

by Daragh Byrne

达拉·伯恩(Daragh Byrne)

过度思考,进化心理学和编程 (Overthinking, evolutionary psychology, and programming)

您的思想如何演变以确保您的安全-以及为什么您并不总是这样 (How your mind evolved to keep you safe — and why you don’t always feel that way)

My mind is my most important tool as a programmer. It’s the origin of every line of code I write. It’s the mechanism by which I understand the world (user requirements, infrastructure, team dynamics — there is literally nothing that I do as a programmer that doesn’t work through my mind).

我的思想是我作为程序员最重要的工具。 这是我编写的每一行代码的来源。 这是我了解世界的机制(用户需求,基础架构,团队动态-作为程序员,我所做的事情根本无法解决)。

I’ve realised more and more that, to be a competent programmer, I need to take care of my mind. It’s up to me to understand how it works, and why sometimes it doesn’t work as efficiently as I’d like.

我越来越意识到,要成为一名合格的程序员,我需要多加注意。 我需要了解它是如何工作的,以及为什么有时它不能像我想要的那样有效。

One of the biggest problems I face when my mind is out of whack is overthinking. My mind gets busy and cluttered, and I can’t see the wood for the trees. Without mental clarity, it gets hard to solve the problem I’m working on. I’ve spent a bit of time studying the problem.

当我头脑混乱时,我面临的最大问题之一就是思考过度。 我的头脑变得忙碌和混乱,我看不到树木的木头。 没有清晰的头脑,很难解决我正在研究的问题。 我花了一些时间研究这个问题。

I’ve found the perspective of evolutionary psychology really useful in getting to grips with my own mind, so I’m sharing what I’ve learned here.


I first published this article over at my site, CodingMindfully.com. I’d love to know what you think in the comments below

我首先在我的网站CodingMindfully.com上发布了这篇文章。 我很想知道您在以下评论中的想法

当我坐在这里打字时,我正在考虑我的手。 (As I sit here typing this, I’m contemplating my hands.)

Human hands are pretty amazing. There are 27 bones in each, connected to one another by a sophisticated set of connective tissue, all operated by a carefully collaborating cohort of muscles. The dexterity of a human hand is unmatched in any other animal — a huge reason for our success as a species.

人类的手真是太神奇了。 每个骨骼中有27根骨头,它们由一组精密的结缔组织相互连接,全部由精心协作的肌肉群进行操作。 人的手的灵巧性是其他任何动物所无法比拟的–这是我们作为物种成功的巨大原因。

As much as I make my living with my mind, my hands are equally important. They’re letting me type these words, for example. In the past, they’ve helped me set up technical equipment for experiments or IT projects. I’ve typed a LOT of code with these hands. They also let me do a huge variety of other things that do the general job of keeping me alive (no smirking at the back). Feeding myself. Creating. Crafting tools. Forming the foundation for exercises. Driving. Communicating.

我尽自己的全部努力,双手同样重要。 例如,他们让我输入这些单词。 过去,他们帮助我建立了用于实验或IT项目的技术设备。 我已经用这些手输入了很多代码。 他们还让我做很多其他事情,这些事情通常可以使我活着(不假笑)。 养活自己。 正在创建。 手工工具。 为锻炼奠定基础。 开车 交流中。

Hands are so perfect at what they do, and allow us to adapt to so many situations, it’s almost as if they were perfectly designed. In fact many people do. But this isn’t that sort of website!

双手是如此完美,使我们能够适应多种情况,几乎就像它们的设计完美无缺。 实际上很多人都这样做。 但这不是那种网站

The best scientific evidence of the last few hundred years clearly shows that we evolved from ancestor species. Evolution is a clean and well-tested way to explain the features of organisms found in nature. If you’d like to argue this, feel free to to skip this article, but it’s a viewpoint I’m happy to subscribe to, and have been for a looooooong time.

过去几百年来最好的科学证据清楚地表明,我们是从祖先物种进化而来的。 进化是一种干净且经过充分测试的方法,可以解释自然界发现的生物的特征。 如果您想对此进行辩论,请随时跳过本文,但这是我很乐意接受的观点,并且已经有很长一段时间了。

In evolutionary terms, a feature (or trait) of an organism that is useful to navigating its environment is an adaptation. Hands are an adaptation shared by a number of species because their utility allows them to do things other species can’t.

