

At its core, the internet and all its applications are just data.


Every email, tweet, selfie, bank transaction, and more is just data sitting in a database somewhere.


For that data to be useful, we have to be able to retrieve it. However, just retrieving the data is not enough—the data also has to be useful and relevant to our situation.

为了使该数据有用,我们必须能够检索它。 但是,仅检索数据是不够的-数据必须有用并且与我们的情况相关。

At the database level, we request specific information from the database by writing a SQL query. This SQL query specifies the data we want to receive and the format we want to receive it in.

在数据库级别,我们通过编写SQL查询来请求数据库的特定信息 这个SQL查询指定我们要接受的数据格式,我们要接受进去。

In this article we'll look at all of the most common ways to filter a SQL query.


Here's what we'll cover:


设置数据库 (Setting up your database)

To filter our data, we first of course must have some.


For these examples we'll be using PostgreSQL, but the queries and concepts shown here will easily translate to any other modern database system (like MySQL, SQL Server, etc.).

对于这些示例,我们将使用PostgreSQL,但是此处显示的查询和概念将轻松转换为任何其他现代数据库系统(例如MySQL,SQL Server等)。

To work with our PostgreSQL database, we can use psql — the interactive PostgreSQL command line program. If you have another database client that you enjoy working with that's fine too!

要使用PostgreSQL数据库,我们可以使用psql —交互式PostgreSQL命令行程序。 如果您有另一个喜欢的数据库客户端,那也很好!

To begin, let's create our database. With PostgreSQL already installed, we can run the psql command createdb <database-name> at our terminal to create a new database. I called mine fcc:

首先,让我们创建数据库。 在已经安装了 PostgreSQL情况下,我们可以在终端上运行psql命令createdb <database-name>来创建新数据库。 我叫我的fcc

$ createdb fcc

Next let's start the interactive console by using the command psql and connect to the database we just made using \c <database-name>:

接下来,让我们使用命令psql启动交互式控制台,并使用\c <database-name>连接到我们刚建立的\c <database-name>

$ psql
psql (11.5)
Type "help" for help.

john=# \c fcc
You are now connected to database "fcc" as user "john".

建立使用者 (Creating users)

Now that we have a database, let's create a database table to model a potential user in our fictional system.


We'll call this table users, and each row in this table will represent one of our users.

我们称此表为users ,此表中的每一行将代表我们的一个用户。

This users table will have columns that we would expect to describe a user — things like a name, email, and an age.


Inside our psql session let's create the users table:


  first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
  last_name TEXT NOT NULL,
  email TEXT NOT NULL,

The output shows CREATE TABLE which means are table creation was successful.

输出显示CREATE TABLE ,这表示表创建成功。

Note: I've cleaned up the psql output in these examples to make it easier to read, so don't worry if the output shown here isn't exactly what you've seen in your terminal.


Let's look at the contents of our users table:


SELECT * FROM users;

 id | first_name | last_name | email | age
(0 rows)

We haven't inserted any data into our table, so we just see the empty table structure.


If you aren't familiar with SQL queries, the one we just ran, SELECT * FROM users, is one of the simplest ones you can write.

如果您不熟悉SQL查询,那么我们刚运行的查询SELECT * FROM users是您可以编写的最简单的查询之一。

The keyword SELECT specifies which column(s) you want to return (* means "all columns"), and the FROM keyword specifies which table you want to select from (in this case users).

关键字SELECT指定要返回的列( *表示“所有列”),而FROM关键字指定要从哪个表中选择(本例中为users )。

So SELECT * FROM users really means return all rows and all columns from the users table.

因此, SELECT * FROM users确实意味着users表返回所有行和所有列。

If we wanted to return specific columns from the users table, we could replace SELECT * with the columns we want to return — for example SELECT id, name FROM users.

如果我们想从users表中返回特定的列,则可以将SELECT *替换为我们要返回的列,例如SELECT id, name FROM users

插入用户 (Inserting users)

An empty table isn't very interesting, so let's insert some data into our table so we can practice querying against it:


INSERT INTO users(first_name, last_name, email, age) VALUES
('John', 'Smith', 'johnsmith@gmail.com', 25),
('Jane', 'Doe', 'janedoe@Gmail.com', 28),
('Xavier', 'Wills', 'xavier@wills.io', 35),
('Bev', 'Scott', 'bev@bevscott.com', 16),
('Bree', 'Jensen', 'bjensen@corp.net', 42),
('John', 'Jacobs', 'jjacobs@corp.net', 56),
('Rick', 'Fuller', 'fullman@hotmail.com', 16);

If we run that insert statement in our psql session, we see the output INSERT 0 7. This means that we have successfully inserted 7 new rows into our table.

