

by Joe Hanson


您的用户渴望即时满足。 那你怎么给他们呢? (Your users crave instant gratification. So how do you give it to them?)

We want it, and we want it 10 minutes ago.


We want it with no friction, no barriers, and most importantly, without talking to a human. If we don’t get it, we feel anxious. And this feeling has crept into our daily life.

我们希望它没有摩擦,没有障碍,最重要的是,无需与人类交谈。 如果我们不明白,我们会感到焦虑。 这种感觉已经渗透到我们的日常生活中。

There’s a reason why listicles outperform long form. We want all the information now. There’s a reason we won’t even watch a YouTube video if it includes a 30-second ad. We want that video now. When our Uber or our Halal Guys Chicken Platter is late, or we are unable to track the driver in realtime, we lose it.

有一个原因使listlists胜过长格式。 我们现在需要所有信息。 如果有一个30秒的广告,我们甚至都不会观看YouTube视频,这是有原因的。 我们现在要那个视频。 如果我们的Uber或我们的Halal Guys Chicken Platter迟到了,或者我们无法实时跟踪驾驶员,我们将失去它。

Why? It’s embedded deep in the human psyche. As Neil Patel puts it:

为什么? 它深深地嵌入了人类的心灵。 正如尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)所说

In most psychological models, humans are believed to act upon the “pleasure principle.” The pleasure principle is basically the driving force that compels human beings to gratify their needs, wants, and urges. These needs, wants, and urges can be as basic as the need to breathe, eat, or drink. But they can be as complex as the “need” for an iPhone 6 or some other cool new product.
在大多数心理学模型中,人类被认为是按照“愉悦原则”行事的。 享乐原则基本上是迫使人们满足其需求,欲望和敦促的动力。 这些需求,欲望和冲动与呼吸,进食或喝水的需求一样基本。 但是它们可能与iPhone 6或其他一些很棒的新产品的“需求”一样复杂。

超越人的心灵,走向商业 (Beyond the Human Psyche and Into Business)

If not already there, businesses are beginning to pivot towards instant gratification, the emotion that comes from being delivered a service or piece of information when the user demands it across every vertical and industry.


Deliver the data, the product, or the experience when the user requests it.


Take the on-demand economy. The masses are armed with smartphones and munitioned with applications. And as a result, that accessibility to technology has made the on-demand economy an appendage of how we operate on a daily basis.

以点播经济为例。 群众配备了智能手机,并携带了各种弹药。 结果,技术的可获取性使按需经济成为了我们日常运营的附庸。

You can literally have somebody else do anything for you with the push of a button. Do your laundry. Deliver your groceries. Pick up your child from school. Take your dog out to poo. The on-demand economy has revolutionized urban centers and rural areas alike, across the globe. And it’s only growing as new apps flood the market to solve problems that are both minuscule and mission critical to life.

您可以按一下按钮,让其他人为您做任何事情。 洗衣服。 运送杂货。 从学校接您的孩子。 带你的狗去便便。 按需经济已经在全球范围内彻底改变了城市中心和农村地区。 而且,随着新应用程序涌入市场以解决对生活至关重要的微小问题和关键任务的问题,它只会不断增长。

The on-demand economy is just one example of businesses driven by the sensation of instant gratification, but it’s not just about delivering a good or service in a short period of time. It transcends that. It’s about delivering something (like an experience or bit of information) when the user requests it.

按需经济只是受到即时满足感驱动的业务的一个示例,但不仅仅是在短时间内交付商品或服务。 它超越了那个。 这是关于提供某些东西 (例如经验或一些信息) 当用户请求时。

This is huge. One of the promises of the Internet of Things is the instantaneous delivery of data from devices to other devices or end users. You can know immediately if your door is locked, your sprinklers are leaking, or your baby is crying. In a nutshell, successful businesses of the present and future are built on the sensation of instant gratification.

这是巨大的。 物联网的承诺之一是将数据从设备即时传输到其他设备或最终用户。 您可以立即知道门是否被锁住,洒水器漏水或婴儿在哭 。 简而言之,当前和未来的成功业务都建立在即时满足感上。

The next question, how will businesses deliver it, and what does the future hold?


推动即时满足的底层技术 (The Underlying Technology That Drives Instant Gratification)

Delivering instant gratification is no easy task, and requires a combination of underlying technologies, especially when it comes to scaling the application or service. However, as the technologies improve and more players enter the game, it’s getting easier, and more innovative.

交付即时满足绝非易事,需要基础技术的结合,尤其是在扩展应用程序或服务时。 但是,随着技术的进步和更多玩家的参与,游戏变得越来越容易,也更具创新性。

There are three major pieces — the UI/UX, the serverless infrastructure, and the streaming. What will the users interact with, and how do we deliver the experience to them?

