

by ahmad abdolsaheb


如何使用随机游走算法对自己的程序地牢图生成器进行编码 (How to code your own procedural dungeon map generator using the Random Walk Algorithm)

As technology evolves and game contents become more algorithmically generated, it’s not difficult to imagine the creation of a life-like simulation with unique experiences for each player.


Technological breakthroughs, patience, and refined skills will get us there, but the first step is to understand procedural content generation.


Though many out-of-the-box solutions for map generation exist, this tutorial will teach you to make your own two-dimensional dungeon map generator from scratch using JavaScript.


There are many two-dimensional map types, and all have the following characteristics:


1. Accessible and inaccessible areas (tunnels and walls).


2. A connected route the player can navigate.


The algorithm in this tutorial comes from the Random Walk Algorithm, one of the simplest solutions for map generation.

本教程中的算法来自随机游走算法 ,它是地图生成的最简单解决方案之一。

After making a grid-like map of walls, this algorithm starts from a random place on the map. It keeps making tunnels and taking random turns to complete its desired number of tunnels.

绘制完网格状的墙图后,此算法从地图上的随机位置开始。 它不断制作隧道并随机转弯以完成所需数量的隧道。

To see a demo, open the CodePen project below, click on the map to create a new map, and change the following values:


  1. Dimensions: the width and height of the map.


  2. MaxTunnels: the greatest number of turns the algorithm can take while making the map.


  3. MaxLength: the greatest length of each tunnel the algorithm will choose before making a horizontal or vertical turn.


Note: the larger the maxTurn is compared to the dimensions, the denser the map will be. The larger the maxLength is compared to the dimensions, the more “tunnel-y” it will look.

注意: maxTurn与尺寸相比越大,地图将越密集。 与尺寸相比, maxLength越大,看起来越“隧道y”。

Next, let’s go through the map generation algorithm to see how it:


  1. Makes a two dimensional map of walls

  2. Chooses a random starting point on the map

  3. While the number of tunnels is not zero

  4. Chooses a random length from maximum allowed length

  5. Chooses a random direction to turn to (right, left, up, down)

  6. Draws a tunnel in that direction while avoiding the edges of the map

  7. Decrements the number of tunnels and repeats the while loop


  8. Returns the map with the changes


This loop continues until the number of tunnels is zero.


代码中的算法 (The Algorithm in Code)

Since the map consists of tunnel and wall cells, we could describe it as zeros and ones in a two-dimensional array like the following:


map = [[1,1,1,1,0],       [1,0,0,0,0],       [1,0,1,1,1],       [1,0,0,0,1],       [1,1,1,0,1]]

Since every cell is in a two-dimensional array, we can access its value by knowing its row and column such as map [row][column].

由于每个单元格都在二维数组中,因此我们可以通过了解其行和列(例如map [row] [column])来访问其值。

Before writing the algorithm, you need a helper function that takes a character and dimension as arguments and returns a two-dimensional array.


createArray(num, dimensions) {    var array = [];        for (var i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {       array.push([]);            for (var j = 0; j < dimensions; j++) {           array[i].push(num);            }        }        return array;  }

To implement the Random Walk Algorithm, set the dimensions of the map (width and height), themaxTunnels variable, and themaxLength variable.

要实现随机游走算法,请设置地图的尺寸​​(宽度和高度), maxTunnels变量和maxLength变量。

createMap(){ let dimensions = 5,      maxTunnels = 3,  maxLength = 3;

Next, make a two-dimensional array using the predefined helper function (two dimensional array of ones).


let map = createArray(1, dimensions);

Set up a random column and random row to create a random starting point for the first tunnel.


let currentRow = Math.floor(Math.random() * dimensions),           currentColumn = Math.floor(Math.random() * dimensions);

To avoid the complexity of diagonal turns, the algorithm needs to specify the horizontal and vertical directions. Every cell sits in a two-dimensional array and could be identified with its row and column. Because of this, the directions could be defined as subtractions from and/or additions to the column and row numbers.

为了避免对角线转弯的复杂性,该算法需要指定水平和垂直方向。 每个单元格都位于二维数组中,并可以通过其行和列进行标识。 因此,可以将方向定义为列号和行号的减去和/或增加。

For example, to go to a cell around the cell [2][2], you could perform the following operations:

例如,要转到单元格[2] [2]周围的单元格,可以执行以下操作:

  • to go up, subtract 1 from its row [1][2]

    向上 ,从其行[1] [2]中减去1

  • to go down, add 1 to its row [3][2]

    向下移动 ,在其行[3] [2]上加1

  • to go right, add 1 to its column [2][3]

    右移 ,请在其列[2] [3]中添加1

  • to go left, subtract 1 from its column [2][1]

    向左走 ,在其列[2] [1]中减去1

The following map illustrates these operations:


Now, set the directions variable to the following values that the algorithm will choose from before creating each tunnel:


let directions = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]];

Finally, initiate randomDirection variable to hold a random value from the directions array, and set the lastDirection variable to an empty array which will hold the older randomDirection value.

最后,启动randomDirection 变量以保存lastDirection数组中的随机值,并将lastDirection变量设置为一个空数组,该数组将保留较旧的randomDirection 值。

Note: the lastDirection array is empty on the first loop because there is no older randomDirection value.


let lastDirection = [],     randomDirection;

Next, make sure maxTunnel is not zero and the dimensions and maxLengthvalues have been received. Continue finding random directions until you find one that isn’t reverse or identical to lastDirection. This do while loop helps to prevent overwriting the recently-drawn tunnel or drawing two tunnels back-to-back.