如果在psql会话中运行该insert语句, psql看到输出INSERT 0 7 。 这意味着我们已经成功地在表中插入了7个新行。

If we run our SELECT * FROM users query again, we'll now see that data:

如果再次运行SELECT * FROM users查询,现在将看到该数据:

SELECT * FROM users;

id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56
  2 | Rick       | Fuller    | fullman@hotmail.com |  16
  3 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42
  4 | Bev        | Scott     | bev@bevscott.com    |  16
  5 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io     |  35
  6 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28
  7 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
(7 rows)

使用WHERE过滤数据 (Filtering data with WHERE)

So far, we've just returned all of the rows from our table. This is the default behavior of the query. To return a more selective set of rows we need to filter the rows using a WHERE clause.

到目前为止,我们只返回了表中的所有行。 这是查询的默认行为。 要返回更具选择性的行集,我们需要使用WHERE子句过滤行。

There are many ways to filter our rows using a WHERE clause. The simplest operator we can use is the equality operator: =.

有多种方法可以使用WHERE子句过滤行。 我们可以使用的最简单的运算符是相等运算符: =

Say we wanted to find users whose first name was "John":

假设我们要查找名字为“ John”的用户:

FROM users
WHERE first_name = 'John';

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56
  7 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
(2 rows)

Here we appended the keyword WHERE to our query followed by an equality statement: first_name = 'John'.

在这里,我们在查询中附加了关键字WHERE ,后跟一个相等性语句: first_name = 'John'

Our database first looks at the FROM keyword to determine what data to fetch. So, the database will read this query, see FROM users, and go and fetch all of the rows for the users table from the disk.

我们的数据库首先查看FROM关键字,以确定要提取的数据。 因此,数据库将读取此查询,请参见FROM users ,然后从磁盘中获取users表的所​​有行。

Once all of the rows have been retrieved from the users table, it then runs the WHERE clause against each row and only returns rows where the first_name column value equals "John."

一旦从users表中检索了所有行,它就对每行运行WHERE子句,并且仅返回first_name列值等于“ John”的行。

In our data, there are two rows that match that first name.


If we wanted to find a particular "John" in our system, we could query based on a column that we know is unique — like our id column.

如果我们想在系统中找到特定的“ John”,则可以基于已知唯一的列(例如我们的id列)进行查询。

To find the "John Jacobs" row specifically, we could query by his ID:

要专门查找“ John Jacobs”行,我们可以通过其ID查询:

FROM users
WHERE id = 1;

 id | first_name | last_name |      email       | age
  1 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net |  56
(1 row)

Here only one record matched the condition of id = 1, so we only got back one row.

这里只有一条记录符合id = 1的条件,因此我们只返回了一行。

逻辑运算符( AND / OR / NOT ) (Logical operators (AND / OR / NOT))

We can filter by more than just the equality operator. We can also use the boolean logical operators that are found in most programming languages: and, or, and not.

我们不仅可以通过相等运算符进行筛选。 我们还可以使用大多数编程语言中的布尔逻辑运算符: 和,或和而不是

In many programming languages and and or are represented by && and ||. In SQL, they're simply AND and OR.

在许多编程语言中, andor&&||表示。 。 在SQL中,它们只是ANDOR

Instead of querying by ID, let's try to find the record for the person named "John Smith." To do this, we can use an AND in our WHERE clause to look for both the first name and last name condition:

让我们尝试查找名为“ John Smith”的人的记录,而不是通过ID进行查询。 为此,我们可以在WHERE子句中使用AND来查找名字和姓氏条件:

FROM users
WHERE first_name = 'John'
  AND last_name = 'Smith';
 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  7 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
(1 row)

To find people with a first name of "John" or a last name of "Doe":

查找姓氏为“ John” 姓氏为“ Doe”的人:

FROM users
WHERE first_name = 'John'
  OR last_name = 'Doe';

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56
  6 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28
  7 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
(3 rows)

Here our result contained both Johns as well as Jane Doe.

