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翻译 vue导航栏顶部导航_如何在我的视口顶部保留导航栏?

vue导航栏顶部导航If you're working on the Product Landing Page project and are having trouble with some of the user stories, you're not alone. 如果您正在从事“ 产品着陆页”项目,并且遇到一些用户故事方面的麻烦,那么您并不孤单。 User story #13 gives...

2020-08-20 08:25:20 2605

翻译 dubbo开发者指南_网站速度优化开发者指南

delphi5开发人员指南I think a lot about how we can optimize our websites for speed. The world is getting busy and nobody likes to wait for a website to load. 我对如何优化网站以提高速度有很多思考。 世界正变得忙碌,没有人喜欢等待网站加载。 There a...

2020-08-20 08:15:49 840

翻译 redis使用api_如何使用Redis增强Web API

redis使用apiPerformance is an essential parameter to consider when you're designing any piece of software. It is particularly important when it comes to what happens behind-the-scenes. 在设计任何软件时,性能都是要考虑...

2020-08-20 06:55:19 314

翻译 css div垂直居中对齐_HTML中心文本–如何CSS垂直对齐Div

css div垂直居中对齐In the HTML and CSS world, it's all about the layout structure and the distribution of elements. We usually use HTML to define the markup and structure, while CSS helps us handle the styl...

2020-08-20 06:46:07 1324

翻译 如何使用React和TypeScript构建测验应用

Learn how to create quiz app with React and TypeScript. We've published a free course from Thomas Weibenfalk on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel. 了解如何使用React和TypeScript创建测验应用程序。 我们已经在freeCodeCamp....

2020-08-20 04:28:46 92

翻译 如何使用Kotlin构建Android旋转旋钮以帮助儿子练习钢琴

When my son's piano teacher told him he should use a metronome to practice timing, I took it as an opportunity to learn Kotlin. I decided to learn the language and Android's ecosystem so I could build...

2020-08-20 04:18:22 389

翻译 react.js项目配置_8个React.js项目创意可帮助您边做边学

react.js项目配置One of the best ways to learn is by doing. But often developers struggle with the big question "what should I build?" 最好的学习方法之一就是做事。 但是开发人员经常会遇到一个大问题:“我应该建造什么?”。 Here are 8 project ideas...

2020-08-20 04:09:02 581

翻译 seo分析工具_如何跟踪和分析网络生命周期以改善SEO

seo分析工具Good news - we now have a brand new set of standards by which to judge our search engine's worthiness! ???? 好消息-我们现在有了一套全新的标准,可以用来判断我们的搜索引擎的价值! ???? If you're like me, you may not have been jumping...

2020-08-20 03:59:30 183

翻译 如何使用Vue,Phaser,Node,Express和Socket.IO构建多人桌面游戏模拟器

Putting together all of the pieces of a full stack JavaScript application can be a complex endeavor. 将全栈JavaScript应用程序的所有部分放在一起可能是一项复杂的工作。 In this tutorial, we're going to build a multiplayer table...

2020-08-20 03:40:00 797

翻译 react循环对输入框赋值_如何在React中清除动态表格的输入值

react循环对输入框赋值There's a lot to consider when working on a React application, especially when they involve forms. Even if you're able to create a submit button and update your app's state the way you wa...

2020-08-20 02:48:51 1279

翻译 Python数据科学–面向初学者的12小时免费课程。 了解Pandas,NumPy,Matplotlib等。

This free 12-hour Python Data Science course will take you from knowing nothing about Python to being able to analyze data. You'll learn basic Python, along with powerful tools like Pandas, NumPy, and...

2020-08-20 02:29:09 149

翻译 机器学习与分布式机器学习_经理人的机器学习–您需要知道的

机器学习与分布式机器学习If you are managing a tech team as a product or project manager, here is what you need to know about machine learning. 如果您要以产品或项目经理的身份管理技术团队,这是您需要了解的有关机器学习的知识。 Machine learning and deep l...

2020-08-20 02:19:55 482

翻译 c#学习unity3d_通过制作数字桌面游戏学习C#和Unity

c#学习unity3dBuilding 2D games can be a great way to learn C# and Unity, especially when working through the basics of complex tabletop game logic. 制作2D游戏可能是学习C#和Unity的好方法,尤其是在研究复杂的桌面游戏逻辑基础时。 In this s...

