

Shortly after college, I began chasing something many people want but few ever get: a job they love.


I left school with a biology degree and a job in the medical field. It took me about two weeks to realize I absolutely hated it.

我以生物学学位和医学领域的工作离开了学校。 我花了大约两个星期才意识到我绝对讨厌它。

I was working 6 days a week, waking up at 3:30am in order to be at the hospital by 5:30. Making next to nothing, I quickly racked up $10,000 in credit card debt. I knew I deserved more, but I had no idea how to get it.

我每周工作6天,要在凌晨3:30醒来,以便在5:30之前到医院。 我几乎一无所获,很快就积10,000了10,000美元的信用卡债务。 我知道我应该得到更多,但是我不知道如何得到它。

I saw people in my graduating class living in New York or San Francisco, making six figure salaries and going on exotic trips. I often wondered what they had figured out that I hadn’t. What was their secret?

我看到即将毕业的班上的人们住在纽约或旧金山,挣六位数的薪水,然后去异国旅行。 我经常想知道他们发现我没有发现什么。 他们的秘密是什么?

I dedicated the next 12 months of my life to finding the answer. In this article I’m going to share everything I learned along the way.

我将生命的接下来的12个月用于寻找答案。 在本文中,我将分享我在此过程中学到的一切。

First, I’ll walk you through the exact process you can use to get a job interview at your dream company even if you don’t know a single person there — you won’t even need to apply online.


Next, I’ll teach you how to ace the interview process, get the offer, and land a salary you deserve.


I personally used these exact strategies to get interviews and offers at companies like Google, Uber and Twitter. They are also the same tactics that my students have used to land interviews and offers at Google, Microsoft, Slack, Deloitte, PWC, American Express, ESPN and more.

我个人使用这些确切的策略来接受Google,Uber和Twitter等公司的采访和报价。 它们也是我的学生用来在Google,Microsoft,Slack,Deloitte,PWC,American Express,ESPN等进行采访和提供采访的相同策略。

推荐是最有效的雇用方式 (Referrals Are The Most Effective Way To Get Hired)

A recent LinkedIn survey on talent trends showed that 1 in 3 people were actively looking for new work. As of January 2017, the population of employed people in the United States was 123 million. This means that, at any given time, 41 million people are looking for work.

LinkedIn最近对人才趋势进行的调查显示,每3个人中就有1个人正在积极寻找新工作 。 截至2017年1月, 美国就业人口为1.23亿 。 这意味着在任何给定时间,有4100万人正在寻找工作。

On average, an open role at a well known company gets ~250 resumes. 75% of these resumes came from some sort of online portal (like the company’s online application, or a career aggregator site like

平均而言, 在一家知名公司公开职位可获得约250份简历 。 这些简历中的75%来自某种在线门户网站(例如公司的在线应用程序,或职业整合网站,例如。

Once submitted, these applications are screened by Applicant Tracking software that scans them for keywords. At the end of the process, ~5 resumes make it into the hands of a recruiter. That’s 2% at best.

提交后,这些应用程序就会通过申请人跟踪软件进行筛选,该软件会扫描它们中的关键字。 流程结束时,约有5张简历将其交到招聘人员手中。 充其量是2%。

Additionally, The Wall Street Journal published an article stating that 80% of jobs aren’t advertised online.

此外, 《华尔街日报》发表了一篇文章,指出80%的工作不是在线招聘广告

That means that 75% of people applying for jobs are all competing for 20% of the opportunities!




When it comes to getting hired, referrals are the most effective way to secure an interview and land the offer. Here are some stats from a recent Jobvite survey:

关于录用,推荐是确保面试和录取报价的最有效方法。 以下是Jobvite最近的一项调查统计数据:

  • 40% of hires come from referrals, the next largest channel is via career sites at 21% (almost half as many)

  • Referrals get hired in an average of 3 weeks while other applicants take up to 7 weeks

  • Referrals get paid more on average than cold applicants


Finally, over 50% of six figure jobs are filled via referral.

最后, 六位数字工作中有超过50%是通过推荐来填补的

Moral of the story? If we want to get hired at our dream job, we need to find another way to get a referral from an insider.

故事的道德启示? 如果我们想在理想的工作中被录用,就需要寻找另一种方法来获得内部人员的推荐。

The problem is, many of us don’t happen to have friends or family working at places like Google.


第1部分:不认识公司员工时如何获得工作面试 (Part 1: How To Get A Job Interview When You Don’t Know A Single Person At The Company)

了解您的角色(并找到它) (Know Your Role (And Find It))

The first step is having a solid idea of the specific role you are looking for, down to the company and title if possible.


Next, you need to make sure that role is available. For today, let’s assume that you want to be an Account Manager in the Technology B2B vertical at Google. Looks like a spot is open in New York:

接下来,您需要确保该角色可用。 今天,假设您想成为Google Technology B2B行业的客户经理。 看起来纽约有个景点:

寻找潜在影响者 (Locate Potential Influencers)

Next, you are going to find someone who not only knows about the role, but could potentially have an impact on hiring for it. Time to fire up LinkedIn.

接下来,您将找到一个不仅知道该职位,而且可能对其雇用产生影响的人。 是时候启动LinkedIn了。

In the search bar, plug in the company name + all of the information I highlighted above (title, vertical/industry, preferred city). However, before you hit “Search,” we need to remember that you are looking for someone who can influence the hiring process.