在这里,我们的结果既包含Johns也包含Jane Doe

These AND and OR conditions can also be chained together. Let's say we wanted to find someone named exactly "John Smith", or someone with a last name of "Doe":

这些ANDOR条件也可以链接在一起。 假设我们想找到一个名字叫“ John Smith”的人, 或者姓“ Doe”的人:

FROM users
  first_name = 'John'
  AND last_name = 'Smith'
OR last_name = 'Doe';

 id | first_name  | last_name |        email        | age
  6 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28
  7 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
(2 rows)

If we wanted to invert this condition and find users who are not named "John Smith" and also do not have a last name of "Doe", we could add the NOT operator:

如果我们想反转此条件并查找命名为“ John Smith”且也没有姓氏“ Doe”的用户,则可以添加NOT运算符:

FROM users
    first_name = 'John'
    AND last_name = 'Smith'
  OR last_name = 'Doe'
 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  4 | Bev        | Scott     | bev@bevscott.com    |  16
  5 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42
  6 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56
  7 | Rick       | Fuller    | fullman@hotmail.com |  16
  3 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io     |  35
(5 rows)

Note: everyone has their own personal style of how they like to format queries — do whatever makes sense to you!


比较运算符( <><=>= ) (Comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=))

Similar to other programming languages, SQL also the comparison operators: <, >, <=, >=.

与其他编程语言类似,SQL也是比较运算符: <><=>=

Let's practice using these operators against our users' age column.


Let's say we wanted to find users that were eighteen years or older:


SELECT * FROM users WHERE age >= 18;

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56
  3 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42
  5 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io     |  35
  6 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28
  7 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
(5 rows)

What about users that are older than 25, but less than or equal to 35 years old?


SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 25 AND age <= 35;

 id | first_name | last_name |       email       | age
  5 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io   |  35
  6 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com |  28
(2 rows)

算术运算符( +-*/% ) (Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %))

We can also perform mathematical calculations on our data.


Our users table has an age column, what if we wanted to find half of each person's age?


  age / 2 AS half_of_their_age
FROM users;

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age | half_of_their_age
  1 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56 |                28
  2 | Rick       | Fuller    | fullman@hotmail.com |  16 |                 8
  3 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42 |                21
  4 | Bev        | Scott     | bev@bevscott.com    |  16 |                 8
  5 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io     |  35 |                17
  6 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28 |                14
  7 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25 |                12
(7 rows)

Here we select all of the table columns (using SELECT *), and we also select a new aggregate calculation: age / 2. We also give this value a descriptive name (half_of_their_age) with an alias using the AS keyword.

在这里,我们选择所有表列(使用SELECT * ),并且还选择一个新的汇总计算: age / 2 。 我们还使用AS关键字为该值提供一个具有别名的描述性名称( half_of_their_age )。

We can also find who's age is an even number by using the modulus or remainder operator (%):

我们还可以通过使用模或余数运算符( % )来查找谁的年龄是偶数

SELECT * FROM users WHERE (age % 2) = 0;

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56
  2 | Rick       | Fuller    | fullman@hotmail.com |  16
  3 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42
  4 | Bev        | Scott     | bev@bevscott.com    |  16
  6 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28
(5 rows)

We can find who's age is an odd number by changing our = condition to a "not equals" using != or <>:


SELECT * FROM users WHERE (age % 2) <> 0;

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  5 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io     |  35
  7 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
(2 rows)

存在运算符( IN / NOT IN ) (Existence operators (IN / NOT IN))

If we wanted to check that a column value existed in a list of values, we can use IN or NOT IN:

如果要检查值列表中是否存在列值,可以使用INNOT IN

FROM users
WHERE first_name IN ('John', 'Jane', 'Rick');

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
  2 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28
  6 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56
  7 | Rick       | Fuller    | fullman@hotmail.com |  16
(4 rows)

Similarly, we can use NOT IN to negate that condition:

同样,我们可以使用NOT IN否定该条件:

FROM users
WHERE first_name NOT IN ('John', 'Jane', 'Rick');

 id | first_name | last_name |      email       | age
  3 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io  |  35
  4 | Bev        | Scott     | bev@bevscott.com |  16
  5 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net |  42
(3 rows)

使用LIKE部分匹配 (Partial matching using LIKE)

Sometimes, we may want to search for rows based on a partial-search.