它由三部分组成-UI / UX,无服务器基础结构和流式传输。 用户将与之互动,以及我们如何向他们提供体验?


A beautiful and easy-to-operate user interface, and the experience it creates for the user is a driving force for instant gratification. There’s been a massive surge in innovative, beautiful APIs and platforms to build interactive UI/UX for web, mobile and Internet of Things apps. And even better, the best ones play nice with other APIs and platforms, creating a beautiful harmony of interworking functions. These APIs and platforms are what the user consumes and craves more of.

美观且易于操作的用户界面,以及为用户创造的体验,是即时满足的动力。 为构建用于Web,移动和物联网应用程序的交互式UI / UX,创新,美观的API和平台迅猛发展。 更好的是,最好的应用程序可以与其他API和平台配合使用,从而实现交互功能的完美和谐。 这些API和平台是用户消耗并渴望更多的东西。

In looking at UI, take Mapbox for example. Mapbox is an incredibly flexible mapping platform that not only provides beautiful “pixel-perfect vector maps,” but a slew of mapping and geolocation APIs to power directions, navigation, geohashing, geocoding, and more. At a developer’s fingertips is a powerful, scalable solution to do just what their homepage does make maps that move you.

在查看UI时,以Mapbox为例。 Mapbox是一个非常灵活的地图平台,不仅提供精美的“像素完美的矢量地图”,而且还提供大量的地图和地理定位API,可用于指示方向,导航,地理哈希,地理编码等。 开发人员触手可及的是一种功能强大且可扩展的解决方案,该解决方案可以执行他们的主页所做的使您感到震惊的地图

Less sexy than Mapbox, but equally important, are a steady stream of APIs and services that power the user experience. You may not know that they’re there (and if you don’t, that means they’re doing a good job). These services power a small piece of the user experience, and focus on just that.

稳定的API和服务流不如Mapbox性感,但同等重要,它为用户带来了强大的体验。 您可能不知道他们在那里(如果您不这样做,则意味着他们做得很好)。 这些服务为一小部分用户体验提供了动力,并专注于此。

Stripe handles billions of dollars a year, and offers a wide-variety of online payment APIs. Stripe is the reason that when you get out of your Uber or Lyft, your fare is paid. And your food delivery is covered.

Stripe每年要处理数十亿美元,并提供各种各样的在线支付API。 条纹是当您离开Uber或Lyft时要支付车费的原因。 并且您的食物交付被盖。

A seamless user experience, with a delightful user interface, to fulfill the instant gratification, is the result of dozens of interworking APIs, services, and platforms. Some you see, some you don’t, but all contribute to the instant gratification.

数十种互通的API,服务和平台的结果是,无缝的用户体验和令人愉悦的用户界面可满足即时满足。 有些人看到了,有些人看不到,但都有助于即时满足。

实时流/数据推送 (Realtime Streaming / Data Push)

Beautiful user interfaces are nothing without good data. By good data, I mean getting the data where it needs to go, when the user wants it. It’s the glue that holds everything together, and the means behind delivering the instant gratification — instantly.

没有良好的数据,漂亮的用户界面将一无所有。 所谓好的数据,是指在用户需要的时候将数据存放在需要存放的地方。 这是将所有东西粘合在一起的胶水,以及即时提供即时满足感的背后手段。

At its core, this is done by sending and receiving small packets of data (most commonly JSON) through data centers from one place to another. And it’s important to note that data streaming is bi-directional, not one-way, so data flows seamlessly between any number of publishers to any number of subscribers and vice versa. You can break it down into two types of realtime interaction:

从本质上讲,这是通过数据中心从一处到另一处发送和接收小数据包(最常见的JSON)来完成的。 需要特别注意的是,数据流是双向的,而不是单向的,因此数据在任意数量的发布者之间流向任意数量的订户,反之亦然。 您可以将其分为两种类型的实时交互:

Streaming: the instantaneous transfer of data as it changes, in realtime. This could be streaming geocoordinates of a driver or package and publishing the location data on a live-updating map, an alert confirmation an order or proof of purchase in the form of a push notification or web alert, or an updated weather reading on an IoT sensor.

流:实时更改数据,实时传输。 这可以是流式传输驾驶员或包裹的地理坐标,然后将位置数据发布在实时更新的地图上,以推送通知或网络警报的形式通过警报确认订单或购买证明,或在IoT上更新天气信息传感器。

Data Push: sending a single message to any number of subscribers. This could be sending chat messages between users or triggering a device action, such as turning on a connected lightbulb via a mobile app.

数据推送:向任何数量的订户发送一条消息。 这可能是在用户之间发送聊天消息或触发设备操作,例如通过移动应用程序打开连接的灯泡。

Data streaming and data push is really at the heart of instant gratification. Users crave that updated data is it changes, and these protocols, and the infrastructure behind it, is what delivers it.