在搜索栏中,插入公司名称+我上面突出显示的所有信息(标题,垂直/行业,首选城市)。 但是,在您点击“搜索”之前,我们需要记住,您正在寻找可以影响招聘过程的人员。

With that in mind, I usually use a title that is one level up from the position that I’m looking for.


If you’re not familiar with title hierarchy structures in the corporate world, here is a quick guide (if you are already familiar with how titles are structured, feel free to skip this section):


旁注:按标题列出的公司组织结构简要指南 (Side Note: A Brief Guide To Company Organizational Structures By Title)

Every company has a hierarchy starting at the top with the CEO/Founder all the way down to the entry level employees. When researching companies, especially people to speak to within those companies, it helps to know where certain titles fit in the food chain. That way you can ensure you are talking to the right person.

每个公司都有一个层次结构,从最高层开始,从CEO / Founder一直到入门级员工。 在研究公司时,尤其是在那些公司中与之交谈的人时,有助于了解某些标题在食品链中的位置。 这样,您可以确保与正确的人交谈。

Here is a general list of titles that fits almost any company, starting at the top:


  • C-­Level (CEO, CTO, CFO, COO, etc.)


  • Vice President (VP)


  • Director


  • Senior Manager


  • Manager


  • Coordinator (Entry Level)

    协调员 (入门级)

同事,高管和上级 (Associates, Executives, and Seniors)

In many companies, the above titles have some sort of variation that allows for greater segmentation within that level. The most common forms of this are Associate, Executive, and Senior. Here is what those mean:

在许多公司中,以上标题有某种变体,可以在该级别内进行更大的细分。 最常见的形式是协理,执行和高级。 这些是什么意思:

Associate: this title is usually given to someone who is halfway between positions for some reason (maybe there is typically a 4 year gap between levels and they are 2 years in). A person with Associate in their title is usually one notch below a person with the original title. For example, an Associate Account Manager would most likely be one level below an Account Manager.

助理:由于某些原因,这个头衔通常授予处于职位中间位置的人(级别之间通常可能有4年的差距,而他们之间是2年)。 具有副总裁职位的人通常比拥有原始职位的人低一个档次。 例如,助理客户经理最有可能比客户经理低一级。

Senior: ­this title is the more experienced version of an Associate. People with Senior in their title are usually one notch above the original title. For example, a Senior Account Manager would be one notch above an Account Manager.

高级:此职位是高级会员的经验丰富的版本。 拥有高级职位的人通常比原始职位高一个等级。 例如,高级客户经理将比客户经理高出一个档次。

Executive: ­this title is usually given to people who are very senior, or around the level of Vice President. The two most common cases are Sales Executive/Account Executive (synonymous terms for a senior salesperson) or Executive Vice President who is two notches above a Vice President and one notch above a Senior Vice President. That should be all the info you need to make an educated decision around where people stand within the company you are researching.

行政人员:这个头衔通常授予非常高级或副总裁级别的人员。 两种最常见的情况是销售主管/客户主管(高级销售人员的同义词)或执行副总裁,其在副总裁之上两个级别,在高级副总裁之上一个级别。 那应该是您要做出有根据的决策所需要的所有信息,以决定人们在您所研究的公司中所处的位置。

Now that you’re familiar with the company structure, let’s get back to finding that influencer who can help you land this job.


Since we are looking for an Account Manager role, the next step up would be Senior Account Manager so your LinkedIn search would look like this:


Our first result? A Senior Account Manager who works in B2B at Google:

我们的第一个结果? 在Google B2B工作的高级客户经理:

获取联系信息 (Obtaining Contact Info)

Now we’re going to reach out and set up a meeting. It’s best to do these in person but over the phone can work well if you’re dream job is in another state or country.

现在,我们将伸出手并召开会议。 最好亲自完成这些操作,但是如果您梦dream以求的工作是在另一个州或国家/地区,则通过电话可以很好地工作。

In order to get in touch with our influencer, we’re going to need their contact info. Here are 3 strategies you can use to find almost anyone’s corporate email address:

为了与我们的影响者保持联系,我们将需要他们的联系信息。 您可以使用以下3种策略来查找几乎任何人的公司电子邮件地址:

领英 (LinkedIn)

This one is obvious but it’s a big time saver and definitely worth the 10 seconds it takes to check.


On the person’s profile, right under their picture, there can be a button labeled “Contact Info” (I say “can be” because people have the option to remove it). Occasionally, people will have their email address listed right there — voila!

在此人的个人资料上,在他们的照片下方,可以有一个标记为“联系信息”的按钮(我说“可以”是因为人们可以选择删除它)。 有时候,人们会在此列出他们的电子邮件地址-瞧!

If not, let’s move right along…


反向查询 (Reverse Lookup)

Head over to Voila Norbert and enter the first and last name of the person you are searching for, as well as their company’s website. For example, if we were trying to find Larry Page’s email, our form would look like this:

前往Voila Norbert ,输入您要搜索的人的名字和姓氏,以及他们公司的网站。 例如,如果我们尝试查找Larry Page的电子邮件,则我们的表单将如下所示:

Once it spits out their email you can confirm it using MailTester.


匹配格式 (Matching Formats)

If that doesn’t work, you can try finding someone else’s email at the company and use that format reverse engineering your target email address.


