人工智能 项目筹集不到_筹集编码员需要一个村庄

人工智能 项目筹集不到

by Ewa Mitulska-Wójcik


筹集编码员需要一个村庄 (It takes a village to raise a coder)

“It takes a village to raise a child.” — Swahili Proverb
“要养一个孩子需要一个村庄。” —斯瓦希里语谚语

This article is also available in Chinese.


In the six months since I joined Free Code Camp, I’ve…

自加入Free Code Camp以来的六个月中,我…

When I set out on my journey, I knew that learning to code would be long, deliberate process. I’ve progressed step by step, poco a poco, po ciut ciut.

当我踏上旅途时,我知道学习编码将是漫长而刻意的过程。 我一步一步地进步了, poco a pocopo ciut ciut。

At first, I stayed within my comfort zone by working through short tutorials. I learned a few things, but was still unclear how I should put this new knowledge to use.

一开始,我通过简短的教程来帮助自己。 我学到了一些东西,但是仍然不清楚如何使用这些新知识。

So I gathered my confidence and decided to just start building.


This is when I really started to learn. All the lessons from those tutorials suddenly became much more tangible once I was designing and implementing real projects.

这是我真正开始学习的时候。 一旦我设计并实施了真实的项目,这些教程中的所有课程突然变得更加明显。

These first few projects were basic static web pages with simple animations.


Then I tried a more ambitious project that used Polymer. This was the first time I really struggled, because I didn’t yet understand how to tweak Javascript. I was able to pull it off only with the help of my friends, who patiently pair programmed with me.

然后我尝试了一个更雄心勃勃的使用Polymer的 项目 。 这是我第一次真正挣扎,因为我还不了解如何调整Javascript。 我只能在我耐心地与我结对编程的朋友的帮助下实现这一目标。

This was the moment I realized that I’d hit a plateau. I was able to work with HTML, and use my design sensibilities and CSS skills to make websites look pretty. But if I wanted to advance any further, I needed to learn JavaScript.

这是我意识到自己已经达到高原的时刻。 我能够使用HTML,并利用我的设计敏感性和CSS技能使网站看起来更漂亮。 但是,如果我想进一步进步,就需要学习JavaScript。

The next day, I went for a run and listened to the CodeNewbie Podcast. It was the episode where Saron interviewed Quincy Larson about Free Code Camp.

第二天,我去跑步,听了CodeNewbie播客。 在这一集中, Saron采访了有关Free Code Camp的Quincy Larson

This was the first I’d heard of Free Code Camp. It immediately jumped out at me as different from all the other resources I’d tried, because it was a community. Plus, it was free.

这是我第一次听说Free Code Camp。 它立即以与我尝试过的所有其他资源不同的方式向我突袭,因为它是一个社区。 另外,它是免费的。

I got home from my run and immediately signed up for Free Code Camp. I decided to follow their challenge map verbatim, assuming that — when it came to learning to code — they knew better than me.

我从跑步中回到家,立即注册了免费代码营。 我决定逐字遵循他们的挑战地图,并假设在学习编码方面,他们比我更了解。

Based on the challenge map, it should take about 478 hours to complete all the coding challenges and projects necessary to earn the front end development certificate. By my calculations, it took me about 33% longer than this.

根据质询地图,完成获得前端开发证书所需的所有编码质询和项目大约需要478小时。 根据我的计算,这花了我大约33%的时间。

Even though I spent four to eight hours a day working through these challenges, I felt no need to hurry. I took my time and tried to understand each concept before moving on to the next one.

即使我每天花四到八个小时来应对这些挑战,但我还是觉得不必着急。 我花时间尝试在理解下一个概念之前先理解每个概念。

When I got really stuck, I could ask for help on Free Code Camp’s chat rooms, through my local front end meetup group, and face to face with the programmers I know. This required extra effort, but it was worth it.

当我真的陷入困境时,我可以通过我的本地前端聚会小组在Free Code Camp的聊天室寻求帮助,并与我认识的程序员面对面。 这需要额外的努力,但这是值得的。

As a code newbie, Stack Overflow can be a pretty unforgiving place, so my presence there was a passive one. I read answers to other people’s questions and tried to understand how things worked. But I didn’t dare to ask questions of my own.

作为一个代码新手, Stack Overflow可能是一个非常宽容的地方,所以我的存在是一个被动的地方。 我阅读了其他人问题的答案,并试图了解事情的运作方式。 但是我不敢问自己的问题。

So I was excited when Free Code Camp started a forum of its own. The responses I got there were usually quick and thoughtful.

