raspberry pi_Raspberry Pi刚满5岁。这是世界上最小的业余爱好者计算机的简要历史。...

raspberry pi

by Terren Peterson

由Terren Peterson

Raspberry Pi刚满5岁。这是世界上最小的业余爱好者计算机的简要历史。 (Raspberry Pi just turned 5. Here’s a brief history of the world’s tiniest hobbyist computer.)

Raspberry Pi just turned five years old. In this short period of time, twelve million of these devices have been sold, enabling countless maker projects around the world.

Raspberry Pi刚满五岁。 在很短的时间内,这些设备已经售出了1200万个,从而使全球无数制造商项目成为可能。

Let’s walk through the evolution of these devices, and explore how they can be used on projects.


在一开始的时候… (In the beginning…)

The first generation of the Raspberry Pi devices came out in 2012. You could fit one on a 3" x 2" card (not including protrusions from add-ons). They used a standard SD card as their local drive, and featured two USB ports.

第一代Raspberry Pi设备于2012年问世。您可以将其安装在3英寸x 2英寸的卡上(不包括附加组件的突出部分)。 他们使用标准SD卡作为本地驱动器,并具有两个USB端口。

The price point was extremely low (initial targets were $35 and $25 for just the Pi). Hobbyists like me quickly snapped them up and got started on Internet of Things projects.

价格极低(Pi的初始目标价格分别为35美元和25美元)。 像我这样的业余爱好者Swift将他们抢购一空,并开始从事物联网项目。

Users like me quickly realized that you needed a number of hardware extensions before you could get the device onto a wireless network — or to even connect it to a keyboard and mouse. You also wanted to mount it inside a durable case to prevent wear and tear on the board.

像我这样的用户很快意识到,在将设备连接到无线网络之前,甚至需要将其连接到键盘和鼠标,都需要大量硬件扩展。 您还希望将其安装在耐用的外壳内,以防止电路板上的磨损。

We purchased our first one for Christmas in 2013. My daughter and I used it for her science project, which involved creating an LED alarm that could detect when an intruder ventured near her Minecraft castle. The device supported scripting in Python, and all of the relevant extensions to make remote HTTP/S calls using the Minecraft SDK.

我们于2013年圣诞节购买了第一枚。我和我的女儿将其用于她的科学项目,该项目涉及创建一个LED警报,可以检测到入侵者何时在她的Minecraft城堡附近冒险。 该设备支持Python脚本编写以及所有相关扩展,以使用Minecraft SDK进行远程HTTP / S调用。

第二代 (Generation 2)

Raspberry Pi added major improvements to their second generation, which they released in early 2015. This included a doubling of the number of USB ports. This eliminated the need for a USB hub. Instead, you could plug a wireless adapter, keyboard, and mouse all directly into the device at the same time.

Raspberry Pi在2015年初发布的第二代产品中进行了重大改进。其中包括USB端口数量增加了一倍。 这消除了对USB集线器的需要。 相反,您可以同时将无线适配器,键盘和鼠标直接插入设备。

To make way for an expansion of GPIO pins, they removed the little-used RCA and 3.5mm ports and added a smaller microSD card for the local drive. They upgraded the onboard CPU from a single to a quad core, expanding the processing capabilities of the device.

为了扩展GPIO引脚,他们删除了很少使用的RCA和3.5mm端口,并为本地驱动器添加了一个较小的microSD卡。 他们将板载CPU从单核升级到了四核,从而扩展了设备的处理能力。

While the visual changes to the device were small, these were major upgrades were all based on the community’s usage and feedback.


In experimenting with this next generation of device, I found that the GPIO pins were great for running sensors. The size and power were ideal for indoor gardening projects, too.

在试验下一代设备时,我发现GPIO引脚非常适合运行传感器。 尺寸和功率也是室内园艺项目的理想选择。

I could use a single unit mounted within my experiment to record humidity, temperature, and soil moisture content. I could also capture time-lapse photos by adding a camera, then upload all of the data to the Cloud for processing and pushing out to a website.

我可以使用安装在实验中的单个单元来记录湿度,温度和土壤湿度。 我还可以通过添加相机来捕获延时照片,然后将所有数据上传到云端进行处理,然后发布到网站。

I could also use the GPIO pins to control relays that instruct motors to turn off and on. This could be very useful when building a voice enabled pitching machine like the one in the video below.

我还可以使用GPIO引脚来控制继电器,这些继电器指示电机关闭和打开。 当构建具有声音功能的投球机(如以下视频中的那种)时,这可能非常有用。

缩小到零 (Shrinking to Zero)

Raspberry Pi released a second line in late 2015: the Raspberry Pi Zero. The target price dropped as well, with $5 being the new standard (although it was difficult to find a retailer with them at stock.)

Raspberry Pi在2015年下半年发布了第二款产品:Raspberry Pi Zero。 目标价格也下降了,新的标准为5美元(尽管很难找到有库存的零售商。)

While the Zero didn’t have the same number of ports — just one micro USB — it did have a massive advantage in size and power consumption. It weighed in at just 9 grams, and the board was just one-third the size. It continued to support the addition of a camera, and the operating system was the same as with the larger models.

虽然Zero没有相同数量的端口(只有一个micro USB),但是在尺寸和功耗上却具有巨大优势。 它的重量仅为9克,木板的尺寸仅为三分之一。 它继续支持添加摄像头,并且操作系统与大型机型相同。

The Zero’s power consumption was less than a Watt, enabling it to draw minimal power from either a direct USB power source or a local battery. While the Model B had gotten more powerful, it also was drawing up to 4 Watts — more than double the initial model. This could be a limiter when doing remote data collection in situations where a steady source of power wasn’t available.

Zero的功耗小于1瓦,从而使其可以从直接USB电源或本地电池汲取最少的功率。 虽然Model B的功能越来越强大,但功耗却高达4瓦,是初始型号的两倍多。 在没有稳定电源的情况下进行远程数据收集时,这可能是一个限制因素。

The reduction in size allowed for the device to be hidden easier in Internet of Things projects, including this image recognition system I built for monitoring my coffee bean supply.


下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

As part of their five year anniversary, Raspberry Pi just announced a new wireless version of the Zero with a price point of just $10! Looking at the photo above, it’s easy to see the benefit. Given that wireless connectors need a USB port, you need an adapter so large that it can make the small device look awkward with projects like this.

作为其成立五周年的一部分,Raspberry Pi 刚刚宣布了价格为$ 10的全新无线零版本! 看上面的照片,很容易看到好处。 鉴于无线连接器需要一个USB端口,因此您需要一个很大的适配器,以使小型设备在此类项目中显得笨拙。

The latest version puts the WiFi connection on the board itself, eliminating the need for a dongle and the extra expense of a separate WiFi adapter.


My guess is that the next version will upgrade to a multi-core CPU to handle greater processing. There’s parity with most of the other capabilities of the larger model, so you might not need to many other add-ons.

我的猜测是下一个版本将升级到多核CPU,以处理更大的处理量。 与大型模型的大多数其他功能具有同等的功能,因此您可能不需要许多其他附加组件。

The number of uses for these devices are limitless. They will surely stay in high demand.

这些设备的使用次数是无限的。 他们肯定会保持高需求。

Thanks for reading. I hope you get to experiment with a Raspberry Pi soon.

谢谢阅读。 我希望您能尽快尝试使用Raspberry Pi。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/raspberry-pi-just-turned-5-d4210cc29230/

raspberry pi





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