For example, using Larry Page again, if I know that my buddy John Smith’s email is john at then I can assume that Larry’s email is larry at

例如,再次使用Larry Page,如果我知道我的好友John Smith的电子邮件是google.com上的ohn,那么我可以假定Larry的电子邮件是google.com上的larry

The easiest way to get a hold of a company email address is to reach out to someone in sales or media because both of these departments usually have inbound lead forms and people on the other end ready to pounce on those leads.


We can also use our LinkedIn method here and target salespeople.


Salespeople almost always have their corporate email listed on their LinkedIn because it’s a free win for them. If someone is looking for their product and then finds them on LinkedIn, boom — they just got an effortless inbound lead.

销售人员几乎总是在其LinkedIn上列出他们的公司电子邮件,因为这对他们是免费的。 如果有人正在寻找他们的产品,然后在LinkedIn上找到它们,那么他们就可以轻松获得入站线索。

Once you have the format, you can use MailTester to confirm your target email address.


研究,研究,研究 (Research, Research, Research)

Now that you have your potential influencer, it’s time to do some research so you can effectively reach out and build that relationship.


Start with the usual suspects — LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and look for common points of interest. To be honest, most people are better at this online research thing than I am, so I’ll get back to the meat here.

从常见的犯罪嫌疑人(LinkedIn,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram等)开始,并寻找共同的兴趣点。 老实说,大多数人都比我更擅长于此在线研究,因此,我将回到这里。

One thing I will say is, don’t skimp. The more you get to know this person beforehand, the better your chances of landing a referral from them.

我要说的一件事是,不要漏mp。 您与该人事先认识得越多,从他们那里引荐的机会就越大。

Some people have said to me, “Austin, isn’t this a little weird? I feel like I’m kind of stalking this person.” I totally get it. However, this information is critical for quickly building a strong relationship and getting that referral.

有人对我说: “奥斯丁,这有点奇怪吗? 我觉得我有点缠着这个人。” 我完全明白。 但是,此信息对于快速建立牢固的关系并获得推荐至关重要。

Also, in my experience, people tend to expect that you’ve done some research on them. The key is to understand what is kosher to bring up out of the blue and what isn’t.

同样,根据我的经验,人们倾向于期望您已经对他们进行了一些研究。 关键是要了解什么是犹太洁食,什么不是。

People are OK with you checking out their LinkedIn, but they may be a little weirded out if you mention that picture from Saturday’s Bar Crawl you saw on Facebook.

人们可以接受他们的LinkedIn,但可以接受,但是如果您提到周六在Facebook上看到的Bar Crawl中的图片,可能会有些奇怪。

My general rule of thumb is this: if it exists on LinkedIn, it’s fair game to bring up. If you found it somewhere else (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) use a different method. For example, if I see that my influencer is a skiing fanatic, I may bring up that I went on a ski trip a few weeks beforehand.

我的一般经验法则是:如果它存在于LinkedIn上,那么提出它是一个公平的游戏。 如果您在其他地方(Twitter,Facebook等)找到它,请使用其他方法。 例如,如果我发现自己的影响者是滑雪狂热者,那么我可能会提前说出我是在几周前去滑雪的。

发送电子邮件 (Sending The Email)

Now that you have your potential influencer and their contact info, it’s time to reach out. Not only is this one of the scarier parts of this process, it is also the most pivotal.

现在您已经有了潜在的影响者及其联系方式,现在该伸出援手了。 这不仅是该过程中最恐怖的部分之一,而且也是最关键的部分。

To help you get past that hump, I’ve included the exact email script that I used to reach out to people. In this case, I’m reaching out to Tim who works at Google:

为了帮助您摆脱困境,我提供了我以前与人们联系过的确切电子邮件脚本。 在这种情况下,我要联系在Google工作的Tim:

Subject: Quick Question


Hi Tim,


My name is Austin and I currently work at Cultivated Culture. I was browsing through LinkedIn and came across your information — I hope you don’t mind me reaching out of the blue here.

我的名字叫奥斯丁,目前在耕种文化工作。 我浏览了LinkedIn,发现了您的信息-希望您不要介意我在这里突如其来。

I saw that you have extensive experience in Google’s Technology B2B vertical and I’m very interested in learning more about that space. I would love to have the opportunity to run some questions by you, as well as tap into any advice you may have given your knowledge of the industry.

我看到您在Google的技术B2B行业中拥有丰富的经验,并且我对了解有关该领域的更多内容非常感兴趣。 我希望有机会向您提出一些问题,以及利用您可能提供的有关行业知识的任何建议。

I know that your time is extremely valuable so please don’t feel to need to respond in depth. If you do have 5 minutes to chat, I would really appreciate it.

我知道您的时间非常宝贵,因此请您不必进行深度回应。 如果您有5分钟的聊天时间,非常感谢。





There are a few key points to the email above:


  • Address the person you are emailing by name

  • State who you are and make it personable

  • Include some flattery that positions the person as an “expert”


As for the subject, Fast Company did a study where they emailed 1,000 C-level executives from Fortune & Inc 500 companies. They found that the subject line “Quick Question” made up 66.7% of total replies. I saw similar results.

关于该主题,Fast Company进行了一项研究, 他们向来自财富500强公司的1000位C级高管发送了电子邮件 。 他们发现主题行“ Quick Question”占总答复的66.7%。 我看到了类似的结果。

All of that said, this script is just a framework. You will most likely need to tweak your emails to fit the situation.

