back to school to study again for my master's (check my blog about master's) after 5-years of working in corporate. Through others, I learned a lot and improved my day-to-day life. It was a great transformation.

这是一个故事,讲述了我在公司工作了5年后回到学校再次学习硕士课程时的努力学习方法( 请参阅有关硕士课程的博客 )。 通过他人,我学到了很多东西,改善了我的日常生活。 这是一个巨大的转变。

奋斗1-学习 (Struggle 1 - Studying)

I understand the concept, but it's not sticking in my head.


I listened to lectures, videos, and textbooks. What did I get? Nothing and sometimes boring.

我听了讲座,视频和教科书。 我得到了什么? 没事,有时很无聊。

I had to think of something to retrain my brain.


Tip 1: Writing / Typing increase knowledge retention by 50%.I used to do this a lot during high school and college. I think most people know about this. But it is still a good reminder.

提示1:写作/打字使知识保留率提高了50% 。在高中和大学期间,我经常这样做。 我想大多数人都知道这一点。 但这仍然是一个很好的提醒。

Tip 2: Blog about it. This would improve your communication skills in conveying your ideas.

提示2:相关博客。 这将提高您传达思想的沟通技巧。

You might say: But wait, I'm not a writer and my grammar is bad. =(I am not good at writing either. I remember my high school and college days, I would have someone proofread my papers and my paper would be drenched in red ink. Ouch!

您可能会说:但是等等,我不是作家,我的语法不好。 =(我也不擅长写作。我还记得我高中和大学时代,我会请别人校对我的论文,而我的论文会用红色墨水浸透。

You might say: Someone already blogged about insert topic.I always believe each person's perspective is different. Also, this blogging is really for yourself. Don't mind them.

您可能会说:有人已经写了有关插入主题的博客。 我始终相信每个人的观点都是不同的。 另外,此博客确实适合您自己。 不要介意

You might say: I'm shy.Well. Another piece of advice is just to place it in draft purgatory. I have like 72 drafts consisting of ideas or notes.

你可能会说:我很害羞。 好。 另一个建议是将其放入炼狱中。 我喜欢由想法或笔记组成的72个草稿。

You might ask: What do I blog?I found an interesting blogger before who blogs about complex technical stuff and a very simple blog post about MacBook's HDMI port. The HDMI port blog post? It was only an image and a few sentences.

您可能会问:我该写什么博客? 我之前找到了一个有趣的博客作者,他在博客中撰写有关复杂技术的文章,并在博客中发表有关MacBook HDMI端口的非常简单的文章。 HDMI端口博客文章? 这只是一张图片和几句话。

It could be:


  • text with pictures and an experience. Example here.

    带有图片和经验的文字。 这里的例子。

  • text with memes and your journey. Example here.

    文字与模因和您的旅程。 这里的例子。

  • guides or instructions. Example here.

    指南或指示。 这里的例子。

  • power point style. Example here.

    电源点样式。 这里的例子。

  • purely visual. Example here.

    纯粹是视觉上的。 这里的例子。

It doesn't have to be perfect and you'll improve in no time.


You might ask: What's your secret?Be curious. Aside from that, I have tons of stories and I just keep blogging. I didn't use my weakness in grammar/writing as an excuse to not try blogging. I use Grammarly to fix my sentences.

您可能会问:您的秘密是什么? 保持好奇心。 除此之外,我还有很多故事,而且我一直在写博客。 我没有将自己在语法/写作方面的弱点作为不尝试写博客的借口。 我用语法来修正句子。

You might ask: Where to blog?Right now an easy blog site where you can write stuff down and have a clear blog post like this is in Medium, a blogging site. I used to blog there until they graciously accepted me here, freeCodeCamp News, as an author here.

您可能会问:在哪里写博客? 现在,这是一个简单的博客网站,您可以在其中写下内容,并在Blog网站Medium中找到清晰的博客文章。 我曾经在那儿写博客,直到他们在这里以我的作者freeCodeCamp News亲切地接受我为止。

Tip 3: Learn something. Teach it right away.