Say for example we wanted to find all users that signed up for our application using a Gmail address. We can do a partial match against a column using the LIKE keyword. We can also specify a wildcard (or "match anything") in the match string using %.

例如,我们要查找使用Gmail地址注册了我们的应用程序的所有用户。 我们可以使用LIKE关键字对列进行部分匹配。 我们还可以使用%在匹配字符串中指定通配符(或“匹配所有内容”)。

To find users with an email that ends in gmail.com:


FROM users
WHERE email LIKE '%gmail.com';

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
(1 row)

The string %gmail.com means "match anything that ends in gmail.com."


If we look back at our users data, we'll notice that we actually have two users with a gmail.com address:


('John', 'Smith', 'johnsmith@gmail.com', 25),
('Jane', 'Doe', 'janedoe@Gmail.com', 28),

However, Jane's email has a capital "G' in her email address. Or previous query didn't pick up this record because it was matching exactly against gmail.com with a lowercase "g."

但是,Jane的电子邮件地址中的电子邮件首字母大写为“ G”,否则以前的查询未选择此记录,因为它与gmail.com 完全匹配,但小写字母为“ g”。

To do a case-insensitive match, we just need to substitute LIKE for ILIKE:


FROM users
WHERE email ILIKE '%gmail.com';

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
  2 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28
(2 rows)

The wildcard symbol % at the beginning of the string means anything that ends in "gmail.com" will be returned. That could be bob.jones+12345@gmail.com or asdflkasdflkj@gmail.com — as long as it ends in gmail.com.

字符串开头的通配符%表示将返回以“ gmail.com”结尾的任何内容。 可以是bob.jones+12345@gmail.comasdflkasdflkj@gmail.com只要以gmail.com结尾即可。

We can also add as many wildcards (%) as we want.

我们还可以根据需要添加任意多个通配符( % )。

For example, the search term %j%o% will return any emails that follow the pattern <anything> followed by a j, followed by <anything>, followed by an o, followed by <anything>:

例如,搜索词%j%o%将返回所有遵循以下格式的电子邮件: <anything>模式,后跟j ,后跟<anything> ,然后是o ,然后是<anything>

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email ILIKE '%j%o%';

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age
  1 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25
  2 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28
  5 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42
  6 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56
(4 rows)

处理丢失的数据( NULL ) (Dealing with missing data (NULL))

Next let's look at how we deal with rows with columns that have missing data.


To do that, let's add another column to our users table: first_paid_at.

为此,让我们在users表中添加另一列: first_paid_at

This new column will be a TIMESTAMP (similar to a datetime in other languages), and it will represent the first date and time that a user paid us money for our application. Maybe we want to send them a nice card or some flowers on the anniversary of using our app?

这种新列将是一个TIMESTAMP (类似于datetime在其他语言),这将代表第一日期和时间,用户支付我们的钱为我们的应用程序。 也许我们想在使用我们的应用程序周年纪念日给他们发送精美的卡片或一些鲜花?

We could drop our users table using DROP TABLE users; and re-create it, but that would also delete all of the data in our table.

我们可以使用DROP TABLE users;删除usersDROP TABLE users; 并重新创建它,但这也会删除表中的所有数据。

To change a table without dropping it and losing the data, we can use ALTER TABLE:

要更改表而不删除它并丢失数据,我们可以使用ALTER TABLE


That command returns the result ALTER TABLE, so our ALTER query succeeded.

该命令返回结果ALTER TABLE ,因此我们的ALTER查询成功。

If we query our users table now, we'll notice that this new column doesn't have any data in it:


SELECT * FROM users;

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age | first_paid_at
  1 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25 |
  2 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28 |
  3 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io     |  35 |
  4 | Bev        | Scott     | bev@bevscott.com    |  16 |
  5 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42 |
  6 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56 |
  7 | Rick       | Fuller    | fullman@hotmail.com |  16 |
(7 rows)

Our first_paid_at column is empty, and the result from our psql query shows it as an empty column. This column is not technically empty — it contains a special value that psql is choosing not to display in its output: NULL.