综上所述,该脚本只是一个框架。 您很可能需要调整电子邮件以适应这种情况。

When that time comes, I recommend checking out Sam Parr’s incredible guide on how to cold email like a boss (Sam has started conversations with Jeff Bezos and Brian Lee (aka Jessica Alba’s Honest co-founder) via cold email). It’s the same guide I used to help craft my email templates.

到时候,我建议查看Sam Parr令人难以置信的指南, 指南如何像老板一样冷电子邮件 (Sam已通过冷电子邮件与Jeff Bezos和Brian Lee(又名Jessica Alba的诚实创始人)开始对话)。 这与我用来制作电子邮件模板的指南相同。

Finally, you want to make sure to send your email at the right time. Check out this breakdown from Venngage on the best time to send your email.

最后,您要确保在正确的时间发送电子邮件。 在最佳时间检查Venngage的此故障, 以发送电子邮件

Now hit Send!


准备会议 (Prepare For Your Meeting)

In order to prepare, we have to know what we’re preparing for. The goal of your meeting is to position your influencer as an expert, make them feel special, and build a relationship.

为了准备,我们必须知道我们正在准备什么。 会议的目的是将有影响力的人定位为专家,让他们感到与众不同并建立关系。

You should not and will not mention anything about the opening at their company. People innately enjoy helping others and if you follow the steps above, they will bring this up naturally.

不应 也不会提及有关他们公司开业的任何信息。 人们天生喜欢帮助他人,如果您按照上述步骤操作,他们会自然而然地提出。

You will want to prepare a list of questions that gets them to open up about themselves and the company. I like to ask them several softballs to get things warmed up and then hit them with a few questions they are guaranteed to remember.

您将需要准备一个问题清单,以使他们能够公开谈论自己和公司。 我想问他们几个垒球,以使事情变热,然后打出一些他们肯定会记住的问题。

Here is a quick set that I’ve had success with in the past (I’ve found the last one really seems to stick):


  1. I saw you worked at [Previous Companies]. How did you end up going from [First Industry] to becoming interested in [Current Company]?

    我看到你在[以前的公司]工作过。 您是如何从[第一产业]变成对[现有公司]感兴趣的?

  2. You hear a lot about [Current Company] in the news, but I’d love to hear more about why you love working there. What’s your favorite part?

    您在新闻中听到了很多有关[当前公司]的信息,但是我很想听听您为什么喜欢在那里工作的更多信息。 你最喜欢的部分是什么?

  3. What is one totally unexpected lesson you’ve learned from working at [Current Company]?


“百万美元”问题 (The “Million Dollar” Question)

Regardless of the questions you choose, there is one that you must always be sure to ask:


“What is the biggest challenge your team is facing right now?”


Really dig in here, get them to be specific. This information is going to be critical in helping you land a referral from this person, as well as getting the offer farther down the road.

真的在这里挖,让他们具体。 这些信息对于帮助您从此人那里推荐人以及使报价走得更远至关重要。

您的家庭作业:(在很大的程度上)增加价值 (Your Homework: Adding Value (In A Big Way))

Okay, so you met with your influencer, things went great, and you identified a major pain point that the team is having. Now we’re going to focus on that last piece.

好的,您遇到了有影响力的人,事情进展顺利, 并且确定了团队面临的主要痛点。 现在,我们将专注于最后一部分。

Over the next week you are going to research the crap out of your influencer’s problem. Then you are going to come up with a solution and draft up a proposal for how you would solve it. Your proposal should include:

在接下来的一周中,您将研究影响者问题的根源。 然后,您将提出解决方案并起草解决方案。 您的建议应包括:

  • A summary of the problem (to illustrate that you understand their pain)

  • A step-by-step framework of how you would solve this problem

  • A brief outline of how your skill set positions you as an asset to implement that solution


Truthfully, this process deserves a post of its own but this should give you a good idea of what you need to do. If you’re the type of person that likes concrete examples, check out this guerrilla usability test that Raghav Haran ran for Airbnb.

确实,此过程值得一职,但这应该使您对需要做的事情有个好主意。 如果您是喜欢具体示例的人,请查看Raghav Haran为Airbnb进行的游击可用性测试

Once you have all of this information, consolidate it into a Word document, head over to Upwork, and hire a graphic designer to make your proposal look amazing. If you’ve never hired on Upwork before, here is an amazing guide by Dave Nevogt on how to do it right.

获得所有这些信息后,将其合并到Word文档中,转到Upwork ,并雇用一名图形设计师,使您的建议看起来很棒。 如果您以前从未雇用过Upwork, 这是Dave Nevogt撰写的出色指南,说明如何正确执行。

跟进您的提案 (Following Up With Your Proposal)

Now we’re going to reach back out to our influencer with the proposal. Here’s the template I used:

现在,我们将与提案联系我们的影响者。 这是我使用的模板:

Hi [Influencer],


Thanks again for taking the time out to chat last week.


I spent a lot of time thinking about what you said regarding [team’s biggest challenge]. In fact, I created a short framework that should help you solve it. Please find that attached.

我花了很多时间思考您对[团队最大的挑战]的看法。 实际上,我创建了一个简短的框架来帮助您解决它。 请找到附件。

If you have some time, I would love to chat about it in more detail.


Please let me know if you have any questions, I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts!






It’s very important that you do not mention the open position in any of your emails or the proposal. Be patient and wait for their response. When they do get back to you, they will not only bring up the opening but they will ask you if you’re interested.

