

If someone says “JavaScript is only for front end development, and PHP is for back end” — do not listen.

如果有人说“ JavaScript仅用于前端开发,而PHP用于后端”,请不要听。

Before I jump into claiming that one language is better than the other, there is something I need to clarify. I don't want to turn the PHP vs JavaScript discussion into comparing apples and oranges, so I should explain the main difference between JavaScript and PHP.

在我断言一种语言比另一种语言要好之前,我需要澄清一些事情。 我不想将PHP与JavaScript的讨论变成比较苹果和橙子,所以我应该解释一下JavaScript和PHP之间的主要区别。

PHP is a programming language for back end development only. JavaScript, in turn, was initially designed as a front end development language. But with the introduction of Node.js in 2009, JavaScript became full stack.

PHP是仅用于后端开发的编程语言。 反过来,JavaScript最初被设计为前端开发语言。 但是随着2009年Node.js的推出,JavaScript变成了全栈。

The commonly cited claim that “JavaScript is only for front end development, and PHP is for back end” is just not true. Today, you can develop the entire app with JavaScript, both client side and server side. The question is, which language is more effective for your particular project?

经常被引用的说法是“ JavaScript仅用于前端开发,而PHP用于后端”是不正确的。 今天,您可以使用客户端和服务器端JavaScript开发整个应用程序。 问题是,哪种语言对您的特定项目更有效?

Therefore, if you're trying to decide between PHP and JavaScript, the discussion is reduced to which language you want to use for back end development. And to help you make an informed decision, I will compare PHP vs JavaScript for web development based on the following criteria:

因此,如果您试图在PHP和JavaScript之间做出选择,那么讨论将简化为您要用于后端开发的语言。 为了帮助您做出明智的决定,我将基于以下条件比较PHP与JavaScript进行Web开发的情况:

  1. Brief overview

  2. Performance and speed

  3. Extensibility

  4. Universality

  5. Community

  6. Learning curve

  7. Syntax

  8. Apps it is best suited for


简要概述 (Brief overview)

JavaScript (JavaScript)

JavaScript is a lightweight, multi-paradigm, high-level, interpreted or just-in-time-compiled, dynamic programming language. Introduced in 1995 by Brendan Eich, JavaScript is characterized by curly-bracket syntax, first-class functions, and prototype-based object orientation.

JavaScript是一种轻量级,多范式,高级,解释性或即时编译的动态编程语言。 JavaScript由Brendan Eich于1995年推出,JavaScript具有花括号语法,一流的功能和基于原型的面向对象的特点。

According to Statista, 69 % of developers worldwide use JavaScript and 5 % more plan to adopt this language. The report shows that it is the most popular programming language in the world as of late 2019.

Statista称 ,全球有69%的开发人员使用JavaScript,另有5%的计划采用这种语言。 该报告显示,截至2019年末,它是全球最受欢迎的编程语言。


PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, and it is an open source scripting language for back end development. Developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, the language received global recognition. According to the W3Tech survey, 79% of all websites use PHP. Among the most popular ones, there are Facebook, Wikipedia, and, of course, WordPress.

PHP代表超文本预处理器,它是一种用于后端开发的开源脚本语言。 该语言由Rasmus Lerdorf于1994年开发,获得了全球认可。 根据W3Tech的调查 ,所有网站中有79%使用PHP。 在最受欢迎的网站中,有Facebook,Wikipedia,当然还有WordPress。

PHP vs JavaScript: 0 – 0

PHP与JavaScript:0 – 0

性能与速度 (Performance & Speed)

JavaScript (JavaScript)

JavaScript is characterized by an event-driven, single-threaded, non-blocking I/O execution model. Such a model is ensured by the event loop and Node clustering.

JavaScript的特征在于事件驱动,单线程,非阻塞I / O执行模型。 通过事件循环和节点集群来确保这种模型。

The asynchronous nature of Node.js enables it to run through the entire code simultaneously without waiting for some functions to be executed. Thanks to that, JavaScript is the best solution for low latency applications, such as streaming platforms. Node.js is sped up even further by the V8 engine, constant server connection, and callback functions.

Node.js的异步特性使它可以同时运行整个代码,而无需等待某些功能被执行。 因此,JavaScript是针对低延迟应用程序(例如流平台)的最佳解决方案。 V8引擎,持续的服务器连接和回调函数进一步提高了Node.js的速度。


PHP is characterized by a multi-threaded, blocking I/O execution model. Unlike JavaScript, PHP is synchronous. The second line of code in PHP cannot be executed until the first one is, which makes it much slower than JavaScript.

PHP的特点是多线程,阻塞的I / O执行模型。 与JavaScript不同,PHP是同步的。 PHP的第二行代码要等到第一行才能执行,这使其比JavaScript慢得多。

While PHP undoubtedly loses in terms of speed, some say that it is more stable than JavaScript. Yet, this advantage is quite ambiguous and not a hundred percent proven.

