如何在Spring Boot中测试服务,端点和存储库

by Emre Savcı


如何在Spring Boot中测试服务,端点和存储库 (How to test services, endpoints, and repositories in Spring Boot)

In this post I will show you how to write unit tests in spring boot applications.

在这篇文章中,我将向您展示如何在Spring Boot应用程序中编写单元测试。

Why is it necessary to write unit test requires another article to explain. But for a brief explanation, I will tell you several things.

为什么需要编写单元测试需要另一篇文章进行解释。 但为简要说明,我将告诉您几件事。

I usually defend the argument that code without unit tests is dead code. Because, when a developer adds a new feature to some code which is not covered by a unit test, it is prone to override existing business rules (which kills the code written before). Maybe it’s not exactly prone to it, but you can imagine what errors can occur when a complex project needs to be changed. Unit testing is the only way to protect your code against breaking changes.

我通常会辩称没有单元测试的代码就是无效代码。 因为,当开发人员向单元测试未涵盖的某些代码中添加新功能时,它倾向于覆盖现有的业务规则(这会杀死之前编写的代码)。 也许不是很容易,但是您可以想象当需要更改复杂的项目时会发生什么错误。 单元测试是保护代码免遭重大更改的唯一方法。

为什么要进行单元测试端点? (Why unit test endpoints?)

Every time we write an endpoint we need to be sure several things work correctly. The endpoint should return the data in the correct structure and handle the request correctly. We can test it manually, which is not preferable. So we write unit tests to ensure that our endpoints work correctly. There is also another way for testing endpoints known as automation tests, but that is not the subject of this post.

每次我们编写端点时,都需要确保几项工作正常。 端点应以正确的结构返回数据并正确处理请求。 我们可以手动测试它,这是不可取的。 因此,我们编写单元测试以确保端点正常工作。 还有另一种测试端点的方法称为自动化测试,但这不是本文的主题。

为什么要进行单元测试服务? (Why unit test services?)

It should be clear already, but just in case: we need to be sure our business logic works correctly.


为什么要进行单元测试存储库? (Why unit test repositories?)

There are several cases to test repositories. Of course we don’t test the framework itself. But we do write unit tests to be sure that our specifications or relations have been implemented correctly.

有几种情况可以测试存储库。 当然,我们不会测试框架本身。 但是我们会编写单元测试,以确保我们的规范或关系已正确实现。

那么我们如何测试控制器? (So how do we test controllers?)

Now it’s time to show you how to test our controllers in spring boot. Let’s imagine we write an application which allows us to save users in a database. We define a user entity, a user service, and a controller.

现在该向您展示如何在Spring Boot中测试我们的控制器。 假设我们编写了一个应用程序,该应用程序允许我们将用户保存在数据库中。 我们定义一个用户实体,一个用户服务和一个控制器。

Note: The examples shown in this post are not for real production use architecture


@Data@Entitypublic class User {    @Id    @GeneratedValue(generator = "uuid2")    @GenericGenerator(name = "uuid2", strategy = "org.hibernate.id.UUIDGenerator")    @Column(name = "id", columnDefinition = "BINARY(16)")    private UUID id;    private String name;    private String email;    private int age;}
@Datapublic class CreateUserRequest {    private String name;    private String email;    private int age;}
@RestController@RequestMapping("/users")public class UserController {    UserService userService;    @Autowired    public UserController(UserService userService) {        this.userService = userService;    }    @PostMapping    public ResponseEntity<User> createUser(@RequestBody CreateUserRequest request) {        User created = userService.save(request);        return ResponseEntity.ok(created);    }}

Our controller has a dependency on UserService but we aren’t interested in what service does right now.


So now let’s write a unit test for our controller to be sure it works correctly.


We mocked our service because we don’t need its implementation details. We just test our controller here. We use MockMvc here to test our controller and object mapper for serialization purposes.