非常重要的一点是,您在任何电子邮件或投标中都不要提及空缺职位。 请耐心等待他们的回应。 当他们确实回覆您时,他们不仅会提出要求,还会询问您是否有兴趣。

Kindly accept and play it cool. You’re in!

请接受并玩得很酷。 你在!

第2部分:如何轻松完成面试过程 (Part 2: How To Breeze Through The Interview Process)

Fast forward — our influencer passed along our resume to HR and they have reached out to set up a phone screen. Once we get past that, we’ll be on to interviewing with the team, and then getting the job.

快进-我们的影响者将简历传递给了人力资源部门,他们已经伸出手来设置电话屏幕。 一旦达到目标,我们将继续与团队面试,然后获得工作。

A note to developers: The advice below does not cover technical interviews, which are typically required for developer/software roles. However, the advice below will help create more time to prepare for technical interviews by minimizing the amount of preparation needed for other parts of the interview process. If you are applying for a development role, I suggest you read Cracking The Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell.

给开发人员的注释:以下建议不涵盖技术面试,这对于开发人员/软件角色通常是必需的。 但是,下面的建议将最大限度地减少面试过程其他部分所需的准备工作量,从而有助于腾出更多时间为技术面试做准备。 如果您正在申请开发职位,我建议您阅读Gayle Laakmann McDowell撰写的 Cracking The Coding Interview

[插入公司名称]面试模板 ([Insert Company Name] Interview Template)

Interviews can be daunting, especially at companies like Google, Amazon, or Uber. I’m sure you’ve read the horror stories about crazy questions they ask people like “Quick — How many golf balls can fit inside a school bus,” or, “how many gas stations are there in Manhattan?”

面试可能令人生畏,尤其是在Google,Amazon或Uber等公司。 我敢肯定,您已经读过有关他们问诸如“快速—校车内可容纳多少个高尔夫球”或“曼哈顿有多少个加油站?”之类的疯狂问题的恐怖故事。

The truth is, most of these companies have done away with those questions. They crunched the numbers and found that the answers didn’t correlate with high employee performance (shocker, I know). In fact, Google’s own Senior Vice President of People Operations called them a “complete waste of time.”

事实是,这些公司中的大多数都消除了这些问题。 他们计算了数字,发现答案与员工的高绩效并没有关联(我知道,这令人震惊)。 实际上,谷歌自己的人员运营高级副总裁称他们为“完全浪费时间”。

These companies have since reverted back to the standard style of interviews, which is great for us because it makes it much easier to identify patterns. We can essentially “guess” what questions will be on the test and prepare answers that will blow our interviewers away (it works way better than it did in college, I swear).

这些公司此后又恢复了标准的采访方式,这对我们来说非常好,因为它可以更轻松地识别模式。 从本质上讲,我们可以“猜测”考试中将要回答什么问题,并准备答案,这将使我们的面试官不知所措(我发誓,它的工作方式比大学时要好得多)。

Here is the process I used to prepare for each one.


牢记基础知识:每次面试中都会遇到的问题 (Nailing The Basics: Questions You’ll Get In Every Interview)

According to renowned career guru Penelope Trunk, one of the easiest ways to be a better interviewer is to prepare for the most obvious questions. You may be saying “well duh,” but you’d be surprised by how many people spread themselves too thin by trying to prepare answers to every possible question.

据著名的职业大师佩内洛普特恩(Penelope Trunk)称成为更好的面试官最简单的方法之一是为最明显的问题做准备 。 您可能会说“嗯”,但是您会惊讶地发现,有多少人试图通过准备每个可能的问题的答案来分散自己的思想。

99% of the interviews you go on will follow the exact same template. If you can master the format, your confidence will skyrocket and you’ll be prepared for almost any situation you get thrown into.

您进行的访谈中有99%将遵循完全相同的模板。 如果您能熟练掌握格式,那么您的信心就会猛增,几乎可以应付各种情况。

The Universal Job Interview Format:


  1. Tell me about yourself (your experience, why you are interested in this role, etc.)

  2. A mix of behavioral questions, which we’ll dive into shortly

  3. What questions do you have for me (the interviewer)?


Let’s tackle each individually.


说说你自己 (Tell Me About Yourself)

This is your first impression. More importantly, it’s the only part of the interview that you totally control. Do NOT rattle off your resume like a grocery list.

这是您的第一印象。 更重要的是,这是您完全控制的面试的唯一部分。 不要像杂货店清单那样乱动简历。

In order to nail this part you need to craft an interesting story — your story. You want it to be concise (around 2–3 minutes) and you need to think about what you want to convey. I recommend:

为了完善这一部分,您需要制作一个有趣的故事-您的故事。 您希望简明扼要(大约2至3分钟),并且需要考虑要传达的内容。 我建议:

  • Choosing 2–3 themes to build your story around (for me, those themes were Persistence, Agility, and Success)

    选择2–3个主题来构建您的故事(对我而言,这些主题是“ 持久性” ,“ 敏捷 性”和“ 成功”)

  • Including quantitative metrics whenever possible

  • Addressing the question of why you want to leave your current position (they are going to ask you this anyways, addressing it early shows that you’re aware it’s a concern of theirs and helps put them at ease)


To help get you started, here is what my story looked like. To give you some context, I was a biology major who was interested in landing a job in digital marketing:

为了帮助您入门,这是我的故事。 为了给您提供一些背景信息,我是生物学专业的,他对找到数字营销工作感兴趣:

Growing up, like most people, I wanted to be a doctor. I went to [college] where I majored in biology and planned my course to medical school. Not long after, I decided that pre-med wasn’t for me. I wanted to get into digital marketing, and I wanted to be in New York. I set my sights on this goal and created a plan that would get me there.

