

by Maciej Nowakowski

通过Maciej Nowakowski

带有交互示例的样式化组件快速指南 (A Quick Guide to Styled Components with Interactive Examples)

“That’s interesting…” I thought when I first read about styled-components. And then I went right back to my tried-and-tested React components.

“这很有趣……”当我第一次阅读有关样式化组件的想法时,我想。 然后我又回到了经过考验的React组件。

But then Max Stoiber, the co-creator of styled-components, showed us his new library at the React in Flip Flops coding bootcamp. “That’s interesting” turned into “That’s mind-blowing!”

但是随后,样式元素的共同创建者Max Stoiber 在Flip Flops编码训练营React上向我们展示了他的新库。 “那很有趣”变成了“那令人难以置信!”

I could hardly contain my excitement. I finally understood the concept behind styled-components. It opened so many new possibilities for how to style components. It simplified the way to structure web applications. And it enforced the consistency into the styling of React apps.

我几乎无法抑制自己的激动。 我终于了解了样式化组件背后的概念。 它为如何样式化组件提供了许多新的可能性。 它简化了构建Web应用程序的方式。 并且它在React应用程序的样式中实现了一致性。

这一切都始于带标签的模板文字 (It all started with tagged template literals)

You might think I’m a bit old school but I believe that if you want to truly understand any idea, you need to wrap your head around the underlying concepts. We could dive straight into styled components. But first, let’s find out what sparked Max and Glen’s curiosity before they started the project and actually built styled-components.

您可能认为我有点老了,但是我相信,如果您想真正理解任何想法,就需要将头绪围绕在基本概念上。 我们可以直接研究样式化的组件。 但是首先,让我们先找出是什么激发了Max和Glen的好奇心,然后他们才开始项目并实际构建样式化组件。

ES6’s template literals simplify the way how you can mix variables and text. If you take two variables: name and mood, with assigned values of “Alice” and “happy” respectively, the template literal:

ES6的模板文字简化了混合变量和文本的方式。 如果采用两个变量: namemood ,则分别为它们分配值“ Alice”和“ happy”,模板文字:

const sentence = `${name} is ${mood}.`;

will produce a sentence: “Alice is happy.”


Tagged template literals take the syntax a step further.


Tags are JavaScript functions. But there are two essential differences in comparison to regular functions:

标签是JavaScript函数。 但是与常规功能相比有两个本质区别:

  • tag functions are called using backticks notation instead of parentheses. In the example below, we are calling the greetingTag function by wrapping the arguments in backticks:

    使用反引号而不是括号来调用标记函数。 在下面的示例中,我们通过将参数包装在反引号中来调用greetingTag函数:

greetingTag`${name} is ${mood}.`;
  • JavaScript treats the template literal — everything between backticks — as function arguments. In the first step, JavaScript transforms the template literal into an array of strings. The strings are followed by extracted variables. If we take the example above, the transformed arguments passed to the greetingTagfunction will look as follows:

    JavaScript将模板文字(反引号之间的所有内容)视为函数参数。 第一步,JavaScript将模板文字转换为字符串数组。 字符串后跟提取的变量。 如果以上面的示例为例,则传递给greetingTag函数的转换后的参数如下所示:

["", " is ", "."], name, mood

The first argument, an array, contains all strings that we placed before, between and after the name and the mood variables. In our example, the first string is empty because there is nothing before the name. The next two arguments, name and mood, were extracted from the template literal as variables.

第一个参数是一个数组,包含我们在namemood变量之前,之间和之后放置的所有字符串。 在我们的示例中,第一个字符串为空,因为name之前没有任何内容。 接下来的两个参数namemood从模板文字中提取为变量。

Now, the greetingTag function can apply any logic to the texts’ array and the name and mood variables and return the desired outcome.

现在, greetingTag函数可以将任何逻辑应用于文本数组以及namemood变量,并返回所需的结果。

Let’s create a tag function, the greetingTag, that will take three arguments: a texts array, a name, and a mood variables. And here is the logic it will use: if the value of mood is "happy”, it will return a regular greeting sentence. In all other cases, it will return the cheer-up version of the greeting:

让我们创建一个标记函数greetingTag ,它将使用三个参数:一个texts数组,一个name,和一个mood变量。 这是它会使用的逻辑:如果mood的值是“ happy”,它将返回一个常规的问候语;在所有其他情况下,它将返回问候语的振作版本:

const greetingTag = (texts, name, mood) => {   if (mood === 'happy') {     return `Hi ${name}!`;   } else {     return `Hi ${name}, you are awesome!`;   } } const greeting = greetingTag`${name} is ${mood}.`;

Now, if we assigned “Alice” to the name and “happy” to the mood, the greetingTag function would return: “Hi Alice!”. If we changed the value of the mood to any other word than “happy” - say “excited” or “cat” —the greetingTag would return: “Hi Alice, you are awesome!”.