我们的first_paid_at空,而psql查询的结果将其显示为空列。 该列从技术上讲不是空的-它包含psql选择不在其输出中显示的特殊值: NULL

NULL is a special value in databases. It's the absence or lack of a value, and it doesn't behave as we expect it would.

NULL是数据库中的特殊值。 是缺少或缺少值,并且它的行为不像我们期望的那样。

To illustrate this, let's look at the simple SELECT statements below:


  1 = 1,
  1 = 2;

 ?column? | ?column?
 t        | f
(1 row)

Here we simply selected 1 = 1 and 1 = 2. As we expect, the result of these two statements is t and f (or TRUE and FALSE). 1 is equal to 1, and 1 is not equal to 2.

在这里,我们仅选择1 = 11 = 2 。 正如我们期望的那样,这两个语句的结果是tf (或TRUEFALSE )。 1等于1 ,而1不等于2

Now let's try the same with NULL:




(1 row)

We might expect this value to be FALSE, but the return value is actually NULL.

我们可能希望此值为FALSE ,但返回值实际上为NULL

To visualize these NULLs a little better, let's set how psql displays NULL values using the \pset option:

为了更好地显示这些NULL ,让我们使用\pset选项设置psql如何显示NULL值:

fcc=# \pset null 'NULL'
Null display is "NULL".

Now if we run that query again we'll see the NULL output we expect:



(1 row)

So 1 is not equal to NULL, what about NULL = NULL?

所以1不等于NULL ,那么NULL = NULL呢?


(1 row)

Oddly enough, NULL is not equal to NULL.

奇怪的是, NULL不等于NULL

It helps to think of NULL as an unknown value. Is an unknown value equal to 1? Well, we don't know — it's unknown. Is an unknown value equal to an unknown value? Again, it's unknown. In this way NULL makes a little more sense.

有助于将NULL视为未知值。 未知值等于1吗? 好吧,我们不知道-这是未知的。 未知值等于未知值吗? 同样,这是未知的。 这样, NULL更有意义。


We can't use the equality operator with NULL, but we can use two operators specifically designed for it: IS NULL and IS NOT NULL.

我们不能将相等运算符与NULL ,但是可以使用两个专门为它设计的运算符: IS NULLIS NOT NULL


 ?column? | ?column?
 t        | f
(1 row)

These values come out as expect: NULL IS NULL is true, and NULL IS NOT NULL is false.

这些值按预期出现: NULL IS NULL是true,而NULL IS NOT NULL是false。

That's all fine and weird, but how do we use this?


Well first let's get some data in our first_paid_at column:


UPDATE users SET first_paid_at = NOW() WHERE id = 1;

UPDATE users SET first_paid_at = (NOW() - INTERVAL '1 month') WHERE id = 2;

UPDATE users SET first_paid_at = (NOW() - INTERVAL '1 year') WHERE id = 3;

In those UPDATE statements above we've set three different users first_paid_at columns: User ID 1 to the current time (NOW()), User ID 2 to one month ago, and User ID 3 to one year ago.

在上面的那些UPDATE语句中,我们将三个不同的用户first_paid_at列设置为:用户ID 1设置为当前时间( NOW() ),用户ID 2设置为一个月前,用户ID 3设置为一年前。

First, let's find users that have paid us and users who haven't:


FROM users
WHERE first_paid_at IS NULL;

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age | first_paid_at
  4 | Bev        | Scott     | bev@bevscott.com    |  16 | NULL
  5 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42 | NULL
  6 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56 | NULL
  7 | Rick       | Fuller    | fullman@hotmail.com |  16 | NULL
(4 rows)

FROM users
WHERE first_paid_at IS NOT NULL;

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age |       first_paid_at
  1 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25 | 2020-08-11 20:49:17.230517
  2 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28 | 2020-07-11 20:49:17.233124
  3 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io     |  35 | 2019-08-11 20:49:17.23488
(3 rows)

比较日期和时间的运算符 (Comparison operators with dates and times)

Now that we have some data, let's use our same comparison operators against this new TIMESTAMP field.