像大多数人一样长大,我想成为一名医生。 我去了大学,主修生物学,并计划去医学院读书。 不久之后,我决定不适合我。 我想进入数字营销,也想去纽约。 我着眼于这个目标,并制定了一个计划,将我带到那儿。

In 2013, I graduated with my biology degree and took a job in medical device sales where I worked from 5:30am — 12:30pm covering surgical cases in the operating room. Then, every day, I would come home and study digital marketing until 8:00pm. In order to gain relevant experience, I got certified in Google Analytics & AdWords and created my own consulting firm that focused on using search engine marketing to generate leads for private golf communities. We were able to increase home sales by an average of 20% while reducing the cost per lead by around 10%. Armed with my new credentials, I began to look for positions in New York.

2013年,我以生物学学位毕业,从事医疗器械销售工作,从早上5:30-下午12:30开始工作,负责手术室的外科手术。 然后,每天我都会回家学习数字营销,直到晚上8:00。 为了获得相关经验,我获得了Google Analytics(分析)和AdWords的认证,并创建了自己的咨询公司,该公司专注于使用搜索引擎营销来为私人高尔夫社区赢得潜在客户。 我们能够将房屋销售平均提高20%,同时将每根引线的成本降低约10%。 有了新的证书,我开始在纽约寻找职位。

Eventually, I was offered a position at my current company (a promotional analytics company in New York). During my tenure there I have grown my book of business by 467%, spearheaded the creation of an internal group dedicated to marketing the company on the internet, and helped close the second largest deal in company history.

最终,我获得了在当前公司(纽约一家促销分析公司)的职位。 在任职期间,我的业务簿增长了467%,带头成立了一个致力于在互联网上营销公司的内部小组,并帮助完成了公司历史上第二大交易。

However, the company has restructured several times since I was brought on. I’ve had 3 different managers over the past year, as well as 3 titles with different sets of responsibilities. I’m looking for something a bit more stable and [company I am interviewing at] has been somewhere that I have wanted to work since I got into this industry. I’m really excited to have this opportunity.

但是,自从我上任以来,公司已经进行了几次重组。 在过去的一年中,我有3位不同的经理,以及3位职责不同的职务。 我正在寻找更稳定的东西,自从进入这个行业以来,[我正在采访的公司]一直是我想要工作的地方。 我很高兴有这个机会。

Pro Tip: You are telling a story. Don’t be afraid to embellish a bit. I’m not saying you should lie or make up stories, but you want to sell yourself and you can bet your butt that your competition isn’t afraid to inflate their credentials.

专家提示 :您正在讲一个故事 。 不要害怕修饰一下。 我并不是说您应该撒谎或编造故事,但是您想推销自己,并且可以打赌您的竞争对手不惧怕夸大他们的资格。

行为问题 (Behavioral Questions)

Next up is the dreaded set of behavioral questions. The ones meant to tease out your thought process and your ability to be a “team player.” This is the part where our educated “guesses” are going to come in handy.

接下来是一系列可怕的行为问题。 他们的目的是挑逗您的思考过程以及您成为“团队合作者”的能力。 这是我们受过教育的“猜测”将派上用场的地方。

The behavioral section is broken down into two parts that I call Standard Questions and Company Specific Questions. Let’s start with the former.

行为部分分为两部分,我称之为标准问题公司特定问题 。 让我们从前者开始。

标准问题 (Standard Questions)

You are going to be asked a variation of one, if not all, of these questions in every single interview you go to:


  1. Why do you want to work for us?

  2. Tell me about a time you exhibited leadership

  3. Tell me about a time where you had to work as a team

  4. Tell me about a time you’ve had to work with a difficult person, or difficult people

  5. Tell me about a time you failed

  6. Tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle

  7. Tell me about a time when you had success


If you can answer these 6 questions, you can handle 9 out of 10 interviews with no other preparation and be totally fine. Just follow the same set of rules I mentioned above in the Tell Me About Yourself section:

如果您可以回答这6个问题,那么您可以在10个面试中处理9个,而无需其他准备,就可以了。 只需遵循我在“自我介绍”部分中提到的相同规则即可:

  • Craft a concise story

  • Make sure to include quantitative metrics that illustrate your success

  • Anticipate and address objections

公司特定问题 (Company Specific Questions)

These are questions that fall in the middle of the 7 listed above and “why are man hole covers round?” Never fear though, we can anticipate these too.

这些问题落在上述7个问题的中间,“为什么人Kong盖是圆形的?” 不过不要担心,我们也可以预见到这些。

Head over to GlassDoor. If you’ve never heard of GlassDoor, it’s a great resource for any job seeker that includes salaries, reviews, and interview information for almost any company in the world.