接下来,确保maxTunnel不为零,并且已经接收到维度和maxLength值。 继续寻找随机方向,直到找到与lastDirection反向或相同的lastDirection 。 这种do while循环有助于防止覆盖最近绘制的隧道或背对背绘制两个隧道。

For example, if your lastTurn is [0, 1], the do while loop prevents the function from moving forward until randomDirection is set to a value that is not [0, 1] or the opposite [0, -1].

例如,如果lastTurn为[0,1],则do while循环将阻止函数向前移动,直到randomDirection设置为非[0,1]或相反的[0,-1]的值为止。

do {         randomDirection = directions[Math.floor(Math.random() * directions.length)];      } while ((randomDirection[0] === -lastDirection[0] &&              randomDirection[1] === -lastDirection[1]) ||          (randomDirection[0] === lastDirection[0] &&            randomDirection[1] === lastDirection[1]));

In the do while loop, there are two main conditions that are divided by an || (OR) sign. The first part of the condition also consists of two conditions. The first one checks if the randomDirection’s first item is the reverse of the lastDirection’s first item. The second one checks if the randomDirection’s second item is the reverse of the lastTurn’s second item.

在do while循环中,有两个主要条件由||除。 (OR)标志。 条件的第一部分还包括两个条件。 第一个检查是否randomDirection的第一项是相反lastDirection 第一项。 第二个检查是否randomDirection的第二项是相反lastTurn的第二项。

To illustrate, if the lastDirection is [0,1] and randomDirection is [0,-1], the first part of the condition checks if randomDirection[0] === — lastDirection[0]), which equates to 0 === — 0, and is true.

为了说明这一点,如果lastDirection为[0,1]且randomDirection为[0,-1],则条件的第一部分将检查randomDirection [0] === — lastDirection [0])是否等于0 == = — 0,并且为true。

Then, it checks if (randomDirection[1] === — lastDirection[1]) which equates to (-1 === -1) and is also true. Since both conditions are true, the algorithm goes back to find another randomDirection.

然后,它检查是否等于(-1 === -1)的( randomDirection [1] === — lastDirection [1])是否成立。 由于两个条件都成立,因此该算法返回以查找另一个randomDirection

The second part of the condition checks if the first and second values of both arrays are the same.


After choosing a randomDirection that satisfies the conditions, set a variable to randomly choose a length from maxLength. Set tunnelLength variable to zero to server as an iterator.

选择满足条件的randomDirection后,设置一个变量以从maxLength随机选择一个长度。 将tunnelLength变量设置为零,以便服务器作为迭代器。

let randomLength = Math.ceil(Math.random() * maxLength),           tunnelLength = 0;

Make a tunnel by turning the value of cells from one to zero while the tunnelLength is smaller than randomLength. If within the loop the tunnel hits the edges of the map, the loop should break.

tunnelLength小于randomLength通过将像元的值从1变为零来tunnelLength randomLength 如果在环路内,隧道撞到了地图的边缘,则环路应断开。

while (tunnelLength < randomLength) {  if(((currentRow === 0) && (randomDirection[0] === -1))||      ((currentColumn === 0) && (randomDirection[1] === -1))||     ((currentRow === dimensions — 1) && (randomDirection[0] ===1))|| ((currentColumn === dimensions — 1) && (randomDirection[1] === 1)))    { break; }

Else set the current cell of the map to zero using currentRow and currentColumn. Add the values in the randomDirection array by setting currentRow and currentColumn where they need to be in the upcoming iteration of the loop. Now, increment the tunnelLength iterator.

否则,使用currentRowcurrentColumn.将地图的当前单元格设置为零currentColumn. 通过设置currentRowcurrentColumn在循环的即将到来的迭代中需要的位置,将这些值添加到randomDirection数组中。 现在,增加tunnelLength迭代器。

else{   map[currentRow][currentColumn] = 0;   currentRow += randomDirection[0];  currentColumn += randomDirection[1];   tunnelLength++;  } }

After the loop makes a tunnel or breaks by hitting an edge of the map, check if the tunnel is at least one block long. If so, set the lastDirection to the randomDirection and decrement maxTunnels and go back to make another tunnel with another randomDirection.

循环通过敲打地图的边缘制作隧道或破坏隧道后,检查隧道是否至少有一个街区长。 如果是这样,请将lastDirection设置为randomDirection并递减maxTunnels ,然后返回以使用另一个randomDirection创建另一个隧道

if (tunnelLength) {  lastDirection = randomDirection;  maxTunnels--; }

This IF statement prevents the for loop that hit the edge of the map and did not make a tunnel of at least one cell to decrement the maxTunnel and change the lastDirection. When that happens, the algorithm goes to find another randomDirection to continue.

此IF语句可防止for循环触及地图的边缘,并且不会在至少一个单元格的通道上减小maxTunnel并更改lastDirection 。 发生这种情况时,算法将继续查找另一个randomDirection

When it finishes drawing tunnels and maxTunnels is zero, return the resulting map with all its turns and tunnels.


} return map;};

You can see the complete algorithm in the following snippet:


Congratulations for reading through this tutorial. You are now well-equipped to make your own map generator or improve upon this version. Check out the project on CodePen and on GitHub as a react application.

祝贺您通读本教程。 现在您已经具备了制作自己的地图生成器或在此版本上进行改进的能力。 检出CodePenGitHub上的项目作为React应用程序。

Don’t forget to share your projects in the comments section. If you liked this project, please give it some claps and following me for similar tutorials.

不要忘记在评论部分共享您的项目。 如果您喜欢这个项目,请给它一些鼓掌,并跟随我获得类似的教程。

Special thanks to Tom (@moT01 on Gitter) for co-writing this article.

特别感谢Tom( Gitter上的@ moT01)共同撰写本文。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-make-your-own-procedural-dungeon-map-generator-using-the-random-walk-algorithm-e0085c8aa9a/






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