javascript 统计_我们为2017年最热门JavaScript项目编制了统计信息。

javascript 统计

by Sacha Greif

由Sacha Greif

我们为2017年最热门JavaScript项目编制了统计信息。 (We Compiled Stats for the Top JavaScript Projects of 2017. Here’s What We Learned.)

宣布2017年JavaScript新星 (Announcing 2017’s JavaScript Rising Stars)

Every morning at 6:00 a.m. Japan Time, there’s a tiny piece of code stored somewhere in the cloud. It wakes up, hits the GitHub API, and then goes back to sleep until the next day.

日本时间每天早晨6:00,云中都会存储一小段代码。 它醒来,点击GitHub API,然后回到睡眠状态直到第二天。

It then takes that GitHub data, compiles the number of stars for a pre-selected range of JavaScript projects, and then stores those stars in the database.


And then, once a year, we take all this accumulated data and use it to figure out the most popular JavaScript projects of the year, also known as the JavaScript Rising Stars.

然后,每年一次,我们收集所有这些累积的数据,并用它来找出一年中最受欢迎JavaScript项目,也称为JavaScript Rising Stars

Let’s see what we learned.


Vue.js再次排名第一 (Vue.js Is Number One (Again))

Just like last year, Vue.js is the JavaScript project that has accumulated the most new stars in 2017.


Now this doesn’t mean it’s the most popular project in terms of total number of stars (that would still be React, with 85,589 stars), but it does make it the fastest-growing two years in a row. And at that rate, Vue should overtake React in about six months!

现在这并不意味着它是恒星总数最受欢迎的项目(仍然是React ,拥有85,589颗恒星),但是它确实使其成为连续两年增长最快的项目。 以这样的速度,Vue应该在大约六个月内超越React!

Also be sure to check out our special write-up by none other than Vue creator Evan You himself!

另外,请务必查看由Vue创作者Evan You本人撰写的特别文章

React的优势在于其生态系统 (React‘s Strength Is Its Ecosystem)

Despite Vue’s success, React is doing great as well.


While React itself isn’t adding stars at quite the same rate (as should be expected for an older project), the true success story is the React ecosystem:


The five top projects have accumulated a collective total of 67.9k stars, vs 44.4k for the Vue ecosystem.


Also, now that all this license drama is behind it, the last major barrier to adoption for React may have fallen down. So it’ll be interesting to see how things evolve in 2018.

而且,既然所有这些许可戏都在后面,那么React采纳的最后一个主要障碍可能已经下降。 因此,看看2018年的事情将如何发展将会很有趣。

一个月内,包裹数量超过大多数项目一整年的数量 (Parcel Got More Stars In A Month Than Most Projects Do In a Whole Year)

You’d think that when it comes to yearly rankings, launching your project in December would pretty much destroy any chances of placing in the top 20.


Don’t tell that to Parcel though: it managed to accumulate over 14k stars in less than one month, shooting it straight to the #12 most popular project overall in 2017.

不过不要告诉Parcel :它在不到一个月的时间内就积累了超过1.4万颗恒星,并将其直接射向了2017年整体上最受欢迎的项目12。

Even more surprising: Parcel added more stars in a single month than category leader Webpack did in a whole year!


In fact Parcel’s success took us so much by surprise that we didn’t even have it in our database, and had to scramble to gather the data from other sources (thanks to our friends at!).


漂亮是每个人的最爱项目 (Prettier Is Everybody’s Favorite Project)

While everybody was busy trying to make Yet-Another-Front-End-Framework (but this time it’s functional!), the Prettier people decided to take on the real challenge of our times: tabs vs spaces.


And their answer is: who cares? With Prettier, you can use spaces, tabs, or poop emojis*, and Prettier will take care of formatting your code properly on save.

他们的答案是:谁在乎? 使用Prettier,您可以使用空格,制表符或便便表情符号*,并且Prettier将负责在保存时正确格式化代码。

It’s no wonder that Prettier came in #7. In fact, we decided to make it our own unofficial Project of the Year.

难怪Prettier排在第7位。 实际上,我们决定将其设为我们自己的年度非官方项目。

(Note: Prettier may or may not work with poop emojis. We haven’t actually tried this.)


前端战争结束了 (The Front-End Wars Are Over)

Despite our cheap shot at front-end frameworks, the truth is that there aren’t that many of them anymore.


Move past the classic top 3 (Vue, React, and Angular) and you quickly reach smaller, more niche projects like Preact, Hyperapp, and dva (which I have to confess I had never even heard about before).


While these all have their technical merits, they’re clearly not in the same category as the big three in terms of popularity and ecosystem.


And sure, more established frameworks like Ember are still solid alternatives, but they just don’t have the same kind of momentum anymore.


The result is that the front-end equation has a lot fewer parameters than it used to, which is good news for overworked CTO everywhere. At least, until the next wave of JavaScript hotness hits!