虽然毫无疑问,PHP的速度有所下降,但有人说它比JavaScript更稳定。 然而,这种优势是模棱两可的,还没有得到100%的证明。

The reliability and stability of both PHP and JavaScript are open to interpretation. But thanks to its outstanding speed, JavaScript wins a point.

PHP和JavaScript的可靠性和稳定性尚待解释。 但是,由于其出色的速度,JavaScript赢得了胜利

PHP vs JavaScript: 0 – 1

PHP与JavaScript:0 – 1

可扩展性 (Extensibility)

JavaScript (JavaScript)

JavaScript can be combined with HTML, XML, and Ajax.


There are a number of great JavaScript frameworks, and one cannot even count them because new ones emerge quite often.


The most  popular front-end JS technologies are Vue, Angular, and React, but here at KeenEthics we also see a bright future for Svelte.

最受欢迎的前端JS技术是VueAngularReact ,但是在KeenEthics,我们也看到Svelte的光明前景。

The most common server-side framework is Node.js. What framework you choose may define development speed and cost, performance, and other technical qualities of your future app.

最常见的服务器端框架是Node.js。 您选择的框架可能会定义开发速度,成本,性能以及未来应用程序的其他技术质量。

As for package managers, Node.js comes with NPM (Node Package Manager) preinstalled. NPM greatly facilitates developers’ lives, and it is the largest software registry in the world.

对于包管理器,Node.js预先安装了NPM(节点包管理器)。 NPM极大地便利了开发人员的生活,它是世界上最大的软件注册中心。


PHP can be combined with HTML only.


Probably the greatest advantage of PHP is the availability of CMSs like WordPress or Drupal. These solutions may greatly facilitate and even make web development cheaper. PHP can also be extended with any LAMP stack technology and such server solutions as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

PHP的最大优势可能是WordPress或Drupal等CMS的可用性。 这些解决方案可以极大地促进甚至降低Web开发的成本。 PHP也可以使用任何LAMP堆栈技术和MySQL或PostgreSQL等服务器解决方案进行扩展。

There are two package managers for PHP – PEAR and Composer. PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) is a structured library of open source PHP code. Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP.

PHP有两个软件包管理器– PEAR和Composer。 PEAR(PHP扩展和应用程序存储库)是开源PHP代码的结构化库。 Composer是PHP的依赖项管理工具。

Overall, JavaScript offers more opportunities for extensibility, so it wins the point.


PHP vs JavaScript: 0 – 2

PHP与JavaScript:0 – 2

普遍性 (Universality)

JavaScript is cross-platform, and so is PHP. Both PHP and JavaScript are primarily aimed at developing web applications, even though both can be used for mobile app development.

JavaScript是跨平台的,PHP也是如此。 尽管PHP和JavaScript均可用于移动应用程序开发,但它们均主要用于开发Web应用程序。

JavaScript (JavaScript)

The greatest advantage of JavaScript over PHP lies in the fact that JavaScript is a full-stack development language. Most JS vs PHP comparisons emphasize that JavaScript is front end only, but that is simply not true. You can develop an entire web or mobile app with no other technology than JavaScript.

与PHP相比,JavaScript的最大优势在于JavaScript是一种全栈开发语言。 大多数JS与PHP的比较都强调JavaScript仅是前端,但是事实并非如此。 您可以使用JavaScript以外的任何其他技术来开发整个Web或移动应用程序。

The experience of KeenEthics proves it: as a JS-oriented company, we develop custom web and mobile solutions from scratch using only JavaScript.



PHP is a back end development language only. PHP belongs to the LAMP stack, which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python.

PHP仅是一种后端开发语言。 PHP属于LAMP堆栈,代表Linux,Apache,MySQL和PHP / Perl / Python。

To develop a web app with this technology stack, a software engineer needs to know four different syntax systems, as well as HTML and CSS. Switching between languages is neither convenient nor efficient, and it complicates the learning curve badly.

要使用此技术堆栈开发Web应用程序,软件工程师需要了解四种不同的语法系统以及HTML和CSS。 语言之间的切换既不方便也不高效,并且使学习曲线严重复杂化。

JavaScript development is full-stack development, which is the greatest advantage of it.


PHP vs JavaScript: 0 – 3

PHP与JavaScript:0 – 3

社区 (Community)

JavaScript (JavaScript)

According to stackshare.io,  the main reasons why developers enjoy working with JavaScript are its universality ("Can be used on front end and back end"), popularity ("It is everywhere"), and extensibility ("there are a lot of great frameworks").