现在,如果我们给name分配“ Alice”,为mood分配“ happy”,则greetingTag函数将返回:“ Hi Alice!”。 如果我们将mood的值更改为除“ happy”(快乐)或“ cat”(猫)之外的任何其他单词,则greetingTag将返回:“嗨,爱丽丝,您真棒!”。

But how can you use this knowledge to style React components?


样式化的组件 (Styled components)

This exact question puzzled Max and Glenn while they were looking for a better and more consistent way of styling React components. The Aha! moment came when they realized that tagged template literals accept not only variables but also functions. Like in the example below:

这个确切的问题使Max和Glenn在寻找更好和更一致的React组件样式方法时感到困惑。 啊哈! 当他们意识到带标签的模板文字不仅接受变量而且接受函数的时刻到来了。 像下面的例子一样:

const greeting = greetingTag`${ name => `Hi ${name}!` }`;

Here, the greetingTag receives a template literal with a function. Once the function is executed by the greetingTag, the greetingTag can apply further logic to the returned value and return an outcome.

在这里, greetingTag接收带有函数的模板文字。 一旦函数由greetingTag执行,则greetingTag可以将其他逻辑应用于返回的值并返回结果。

Styled components are also tag functions. But instead of accepting greeting patterns, they accept template literals that contain CSS styles. And instead of greeting sentences, they return React components.

样式化的组件也是标签功能。 但是,它们不接受问候模式,而是接受包含CSS样式的模板文字。 它们返回问候语组件而不是问候语。

Let me show you how it works.


Side note: The code examples below are interactive. You can play around with them, add styles and change assigned values. You can inspect different files by clicking on their tabs. Or press the orange, blue-orange or blue button at the top to switch between different views.

边注: 下面的代码示例是交互式的。 您可以使用它们,添加样式并更改分配的值。 您可以通过单击其他文件的选项卡来检查它们。 或按顶部的橙色,蓝橙色或蓝色按钮在不同视图之间切换。

If you want to use styled components in your application, you have to install styled-components first:


npm install --save styled-components

Below, I created a styled component Title:


The styled.h1 is a tag function. It returns a React component that is identical to the one below:

styled.h1是标记函数。 它返回一个与以下组件相同的React组件:

import React from 'react'; const Title = ({children}) => <h1>{children}</h1>

The beauty of this solution is that styled-components do the heavy lifting for you — your component Title will have the color of royalblue.


I know what you’re thinking: if we had to write styles of every single component in this way, that wouldn’t be much different from writing CSS classes. Thankfully, styled components are much smarter!

我知道您在想什么:如果我们必须以这种方式编写每个组件的样式,则与编写CSS类没有什么不同。 幸运的是,样式化的组件要聪明得多!

Imagine that you would like to keep your headers black most of the time and only sporadically highlight them using a different color. With styled components, we can create a color-aware Title that will be black by default and change to royalblue whenever we pass it a primary prop:

想象一下,您想在大多数情况下将标题保留为黑色,而仅使用不同的颜色偶尔将其突出显示。 使用样式化的组件,我们可以创建一个可识别颜色的Title ,默认情况下将为black ,并在每次通过primary道具时将其更改为royalblue

You can pass props to the Title like to any other React component. Here, the second Title receives the primary prop. We can access the props inside a styled component declaration. That opens a whole new world of possibilities.

您可以像其他任何React组件一样将props传递给Title 。 在这里,第二个Title获得primary道具。 我们可以在样式化的组件声明中访问props。 这为可能性开辟了一个全新的世界。

Above, I defined the styled component Title. Because the props are accessible inside the styled component declaration, we can decide which color our component will be. The function uses the ternary operator and returns royalblue when the primary property is true and black otherwise.

在上面,我定义了样式化的组件Title. 因为可以在样式化的组件声明中访问props ,所以我们可以决定组件将使用哪种颜色。 该函数使用三元运算符,并且当primary属性为true时返回royalblue ,否则返回black

You don’t have to write it explicitly as in:


<Title primary={true}>Hi Bob, you are awesome!&lt;/Title>

Passing the primary prop without an assignment is like passing primary={true}.


Since the door is now wide open, let’s make our Title more universal. Sometimes you may need your Title to use smaller fonts and sometimes bigger. Sometimes you may want it to have a normal weight and sometimes you may want it to stand out and give it a bold font weight. And sometimes you may want to capitalize or uppercase the Title.