用进化论的术语来说,一种有机体的一种特征(或性状 ),可以帮助其在环境中航行,是一种适应 。 手是许多物种共享的一种适应,因为它们的实用性使它们能够做其他物种无法做的事情。

Human hands, with their incredibly refined range of motion and control, confer huge advantages to us not shared by other species — such as the ability to craft sophisticated tools.


你的思想思维是一种适应 (Your thinking mind is an adaptation)

Thinking is pretty amazing too. I love being able to think. But it wasn’t until around five years ago that I ever considered just why it is that I think.

思维也很棒。 我喜欢能够思考。 但是直到大约五年前,我才考虑过我为什么这样想

That’s when I discovered evolutionary psychology.


According to evolutionary psychology, the mind and its subtleties are adaptations that help us to survive and thrive in our environment. Every feature of your mental world is an adaptation concerned at a basic level with keeping you alive.

根据进化心理学,思维及其精妙之处是适应性的 ,可以帮助我们在环境中生存和繁荣。 您的精神世界的每个特征都是在使您保持生命的基础上进行的适应。

The most obvious way that your mind does this is by giving you killer problem solving abilities. You have the superpower to think your way out of (and in to!) tricky situations. You can do this using the power of abstract thought that eludes most other species.

您的思维方式最明显的方法就是为您提供解决问题的杀手级功能 。 您有超级能力思考如何摆脱棘手的情况。 您可以使用大多数其他物种都无法企及的抽象思想来做到这一点。

In times gone by, this might have been as simple as figuring out a safe way through a ravine to get to water or food at the other side. In more recent times, we’ve applied our ability to think in ever more sophisticated ways — for example, carrying out calculations that allow planes to fly, or figuring out how best to deploy the resources of a team in a company, or planning major construction projects, or attempting to understand the complexity of nature and the human body, or developing the software that powers our favourite websites. All of which further the existence of individuals and the species.

在过去的日子里,这可能很简单,只要想出一种安全的方法即可通过一条沟壑,到达另一边的水或食物。 在最近的一段时间里,我们运用了更复杂的方式进行思考的能力-例如,进行允许飞机飞行的计算,或者弄清楚如何最佳地部署公司中团队的资源,或者计划专业建设项目,或试图了解自然和人体的复杂性,或开发为我们最喜​​欢的网站提供支持的软件。 所有这些进一步促进了个体和物种的存在。

Thinking. Powerful stuff indeed!

思维。 确实功能强大!

The ability to think, when harnessed correctly, is a source of major benefits to humanity. But sometimes our capacity to plan, predict, calculate and create can work against us. Especially when it feels that that’s all we ever do!

正确利用思维能力是人类的主要利益之源。 但是有时候,我们的计划,预测,计算和创建能力可能会不利于我们。 特别是当感觉到这就是我们所做的一切!

过度思考 (The overthinking mind)

Sometimes, traits that have evolved in one environment can become a little less effective when the environment changes. This is known as maladaptation. In certain circumstances, the thinking mind can behave in a maladaptive manner.

有时,当环境改变时,在一种环境中进化的特质可能会变得不太有效。 这称为适应不良。 在某些情况下,有思想的头脑会表现出适应不良的行为。

There are two features of our current world that make our mind go into overdrive:


  1. The type of threat we’re faced with is, for the most part, imaginary. Many of us live safe lives, where problems like food, shelter and water are mostly solved. Yet our mind still desires to direct its problem solving capacity at something. It preoccupies itself with our day-to-day difficulties, which are usually not life threatening, and directs the full extent of its abilities at them.

    在大多数情况下,我们面临的威胁是虚构的。 我们许多人生活安全,大部分食物,住房和水等问题都得到解决。 然而,我们的思想仍然希望将其解决问题的能力指向某处。 它专心于我们的日常困难,而这些通常通常不会危及生命,并将全部能力用于解决这些困难。
  2. We’re bombarded with way, way more information than in the past, so our thinking, problem solving mind (which LOVES information) is overstimulated. This constant stimulation means we can magnify the severity of our problems, turning everyday situations into sources of stress and anxiety. We become overwhelmed with excessive thinking. Everything becomes a problem to be solved, or goal to be achieved. This can get pretty tiring!

    与过去相比,我们受到了更多方式的轰炸,因此我们过度思考,解决问题的思维(偏爱信息)被过度刺激。 这种不断的刺激意味着我们可以扩大问题的严重性,将日常情况变成压力和焦虑的根源。 我们被过多的思考所淹没。 一切都成为要解决的问题或要实现的目标。 这样会很累!

Thinking is just fine. Do lots of it, do it well, do it clearly.