根据stackshare.io的说法 ,开发人员喜欢使用JavaScript的主要原因是它的通用性(“可以在前端和后端使用”),受欢迎程度(“无处不在”)和可扩展性(“好的框架”)。

JavaScript is used by Netflix, LinkedIn, Trello, Uber, Airbnb, Instagram, eBay, NASA, and Medium.


Most JS frameworks are open source, but not JavaScript itself.


JavaScript is the most popular language on GitHub with over a 20% share of pull requests.



Stackshare.io shows that the most beloved advantages of PHP are a large community, open source, and simple deployment.


PHP is used by such companies as Facebook, Lyft, Wikipedia, Slack, Tumblr, and 9 GAG.

PHP被Facebook,Lyft,Wikipedia,Slack,Tumblr和9 GAG等公司使用。

PHP code is open source, which makes it more flexible and customizable.


On GitHub, PHP takes only the eighth place with about 5 % of pull requests.

GitHub上 ,PHP仅排名第八,其中有5%的拉取请求。

Both languages have huge support communities and are favored by large tech giants – both PHP and JavaScript earn a point.


PHP vs JavaScript: 1 – 4

PHP与JavaScript:1 – 4

学习曲线 (Learning curve)


PHP is much simpler to start learning than JavaScript. Setting up a server is as simple as creating a single .php  file, writing a few lines of code enclosed with <?php?> tags, and entering the URL into the browser tab.

PHP比JavaScript更容易开始学习。 设置服务器就像创建一个.php文件,编写几行用<?php?>标记括起来的代码并将URL输入浏览器选项卡一样简单。

Also, PHP peculiarities, such as inconsistent functions or return values, are easier to understand and master than the peculiarities of JavaScript and of certain JS frameworks.


JavaScript (JavaScript)

Setting up JavaScript, namely Node.js, for server side is not that complicated. But it is more difficult than PHP. A beginning JS developer needs to have more knowledge than a beginning PHP developer.

为服务器端设置JavaScript,即Node.js,并不复杂。 但这比PHP困难。 初级JS开发人员比初级PHP开发人员需要更多的知识。

However, the effort you put into learning JavaScript totally pays off. Since JavaScript is more universal than PHP, the learning effort brings much more value.

但是,您投入学习JavaScript的努力完全可以取得回报。 由于JavaScript比PHP更通用,因此学习工作会带来更多价值。

PHP wins a point for learning simplicity, beginning developers will definitely appreciate it.


PHP vs JavaScript: 2 – 4

PHP与JavaScript:2 – 4

句法 (Syntax)

The syntax of a programming language, in most cases, is just a matter of personal preference. Therefore, neither of the languages win a point here.

在大多数情况下,编程语言的语法只是个人喜好问题。 因此,这两种语言都无法赢得一分。

Yet, I will provide a side-by-side comparison of JS and PHP syntax rules in case you are here thinking about which language to learn. Maybe some peculiarities of a certain language will work better for you, and this is how you will make your choice.

但是,如果您在考虑要学习哪种语言,我将提供JS和PHP语法规则的并排比较。 也许某种语言的特殊性会更好地为您服务,这就是您做出选择的方式。

  • Both PHP and JavaScript make use of brackets of different types, including curly, round, and square brackets.

  • In both PHP and JavaScript, variables can be of any type, they can change type, and you can check the type by calling a language-specific operator  – typeof in JS and gettype in PHP.


  • In both languages, arrays start with “0”.

    在两种语言中,数组均以“ 0”开头。
  • for() loop functions identically in both PHP and JavaScript, the difference is only in how the variable inside for-brackets is declared. foreach() loop, which is unique to PHP, can be easily transformed into JS for() loop.

    for()循环在PHP和JavaScript中的功能相同,不同之处仅在于for-brackets中变量的声明方式。 foreach()循环是PHP特有的,可以轻松转换为JS for()循环。

  • In JS, variables are global by default unless declared local with var. A local variable is available for everything within this function or its subfunctions.

    在JS中,变量默认为全局变量,除非使用var声明为local。 局部变量可用于此函数或其子函数中的所有内容。

  • In JS, both addition and concatenation are done with “+”.

    在JS中,加法和串联均使用“ +”完成。
  • JS is case sensitive in variables and functions.

  • There are no associative arrays (key-value pairs) in JS, you should use JSON strings instead.

  • In JS, arrays and objects are very similar and often interchangeable. An object item can be referenced as an array item as well.

    在JS中,数组和对象非常相似,并且经常可以互换。 对象项也可以引用为数组项。
  • In JS, items in objects are referenced with a fullstop “.”.

  • PHP makes use of dollar signs “$” to denote variables,  whereas JS has no such sign. All variables are local by default unless declared global with global. A local variable will not be available in subfunctions unless you pass it in an argument.

    PHP使用美元符号“ $”表示变量,而JS没有这样的符号。 默认情况下,所有变量都是局部变量,除非使用global声明为global 。 除非在参数中传递局部变量,否则局部变量在子函数中将不可用。

  • In PHP, addition is done with “+”, and concatenation is done with “.”.