我们嘲笑我们的服务,因为我们不需要它的实现细节。 我们只是在这里测试我们的控制器。 我们在这里使用MockMvc来测试我们的控制器和对象映射器以进行序列化。

We setup our userService.Save() method to return the desired user object. We passed a request to our controller and after that we checked the returned data with the following line: andExpect(jsonPath("$.name").value(request.getName())) .

我们设置userService.Save()方法以返回所需的用户对象。 我们向控制器传递了一个请求,然后我们使用以下行检查了返回的数据: andExpect(jsonPath("$.name").value(request.getName()))

We have also other methods to use. Here is the list of methods:

我们还有其他方法可以使用 。 这是方法列表:

When we run the test we see that it passes.


我们如何测试服务? (How do we test services?)

Now we go to test our UserService. It is quite simple to test.

现在我们去测试我们的UserService。 测试非常简单。

We mock the repository and inject our mocks into UserService. Now when we run the test we’ll see that it passes.

我们模拟存储库,并将模拟内容注入UserService。 现在,当我们运行测试时,我们将看到它通过了。

Now let’s add a business rule to UserService: let’s say the user must have an email address.


We change our save method in UserService as below:


public User save(CreateUserRequest request) {    requireNonNull(request.getEmail());        User user = new User();    user.setName(request.getName());    user.setEmail(request.getEmail());    user.setAge(request.getAge());    userRepository.save(user);    return user;}

When we run the test again, we’ll see a failed test.


Before we fix it, let’s write a test that satisfies this business.


We wrote a new test that specified that if we send a null email, it’ll throw NullPointerException.


Let’s fix the failed test by adding an email to our request:



Run both tests:


我们如何测试存储库? (How do we test repositories?)

Now we’ve come to testing repositories. We use an in memory h2 database with TestEntityManager.

现在我们来测试存储库。 我们使用带有TestEntityManager.内存h2数据库TestEntityManager.

Our repository is defined as below:


@Repositorypublic interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Integer>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {    Optional<User> findById(UUID id);}

First configure h2db. Create the file name application.yaml in test -> resources path:

首先配置h2db。 在测试->资源路径中创建文件名application.yaml:

spring:  application:    name: Spring Boot Rest API  datasource:    type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource    url: "jdbc:h2:mem:test-api;INIT=CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS dbo\\;CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS definitions;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=false;MODE=MSSQLServer"    name:    password:    username:    initialization-mode: never    hikari:      schema: dbo  jpa:    database: H2    database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect    show-sql: true    hibernate:      ddl-auto: create-drop  test:    database:      replace: none

And let’s first write a basic test for our repository: save a user and retrieve it:


@RunWith(SpringRunner.class)@DataJpaTestpublic class UserRepositoryTest {    @Autowired    TestEntityManager entityManager;    @Autowired    UserRepository sut;    @Test    public void it_should_save_user() {        User user = new User();        user.setName("test user");        user = entityManager.persistAndFlush(user);        assertThat(sut.findById(user.getId()).get()).isEqualTo(user);    }}

When we run it we’ll see bunch of console output, and also our test passes:


Now let’s add another method to our repository for searching for a user via email:


Optional<User> findByEmail(String email);

And write another test:


@Testpublic void it_should_find_user_byEmail() {    User user = new User();    user.setEmail("testmail@test.com");    user = entityManager.persistAndFlush(user);    assertThat(sut.findByEmail(user.getEmail()).get()).isEqualTo(user);}

When we take a look at the console after running the test, we'll see the SQL generated by hibernate:


SELECT user0_.id AS id1_1_,user0_.age AS age2_1_,user0_.email AS email3_1_,user0_.name AS name4_1_FROM user user0_WHERE user0_.email=?

So far so good. We have covered the basics of unit testing with spring boot.

到目前为止,一切都很好。 我们已经介绍了使用Spring Boot进行单元测试的基础知识。

Now you don’t have any excuses to not write unit tests! I hope it is clear to you to how to write unit tests for different kinds of purposes.

现在,您没有任何借口不编写单元测试! 我希望您很清楚如何为各种目的编写单元测试。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/unit-testing-services-endpoints-and-repositories-in-spring-boot-4b7d9dc2b772/





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