前往GlassDoor 。 如果您从未听说过GlassDoor,对于任何求职者来说,它都是一个不错的资源,其中包括全球几乎所有公司的薪水,评论和面试信息。

First, you are going to search for the position you’re applying for. In keeping with our theme, we’ll search for “Google” under Companies & Reviews:

首先,您将搜索要申请的职位。 为了符合我们的主题,我们将在“公司和评论”下搜索“ Google”:

Next, we’re going to click on the “Interviews” Tab:


Then scroll down and click on “Filter Interviews” which will bring up some advanced settings. Here we’ll type in the title of the job we want (Account Manager, in this case) and the location (New York, NY). We’ll also select “Received Offer” because the people who didn’t receive offers tend to be slightly, ahem, biased:

然后向下滚动并单击“过滤器访问”,将显示一些高级设置。 在这里,我们将输入所需职位的标题(在这种情况下为客户经理)和地点(纽约,纽约)。 我们也将选择“接收报价”,因为谁没有收到报价的人往往是咯, 啊哈 ,偏向:

This will pull up a list of reviews from everyone who interviewed and received an offer for that position. The general comments are really helpful, but we want to focus on a section called Interview Questions towards the bottom. I usually comb through 10–15 of these and add all of the interview questions into a Word doc so I can answer them later:

这将从所有接受过该职位的面试并收到报价的人中提取评论列表。 一般性评论确实很有帮助,但我们希望在底部关注一个名为“ 面试问题”的部分。 我通常会梳理其中的10-15个问题,并将所有面试问题添加到Word文档中,以便稍后再回答:

Now you have your second set of questions to prepare for.


您对我有什么问题? (What Questions Do You Have For Me?)

Finally, once they are done peppering you with questions, your interviewer will ask if you have any questions for them. This is the most crucial part of the interview.

最后,一旦他们解决了所有问题,面试官就会询问您是否有任何问题。 这是面试中最关键的部分

Why? Because so many people neglect it. If you can ask some questions that are even slightly outside of the box, I’ve found that really sticks with the interviewer more than any other part of the meeting.

为什么? 因为有很多人忽略了它。 如果您可以提出一些甚至不在框外的问题,我发现访谈员比会议的其他任何部分都更加重视访谈员。

After every interview I’ve been on, I asked for feedback. Without fail, the interviewer made a positive comment about the questions I asked. The good news for you is that I asked the same exact questions in every single one. Here they are:

每次面试结束后,我都要求提供反馈。 毫无疑问,面试官对我提出的问题发表了积极的评论。 对您来说好消息是,我在每个问题中都问了同样的确切问题。 他们来了:

  • What is your favorite part about working here?

  • What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now?

  • Let’s say that, in one year, you are looking back on this hire. What has that person done to exceed expectations on every level?

    假设您在一年之内就回头看了这份工作。 这个人在每个层面上做了什么超出期望的事情?
  • Ask about a current event (for example — I saw that [Competitor X] came out with this product. How do you see that affecting your business?)


  • What is the most unexpected lesson you’ve learned while working at [company]?

  • Tell me a little bit more about you, what do you like to do outside of work?


These questions work because they are based on specific principles of behavioral psychology. They break down barriers and help build a positive association in your interviewer’s mind. If you’re interested in the details, you can read more about it here.

这些问题之所以起作用,是因为它们基于行为心理学的特定原理。 它们打破了障碍,并有助于在面试官的心中建立积极的联系。 如果您对这些细节感兴趣,可以在此处阅读有关它的更多信息

说谢谢 (Say Thank You)

While we’re on the subject, be absolutely sure to send a thank you note to everyone you interviewed with. Also include a personal touch to each one (something that you gained from that last question).

当我们讨论这个主题时,绝对要向与您面谈的所有人发送感谢信。 还包括每个人的个人风格(您从上一个问题中得到的东西)。

Many people I talk to say “but I don’t have their email.” Ask for it! At the end of every interview always, always ask for a business card or write down the person’s email in your notebook.

我跟很多人说“但是我没有他们的电子邮件。” 去问问! 在每次面试结束时, 始终要索取名片或在笔记本中写下对方的电子邮件。

If you forget, try using the techniques I outlined above for finding people’s emails and you should be fine.


第3部分-跟进以及如果他们拒绝则该怎么办 (Part 3 — Following Up & What To Do If They Say No)

This is one of the most common mistakes I see from job applicants. I understand how nerve wracking it is to sit there and wait while everything is completely out of your hands.

这是我从求职者那里看到的最常见的错误之一。 我知道坐在那里等待所有事情完全失控是多么的紧张。

One of the toughest things I had to learn throughout my interview process was that, while this is a HUGE deal to you, it’s really just another agenda item on the hiring manager’s schedule.


They will get back to you, and if they don’t? You don’t want to work for someone who doesn’t have the courtesy of replying to the people they do business with.

他们会尽快回复您,如果不这样做? 您不想为没有礼貌回馈与他们有业务往来的人的人工作。

我什么时候可以给他们发送提醒? (When Can I Send Them A Reminder?)

The rule of thumb is one business week. If you interviewed on a Tuesday, wait until the next Tuesday to email them (as J.T. O'Donnell says, never send a nudge on a Monday). When you do, don’t push or be blunt. Keep it short and sweet:

经验法则是一个工作周。 如果您在星期二进行面试,请等到下个星期二通过电子邮件发送给他们(正如JT O'Donnell所说, 切勿在星期一发送轻推 )。 当您这样做时,请不要过分推或直言不讳。 保持简短和甜美:

Hi [Interviewer],


I hope you had a great week!


I wanted to quickly follow up and see if there was anything else I could help with regarding the application process. If so, please let me know.

我想快速跟进,看看在申请过程中是否还有其他需要帮助的地方。 如果是这样,请告诉我。





That’s it. If they don’t respond to that after another 3–4 days, you have your answer and it’s time to move on.

