flv 开源 修复_如何找到要修复的第一个开源错误

flv 开源 修复

by Shubheksha


如何找到要修复的第一个开源错误 (How to find your first open source bug to fix)

When you’re new to open source, you’ll find yourself asking:


I know some [programming language]. I want to get some practice, while helping out. How do I find an open source project where I can contribute? Hm… I don’t know where to start. This seems complicated.
我知道一些[编程语言]。 我想在帮助的同时得到一些练习。 我如何找到可以做出贡献的开源项目? 嗯...我不知道从哪里开始。 这似乎很复杂。

I’ve asked this same question over and over to a lot of developers. And their answers can be categorized as one of three approaches:

我已经反复问过很多开发人员相同的问题。 他们的答案可以归为以下三种方法之一:

方法1:贡献自己喜欢的事物 (Approach 1: Contribute to something you love)

The most common answer I get is to contribute to something you already use everyday. Something that interests you.

我得到的最常见答案是为您每天已经使用的东西做出贡献。 您感兴趣的事物。

方法2:专门寻找适合初学者的项目 (Approach 2: Specifically seek out beginner-friendly projects)

Here are a few characteristics of beginner-friendly open source projects:


  • Well-defined, detailed contribution guidelines that include setting up their project locally, their Git workflow, and their coding style guidelines

  • Proper classification of issues using labels like “good-first-bug”, “beginner”, or “first-timers-only”

    使用诸如“ good-first-bug”,“ beginner”或“ first-timers-only”之类的标签对问题进行正确分类
  • Activity on those beginner issues, with previous questions answered quickly

方法3:停止搜索项目并开始搜索错误。 (Approach 3: Stop searching for projects and start searching for bugs.)

This is the approach I chose, and the focus of this article.


After trying approaches #1 and #2, I stopped thinking in terms of projects. I focused instead on finding bugs that I thought I could fix.

在尝试了方法1和方法2之后,我不再考虑项目。 相反,我专注于寻找我认为可以解决的错误。

Every bug is associated with a project, so when finding bugs, you’ll inevitably discover projects, anyway.


This approach works if you want to get started immediately. I can’t guarantee that it will inspire you to stick with a project after your first few contributions. Maybe you won’t be interested after all. But maybe you’ll dive into the project and discover that you really like it.

如果您想立即上手,则可以使用这种方法。 我不能保证它会激发您在最初的几笔贡献后继续坚持一个项目。 也许您根本不会感兴趣。 但是也许您会深入研究该项目并发现自己非常喜欢它。

Either way, once you’ve fixed a few bugs, you’ll have the confidence to venture out there and explore more on your own.


那么,如何找到这些错误呢? (So how do you find the bugs to begin with?)

Deciding which bugs to work on isn’t easy. There are a ton of projects out there, and each has plenty of open issues. But you need to start somewhere.

确定要解决的错误并不容易。 有很多项目,每个项目都有很多未解决的问题。 但是您需要从某个地方开始。

So I’ll share all the resources and tips I’ve used to find bugs. First I’ll focus on finding good starter bugs in general in various bug trackers and code hosting sites. Then I’ll share some resources specific to the Mozilla ecosystem, where I’ve been contributing regularly.

因此,我将分享我用来查找错误的所有资源和技巧。 首先,我将着重在各种错误跟踪器和代码托管站点中找到通常良好的入门错误。 然后,我将分享一些我经常参与的Mozilla生态系统专用资源。

为初学者找到好的错误 (Finding good bugs for beginners)

A good place to start your bug hunt is Up For Grabs. The whole purpose of the site is to help new contributors get their feet wet by maintaining a list of projects with beginner-friendly issues. It’s a great place to get started if you feel completely lost.

开始寻找bug的好地方是Up For Grabs 。 该站点的全部目的是通过维护一系列与初学者有关的项目来帮助新的贡献者。 如果您完全迷路了,这是一个入门的好地方。

GitHub has a powerful search engine where you can customize your search in a variety of ways. The easiest way to search is by issue label.

的GitHub 具有强大的搜索引擎 ,您可以在其中通过多种方式自定义搜索。 最简单的搜索方法是按问题标签

A lot of open source projects label their issues to conveniently track them. A lot of projects use labels like beginner, easy, starter, good first bug, low hanging fruit, bitesize, trivial, easy fix, and new contributor.

许多开放源代码项目都将其问题标记为方便跟踪它们。 很多项目使用标签像初学者容易起动机良好的第一缺陷低悬的果实bitesize平凡简单的办法 ,以及新的贡献

You can further narrow down your search based on the programming language you’re comfortable with, by adding language: name to your search query. For example, here are all issues labelled as “beginner” in JavaScript.

通过在搜索查询中添加language:名称 ,您可以根据自己喜欢的编程语言进一步缩小搜索范围。 例如,这是在JavaScript中标记为“初学者”的所有问题。

Issuehub.io is a tool for searching issues by label and language, in case you find it tedious to remember the GitHub search syntax.


If you’re completely new to open source, you should definitely start with First Timers Only. It’s an initiative by Kent C. Dodds, based on his own First Timers Only post and Scott Hanselman’s Bring Kindness Back to Open Source. The bugs are labelled first-timers-only.

