

by Catherine Kim

凯瑟琳·金(Catherine Kim)

为什么我离开一家著名的大型律师事务所,成为一家初创公司的客户经理 (Why I left a big, prestigious law firm to become an account manager at a startup)

I spent over ten years as a highly paid (and very comfortable) patent prosecution paralegal at three different big-name, prestigious law firms in California. Then seven months ago, I made the decision to call it quits. This left many of my friends scratching their heads.

我在加利福尼亚州的三个著名的著名律师事务所从事高薪(非常舒适)的专利起诉律师助理工作了十多年。 然后七个月前,我决定退出。 这使我的许多朋友挠头。

Well, the story goes, I was filing a lot of patent applications for high-tech companies in the Bay Area. Most of these revolved around software and algorithms.

好吧,故事是这样的,我正在为湾区的高科技公司提交许多专利申请。 其中大多数围绕软件和算法。

As I was hunting down documents to be filed with patent applications, I would often wonder: why in the world are law firms, even here in Silicon Valley of all places, still using physical files? How come patent paralegals are doing the same mundane manual work over and over again?

当我寻找要提交专利申请的文件时,我常常会想: 为什么全世界甚至在硅谷的所有地方,律师事务所仍在使用物理文件? 专利律师助理又一次又一次如何做同样平凡的手工工作呢?

And the more I thought about this, the more convinced I became that we could automate most of the repetitive procedures that we were doing daily.


Driven by my hunch that things could be done better, I embarked on a journey into automation. I soon found myself down the rabbit hole of coding.

出于对事情可以做得更好的直觉,我开始了自动化之旅。 我很快发现自己陷入了编码的困境。

开始编码之旅 (Embarking on my coding journey)

As any aspiring programmer knows, learning to code is hard in the beginning. But I made it my business to learn anything and everything that would help me to become more efficient at my job.

任何有抱负的程序员都知道,从一开始就很难学习代码。 但是我的工作是学习任何可以帮助我提高工作效率的东西。

I went to University of California, Irvine, as an undergrad student, which is known to have a good computer science curriculum. But I did not dare to take computer classes. I thought only guys who are good in math took CS as a major.

我以本科生的身份去了加州大学尔湾分校,该课程的计算机科学课程很好。 但是我不敢上计算机课。 我以为只有精通数学的人才能将CS作为专业。

Actually, I did take one class, and found it to be remarkably difficult. But that was a long time ago. At that time, there was no Google (I know, I’m dating myself here). Most of these wonderful free online coding resources we all use today didn’t exist then, either.

实际上,我确实参加了一堂课,发现这非常困难。 但那是很久以前的事了。 当时还没有Google (我知道,我在这里约会自己)。 我们今天都使用的这些绝妙的免费在线编码资源中的大多数都不存在。

One of my positive traits is that when I set a goal, I usually announce it to the world, and don’t get discouraged easily. I’ve found that, by discussing my goals with friends, fairy godmothers and godfathers of the world sometimes appear to offer sage advice based on their own experience.

我的积极特征之一是,当我设定目标时,通常会向全世界宣布目标,并且不要轻易灰心。 我发现,通过与朋友讨论我的目标,世界上的仙女教母和教父有时似乎会根据自己的经验提供圣贤建议。

I started telling my friends that I was considering enrolling in programming classes on Udemy or Udacity and they, who are software engineers at Stanford and Google, told me: “No, don’t spend any money. There are a lot of good, free resources online these days.”

我开始告诉我的朋友,我正在考虑参加UdemyUdacity上的编程课程,他们是斯坦福大学和Google的软件工程师,他们告诉我:“不,不要花任何钱。 这些天在线上有很多很好的免费资源。”

A few weeks later, I gathered up my laptop, goals, and newly found courage, and set up camp in a local coffee shop. I typed into Google “free coding classes.” Like magic, freeCodeCamp appeared in front of my eyes!

几周后,我收集了笔记本电脑,目标和新发现的勇气,并在当地一家咖啡店里建立了营地。 我输入了Google“免费编码类”。 就像魔术一样, freeCodeCamp出现在我眼前!

I was immediately entranced by the rich forest green of the UI, and smooth and intuitive UX. Before I even realized it, I had begun hands-on exercises of CSS in a few clicks.

UI的丰富森林绿色以及流畅直观的UX立刻让我着迷。 在我什至没有意识到之前,我就通过单击几下就开始了CSS的动手练习。

Like many of you, I am a very hands-on person, and if I don’t do something on my own, I cannot be sure I mastered a concept. Quincy Larson, the founder of freeCodeCamp, recommends using other resources to learn more deeply about coding concepts. But as a newbie, it was a very exciting first step, because I didn’t have to spend hundreds of hours of reading or watching videos before even starting programming. I was able to immediately experience what it feels like to code.

像你们中的许多人一样,我是一个非常动手的人,如果我不自己做某事,我不确定自己是否掌握了一个概念。 freeCodeCamp的创始人Quincy Larson建议使用其他资源来更深入地了解编码概念。 但是,作为一个新手,这是非常激动人心的第一步,因为即使开始编程,我也不必花数百小时​​阅读或观看视频。 我能够立即体验编写代码的感觉。

That’s when I realized I had found the right tool to learn coding. An added bonus was that I could link my freeCodeCamp profile to my LinkedIn profile and announce to the world that I was studying software engineering. To tell you truth, if they didn’t have this feature, I wouldn’t have dared to add “currently studying software engineering” to my profile.