数据流和数据推送确实是即时满足的核心。 用户渴望更新的数据可以更改,而这些协议以及其背后的基础结构就是交付数据的源泉。

There are both open-source and hosted solutions for doing this. The main difference is that with open-source options, you’ve got the core protocol, but you’re responsible for servers, failover, device support, security, and more. Some examples include WebSockets, REST, and Socket.IO.

既有开源解决方案,也有托管解决方案。 主要区别在于,使用开源选项时,您具有核心协议,但您负责服务器,故障转移,设备支持,安全性等。 一些示例包括WebSockets,RESTSocket.IO

Hosted-solutions provide the data streaming protocols (and in some cases, additional realtime functionality), but also handle the infrastructure behind the scenes. Some examples include PubNub and Pusher.

托管解决方案提供了数据流协议(在某些情况下还提供了附加的实时功能),而且还处理了幕后的基础结构。 一些示例包括PubNubPusher

(无服务器)基础架构 ((Serverless) Infrastructure)

The infrastructure of the instant gratification engine is at the base of everything. It’s the cloud providers and the data centers. It’s the logging, provisioning, routing, load balancing development, deployment, and everything in between. And paramount to each of these areas is security and reliability. And this is now an expectation of apps everywhere today.

即时满足引擎的基础架构是一切的基础。 是云提供商和数据中心。 它是日志记录,供应,路由,负载平衡开发,部署以及介于两者之间的所有内容。 而这些领域中最重要的是安全性和可靠性。 现在,这是当今无处不在的应用程序的期望。

A key aspect of this is the affordability of it, and it’s why so many on-demand companies are able to come out of nowhere and disrupt a market. Services like Amazon EC2 let you rent servers and pay only for what you use. It may seem like a no-brainer, but this gives companies big and small enterprise grade servers, affordable no matter what size their company is.

它的一个关键方面是它的可承受性,这就是为什么这么多按需公司能够脱颖而出并扰乱市场的原因。 诸如Amazon EC2之类的服务使您可以租用服务器并仅按使用量付费。 看起来似乎很容易,但这给公司提供了大小不等的企业级服务器,无论公司的规模如何。

And this is what’s led to the rise of serverless, which is a bit of a misnomer in itself, but has been all the buzz lately. Serverless isn’t servers not being needed anymore, but rather developers not having to worry about servers, because they can outsource all that to a 3rd party and focus on developing, not sysops. As a result, we have teams able to build globally scalable apps at a fraction of the speed, without having to invest headcount and resources into infrastructure.

这就是导致serverles兴起的原因,这本身有点用词不当,但最近引起了广泛关注。 无服务器不再不再需要服务器,而是开发人员不必担心服务器,因为他们可以将所有资源外包给第三者并专注于开发而不是sysop。 因此,我们的团队能够以很小的速度构建可全球扩展的应用程序,而不必在基础架构上投入人员和资源。

展望—人工智能 (Looking Forward — Artificial Intelligence)

Still in its early days, but guaranteed to be a big player is the growing adoption of AI, and how it can enhance instant gratification. Right now, we’ve got easily accessible AI that act as a personal assistant, coordinating meetings via email, so users don’t have to play email tag and wait hours or days to schedule a meeting.

仍处于起步阶段,但可以肯定的是,随着AI的日益普及以及AI如何增强即时满足感,它必将成为重要的参与者。 目前,我们已经可以轻松访问充当个人助理的 AI,并通过email协调会议 ,因此用户无需播放电子邮件标签,也无需等待数小时或数天即可安排会议。

But AI will continue to advance and become a core part of the on-demand economy, and delivering instant gratification. IBM Watson is rolling out dozens of easily accessible innovative APIs to process inputs and deliver outputs in seconds. Watson, for example, can analyze a conversation for user sentiment and respond accordingly.

但是,人工智能将继续发展,并成为按需经济的核心部分,并立即带来满足感。 IBM Watson将推出数十种易于访问的创新API,以在几秒钟内处理输入并交付输出。 例如,沃森(Watson)可以分析对话以了解用户的情绪并做出相应的响应

Taking humans out of the loop on tasks that are simple, but require the end user to wait, will be huge going forward. Expect chatbots and virtual assistants first, and more advanced AI services (Amazon Drones anyone?) further down the road.

在简单但需要最终用户等待的任务上将人员带出循环将是巨大的进步。 首先,希望有聊天机器人和虚拟助手,以及更先进的AI服务(Amazon Drones有人吗?)。

So the question is, what will we deliver instantly next?


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/we-want-instant-gratification-how-do-we-deliver-it-ce3c4067a9ac/






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