结果是前端方程式的参数比以前少得多,这对于各地劳累的CTO来说都是个好消息。 至少,直到下一波JavaScript热潮来临时!

“ VS代码”中的“ VS”代表“非常成功” (The “VS” in “VS Code” Stands For “Very Successful”)

VS Code crushed its competition to become not only the top JavaScript IDE of the year, but the #6 most popular project overall.

VS Code击败了竞争对手,不仅成为年度最佳JavaScript IDE,而且还是整体排名第六的最受欢迎的项目。

This confirms our previous State of JavaScript results, which showed that VS Code was now the #1 editor among JavaScript devs (and which caused me to migrate from Sublime Text to VS Code myself).

这证实了我们以前JavaScript结果 ,表明VS Code现在是JavaScript开发人员中排名第一的编辑器(这使我自己从Sublime Text迁移到VS Code)。

VS Code’s success story is interesting because it’s far from perfect: its UI has that Microsoft-y clunkiness that seems to infect all their products, it’s a big resource hog, and it can be kinda slow to initialize.

VS Code的成功故事很有趣,因为它远非完美:它的UI具有Microsoft-y笨拙的特性,似乎感染了所有产品,这是一个巨大的资源消耗,而且初始化起来可能有点慢。

Yet use VS Code for a little while, and these flaws stop being that significant. Instead, the IDE-like features, extensibility, and frequent updates translate into a direct productivity boost that makes it hard to imagine using anything else.

但是请使用VS Code一段时间,而这些缺陷就不再那么重要了。 取而代之的是,类似IDE的功能,可扩展性和频繁更新转化为直接的生产力提升,这使得难以想象使用其他任何东西。

And yep, it’s all JavaScript under the hood!


下一个是什么? (So What’s Next?)

Overall, this year’s Rising Stars paint a pretty reassuring picture. No major shake-ups, clear dominant players in most categories… could this finally be the end of JavaScript fatigue?

总的来说,今年的新星描绘了一幅令人放心的画面。 没有重大的变化,在大多数类别中都是明显的主导者……这是否最终会成为JavaScript疲劳的终结?

Even if it is, that doesn’t mean JavaScript will stand still.


趋势1:GraphQL万事俱备! (Trend 1: GraphQL All the Things!)

GraphQL may not be mainstream yet, but it has now built a solid foundation of libraries, services, and frameworks that could very well enable a breakout GraphQL-based project to explode next year.


In 2017 already, Gatsby (which uses GraphQL as part of its data layer) did quite well for itself, coming in at #25 in the overall rankings.

Gatsby (使用GraphQL作为其数据层的一部分)早在2017年就表现出色,在整体排名中排名第25位。

趋势2:原因季节 (Trend 2: Reason Season)

Why should you care about a project that only managed to accumulate a measly 2.1k stars over 2017? Because Reason is made my the same super-smart people that bought you React and GraphQL, in other words Facebook’s open-source division.

您为什么要关心一个在2017年仅累积了2.1万颗星星的项目? 因为Reason是让我成为与您购买React和GraphQL相同的超级人,换句话说就是Facebook的开源部门。

Reason is a language that compiles to JavaScript, which in itself is shaping up to be a big trend in the next coming years.


趋势3:更好的工具,以及更多 (Trend 3: Better Tooling, and More of it)

As the successes of Prettier, Parcel, and VS Code show, developers don’t just care about code: they also care about the stuff that helps you write code.

正如Prettier,Parcel和VS Code的成功所展示的那样,开发人员不仅在乎代码:他们还在乎有助于您编写代码的内容。

This may seem self-evident, but just browse through a couple job postings looking for a “Framework XYZ Developer” and you’ll see that our industry’s focus is still squarely on the “what” more than the “how.”

这似乎是不言而喻的,但是只要浏览几个招聘信息以寻找“ XYZ框架开发人员”,您就会发现我们行业的重点仍然是“什么”而不是“如何”。

Maybe 2017’s lesson is that it’s fine to want to reinvent the wheel, but it might also be worth it reinventing the hammer, saw, and chisel first.


敬请关注 (Stay Tuned)

If you haven’t had your JavaScript fix yet, check out for daily updated stats. You can also check out the State of JS survey for even more JavaScript numbers.

如果您尚未修复JavaScript,请查看BestOfJS.org以获取每日更新的统计信息。 您还可以查看JS状态调查,以获取更多JavaScript编号。

And finally, we’re also planning on launching a weekly BestOfJS recap newsletter which will automatically send out the latest stats ranking, so be sure to sign up for that if this sounds interesting.

最后,我们还计划每周发布BestOfJS概述新闻通讯 ,该通讯会自动发送最新的统计信息排名,因此,如果听起来有意思,请务必进行注册。

In the meantime, did we miss anything? Do you have your own predictions for 2018? Let us know in the comments!

同时,我们错过了什么吗? 您对2018年有自己的预测吗? 让我们在评论中知道!


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