因此,当Free Code Camp发起自己的论坛时,我感到非常兴奋。 我到那儿的React通常是Swift而周到的。

Whenever I worked through Free Code Camp’s challenges, I always kept the chat rooms open. I’m a regular in the CodeReview and HelpFrontEnd rooms.

每当我克服Free Code Camp的挑战时,我总是保持聊天室打开。 我是CodeReviewHelpFrontEnd房间的常客

You learn most by teaching others. That’s why — within my scope of knowledge — I’ve always tried to answer questions that other campers have.

您通过教别人学到的东西最多。 因此,在我的知识范围内,我一直试图回答其他露营者所提出的问题。

I also started using the Reddit, Slack, and Facebook tech groups I belong to in order to get more constructive criticism on my projects. I fell in love with the process of iterating on projects in response to feedback.

我还开始使用我所属的Reddit ,Slack和Facebook技术小组,以便对我的项目提出更具建设性的批评。 我爱上了对项目进行迭代以响应反馈的过程。

With time I learned how to distinguish between feedback that needed a good sleeping-over, and issues that required a hot fix right away.


Since March, I also started publishing more on tech. I submitted these to Free Code Camp’s Medium publication — which publishes articles by developers, designers, and data scientists — including some by campers.

从3月开始,我还开始发表更多有关技术的文章 。 我将这些文章提交给了Free Code Camp的Medium出版物,该出版物发表了开发人员,设计师和数据科学家的文章,其中包括露营者的文章。

I was able to reach thousands of people with my ideas — many of whom responded with feedback in the comments section.


When I started working on my Simon Game (the final project required for a front end development certificate), I knew it would be tough, so I shared my learning process with video.

当我开始从事Simon游戏 (前端开发证书所需的最终项目)的工作时,我知道这会很艰难,因此我与视频分享了我的学习过程。

This inspired me to start a weekly vlog about some code problems and my learning to code journey. Already, I have several subscribers and a bunch of helpful feedback.

这激发了我开始每周一次有关某些代码问题和学习代码之旅的视频博客 。 我已经有几个订阅者和一堆有用的反馈。

Teaching others helps me reinforce my knowledge. Putting myself in the public eye forces me to set aside my lack of self-confidence and make the best of the skills I have on-hand.

教别人可以帮助我增强知识。 将自己置于公众视线之下迫使我抛弃缺乏自信的状态,并充分利用自己掌握的技能。

It has also helped me get better at presentation and storytelling — two skills that are critical when working with clients.


These past six months have shown me the power of learning to code alongside a supportive community. I’m eager to give back, and not just by coding pro bono for nonprofits.

过去的六个月向我展示了与支持社区一起学习编码的力量。 我渴望回馈,而不仅仅是为公益组织编写公益广告

I’ve decided that before I start my Free Code Camp data visualization certificate, I want to get to 500 brownie points by helping other campers. This is my way of saying thank you and paying it forward.

我已经决定,在开始免费代码营数据可视化证书之前,我想通过帮助其他营员获得500个布朗尼积分 。 这是我要说声谢谢并付钱的方式。

This is just the beginning of my journey toward becoming a master developer. But it’s an important milestone.

这只是我成为一名主要开发人员的旅程的开始。 但这是一个重要的里程碑。

A lot of campers ask whether they should start applying for jobs after they earn their first certificate.


I personally am not looking for a full time job yet. I’m freelancing on some smaller projects. This allows me the flexibility to work at any time, from anywhere. And most importantly, it leaves me with plenty of time to continue learning to code.

我个人还不需要全职工作。 我正在从事一些较小的项目的自由职业。 这使我可以随时随地灵活地工作。 最重要的是,它使我有足够的时间继续学习编码。

I realize that in the future, I’ll probably learn a lot more by working among more experienced team members.


In the meantime, I’ll keep doing what works. I’ll keep coding and helping other people learn to code!

同时,我将继续做有效的工作。 我会继续编码并帮助其他人学习编码!

I welcome comments below. Please share this article if you think it can motivate others. Clicking the? below for sure will increase my motivation :)

我欢迎下面的评论。 如果您认为这篇文章可以激励他人,请与他人分享。 点击? 下面肯定会增加我的动力:)

I am a front end developer in training. I am a Free Code Camper. I publish on Medium and tweet about UX, front end, project management, and startups.

我是培训方面的前端开发人员 我是一名免费代码露营者 我在Mediumtweet上发布了有关UX,前端,项目管理和启动的信息

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/it-takes-a-village-to-raise-a-coder-209b4e1d00f0/

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