Stack Overflow 2018年对100,000名开发人员的调查得出的见解

by Quincy Larson

昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)

Stack Overflow 2018年对100,000名开发人员的调查得出的见解 (Insights from Stack Overflow’s 2018 survey of 100,000 developers)

This week Stack Overflow released the results of their annual developer survey.

本周Stack Overflow发布了他们的年度开发人员调查结果。

This year, they had more than 100,000 respondents, making this the world’s largest developer survey.


I’ve read through the results of the Stack Overflow survey and compiled the most interesting results right here in this article. (Just like I did in 2016 and 2017.)

我已经阅读了Stack Overflow调查的结果,并在本文中整理了最有趣的结果。 (就像我在2016年2017年所做的那样。)

So without further ado, here’s a lightning-fast snapshot of what the software development profession looks like in 2018.


软件开发领域由热情的新手主导 (The software development field is dominated by passionate newbies)

大多数专业开发人员相对较不熟悉编码。 55%的人已经编码了不到8年,而1/3的人已经编码了不到5年。 (Most professional developers are relatively new to coding. 55% have been coding for less than 8 years, and a 1/3 have been coding for less than 5 years.)
而且大多数开发人员都有不到5年的专业编程经验。 (And most developers have less than 5 years of professional experience coding.)
所有专业开发人员中将近一半也为开源做出了贡献。 (Nearly half of all professional developers also contribute to open source.)
几乎所有专业开发人员也喜欢编码。 (And almost all professional developers enjoy coding as a hobby as well.)
所有专业开发人员中有四分之一没有学士学位。 (A quarter of all professional developers don’t have a bachelor’s degree.)
在拥有学士学位的专业开发人员中,三分之一的专业与计算机科学或软件工程无关。 (And of the professional developers who have a bachelor’s degree, 1 in 3 have a major unrelated to computer science or software engineering.)
几乎所有专业开发人员都非正式地学习新技能-最常见的是通过在线课程和使用文档自学。 (Virtually all professional developers learn new skills informally — most commonly through online courses and teaching themselves using the documentation.)
大约1/4的开发人员参加了黑客马拉松-主要是因为它们很有趣。 (About 1/4 of developers participate in hackathons — mainly because they’re fun.)
许多开发人员在已经从事了全职工作之后参加了编码训练营,目的是提高他们的技能。 (Many developers attend coding bootcamps AFTER they already have a full time job, for the purpose of expanding their skills.)

招贤纳士 (Careers)

大多数开发人员全职为他人工作,其中约10%为自由职业者 。 目前只有5%想要工作的开发人员处于失业状态-就业统计数据好于几乎任何领域。 (Most developers work full-time for somebody else, and about 10% of them freelance. Only 5% of developers who want to work are currently unemployed — much better employment stats than pretty much any field.)
它们在广泛的行业中工作,其中许多行业超出了我们传统上认为的“技术”范围。 (They work in a wide range of industries — many of them outside of what we traditionally think of as “tech.”)
其中大多数是中小型公司。 开发人员拥有的经验越多,他们在大公司工作的可能性就越大。 (And most of them at small-to-medium-sized companies. The more experience a developer has, the more likely they are to work at a large company.)
他们是一个有野心的人。 从现在开始,只有五分之一的开发人员希望在5年后以相同的能力工作。 四分之一的开发人员渴望建立自己的公司。 (They’re an ambitious lot. Only 1 in 5 developers wants to be working in the same capacity 5 years from now. A quarter of developers aspire to start their own company.)
73%的开发人员对自己的职业选择感到满意。 (73% of developers are satisfied with their choice of careers.)

贸易工具 (Tools of the trade)

JavaScript是连续第六年使用最广泛的技术。 (JavaScript is the most widely-used technology for the 6th year in a row.)
JavaScript框架和库仍然是大多数开发人员的关键工具。 (And JavaScript frameworks and libraries remain key tools for most developers.)
SQL数据库仍然是最常用的。 今年,文档存储数据库MongoDB和键值存储数据库Redis都大受欢迎。 (SQL databases are still the most commonly used. Document store database MongoDB and key-value store database Redis both surged in popularity this year.)

软件开发中的多样性状况 (The State of Diversity in Software Development)

软件开发仍然以年轻人为主。 (Software development is still overwhelmingly dominated by young…)
没有孩子… (Childless…)
男人... (Men…)
谁有受过大学教育的父母。 (只有三分之一的美国人拥有本科学历,因此这表明存在社会流动性问题。) (Who have college-educated parents. (Only 1 in 3 Americans has a bachelor’s degree, so this suggests social mobility issues.))

These numbers are disappointing. It’s important to acknowledge where things are, and that a lot of work remains to be done here.

这些数字令人失望。 确认事物在哪里很重要,并且这里还有很多工作要做。

A lot of organizations are working toward making software development a more inclusive field — including the freeCodeCamp community and many of the nonprofits we support.

许多组织正在努力使软件开发成为一个更具包容性的领域, 包括freeCodeCamp社区和我们支持的许多非营利组织。

有关开发人员的其他有趣见解 (Other interesting insights about developers)

它们不像好莱坞所暗示的那样像吸血鬼。 (They aren’t as vampire-like as Hollywood would suggest.)
但是,他们确实将超过一半的醒着时间花在了计算机上。 (They do spend more than half of their waking life on a computer, though.)
这就是说,大多数开发人员都花时间进行常规锻炼。 (This said, most developers make time for regular exercise.)
开发人员对人工智能的未来非常乐观。 (Developers are overwhelmingly optimistic about the future of artificial intelligence.)
但是他们承认,最终负责AI安全的是开发人员。 (But they acknowledge that it is ultimately developers who are responsible for AI safety.)
大多数开发人员表示,他们将拒绝编写自己认为不道德的代码。 (Most developers said they would refuse to write code that they perceive to serve an unethical purpose.)
他们仍然说,将不道德的代码归咎于管理。 (Still, they say the blame for unethical code rests on management.)
开发人员绝大多数认为他们有义务考虑其代码的道德含义。 (Developers overwhelmingly believe they are obligated to consider the ethical implications of their code.)

I’m thrilled that Stack Overflow included questions about developer ethics in this year’s survey. This is an increasingly important issue — one that the freeCodeCamp community has discussed a lot this past year.

我很高兴Stack Overflow在今年的调查中包含有关开发人员道德的问题。 这是一个日益重要的问题-去年,freeCodeCamp社区对此进行了很多讨论。

If you’re curious about developer ethics, take a moment to read this article:


What do Uber, Volkswagen and Zenefits have in common? They all used hidden code to break the law.“No ethically-trained software engineer would ever consent to write a DestroyBaghdad procedure. Basic professional…

Uber,大众和Zenefits有什么共同点? 他们都使用隐藏的代码来触犯法律。 “没有受过道德训练的软件工程师会同意编写DestroyBaghdad程序。 基本专业...

And Bill Sourour — a developer who’s written software professionally for over 20 years — has created a series of guide articles on ethics:

Bill Sourour是一位从事软件开发工作超过20年的开发人员,他撰写了一系列有关道德的指南文章:

Developer EthicsDeveloper Ethics describes the field of ethics as it is applied to the behavior of software

开发人员道德 开发人员道德描述了适用于软件开发人员行为的道德领域。

Thanks for reading. If you have time, you can read through the full 2018 Stack Overflow survey results and share your insights in the comments section below.

谢谢阅读。 如果有时间,您可以通读完整的2018 Stack Overflow调查结果并在下面的评论部分中分享您的见解。

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我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。


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