而已。 如果他们在3到4天后仍未对此做出回应,那么您就有了答案了,该继续了。

如果他们拒绝,会发生什么? (What Happens If They Say No?)

Ugh. The worst case scenario. Don’t get down just yet though, we’re not done here.

啊。 最坏的情况。 不过,请不要失望,我们还没有完成。

I have this quality where I have trouble taking “no” as an answer. When I was interviewing with Google, the initial screener told me that she wasn’t going to put me through because she “didn’t think I was qualified, and didn’t want to waste the team’s time.”

我有这样的素质,我很难回答“否”。 当我在接受Google采访时,最初的筛选者告诉我,她并不想让我接受,因为她“认为我没有资格,也不想浪费团队的时间。”

I was not happy. So I sent her this:

我不开心 所以我给她发了这个:

Hi [Recruiter],


Thank you again for carving out the time to speak this afternoon. I really appreciate your feedback, and I wanted to add one final note: I completely understand your concerns regarding my experience with [skill]. You are correct that I didn’t have much experience with that at [previous company]. That said, this doesn’t stem from an inability to produce results, but rather a lack of opportunity to do so.

再次感谢您抽出宝贵时间今天下午发言。 非常感谢您的反馈,我想最后说一句: 我完全理解您对我使用[技能]的担忧。 您是正确的,我在[以前的公司]并没有太多经验。 就是说,这并不是由于无法产生结果,而是由于没有机会这样做。

While my experience on paper may not match up to the initial expectations of the position’s description, I have do have two qualities that work in my favor: I am an extremely efficient learner, and am also very effective at translating those learnings into practice. Second, I’m much more tenacious than your average individual. My career has hinged on these two qualities. I left college with no digital experience and a biology degree — all of my digital knowledge was obtained through self study. I spent 8 months selling myself without the on-paper experience to back it up. When I was finally given the opportunity to apply my knowledge in a business setting, I playing a critical role in landing the company’s 2nd largest deal in history. I am confident that I can have the same success in this role. I have the resources necessary to learn what I need in order to be successful at [company], and am prepared to do whatever it takes to make that happen. I understand that [company’s] interview process is extremely challenging, and that only the top talent ends up with an offer letter at the end. I also believe that I am worthy of a shot at that letter. [Company] is known for hiring people who excel at the intangibles, as well the ability to learn new things and apply them to existing knowledge. That is my forte. I am not asking for an offer. I am simply asking for the opportunity to speak with the hiring manager to make my case for the position. I’m sure you will find the best person for the position, I would just like to have a legitimate shot at being that person. If you give me that chance, my next set of answers will not disappoint. Thank you again for your continued consideration.Best,

虽然我的书面经验可能无法达到职位描述的最初期望,但我确实有两种对我有利的特质:我是一个非常高效的学习者,并且在将这些学习成果转化为实践方面也非常有效。 第二,我比您的普通人坚韧得多。 我的职业取决于这两种素质。 我离开大学时没有任何数字经验和生物学学位-我所有的数字知识都是通过自学获得的。 我花了8个月的时间推销自己,却没有纸上经验来支持它。 当我最终有机会将自己的知识应用到业务环境中时,我在实现公司历史上第二大交易中发挥了关键作用。 我相信我可以在这个职位上取得同样的成功。 我有必要的资源来学习在[公司]取得成功所需要的东西,并准备尽一切努力实现这一目标。 我知道,[公司]的面试过程极具挑战性,只有顶尖的人才最终会在最后收到录取通知书。 我也认为我值得一提。 [公司]以雇用无形资产方面的卓越人才以及学习新事物并将其应用于现有知识的能力而闻名。 那是我的强项。 我不是要价。 我只是在要求有机会与招聘经理交谈,以证明我的立场。 我敢肯定,您会找到最适合这个职位的人,我只是想以一个合理的身份成为那个人。 如果您给我机会,我的下一组答案将不会令人失望。 再次感谢您的持续考虑。 最好,



Now that may be a little aggressive…


Ok, it was pretty aggressive. But she wrote me back an hour later and pushed me through to the next round! Mission accomplished.

好的,这非常激进。 但是一个小时后,她给我回信,将我推到下一轮! 任务完成。

The moral of the story here is, don’t give up if you get a “No.” Try to identify why you were turned down and then send a note to hiring manager addressing those items (feel free to copy mine).

这个故事的寓意是,如果您获得“否”,请不要放弃。 尝试找出拒绝您的原因,然后将说明发送给招聘经理,以解决这些问题(请随时复制我的信息)。

采取行动 (Taking Action)

There you have it. The exhaustive, step-by-step guide to landing an interview and then getting an offer from the company of your dreams. What are you waiting for? Get out there and start researching!

你有它。 详尽的分步指南,介绍如何进行采访,然后从您梦company以求的公司获得报价。 你在等什么? 出去那里,开始研究!

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如果喜欢此,请单击“?”。 下方,因此其他人会在这里看到它。

是否需要有关如何找到理想工作的更多建议? (Want More Advice On How To Land Your Dream Job?)

Click here to sign up for my free newsletter and starting taking your career from 0 to 100.

单击此处注册我的免费时事通讯 ,开始您的职业生涯从0增至100。

For more career advice like this check out my blog at Cultivated Culture.

有关此类的更多职业建议,请查看我在Cultivated Culture中的博客。



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