Let's try to find users that paid us for the first within the past week. To do this, we can take the current time, NOW(), and subtract from it one week using the INTERVAL keyword:

让我们尝试寻找在过去一周内首次向我们付款的用户。 为此,我们可以使用当前时间NOW() ,并使用INTERVAL关键字从中减去一个星期:

FROM users
WHERE first_paid_at > (NOW() - INTERVAL '1 week');

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age |       first_paid_at
  1 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25 | 2020-08-11 20:49:17.230517
(1 row)

We could also use a different interval, such as three months ago:


FROM users
WHERE first_paid_at < (NOW() - INTERVAL '3 months');

 id | first_name | last_name |      email      | age |       first_paid_at
  3 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io |  35 | 2019-08-11 20:49:17.23488
(1 row)

Let's try to find users that first paid us between one to six months ago.


We could combine our conditions again using AND, but instead of using less than and greater than operators let's use the BETWEEN keyword:


FROM users
WHERE first_paid_at BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL '6 month')
  AND (NOW() - INTERVAL '1 month');
 id | first_name | last_name |       email       | age |       first_paid_at
  2 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com |  28 | 2020-07-11 20:49:17.233124
(1 row)


Another way to check for existence is to use EXISTS and NOT EXISTS.

另一种检查是否存在的方法是使用EXISTSNOT EXISTS

These operators filter out rows by checking for the existence (or non-existence) of a condition. This condition is usually a query against another table.

这些运算符通过检查条件的存在(或不存在)来过滤出行。 此条件通常是针对另一个表的查询。

To set this up, let's create a new table called posts. This table will hold posts that a user can make in our system.

要进行设置,我们创建一个名为posts的新表。 该表将保存用户可以在我们的系统中发布的帖子。


It's a simple table. It only contains an ID, a field to store the post text (body), and a reference to the user that wrote the post (user_id).

这是一张简单的桌子。 它仅包含一个ID,一个用于存储帖子文本的字段( body )和对撰写该帖子的用户的引用( user_id )。

Let's insert some data into this new table:


INSERT INTO posts(body, user_id) VALUES
('Here is post 1', 1),
('Here is post 2', 1),
('Here is post 3', 2),
('Here is post 4', 3);

In the data that we inserted into the posts table, User ID 1 has two posts, User ID 2 has one post, and User ID 3 also has one post.

在我们插入到posts表中的数据中,用户ID 1有两个帖子,用户ID 2有一个帖子,用户ID 3也有一个帖子。

To find users that do have posts, we can use EXISTS.


The EXISTS keyword takes a subquery. If anything is returned from that subquery (even a row with just the value of NULL), the database will include that row in the result set.

EXISTS关键字接受一个子查询。 如果该子查询返回了任何内容 (甚至是只有NULL值的行),则数据库将在结果集中包括该行。

From the PostgreSQL docs on EXISTS:

来自 EXISTS的PostgreSQL文档

The argument of EXISTS is an arbitrary SELECT statement, or subquery. The subquery is evaluated to determine whether it returns any rows. If it returns at least one row, the result of EXISTS is “true”; if the subquery returns no rows, the result of EXISTS is “false”.
EXISTS的参数是任意的SELECT语句或子查询。 评估子查询以确定它是否返回任何行。 如果返回至少一行,则EXISTS的结果为“ true”; 如果子查询不返回任何行,则EXISTS的结果为“ false”。

EXISTS is just looking for the existence of a row from the subquery — it doesn't matter what's in it.

EXISTS只是从子查询中寻找行的存在 -里面的内容无关紧要。

Here's an example of users that have posts using EXISTS:


FROM users
  FROM posts
  WHERE posts.user_id = users.id

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age |       first_paid_at
  1 | John       | Smith     | johnsmith@gmail.com |  25 | 2020-08-11 20:49:17.230517
  2 | Jane       | Doe       | janedoe@Gmail.com   |  28 | 2020-07-11 20:49:17.233124
  3 | Xavier     | Wills     | xavier@wills.io     |  35 | 2019-08-11 20:49:17.23488
(3 rows)

As we expected we got back User 1, 2, and 3.


Our EXISTS subquery is checking for a posts record where the post's user_id matches the id column on the users table. We returned 1 in our SELECT because we can return anything here—the database just wants to see that something was in fact returned.

