

Free Code Camp has always aimed to be respectful of your time. Most recently we’ve done this by simplifying our open source community’s website to make things less confusing — especially for newcomers.

Free Code Camp一直致力于尊重您的时间。 最近,我们通过简化开源社区的网站来做到这一点,以减少混乱,尤其是对于新来者。

We understand that any time you change something, you run the risk of catching your regulars off-guard. So we spent a lot of time considering each of these changes and weighing their benefits against their costs.

我们了解,每当您更改某些内容时,都有冒着让常客措手不及的风险。 因此,我们花了大量时间考虑这些变化,并权衡其收益与成本。

简化社区的行话 (Simplifying our Community’s Jargon)

Our community has accumulated a variety of jargon to describe various types of coding challenges: Waypoints, Bonfires, Ziplines, Basejumps, Hikes. These jargon have grown on us as much as you, but there were several compelling reasons to drop them:

我们的社区积累了各种各样的术语来描述各种类型的编码挑战:航点,篝火,滑索,跳伞,远足。 这些行话已经和您一样多地出现在我们身上,但是有很多令人信服的理由放弃它们:

  1. These jargon don’t mean anything to developers outside of our community. Your new coworkers will understand that “Front End Development Project” you built much better than that “Zipline.”

    这些行话对我们社区以外的开发人员没有任何意义。 您的新同事将理解,您构建的“前端开发项目”比“ Zipline”要好得多。
  2. These jargon are confusing to newcomers, and especially non-native English speakers — who are now represent more than a fifth of our community — who don’t understand their camp-inspired etymology.

  3. These jargon don’t communicate much about our underlying coding challenges. “Algorithm challenges” are self-explanatory. “Bonfires” are not.

    这些行话与我们对底层编码挑战的交流不多。 “算法挑战”是不言而喻的。 “篝火”不是。

This said, there are a few terms we couldn’t bear to part with:


Camper: a member of Free Code Camp’s open source community.

Camper :Free Code Camp的开源社区的成员。

Campsite: a group of campers located in the same city who get together to code.

营地 :位于同一城市的一组营员,聚在一起进行编码。

Brownie points: a camper’s score. You earn brownie points when you complete a challenges or help other campers in our chatrooms.

布朗尼积分 :露营者的分数。 完成挑战或在我们的聊天室帮助其他露营者时,您将获得布朗尼积分。

简化我们的挑战地图 (Simplifying our Challenge Map)

Many of our help chat veterans asked that we stop numbering our challenges. Confused campers would ask for help on “number 45” — and it wasn’t clear which section that challenge was in.

我们许多帮助聊天的资深人士都要求我们停止为挑战编号。 困惑的露营者会在“ 45号”上寻求帮助-尚不清楚挑战所在的部分。

Campers would often mistakenly say the number of brownie points they had. Others would even try to add up all the challenges from the sections they’d previously completed in order to “figure out” the number of the challenge they were on.

露营者常常会错误地说出他们的布朗尼蛋糕数。 其他人甚至会尝试将以前完成的部分中的所有挑战加起来,以便“找出”他们所面临的挑战的数量。

Our most helpful campers would have to start off each conversation trying to establish which challenge the camper even needed help with.


By removing these numbers, the only way you can refer to a challenge is by its name, which is unambiguous.


We also did away with progress bars on our challenge map because they were sending the wrong message: that one’s knowledge of a topic was somehow complete. In practice, there’s always more to learn, and our challenges will continue to expand accordingly.

我们还取消了挑战地图上的进度条,因为它们发送了错误的消息:人们对某个主题的了解已完全完善。 在实践中,总是有更多的东西要学习,我们的挑战将继续相应扩大。

简化我们的用户界面 (Simplifying our User Interface)

Free Code Camp’s goal has always been simple: to help you learn to code well enough to get a coding job. We wanted our web app to look equally simple.

Free Code Camp的目标一直很简单:帮助您学习足够好的编码以完成编码工作。 我们希望我们的网络应用看起来同样简单。

Our old user interface was a jumble of Bootstrap panels and jumbotrons. These added hierarchy to our overall design, but at a cost of contrast and horizontal space.