2020-08-20 02:10:32 359

翻译 strapi_使用Strapi和GatsbyJS创建一个全栈式网站

strapiStrapi is the most popular open-source Headless CMS and is based on Node.js. Gatsby allows developers to quickly build very fast static websites and apps. You can combine then to create a full-s...

2020-08-20 01:21:20 1078

翻译 css content属性_CSS之前和之后CSS –如何使用content属性

css content属性The content property in CSS defines the content of an element. You may have heard that this property only applies to the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements. In this article, we'll explo...

2020-08-20 01:11:58 899

翻译 Angular-如何从Blob响应中检索文件名

If you're new to Angular, you might be wondering how to retrieve a filename from an API response. 如果您不熟悉Angular,可能想知道如何从API响应中检索文件名。 Imagine you have a method that makes a POST request to a remote AP...

2020-08-19 23:24:50 818

翻译 AppData –在Windows 10中何处查找AppData文件夹

The AppData folder includes application settings, files, and data unique to the applications on your Windows PC. The folder is hidden by default in Windows File Explorer and has three hidden sub-folde...

2020-08-19 22:55:12 2133

翻译 初级开发和中级,高级的区别_如何从初级开发人员过渡到中级开发人员

初级开发和中级,高级的区别Getting that first developer job is the goal of many new programmers. But I've discovered that far fewer developers want to take the next steps in their careers. 获得第一份开发人员的工作是许多新程序员的目标。 但...

2020-08-19 22:33:39 1069

翻译 如何将ApexCharts与Vue.js集成-详细指南

Charts and graphs are a great way to display information/data to your app's users. In this article I will show you exactly how to do that with vue-apexcharts. 图表是向应用程序用户显示信息/数据的好方法。 在本文中,我将向您精确演示如何使用v...

2020-08-19 22:23:11 1692

翻译 git fork库同步代码_如何将您的Fork与原始Git存储库同步

git fork库同步代码You're contributing to an open-source project, and you noticed that your fork is out of sync with the original repository. How can you correct that? 您正在为一个开源项目做贡献,并且注意到您的fork与原始存储库不同步。 您该...

2020-08-19 21:22:27 225

翻译 我如何使用Weather API构建自己的天气预报工具

weather iconAbrupt weather and climate change are things that everybody is dealing with. In fact, the vast majority of the global population relies on accurate, real-time weather data and forecasts to...

2020-08-19 19:22:27 1017

翻译 android应用开发_学习开发Android应用-无需经验

android应用开发There are more than 2.5 billion Android devices in the world, all waiting for your application to be developed. 全球有超过25亿台Android设备,都在等待您的应用程序开发。 We've released a 15-hour comprehensive cour...

2020-08-19 18:41:41 99

翻译 linux安装nvm_如何使用NVM在MacOS,Linux或Windows计算机上安装节点

linux安装nvmBefore you can start making super awesome apps in NodeJS, you have to install it. Fortunately, installing NodeJS is super simple. 您必须先安装它,然后才能开始在NodeJS中制作超赞的应用程序。 幸运的是,安装NodeJS非常简单。 In this...

2020-08-19 18:11:25 986

翻译 owasp十大web漏洞_如何保护Laravel Web应用程序免受OWASP十大安全风险

owasp十大web漏洞I remember the first time one of my sites got hacked. 我记得我的网站第一次被黑客入侵。 The client emailed saying their website was taking ages to load. I jumped online as soon as I got home from college ...

2020-08-19 15:52:03 1244

翻译 node deno_如何在Deno和Oak中创建Todo API

node denoI am a JavaScript/Node developer who secretly likes (actually, loves and adores) Deno. I have been a huge fan of Deno ever since it was announced and I've been wanting to play with it. 我是一个J...

2020-08-19 13:41:36 436

翻译 面试 技术 教训_我在30天内进行60多次技术面试的经验教训

面试 技术 教训In this article, I’ll share my motivation for doing 60+ technical interviews in 30 days. More importantly, I’ll share lessons learned from my failures and my successes. 在本文中,我将分享在30天内进行60多次技术面...

2020-08-19 13:00:58 4784

翻译 算法训练营 重编码_编码训练营结束后,我花了3个月时间申请工作。 这是我学到的。...

算法训练营 重编码by Felix Feng 费利克斯·冯 编码训练营结束后,我花了3个月时间申请工作。 这是我学到的。 (I spent 3 months applying to jobs after a coding bootcamp. Here’s what I learned.)A less-talked about part of the bootcamper’s journey ...

