

by Zhia Hwa Chong


如何成为摇滚明星工程师 (How to become a rockstar engineer)

Being a software engineer is no walk in the park, but being a rockstar software engineer, or the elusive “10x engineer”, is even harder. In my experience, the best engineers I’ve worked with share some common traits that I’ll put forth in this article.

成为软件工程师绝非易事,但是成为摇滚明星软件工程师或难以捉摸的“ 10x工程师 ”就更难了。 以我的经验,与我合作过的最好的工程师具有一些我将在本文中提出的共同特征。

If you’d like to learn more about passing technical interviews, you can check out my courses here where I coach software engineers on how to prepare and ace coding interviews.


(If you’d like to watch instead, here’s the video version)


1:建立持久的关系 (1: Build Lasting Relationships)

A rockstar engineer is made, not born. Contrary to what others might think, intelligence alone simply isn’t enough to be a rockstar engineer. A rockstar engineer is able to uplevel all those around them, and helps increase the overall productivity of the team.

一位摇滚明星工程师是天生的,不是天生的。 与其他人的想法相反,仅凭智能不足以成为摇滚明星工程师。 一位摇滚明星工程师能够提升周围所有人员的水平,并有助于提高团队的整体生产力。

One of the most critical skills for a rockstar engineer is building lasting relationships.


Building lasting relationships requires soft skills — something that often doesn’t come naturally to software engineers. Most engineers I know care about facts, details, and precision. As such, sometimes they come across as confrontational and disagreeable.

建立持久的关系需要软技能-这对于软件工程师来说通常是不自然的。 我认识的大多数工程师都关心事实,细节和准确性。 因此,有时他们会遇到对抗性和令人讨厌的事情。

Yet a lone wolf cannot survive on its own.


Try talking to your customers — clients, PMs, sales reps — as much as possible. Build a personal connection. Know what their pain points are. Understand why they do the things they do. Once you have a deep understanding of what your end users actually care about, you will be able to solve issues beyond the superficial and, ultimately, bring 10x value to the team.

尝试与您的客户(客户,PM,销售代表)进行交流。 建立个人联系。 知道他们的痛点是什么。 了解他们为什么做自己做的事情。 一旦您对最终用户真正关心的是什么有了深刻的了解,您将能够解决表面问题以外的问题,并最终为团队带来10倍的价值。

2:了解“为什么” (2: Understand “Why”)

Understand the scope of your work and why it matters. I’ve met many engineers who struggle to tell me why they work on the things they’re working on, and how their work fits into the bigger picture.

了解您的工作范围及其重要性 。 我遇到了许多工程师,他们很难告诉我为什么要从事他们正在从事的工作,以及他们的工作如何适应更大的前景。

A rockstar engineer understands why their work matters. This will guide you to learn how to prioritize work because you have a deep understanding of how your work fits into the bigger picture. Thus, you’ll be able to prioritize work accordingly and find out the high-leverage projects.

一位摇滚明星工程师了解他们的工作为何重要。 这将指导您学习如何确定工作的优先级,因为您对工作如何适应更大范围有了深刻的了解。 因此,您将能够相应地确定工作的优先级,并找出高杠杆项目。

As you become a more senior engineer, you’re expected to understand your work’s impact, scope and how it fits into the bigger picture. At some point, you’ll be the person driving and advocating for those changes yourself, and you’ll need to rally others around your cause.

当您成为高级工程师时,您应该了解您的工作的影响,范围以及如何适应更大的前景。 在某个时候,您将成为自己推动和倡导这些改变的人,并且需要围绕自己的事业召集其他人。

3:扩大范围 (3: Expand Your Scope)

Newcomers to a team typically have a well-defined scope of work. However, what you should learn early on here is that you always want to expand your scope.

团队的新手通常都有明确的工作范围。 但是,您应该在这里早一点学到的是,您始终想扩大范围。

As you’re working on projects, you should think proactively about how you can improve things, like how you could be improving the hiring process, documentation, or maybe code style.


I like to think of this as the onion analogy (one of my mentors taught me this). Your area of competency is the core layer of the onion, and then you have a layer outside of that, which consists of external factors that could potentially affect you.