提示3:学点东西。 立即教它。

You might say: I'm no expert.Thing is. You learned something and that makes you more than a beginner. You can say... You're now an experienced beginner.

您可能会说:我不是专家。 事情是。 您学到了一些东西,这使您不仅仅是一个初学者。 您可以说...您现在是一位经验丰富的初学者。

How can an experienced beginner help?Easy. Help other beginners.

有经验的初学者如何提供帮助? 帮助其他初学者。

It can be through:


  • Explaining high-level concepts.

  • Pointing them in the right direction on what resources to check out.


Tip 4: Read... Zzz.I'm a guy who does not like to read so much. I just remembered reading Harry Potter or Penguin Classics.

提示4:阅读... Zzz。 我是一个不太喜欢阅读的人。 我只记得读过《哈利·波特》或《企鹅经典》。

Now listen closely, this would rewire your brain to read again.First, a scenario. You are given a book and It's a thousand pages thick.

现在仔细听,这将使您的大脑重新阅读。 您得到一本书,厚一千页。

Your goal: read the entire book.In your mind: What now? A thousand pages?!What you will happen: you will try to read as much as you can then you get sick of reading it.

您的目标:阅读整本书。 在您的脑海中:现在怎么办? 一千页? 您将要发生的事情:您将尝试尽可能多地阅读,然后您会厌倦阅读它。

输入重新布线。 (Enter rewiring your brain.)

Change your goal: read a chapter a day.You might say: It's too long and I might not be consistent with reading a chapter.

改变目标:每天阅读一章。 您可能会说:太长了,我可能与阅读一章不一致。

Change your goal: read a paragraph a day.You might say: There might be a chance that there are too many sentences. I don't think I can stay consistent.

更改目标:每天阅读一段。 您可能会说:可能有太多的句子。 我认为我不能保持一致。

Change your goal: read a sentence a day.You might say: Uh. Sure? That's all? I can do that.Haha, you fell into my trap. This is a Jedi Mind Trick. Your brain would be tricked into reading the next sentence.

改变目标:每天读一句话。 您可能会说:嗯。 当然? 就这样? 我可以的 哈哈,你掉进了我的陷阱。 这是绝地秘诀。 您的大脑将被骗去阅读下一个句子。

Lesson: Keep your goals as small as possible. This preserves your energy to study and decrease the likelihood of mental stress.

课程:保持目标尽可能小。 这样可以节省您学习的精力,并减少精神压力的可能性。

Tip 5: Speak up! Do presentations.

提示5:大声说! 做演讲。

If you got guts, create small talks for your friends and classmates.


Here's a video of my presentation in a conference:


I had tons of opportunities to practice presenting with different tech terms at the technology club at my school, City University of Seattle.


Tip 6: Reading while on commute.You might say: I get motion sickness.Two options:

提示6:上下班时阅读。 您可能会说:我晕车。 两种选择:

Option 1 - Jedi Mind Trick. Read for 5 minutes. Then slowly increase the read time as you get comfortable.

选项1-Jedi Mind Trick。 阅读5分钟。 然后在您感到舒适时慢慢增加读取时间。

Option 2 - Bring other materials. Study base on energy levels.Status - Energetic: Read a physical book or ebook. Use a laptop/tablet.Status - Somewhat tired from screen display: Watch an educational video .Status - Very tired from screen display: Read a physical book.Status - Dead eyes: Listen to a podcast.Status - No energy: Sleep.

选项2-携带其他材料。 根据能量水平进行学习。状态-精力充沛:阅读物理书籍或电子书。 使用笔记本电脑/平板电脑状态-屏幕显示有点疲倦:观看教育视频。状态-屏幕显示有点疲倦:读物理书状态-死眼:收听播客状态-没有精力:睡眠。

Tip 7: Go to local meetups.Learn the next exciting thing and get to the change to network with like-minded people.

