

by Code Girl

通过Code Girl

如果您想谈论可访问性,那么我们需要谈论可读性问题。 (If you want to talk about Accessibility, then we need to talk about Readability issues.)

Before I became a web developer, I was a college professor, and my major during my doctoral program was language and literacy acquisition. That’s a technical way of saying I studied how we learn to read and write. I worked with struggling readers of all ages, specifically in middle school but adults as well.

在成为网络开发人员之前,我是一名大学教授,在攻读博士学位期间,我的专业是语言和读写能力。 这是我研究我们如何学习读写的一种技术手段。 我与各个年龄段苦苦挣扎的读者一起工作,特别是在中学时期,但也有成年人。

Did you know that the average reading level of adults living in the United States is between 7th and 8th grade, middle school level? It’s a sad fact. Further, people prefer to read about two grade levels below their reading level because it’s more comfortable.

您是否知道居住在美国的成年人的平均阅读水平在初中7至8年级之间? 这是一个可悲的事实。 此外,人们更喜欢阅读比他们的阅读水平低两个等级的水平,因为它更舒适。

When it comes to technical content, a person’s reading level dramatically lowers. They just can’t comprehend the unfamiliar technical vocabulary, complex sentence structure, and buzzwords that have no context to them.

当涉及到技术含量时,一个人的阅读水平会大大降低。 他们只是无法理解不熟悉上下文的陌生技术词汇,复杂的句子结构和流行词。

This is of critical importance for the content of whatever websites you are building. Your About section, FAQs, and Directions are generally written by members of a team that have a strong educational background, have a reading level between a high school and college level, and have substantial writing skills. In other words, what you are writing might not be comprehendible by your audience.

这对于您正在构建的任何网站的内容都至关重要。 您的“ 关于”部分,“ 常见问题解答”和“ 指导”通常是由具有良好教育背景,具有高中和大学水平的阅读水平并且具有丰富的写作技巧的团队成员编写的。 换句话说,您的写作可能不会被听众所理解。

When it comes to accessibility, you simply must be checking the readability of everything you want your audience to read and comprehend. And this is important to keep in mind for both native English speakers and non-native English speakers alike.

当涉及到可访问性时,您仅需检查您希望读者阅读和理解的所有内容的可读性。 对于以英语为母语的人和非以英语为母语的人来说,记住这一点很重要。

To illustrate this problem, I want to share with you an experience I had in the spring of this year. I volunteered to help a fabulous nonprofit organization, Bank on Atlanta, build their website (working on Phase 2 now). Their goal is to help low-income, low-literacy citizens learn about financial literacy, predatory lending, and safely securing their money.

为了说明这个问题,我想与您分享我今年春天的经验。 我自愿帮助了一个神话般的非营利组织亚特兰大的银行 ,建立了他们的网站(现在在第二阶段工作)。 他们的目标是帮助低收入,低文化素养的公民了解金融知识,掠夺性贷款并安全地获得其资金。

The website’s goal is to display key information since participants would be working directly with trained counselors. This is a link to Phase 1 of the website where the organization is described (embedded below). Take a minute and read this description. As you read, make a guess at the grade level of this passage.

该网站的目标是显示关键信息,因为参与者将直接与训练有素的辅导员合作。 这是网站第1阶段的链接,其中描述了该组织(嵌入在下面)。 花一点时间阅读此说明。 当您阅读时,请猜测该段落的年级水平。

Flesch阅读轻松度分数和Flesch-Kincaid成绩等级 (The Flesch Reading Ease Score and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level)

While there are many algorithms out there to assess readability, there are two main measures used to define readability: The Flesch Reading Ease Score and the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level.


The U.S. Department of Defense uses the Flesch Reading Ease Score for documents and forms. Florida uses it to evaluate insurance policies. The Armed forces uses the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level to assess technical manuals.

美国国防部将Flesch阅读轻松度分数用于文档和表格。 佛罗里达州使用它来评估保险单。 武装部队使用Flesch-Kincaid等级等级来评估技术手册。

These algorithms (embedded below) measure readability by examining the average length of sentences (measured by the number of words) and the average number of syllables per word (words with syllables of 3 or more are extremely difficult for struggling readers).


A higher score on the Flesch Reading Ease Score indicates ease of reading, so a score of 100 is ideal. This type of text gets to the point with short sentences, no words with more than 2 syllables, and no buzzwords. A score of 60–70 is considered an average score.

Flesch阅读轻松度分数越高,表示阅读越容易,因此100分是理想的。 这种类型的文本用短句子,没有超过两个音节的单词以及没有流行词来达到目的。 60–70的分数被认为是平均分数。

The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is used extensively in the field of education and uses the same measures as the Flesch Reading Ease Score. The difference is that instead of presenting a numerical score, a U.S. grade level is assigned to the passage which makes it easier for educators, parents, librarians and others to understand and address the student’s ability.

Flesch-Kincaid成绩等级在教育领域得到广泛使用,并采用与Flesch阅读轻松分数相同的方法。 所不同的是,美国英语成绩等级而不是呈现数字成绩,而是给该段落分配了美国成绩等级,这使教育工作者,父母,图书馆员和其他人员更容易理解和表达学生的能力。

What grade level did you guess for the Bank on Atlanta about passage?