我喜欢将其视为洋葱的类比 (我的一位导师教了我这一点)。 您的专长领域是洋葱的核心层,然后是洋葱的核心层,该层由可能影响您的外部因素组成。

Now the gap in between your core competency and the outer layer — that’s where uncertainty and anxiety lie. As you grow as an engineer, you want to learn how to expand your set of core competencies so that you can minimize that gap.

现在, 您的核心能力和外在能力之间鸿沟—这就是不确定性和焦虑所在。 随着您成为工程师的成长,您想学习如何扩展核心竞争力,以最大程度地缩小这一差距。

When you are actively thinking about how to improve things and making things better, that’s where you grow your skills not just as an engineer but also as a leader.


A practice you might try today is to sit in and participate in more meetings. Learn about what your coworkers are concerned about, and offer your insights and solutions — it never hurts to try.

您今天可以尝试的做法是参加并参加更多会议。 了解您的同事关心的是什么,并提供您的见解和解决方案-轻松尝试就可以了。

If you’re looking to improve your coding or system design skills, check out the courses here where graduates have gained valuable skills that helped them land jobs at Facebook, Google and so on. Classes are limited, so if you’re interested, fill in this form and I’ll reach out to you with more details!

如果您想提高自己的编码或系统设计技能,请查看此处的课程那里的毕业生获得了宝贵的技能,可以帮助他们在Facebook,Google等公司找到工作。 班级有限,因此,如果您有兴趣,请填写此表格 ,我们将与您联系以提供更多详细信息!

4:提供帮助 (4: Offer to Help)

In most companies, there are always broken things laying around within the company. Due to shifting priorities, limited time and resources, most things remain broken.

在大多数公司中,公司内部总是存在一些零散的事情。 由于工作重点的转移,时间和资源的有限,大多数事情仍然无法解决。

That’s where you can come in to help.


First, offering to help gives you insights and exposure to codebases that you might not otherwise learn about.


Secondly, offering to help others with solving their problems allows you to build relationships (see Tip#1) and also grow your expertise in the long run. And if you’re also able to demonstrate your ability to jump in and make lasting improvements, that’s even better.

其次,提供帮助他人解决他们的问题的方法,可以使您建立关系(请参阅提示1),并且从长远来看还可以提高您的专业知识。 而且,如果您也能够展示自己的能力并进行持久的改进,那就更好了。

I call these people the Passionate Executors — people who have strong execution abilities and also have a strong passion for helping others around them. Passionate Executors are like your neighborhood Spiderman — they have superhuman abilities and aren’t afraid to jump into the stickiest (pun-intended) situations without expecting any reward.

我称这些人为热情执行者,这些人具有较强的执行能力,并且对帮助周围的人充满热情。 热情洋溢的执行者就像您附近的蜘蛛侠一样-具有超人的能力,并且不害怕跳入最棘手(双关语意)的情况而不会得到任何回报。

5:充分阅读 (5: Read Profusely)

Reading is one of the highest leverage activities any newcomer can do. Many junior engineers are heads-down focused on writing code all day; they’re not really spending time to read and understand what they’re working on.

阅读是任何新手都可以进行的最高杠杆活动之一。 许多初级工程师全天都在专注于编写代码。 他们并没有真正花时间阅读和理解他们正在做的事情。

My advice is that if you’re joining a new team, take your time to find and read documentation, design docs, meeting notes, anything and everything that you can find that is lay around your company.

我的建议是,如果您要加入一个新团队,请花一些时间查找和阅读文档 ,设计文档,会议记录以及可以在公司周围找到的所有内容。

Reading documentation allows you to understand the context and history of how things became the way they are today. You can learn about why certain components are designed in a certain way, what were the requirements the engineers had to adhere to, what trade-offs were made in the design and many more.

阅读文档可以使您了解环境和历史,了解事物如何成为当今的样子。 您可以了解为什么以某种方式设计某些组件,工程师必须遵循哪些要求,在设计中进行了哪些权衡等等。

If you put in the time to read, I assure you that you can be the subject matter expert in no time.


书籍供进一步阅读 (Books for further reading)

Check out the tools ? I recommend for every aspiring software engineer on my website here: zhiachong.com/resources

看看工具吗? 我为我网站上的每个有抱负的软件工程师推荐:z hiachong.com/resources

Go to http://bit.ly/interviewcourses to read more about courses available for technical coding, system designs and more.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-become-a-rockstar-engineer-e785b09cc104/






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