2020-08-19 10:43:46 453

翻译 500 – 内部服务器错误_HTTP错误500 –用纯英语解释内部服务器错误

500 – 内部服务器错误Error codes in the 4xx range mean you or your browser did something wrong. Maybe you weren't logged in, tried to access something you didn't have permission for, or simply got lost. 4xx范...

2020-08-19 10:23:17 327

翻译 docker 获取容器ip_如何获取Docker容器IP地址-示例说明

docker 获取容器ipDocker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. Docker提供了在松散隔离的环境(称为容器)中打包和运行应用程序的功能。 I know what you might be thinkin...

2020-08-19 09:54:25 5790

翻译 响应状态码403_HTTP 401错误与HTTP 403错误–状态码响应说明

响应状态码403We've covered the 403 (Forbidden) HTTP Error code in some detail before, but it also has a near identical sibling. 前面我们已经详细介绍了403(禁止)HTTP错误代码,但是它也具有几乎相同的兄弟。 So what exactly is the difference...

2020-08-19 09:01:58 10492

翻译 如何在Ubuntu上安装Rails并将Ruby更新到最新版本

ruby on railsA couple of months ago, when I learned Ruby-on-Rails for the first time, I had to work on a collaborative project with a coding partner. We kept running into issues, as he had a different...

2020-08-19 08:01:13 510

翻译 泊松分布–计算概率分布的公式

泊松分布概率公式Probability Distributions play an important role in our daily lives. We commonly use them when trying to summarise and gain insights from different forms of data. 概率分布在我们的日常生活中起着重要作用。 在尝试总结不同...

2020-08-19 07:22:01 14971

翻译 如何在Ubuntu上安装Node.js并将npm更新到最新版本

If you try installing the latest version of node using the apt-package manager, you'll end up with v10.19.0. This is the latest version in the ubuntu app store, but it's not the latest released versio...

2020-08-19 06:51:42 2436

翻译 freecodecamp_我们使用freeCodeCamp课程创建了本地免费编码学校。 这是我们学到的东西。

freecodecampWhile this picture shows an in-person classroom, we have moved our school fully remote as a result of the COVID-19 situation. 虽然这张照片显示的是一个面对面的教室,但由于COVID-19的情况,我们已将学校完全移至偏远地区。 If you want...

2020-08-19 06:22:04 3790

翻译 我如何在COVID-19锁定期间构建用于在线购物的移动应用程序

When many stores that sell nonessential items were ordered to close in March by government decrees, consumers moved their shopping online. U.S. online sales increased 49% in April over the prior year,...

2020-08-19 06:12:42 3209

翻译 Docker Remove Image:如何删除Docker镜像示例

We live in an era where storage is becoming cheaper everyday. We can just send everything to the cloud and pay almost nothing. 我们生活的时代每天都在变得越来越便宜。 我们可以将所有内容发送到云中,而几乎不支付任何费用。 So why would we need to w...

2020-08-19 05:14:15 5295

翻译 react 淡入淡出_如何在React with GSAP中创建可重复使用的淡入淡出动画组件

react 淡入淡出If you haven't heard about or used GSAP, you're missing out. GSAP is an animation library for components and elements. Their homepage shows a lot of awesome animations you can make with the ...

2020-08-19 04:54:04 1114

翻译 JavaScript URL编码示例–如何使用encodeURIcomponent()和encodeURI()

You might think that encodeURI and encodeURIComponent do the same thing, at least from their names. And you might be confused which one to use and when. 您可能会认为, encodeURI和encodeURIComponent至少在它们的名称上具...

2020-08-19 03:32:09 815

翻译 响应式网页设计_响应式网页设计–如何使网站在手机和平​​板电脑上看起来不错

响应式网页设计In the rapidly evolving landscape of connected devices, responsive web design continues to be crucial in web development. 在互联设备Swift发展的格局中,自适应Web设计在Web开发中仍然至关重要。 Not long ago the term "respon...

2020-08-19 02:41:02 651

翻译 myspace qizmt_MySpace如何教我如何编码以及如何发展激情

myspace qizmtLearning something new is hard. It's even more challenging if you have a hard time trying to find motivation. How can we find things in our everyday lives that can help us learn? 学习新东西很难。...

2020-08-19 01:11:05 181



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