那时我意识到我找到了学习编码的正确工具。 另外一个好处是,我可以将我的freeCodeCamp个人资料链接到我的LinkedIn个人资料,并向全世界宣布我正在研究软件工程。 实话说,如果他们没有此功能,我就不敢在我的个人资料中添加“当前正在研究软件工程”。

Another great feature about freeCodeCamp is that when you’re stuck on an exercise, you can go to their “help” chatroom on Gitter. There you’ll invariably find fellow learners chatting with each other. You can get answers to your questions or help others. You can even give people who help you “Brownie Points” afterwards by thanking them.

freeCodeCamp的另一个重要功能是,当您坚持锻炼时,可以转到Gitter上的“帮助”聊天室。 在这里,您总是会发现学习者彼此聊天。 您可以获取问题的答案或帮助他人。 您甚至可以通过感谢他们来给后来帮助您的人“布朗尼积分”。

And that’s how I embarked on my coding and UX/UI design journey. This is exciting for me because I used to draw a lot when I was younger, but I didn’t pursue a design career because I thought design was just making things prettier. But now I know that a good design is problem solving. Especially now, thanks to the advancement of microchip technology and internet, UX/UI design is essential to startups and high-tech companies because it helps them to become category kings in their fields and industries.

这就是我着手进行编码和UX / UI设计之旅的方式。 这对我来说很令人兴奋,因为我小时候经常画画,但是我并没有从事设计事业,因为我认为设计只是使事情变得更漂亮。 但是现在我知道,好的设计可以解决问题。 尤其是现在,由于微芯片技术和互联网的发展,UX / UI设计对于初创企业和高科技公司至关重要,因为它有助于他们成为各自领域和行业的类别之王

获得我的第一份技术工作 (Getting my first job in tech)

Since then, I’ve gotten a great job as an account/operations manager here in Silicon Valley, California. I work at ClearAccessIP, a Software-as-a-Service Artificial Intelligence startup, which provides a machine learning-powered patent analytics platform.

从那时起,我在加利福尼亚州硅谷的客户/运营经理那里做得很好。 我在ClearAccessIP工作, 是一家软件即服务的人工智能初创公司,它提供了机器学习支持的专利分析平台。

This career transition happened within just six months of learning how to code with freeCodeCamp. And as soon as I joined their team, they gave me additional training in use my terminal, text editor, Git and GitHub to the fullest. I am infinitely grateful for this, and I feel so powerful with these tools!

在学习如何使用freeCodeCamp进行编码的短短六个月内,就完成了这一职业过渡。 当我加入他们的团队后,他们就给我提供了更多关于如何使用终端机,文本编辑器, GitGitHub的培训。 我对此深表感谢,并且使用这些工具非常强大!

So here’s my journey in roughly-estimated numbers:


  • Total duration learning: less than 6 months

  • Total hours: ~300

  • Total exercises completed: 269+

  • Total computer science courses watched: ~5


与社区中的其他新手分享我对编码的热爱 (Sharing my love of coding with other newbies around my community)

I am currently a chancellor and local leader at freeCodeCamp in Santa Clara. We are growing every week! We have awesome self-taught software engineers from Lllip.io that come to our study group every Saturday to teach us web development, algorithms, white boarding, contribute to open source project and job placement. Thank you Llip.io!

我目前是SantaClara的freeCodeCamp的校长和当地领导人。 我们每周都在增长! 我们有来自Lllip.io的自学成才的软件工程师,每个星期六都会来我们的研究小组,教我们Web开发,算法,白板,为开源项目和工作分配做贡献。 谢谢Llip.io!

Below is our local group’s Facebook event page that I designed using Canva and freeCodeCamp’s open source logo:


I found a side project via Meetup.com few months ago and we are currently building a Twitter-translate bot in Python with awesome 14 lady tech gems. I am learning so much about APIs, JSON, database, code reviews, and debugging. Please connect with me, if you would like to join our team for the next Python project!

几个月前,我在Meetup.com上发现了一个辅助项目,我们目前正在用Python构建一个Twitter转换的bot,其中包含14个令人赞叹的高科技女士宝石。 我对API,JSON,数据库,代码审查和调试了解很多。 如果您想加入我们的团队进行下一个Python项目,请与我联系!

I am also helping a non-profit organization to upgrade their UI/UX, using wire framing with Balsamiq. Balsamiq is a quick, easy to use, and essential UI wire framing tool for lean startups and high-tech companies.

我还正在帮助非营利组织使用Balsamiq的线框来升级其UI / UX。 Balsamiq是面向精益创业公司和高科技公司的快速,易于使用且必不可少的UI电线框架工具。

As you can see, I’m having the best time of my life. And I encourage you to do the same. I always say, “If I can do it, ANYBODY can do it!”

如您所见,我正在享受一生中最美好的时光。 我鼓励您也这样做。 我总是说:“只要我能做到,任何人都可以做到!”

Thank you for reading my coding journey’s story. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook, and follow me on Twitter.

感谢您阅读我的编码之旅的故事。 请随时在LinkedInFacebook上与我联系,并在Twitter上关注我

Happy coding!


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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-i-left-a-big-prestigious-law-firm-to-become-a-product-manager-at-a-startup-a7afd8c3e708/






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