由于现在这扇门是敞开的,因此让我们更广泛地使用“ Title 。 有时您可能需要Title来使用较小的字体,有时使用较大的字体。 有时您可能希望它具有正常的粗细,而有时您可能希望它脱颖而出并为其加粗字体。 有时您可能想将Title变为大写或大写。

Styled components allow you to create a single universal component. Then you can use it everywhere without thinking about styles anymore:

样式化的组件允许您创建一个通用组件。 然后,您可以在任何地方使用它,而无需考虑样式:

In the example above, the font-size is assigned explicit values: 48px or 32px. Such code is hard to maintain when the codebase grows.

在上面的示例中, font-size被分配了显式值: 48px32px 。 当代码库增长时,此类代码很难维护。

主题 (Themes)

When you create a set of styled components for later use, you want to enforce consistent styling across the application. It’s always worthwhile to set the styling rules. Preferably, in a separate file. Later, when you have to change the styles, instead of re-visiting all your components, you can alter styling in just one place.

当创建一组样式化的组件以供以后使用时,您希望在整个应用程序中实施一致的样式。 设置样式规则总是值得的。 最好在单独的文件中。 以后,当您不得不更改样式时,不必重新访问所有组件,而只需在一个地方更改样式即可。

Styled components give you a tool to do exactly that — themes.


A theme is a JavaScript object where you can define styling parameters:


const theme = {   colors: {     primary: "royalblue",     secondary: "teal",     text: "black"   },   fontSize: {     xl: "2.4rem",     lg: "1.8rem",     md: "1.3rem",     nm: "1rem",     sm: "0.75rem"   } }

The theme above defines colors and fontSize properties. You will be able to access them in all styled components across the application.

上面的theme定义了colorsfontSize属性。 您将能够在应用程序的所有样式化组件中访问它们。

But first, you need to make the application aware of the theme. You have to pass it as a prop to the ThemeProvider — a wrapper component provided by styled components:

但是首先,您需要使应用程序知道theme 。 您必须将它作为道具传递给ThemeProvider由样式化组件提供的包装器组件:

import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components"; import theme from "./theme.js";
const App = () => (   <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>     <div>       <Title>Hi, Alice!</Title>     &lt;/div>   </ThemeProvider> )

Let’s take the previous example to learn how to use a theme and how to access its properties inside styled components.


In the Title, you can access the theme object via the props.theme. For example, to select the Title's color, you check first if a given attribute has been passed to the Title (primary or secondary). Then return the corresponding color value declared in the theme. If none has been passed, you return a standard text color.

Title ,您可以通过props.theme访问theme对象。 例如,要选择Title的颜色,请首先检查给定的属性是否已传递给Title ( primarysecondary )。 然后返回在theme声明的相应color值。 如果没有通过,则返回标准text颜色。

The Title can now decide also about its font sizes. It checks first if an xl, lg, md or sm prop has been passed and — based on that — assigns appropriate value to the font-size property. If no prop has been passed, it will assign the value of fontSize.nm defined in the theme.

Title现在也可以决定其字体大小。 它首先检查是否已传递xllgmdsm属性,并基于此属性将适当的值分配给font-size属性。 如果未传递任何道具,它将分配在theme定义的fontSize.nm的值。

We have just created a flexible Title component. Now, you can use it without having to worry about CSS. You can decide on its look exclusively by passing a specific set of props.

我们刚刚创建了一个灵活的Title组件。 现在,您可以使用它而不必担心CSS。 您可以通过传递一组特定的props来专门决定其外观。

扩展样式组件 (Extending styled-components)

Creating just one Title component is not enough. For example, on a blog page, you will need an h1 tag for a post title and an h2 tag for subtitles. You need also paragraphs to display text.

仅创建一个Title组件是不够的。 例如,在博客页面上,您将需要一个h1标签(用于帖子标题)和一个h2标签(用于字幕)。 您还需要段落来显示文本。

Styled components are easily extendable. You can create a new Subtitlecomponent with an h2 tag and copying and pasting all the styling rules from the Title. Or you can extend the Title component with the withComponenthelper method. The Subtitle will have all the properties of a Title but will use an h2 tag:

样式化的组件易于扩展。 您可以使用h2标签创建一个新的Subtitle组件,并复制和粘贴Title.所有样式规则Title. 或者,您可以使用withComponent helper方法扩展Title组件。 Subtitle将具有Title所有属性,但将使用h2标签:

const Subtitle = Title.withComponent("h2");

You can extend the Title to create the Text component with a p tag and — at the same time — fix its color as a theme.text and set the line-height to 1.65? Here, too, styled-components shine:

您可以扩展Title以创建带有p标签的Text组件,并同时将其color固定为theme.text并将line-height设置为1.65 ? 同样,样式化组件也会在这里发光:

const Paragraph = Title.withComponent("p");const Text = Paragraph.extend`   color: ${props => props.theme.colors.text};   line-height: 1.65;

First, we created an intermediary Paragraph component that will have all the styling rules of the Title. However, we will use the p tag and then the Textcomponent that extends the Paragraph and sets its color and line-heightproperties. Below you can inspect the code for the Title, Subtitle, and Text components:

首先,我们创建了一个中间Paragraph组件,它将具有Title.所有样式规则Title. 但是,我们将使用p标签,然后使用Text组件来扩展Paragraph并设置其colorline-height属性。 您可以在下面检查TitleSubtitleText组件的代码:

Styled components allow you to write a regular CSS in JavaScript. Additionally, you can nest the CSS styles and pseudo-classes. You can add media-queries and attributes. Finally using the injectGlobal helper method, you can inject global styling rules and import fonts.

样式化的组件允许您使用JavaScript编写常规CSS。 此外,您可以嵌套CSS样式和伪类。 您可以添加媒体查询和属性。 最后,使用injectGlobal helper方法,您可以注入全局样式规则并导入字体。

伪类 (Pseudo-classes)

To learn how to use the pseudo-classes, let’s create a Button component that will change the color when we hover the mouse over it.


Above, I nested the &:hover pseudo-class to change the color whenever you hover the mouse over the button. You can use any pseudo-class available in CSS in the same way.

上面,我嵌套了&:hover伪类,以在每次将鼠标悬停在按钮上时更改color 。 您可以以相同的方式使用CSS中可用的任何伪类。

使用样式化组件注入全局样式 (Injecting global styles with styled-components)

Instead of importing the global styles file, you can use the injectGlobal helper to add global styles to your application. First, you have to import the injectGlobal helper:

除了导入全局样式文件,您还可以使用injectGlobal帮助器将全局样式添加到您的应用程序。 首先,您必须导入injectGlobal帮助器:

import styled, { ThemeProvider, injectGlobal } from "styled-components";

In the example below, I am using injectGlobal to:


  • import fonts and set the font-family for all elements to “Montserrat”.


  • reset margins, paddings, and borders.

  • change the root element font-size using the media-query for the screen size lower than screen.medium and screen.mobile. Both are defined in the theme.

    使用media-query更改根元素的font-size ,以使屏幕尺寸小于screen.mediumscreen.mobile. 两者都在theme.中定义theme.

Styled components themes enforce consistency. To learn more, explore one of the best documentations I’ve ever seen: Styled Components Docs.

样式化的组件主题可增强一致性。 要了解更多信息,请浏览我见过的最好的文档之一: 样式化组件文档

Thanks to Max and Glen’s curiosity, styled components offer you an amazing set of tools to style React applications. The styled components ecosystem is booming. Visit the Ecosystem page to explore the ready-to-use components and grid systems. Examine the many other tools built with styled components.

由于Max和Glen的好奇心,样式化的组件为您提供了一套惊人的工具来对React应用程序进行样式化。 样式化的组件生态系统正在蓬勃发展。 访问“ 生态系统”页面,以探索现成的组件和网格系统。 检查使用样式化组件构建的许多其他工具。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial, you’ve learned how the tagged template literals work. You’ve also learned how to use styled components to build universal React components. You now understand know how to use a theme to implement the consistent styles of your next application.

在本教程中,您学习了带标签的模板文字如何工作。 您还学习了如何使用样式化的组件来构建通用的React组件。 现在您已经了解了如何使用主题来实现下一个应用程序的一致样式。

Styled components is a new way of styling React applications. Out of the box, styled components:

样式化组件是样式化React应用程序的新方法。 开箱即用的样式化组件:

  • let you build reusable and universal components

  • enforce the consistency of styling

  • allow you to nest styles

  • add vendor prefixes when necessary

  • are simply awesome!


If you liked this article, ? even 50 times — I would really appreciate it and it makes a huge difference to me.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,? 甚至5 0次 -我真的很感激,这对我来说是巨大的改变。

I published recently a free React tutorial for beginners. If you want to learn how to build a web application from scratch it’s a great starting point. You will learn how to build an app to help you find the best movie to watch ? Sweet Pumpkins

我最近为初学者发布了一个免费的React教程。 如果您想学习如何从头开始构建Web应用程序,那么这是一个很好的起点。 您将学习如何构建应用程序以帮助您找到最佳的电影? 甜南瓜

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-quick-guide-to-styled-components-with-interactive-examples-92cb203b64d/


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