我们的EXISTS子查询正在检查posts记录,其中帖子的user_idusers表上的id列匹配。 我们在SELECT返回1是因为我们可以在此处返回任何内容-数据库只想查看实际上已返回的内容。

Similarly, we could find users that don't have any posts by changing EXISTS to NOT EXISTS:

同样,我们可以通过将EXISTS更改为NOT EXISTS来查找没有帖子的用户:

FROM users
  FROM posts
  WHERE posts.user_id = users.id

 id | first_name | last_name |        email        | age | first_paid_at
  4 | Bev        | Scott     | bev@bevscott.com    |  16 | NULL
  5 | Bree       | Jensen    | bjensen@corp.net    |  42 | NULL
  6 | John       | Jacobs    | jjacobs@corp.net    |  56 | NULL
  7 | Rick       | Fuller    | fullman@hotmail.com |  16 | NULL
(4 rows)

Finally, we could also re-write this query to use IN or NOT IN instead of EXISTS or NOT EXISTS, like this:

最后,我们还可以重写此查询以使用INNOT IN代替EXISTSNOT EXISTS ,如下所示:

FROM users
WHERE users.id IN (
  SELECT user_id
  FROM posts

This technically works, but as a general rule if you are testing for existence of another record it is generally more performant to use EXISTS. The IN and NOT IN operator are generally better used for checking a value against a static list like we did earlier:

从技术上讲这是可行的,但是作为一般规则,如果要测试是否存在另一条记录, 通常使用EXISTS 更有性能。 像我们之前所做的那样,通常最好使用INNOT IN运算符根据静态列表检查值:

FROM users
WHERE first_name IN ('John', 'Jane', 'Rick');

按位运算符 (Bitwise operators)

Although in practice the bitwise operators are not often used, for completeness let's look at a simple example.


If we wanted to (for some reason) look at the age of our users in binary and play with flipping those bits around, we could use a variety of bitwise operators.


As an example, let's look at the bitwise "and" operator: &.

例如,让我们看一下按位“和”运算符: &

SELECT age::bit(8) & '11111111' FROM users;

(7 rows)

To perform a bitwise calculation we first have to convert our age column from an integer to binary — in this example we cast it into an eight-bit binary string using ::bit(8).


Next we can "and" the result of our age in binary format with another binary string, 11111111.  Since a binary AND only returns 1 if both bits are 1's, this all 1's string keeps the output interesting.

接下来,我们可以使用另一个二进制字符串11111111以二进制格式“和”我们年龄的结果。 由于二进制AND仅在两个位均为1时才返回1,因此所有1的字符串都使输出有趣。

Almost every other bitwise operator uses the same format:


SELECT age::bit(8) | '11111111' FROM users;    -- bitwise OR
SELECT age::bit(8) # '11111111' FROM users;    -- bitwise XOR
SELECT age::bit(8) << '00000001' FROM users;   -- bitwise shift left
SELECT age::bit(8) >> '00000001' FROM users;   -- bitwise shift right

The bitwise "not" operator (~) is a little different in that it is applied to a single term — similar to the regular NOT operator:

按位的“非”运算符( ~ )有点不同,因为它应用于单个术语–类似于常规的NOT运算符:

SELECT ~age::bit(8) FROM users;

(7 rows)

And finally, the most useful of the bitwise operators: concatenation.


A common use of this operator is to combine strings of text together. For example if we wanted to build a calculated property of a "full name" for users, we could use concatenation:

此运算符的常见用法是将文本字符串组合在一起。 例如,如果我们想为用户构建一个“全名”的计算属性,则可以使用串联:

SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name AS name
FROM users;

 Bev Scott
 Bree Jensen
 John Jacobs
 Rick Fuller
 John Smith
 Jane Doe
 Xavier Wills
(7 rows)

Here we concatenate (or "combine") the first_name, a space (' '), and the last_name property to build a name value.

在这里,我们将first_name ,一个空格( ' ' )和last_name属性连接(或“组合”)以构建name值。

结论 (Conclusion)

So that's an overview of basically every query filtering operator you'll ever need to use!


There are a few more operators that we didn't cover here, but those operators are either not used very often or are used in exactly the same way as above—so they shouldn't pose you any trouble.


If you liked this post, I write similar things on my blog here.


Thanks for reading!




翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/sql-operators-tutorial/






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