The passage on the Bank on Atlanta site earned a score of 30.7 on the Flesch Reading Ease Score, meaning difficult to read. On the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, the passage earned a 14.2 level, meaning college level.

亚特兰大银行网站上的文章获得了Flesch Reading Ease分数30.7分,这意味着难以阅读。 在Flesch-Kincaid年级水平上,该段落获得了14.2水平,即大学水平。

As stated before, adults in this country have an average reading level between 7th and 8th grade, and the reading level of non-native English speakers varies greatly.


The diagram below clearly illustrates these results:


两个关键问题 (Two Key Problems)

To give you a picture of why this passage is so difficult, I will focus on two key issues.


The first problem is sentence length. The longer the sentence is, the more complexity you add to the sentence. Complex sentences may have multiple subjects, verbs, objects, not to mention embedded clauses and phrases, and tenses that may shift. When the reader struggles with word analysis and vocabulary skills, complicated sentence structures cause the reader frustration which may force them to stop reading.

第一个问题是句子长度。 句子越长,添加到句子的复杂度就越高。 复杂的句子可能具有多个主语,动词,宾语,更不用说嵌入的从句和短语以及可能会发生变化的时态。 当读者在单词分析和词汇技巧方面苦苦挣扎时,复杂的句子结构会使读者感到沮丧,这可能迫使他们停止阅读。

At a 7th or 8th-grade reading level, a comfortable number of words per sentence would be 13–16, but our passage’s average was between 20–22 (see diagram).


Polysyllabic words are words that have 3 or more syllables. These words tax the reader to decode (or sound out) the word as well as make meaning of the word at the same time. Understanding bases/roots and prefix/suffixes is an advanced skill, but the more syllables a word has, the more of these components are included.

多音节单词是具有3个或更多音节的单词。 这些单词使读者感到费解,以解码(或发声)该单词以及同时使其含义。 理解基数/词根和前缀/后缀是一项高级技能,但是单词的音节越多,其中包含的成分就越多。

Take, for example, a keyword from our passage “underbanked” — a 4 syllable word with three meaningful word parts: “under” (2 syllables), “bank”, and the ending “ed”. Worse, this is also a buzzword. It has no context for the reader.

例如,从我们的段落“ underbanked”中提取一个关键字,它是一个4个音节的单词,具有三个有意义的单词部分:“ under”(2个音节),“ bank”和结尾的“ ed”。 更糟糕的是,这也是一个流行语。 对于读者而言,它没有上下文。

The average percent of 3-syllable words for U.S. high school and adult readers is between 12–14%. The percent of 3-syllable words in this text is between 26–29%. This is extremely high (see diagram).

美国高中生和成人读者的3个音节单词的平均百分比在12-14%之间。 此文本中3个音节词的百分比在26-29%之间。 这是非常高的(请参见图)。

修订版 (Revisions)

Luckily, it’s easy to determine the reading level of a passage and analyze why it is difficult. It’s more challenging to revise a passage to lower the reading level rather than start when you are writing by paying attention to sentence length, polysyllabic words, and even buzzwords.

幸运的是,确定段落的阅读水平并分析其难点很容易。 修改段落以降低阅读水平而不是在写作时从头开始,要注意句子长度,多音节词甚至流行词,这更具挑战性。

Thankfully, Bank on Atlanta is committed to creating a website where all of their readers can comprehend the necessary information with ease.


By simply writing shorter but more sentences, eliminating polysyllabic words, and limiting buzzwords, their second draft was far more successful:


The first draft on the Bank on Atlanta site earned a score of 30.7 on the Flesch Reading Ease Score, which is difficult to read. On the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, the first draft earned a 14.2 level, meaning college level.

亚特兰大银行网站上的第一张草稿在Flesch Reading Ease评分中获得30.7分,这很难读。 在Flesch-Kincaid年级水平上,初稿获得14.2水平,即大学水平。

This second draft earned a 64.5, which is considered average, on the Flesch Reading Ease Scale, and a grade level of 8.4 on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level. This revision was a huge success!

该第二稿获得了Flesch Reading Ease量表的64.5,被认为是平均水平,而Flesch-Kincaid等级分的评分是8.4。 这次修订取得了巨大的成功!

Because our target audience are struggling readers, we have more revisions to make. At best, our passages should be at a 5th-grade reading level. But the point is that the team made readability a priority and we are making progress.

由于我们的目标受众是苦苦挣扎的读者,因此我们需要做出更多修改。 充其量,我们的文章应该处于五年级的阅读水平。 但是关键是团队将可读性作为优先考虑,而我们正在取得进步。

To determine the readability of passages on your websites, use this free tool. It will provide you with scores for both the Flesch Reading Ease Score and the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, and hopefully, you will make revisions based on your scores.

要确定您网站上文章的可读性,请使用此免费工具 。 它将为您提供Flesch阅读轻松度分数和Flesch-Kincaid成绩等级的分数,希望您会根据自己的分数进行修订。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/reading-accessibility-82d24841ac7e/






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