提示7:前往当地聚会。 学习下一件令人兴奋的事情,并与志同道合的人建立网络联系。

Bonus: You might get a mentor along the way.Mentors have helped me big time in giving me a path to follow.Mentors do come in all shapes and sizes. They could be with you for a short-term or long-term, and physically or virtually.

奖励:您可能会得到一名导师,导师帮助了我很多时间,为我提供了一条可以遵循的道路,导师确实有各种形式和规模。 他们可能会短期或长期,身体上或虚拟地与您同在。

Tip 7: Join or create a study group.You are hitting two birds in one stone. You socialize and learn at the same time.

提示7:加入或创建学习小组。 您在一块石头上打了两只鸟。 您可以同时进行社交和学习。

挣扎2-分心太多。 (Struggle 2 - Too Much Distraction.)

I'm so guilty of social media. I keep scrolling and scrolling. News Feed. Memes. Videos.

我对社交媒体非常内gui。 我一直在滚动。 新闻提要。 模因 影片。

One time, I was with my local study group. I told my friend that I struggle with social media addiction. I got the greatest advice ever.

有一次,我和当地的学习小组在一起。 我告诉我的朋友,我为社交媒体上瘾而苦恼。 我得到了有史以来最好的建议。

Tip # 1 Clean your social media to defeat your endless scrolling.


Who to lose:


  • Unfriend everyone who you don't know.

  • Schoolmate? Batchmate? If you just like their posts and don't interact such as commenting, unfollow them. You'll just envy their beach photos.

    同学? 同学? 如果您只喜欢他们的帖子,并且不进行评论等互动,请取消关注他们。 您只会羡慕他们的海滩照片。
  • Nonsense post? Unfollow.

    废话吗 取消关注。
  • Too much negativity? Unfollow.

    太多的负面因素? 取消关注。
  • Too much drama? Unfollow.

    戏剧太多了吗? 取消关注。
  • Pages with no value-added content. Unfollow.

    没有增值内容的页面。 取消关注。

Who to keep:


  • Current classmates

  • Mentors

  • Close friends

  • Family and relatives


Who to add/follow:


  • Inspirational people

  • Educational and informative bloggers

  • Pages that promote awareness

  • Pages that give tips and tricks related to your field.


What do you gain:


  • More time. Right now, I wake up, check my social media and I would have less than 10 notifications.

    更多时间。 现在,我醒来,查看我的社交媒体,我收到不到10条通知。
  • More quality. I tend to have more energy to interact with them now.

    更优质。 我现在倾向于有更多的精力与他们互动。

Tip # 2 Let's bring in some fun.For my downtime, I watch films related to technology. Also, I still use my social media for fun such as NBA, Legend of Zelda or other video games.

提示#2让我们带来一些乐趣。 在停机时间,我看与技术有关的电影。 此外,我仍然使用社交媒体来娱乐,例如NBA,《塞尔达传说》或其他视频游戏。

Next, I started to follow a lot of funny pages that are related to my field, technology. I have tons of these in my Instagram feeds. lol.

接下来,我开始关注很多与我的领域,技术相关的有趣页面。 我的Instagram资讯提供中有大量这些。 大声笑。

This way I'm having fun and learning at the same time.




If I didn't understand the meme/joke, It means I lack the knowledge and would happily google for it to understand.


I current possess 90+ tech memes in my local machine. Whoops!

我目前在本地计算机上拥有90多个技术模因。 哎呀!



Try to integrate small tidbits of learning in your day-to-day life.


Jedi Mind Trick your brain.

Jedi Mind欺骗您的大脑。

And... This feels like a good stopping point. Feel free to reach out to me to ask more of my study hacks. =)

而且...这感觉就像是一个很好的停止点。 欢迎与我联系,询问更多我的学习技巧。 =)

Reach out here:






Till next time!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/cjn-how-to-teach-yourself-to-learn-again/

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