    在PHP中,加法用“ +”完成,而串联用“。”完成。
  • PHP is case sensitive only in variables.

  • PHP allows both numeric and associative arrays.

  • In PHP, arrays and objects are completely different things with different syntax.

  • In PHP, items in objects are referenced with an arrow “->”.


These are some of the most basic differences that you should know about these languages. Check this table and this article for some more syntax differences between PHP and JavaScript.

这些是您应该了解的关于这些语言的一些最基本的区别。 检查此表本文 ,了解PHP和JavaScript之间的更多语法差异。

As I said, neither language wins a point here because the syntax is a matter of personal preference.


PHP vs JavaScript: 2 – 4

PHP与JavaScript:2 – 4

最适合的应用 (Apps it is best suited for)

JavaScript (JavaScript)

JavaScript has dedicated server hosting, which makes it perfectly suitable for large projects. It can be used to develop both the front end and back end of almost any software application type, including 3D games, AR/VR solutions, IoT products, and so on.

JavaScript具有专用的服务器托管,使其非常适合大型项目。 它可用于开发几乎所有软件应用程序类型的前端和后端,包括3D游戏,AR / VR解决方案,IoT产品等。


Although PHP is a general-purpose programming language, it is primarily used for developing dynamic web pages. Considering the availability of PHP-based content management systems such as Moodle and WordPress, PHP is the best solution for blogs, learning management systems, and e-commerce websites.

尽管PHP是一种通用编程语言,但它主要用于开发动态网页。 考虑到基于Moodle和WordPress等基于PHP的内容管理系统的可用性,PHP是博客,学习管理系统和电子商务网站的最佳解决方案。

Once again, in terms of the apps it is best suitable for, each language is different but neither better nor worse than the competitor. Both PHP and JavaScript are quite universal, so both get a point.

再说一次,就其最适合的应用程序而言,每种语言都是不同的,但都不比竞争对手好或坏。 PHP和JavaScript都非常通用,因此都很重要

PHP vs JavaScript: 3 – 5

PHP与JavaScript:3 – 5

总结 (To Wrap Up)

The comparison between PHP vs JavaScript ends with the score 3 to 5 – JavaScript beats PHP.

PHP与JavaScript之间的比较以3到5分结束– JavaScript胜过PHP。

Both languages are fairly good in terms of community support, extensibility, and apps they are suited to. JavaScript is certainly more efficient in terms of speed and universality. Meanwhile, it loses to PHP in terms of learning curve even though the syntax, as we concluded, is just a matter of personal preference.

在社区支持,可扩展性和适合它们的应用程序方面,这两种语言都相当不错。 就速度和通用性而言,JavaScript无疑更加高效。 同时,就算是学习曲线,它也输给了PHP,尽管我们得出的语法只是个人喜好问题。

Just keep in mind - this does not mean that JavaScript and Node.js in particular are always the best choice - it's up to you and your project.


Choose Node.js:


  • If you plan to develop a single page app,

  • If you plan to build a real-time application, such as a streaming service or a messenger,

  • If you plan to build a large project with heavy data load,

  • If you are using JavaScript for front end development.


Choose PHP:


  • If you plan to develop a blog or an e-commerce website,

  • If you are using some of the LAMP technologies already.


你有一个项目的主意吗? (Do you have an idea for a project?)

My company KeenEthics can't help you with PHP, but we are an experienced JavaScript company willing to take up the challenge. If you are ready to change the game and start your project, feel free to get in touch.

我的公司KeenEthics无法为您提供PHP方面的帮助,但是我们是一家经验丰富JavaScript公司,乐于接受挑战。 如果您准备改变游戏规则并开始您的项目,请随时与我们联系

If you have enjoyed the article, you should definitely read another wonderful comparison: Angular vs React: What to Choose for Your App? or NodeJS vs Python: How to Choose the Best Technology to Develop Your Web App's Back End.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,则绝对应该阅读另一个精彩的比较: Angular vs React:为您的应用选择什么?NodeJS与Python:如何选择最佳技术来开发Web应用程序的后端

聚苯乙烯 (P.S.)

I would also like to say thank you to Yaryna Korduba, one of the awesomest web developers at KeenEthics, for inspiring and contributing to the article.

我还要向KeenEthics的最出色的Web开发人员之一Yaryna Korduba表示感谢,感谢他对本文的启发和贡献。

The original article posted on KeenEthics blog can be found here: PHP vs JavaScript: Which Technology Will Suit Your Business Better?

可在以下网址找到发布在KeenEthics博客上的原始文章: PHP与JavaScript:哪种技术更适合您的业务?

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/php-vs-javascript-which-technology-will-suit-your-business-better/


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