我们以前的用户界面是一系列的Bootstrap面板和超大屏幕显示器。 这些在我们的总体设计中增加了层次结构,但要付出对比度和水平空间的代价。

We took inspiration from Quora and Digital Ocean — two well-designed web applications that manage to mask complexity behind clean, approachable user interfaces.

我们从Quora和Digital Ocean(两个精心设计的Web应用程序)中汲取了灵感,这两个Web应用程序设法掩盖了干净,可访问的用户界面背后的复杂性。

Everything you can do on Free Code Camp is now a click away.

现在,只需单击即可在Free Code Camp上执行的所有操作。

对您的反馈采取行动 (Taking action on your Feedback)

Feedback from our community — such as on our subreddit — has helped us make quick tweaks and fix some bugs in our new design.


One thing you all immediately pointed out was that using our new challenge map involved too much scrolling. Within less than a day, our contributors had a fix in production.

大家立即指出的一件事是,使用我们的新挑战地图涉及太多的滚动。 在不到一天的时间内,我们的贡献者就解决了生产问题。

In the future, you’ll be able to give feedback on new features before we launch them by using beta.freecodecamp.com.


前进的道路 (The Path Forward)

Learning to code is hard. The interface for learning to code should be easy.

学习编码很难。 学习编码的界面应该很简单。

We will continue to support power users, while keeping Free Code Camp simple for newcomers. We’ll do this by obscuring the complexity of these new features behind a simple user interface.

我们将继续为高级用户提供支持,同时使新用户可以轻松实现免费代码营。 我们将通过消除简单用户界面背后的这些新功能的复杂性来做到这一点。

Be on the lookout for features like:


  • more hotkeys

  • APIs and webhooks integration options

  • more code portfolio data visualizations

  • offline mode

  • teacher mode

  • a collaborative CodePen-like sandbox editor

  • live pair programming on challenges

  • night mode


We invite you to track these features on GitHub, and even get in some open source contributions on them yourself.

我们邀请您在GitHub上跟踪这些功能 ,甚至亲自获得一些开源贡献。

If you liked this, click the? below. Follow me and Free Code Camp for more articles on technology.

如果您喜欢这个,请点击? 下面。 关注我和免费代码营,获取更多有关技术的文章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/tinkering-toward-simplicity-6a15fb9dcdcb/


UEFI引导修复教程如下: 1. 确认ESP分区:首先,确保你的硬盘上有一个ESP(EFI System Partition)分区。这个分区通常是一个FAT格式的分区,用于存储引导文件。你可以使用磁盘管理工具来查看分区情况。 2. 使用Windows安装介质:如果你有Windows安装光盘或USB安装介质,可以使用它来修复UEFI引导。插入安装介质并重启计算机。 3. 进入UEFI设置:在计算机启动时,按下相应的按键(通常是F2、F10、F12或Delete键)进入UEFI设置界面。在设置界面中,找到启动选项。 4. 选择引导设备:在启动选项中,选择你的安装介质作为首选引导设备。保存设置并退出UEFI设置界面。 5. 进入修复环境:计算机将从安装介质启动,并进入Windows修复环境。在修复环境中,选择“修复你的计算机”。 6. 选择故障排除:在修复选项中,选择“故障排除”。 7. 选择高级选项:在故障排除选项中,选择“高级选项”。 8. 选择命令提示符:在高级选项中,选择“命令提示符”。 9. 修复引导:在命令提示符中,输入以下命令来修复UEFI引导: ``` bootrec /fixboot bootrec /fixmbr bootrec /rebuildbcd ``` 10. 重启计算机:完成修复后,输入“exit”命令退出命令提示符,并重启计算机。 这些步骤将帮助你修复UEFI引导问题。请注意,具体的步骤可能因计算机品牌和型号而有所不同。如果你不确定如何操作,请参考计算机的用户手册或联系计算机制造商的技术支持。




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