思考就好。 做很多,做得好,做得清楚。

Overthinking, on the other hand, is often a sign of stress. It’s frequently experienced as racing thoughts, worst-case scenarios, living completely inside your head, or negative self-talk (for example, I’m a terrible programmer — often manifesting as impostor syndrome).

另一方面,过度思考通常是压力的征兆。 它经常出现在赛车思维,最坏的情况,完全生活在脑海中或负面的自我谈话中(例如,我是一个糟糕的程序员,常常表现为冒名顶替综合症 )。

Frequently, we’re thinking in terms of “should” or “must” or “have to”, putting enormous pressure on ourselves for things to be different from how they are now.


Which is no fun, and gets us nowhere!


Imaginary threats and information overload make us prone to overthinking. Since thinking is designed to solve problems, it can feel like EVERYTHING is a problem!

想象中的威胁和信息超载使我们易于思考。 由于思考是为了解决问题而设计的,因此感觉一切都成为问题!

The mind, which evolved to solve the problem of how to keep us alive — to help us to ensure our safety — is doing anything but! In fact, it can feel like we’re constantly UNSAFE — even when, objectively, we’re perfectly secure!

为了解决如何使我们保持生命(帮助我们确保我们的安全)的问题而发展起来的思想正在做什么! 实际上,即使我们客观上是绝对安全的,也可以感觉到我们一直在不安全感!

过度思考的解药 (The antidote to overthinking)

Since our mind’s major goal is our survival, it has a tendency to live in the future, scanning for possible threats to our existence; or indeed to dwell in the past, picking apart hurtful memories in order to learn how not to become involved in similar situations again.

由于我们思想的主要目标是我们的生存,因此它倾向于生活在未来 ,寻找可能威胁到我们生存的威胁。 或确实留在过去 ,将痛苦的回忆分开,以了解如何不再卷入类似的情况。

The antidote to a mind that is too consumed with thinking — with the past and the future — is to do something that connects us with the present. This gets us “out of the loop”, disengaging the thinking mind and allowing us to get a few moments of respite.

对思想,过去和未来都过于费解的思想的解药是做一些将我们与现在联系起来的事情。 这使我们“跳出循环”,使思维思维脱离了局面,让我们稍作喘息。

Thankfully, we have a variety of options to do this. Here are a few:

幸运的是,我们有多种选择可以做到这一点。 这里有一些:

  • Connect with our breathing. A few deep breaths can have a very calming effect.

    连接我们的呼吸。 深呼吸可以起到非常镇定的作用。
  • Engage in sensuality (for example, having a bath. Or enjoying the feel of clean sheets. Or the feel of the sun on your skin. Use your imagination).

  • Take the time to really, really listen to a piece of music. Become overwhelmed by it to the point that the mind calms down.

    花时间去真正地听音乐。 对此不知所措,以至于头脑平静下来。
  • Get into nature. Hug a tree, or take a walk in the park, or the wilderness. Gaze at the night sky and ponder the vastness of the universe.

    进入大自然。 拥抱一棵树,或在公园或旷野中散步。 凝视夜空,思考宇宙的广阔。
  • Do something creative. Access a different part of your brain.

    做一些有创意的事情。 进入大脑的另一部分。
  • Dance, exercise, yoga — all excellent ways to connect with the body rather than the mind.

  • My favourite way to connect with the present moment: meditation! Learning meditation is teaching yourself the skill of connecting with the present. Very useful when your mind is feeling unmanageable!

    我最喜欢的与当前时刻联系的方式:冥想! 学习冥想是在教自己与时俱进的技巧。 当您的大脑感觉难以控制时非常有用!

To summarise:


  • Your ability to think evolved to keep you safe and alive;

  • Your mind does this by thinking a lot about the past and the future;

  • It’s possible for the mind to get into a state where it’s thinking TOO MUCH about the past and the future — this can be uncomfortable or downright unpleasant;

  • Choosing to connect with the present moment can act as an antidote to overthinking. This can take practice, but there are a number of options, including meditation.

    选择与当前时刻保持联系可以充当过度思考的解毒剂。 这可以练习,但是有很多选择,包括冥想。

If you visit my site, and sign up for my list, I’ll send you four things completely free:


  1. The Ultimate Guide to Meditation for Programmers


  2. The Coding Burnout Checklist.


  3. The Impostor Syndrome Flashcard


  4. Three guided audio meditations


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-your-mind-evolved-to-keep-you-safe-and-why-you-dont-always-feel-that-way-d0c3bb4c87f3/






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