如果您完全不了解开放源代码,那么绝对应该从First Timers Only开始。 这是Kent C. Dodds的一项举措,基于他自己的“ First Timers Only”帖子和Scott Hanselman的将善良带回开源” 。 这些错误被标记为“仅限初学者”

You might also find this Twitter bot helpful. It tweets out all issues labelled as “first-timers-only”.

您可能还会发现此Twitter机器人很有帮助。 它发布了所有标记为“仅限初学者”的问题。

Another great way to find issues is YourFirstPR by Charlotte Spencer. They showcase starter issues on GitHub that can be easily tackled by new contributors.

查找问题的另一种好方法是Charlotte Spencer的 YourFirstPR 。 他们展示了GitHub上的入门问题,新贡献者可以轻松解决这些问题。

Awesome-for-beginners is a GitHub repo that amasses projects with good bugs for new contributors, and applies labels to describe them.


Openhatch is a non-profit organization that helps lower barriers of entry into open source. You can find bugs and projects here, as well.

Openhatch是一个非营利组织,旨在帮助降低进入开源的障碍。 您也可以在此处找到错误和项目。

Mozilla贡献者生态系统 (The Mozilla Contributor Ecosystem)

A lot of Mozilla’s projects are hosted on GitHub. For these projects, everything I listed above is still useful. They use the label “good first bug” for starter issues.

Mozilla的许多项目都托管在GitHub上 。 对于这些项目,我上面列出的所有内容仍然有用。 他们将标签“良好的第一错误”用于启动程序问题。

But Mozilla also uses its own tool called Bugzilla as its primary issue tracker. They host some of their issues here, and use Mercurial for version control instead of Git.

但是Mozilla还使用自己的工具Bugzilla作为其主要问题跟踪工具。 他们在这里托管了一些问题,并使用Mercurial而不是Git进行版本控制

Firefox is one of the projects that uses Bugzilla and Mercurial. It’s a bit scary, to be honest. It’s a lot to take in. So I recommend this excellent blog post and video, which does a great job at demystifying these tools.

Firefox是使用Bugzilla和Mercurial的项目之一。 老实说,这有点吓人。 需要花很多钱。因此,我推荐这个出色的博客文章和视频 ,它们在使这些工具神秘化方面做得很好。

Over the years, Mozillians have tried to make it as simple as possible to contribute to Mozilla. Here are their efforts:

多年以来,Mozillians一直试图使其尽可能简单地为Mozilla做出贡献。 这是他们的努力:

  • Good First Bugs: These are bugs that developers have identified as a good introduction to the project. They are often (but not always) relatively easy to solve

    良好的前期错误 :这些错误已被开发人员识别为对项目的良好介绍。 它们通常(但并非总是)相对容易解决

  • Mentored Bugs: These bugs have a mentor assigned who will be there on IRC to help you when you get stuck while working on fix. They often review your patch and give feedback. If you don’t know where to begin with contributing to Mozilla projects, this is the best place to start. You’ll have someone who can answer your questions when you feel you’ve run up against a wall. All the mentors I’ve worked with have been super responsive, supportive, and helpful throughout.

    指导的错误 :这些错误已指定一位指导者,该人将在IRC上为您提供帮助,当您在进行修复时遇到困难时可以为您提供帮助。 他们经常查看您的补丁并提供反馈。 如果您不知道从哪里开始为Mozilla项目做贡献,那么这是最好的起点。 当您觉得自己碰壁时,会有一个可以回答您问题的人。 与我一起工作的所有导师在整个过程中都超级响应,支持和帮助。

  • Bugs Ahoy: This is a site dedicated to finding bugs on Bugzilla. It has a friendly UI, where you can filter by language.

    Bugs Ahoy :这是一个致力于在Bugzilla上查找错误的站点。 它具有友好的用户界面,您可以在其中按语言进行过滤。

  • Firefox DevTools: This site is dedicated to bugs filed for the developer tools in the Firefox browser. You can sort based on the DevTools components you want to work on.

    Firefox DevTools :此站点专用于Firefox浏览器中针对开发人员工具提交的错误。 您可以根据要使用的DevTools组件进行排序。

  • What Can I Do For Mozilla — This is a great way to explore and figure out what you can work on by answering a bunch of questions about your skill set and interests.

    我可以为Mozilla做些什么 -这是一种很好的方式,可以通过回答有关您的技能和兴趣的一系列问题来探索和弄清楚您可以做什么。

  • Start Mozilla: This is a Twitter account that tweets about issues fit for contributors new to the Mozilla ecosystem.

    启动Mozilla :这是一个Twitter帐户,用于发布有关Mozilla生态系统新参与者的问题的推文。

If you know of any other resources for finding good bugs for newbie contributors, please let me know in the comments. I will be more than happy to extend this list.

如果您知道任何其他资源,可以为新手贡献者找到好的bug,请在评论中告诉我。 我会很乐意扩展此列表。

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/finding-your-first-open-source-project-or-bug-to-work-on-1712f651e5ba/

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