

by Jeffrey Shek

通过Jeffrey Shek

Anki如何挽救我的工程生涯 (How Anki saved my Engineering Career)

I was burned out and my software career was stalling just three years in. My memory sucked. Was my poor memory from stress, lack of sleep or was it always this bad? Work was a cycle of starting the day with “Today is the day I change” and ending it in a self-loathing dopamine-addicted HackerNews, Reddit and Medium. I was a failure.

我精疲力尽,我的软件事业停滞了仅仅三年。我的记忆糟透了。 我的记忆力低落是由于压力,睡眠不足还是总是那么糟糕? 工作是一个循环,开始于“今天是我改变的一天”,然后以一种讨厌自己的多巴胺上瘾的HackerNews,Reddit和Medium结束一天。 我失败了。

Advice I Needed But Ignored #213: Don’t tie your self-worth to your work.

我需要但被忽略的建议#213 :不要将自己的价值与工作联系在一起。

I wanted to be a good, hell, great software engineer. But my work was mediocre. Even worse, I was trying. My ass was in that chair twelve hours a day, six days a week trying to write beautiful Python code. I was constantly looking up documentation and always got sucked into the Internet’s rabbit-hole of distractions. I was a try-hard failure.

我想成为一名优秀的,地狱的,出色的软件工程师。 但是我的工作平庸。 更糟糕的是,我正在尝试。 我的屁股每周六天每天十二小时坐在椅子上,试图编写漂亮的Python代码。 我一直在寻找文档,并且总是沉迷于互联网的干扰中。 我是一个尝试失败的尝试。

And then there was Kyle. Kyle and I had started programming from scratch; we were both learning on the job. Three years later, our progress was nothing alike.

然后是凯尔。 凯尔和我从头开始编程。 我们俩都在工作中学习。 三年后,我们的进步无与伦比。

“Kyle is the first 10X engineer I have ever worked with.” — Every. single. coworker. w/ 15+ years experience.

“凯尔(Kyle)是我工作过的第一位10X工程师。” —每个。 单。 同事。 有15年以上经验。

Kyle worked weekdays from 10AM to 4PM. He got his work done early and single-handedly output 80% of the entire team. Adding more insult to injury, he only worked like 60% of the time. The rest of the time was spent on … HackerNews, Reddit and Medium. I was the try-hard slow brute, and Kyle was the graceful hare.

凯尔(Kyle)在工作日的上午10点至下午4点工作。 他尽早完成工作,单枪匹马产出了整个团队的80%。 更糟的是,他只有60%的时间工作。 其余时间都花在了……HackerNews,Reddit和Medium上。 我是一个努力的缓慢的野蛮人,而凯尔是个优雅的野兔。

Kyle didn’t have a secret routine. He never meditated. He was skinny despite McDonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But, Kyle had a super hero ability. Photographic memory in API syntax and documentation.

凯尔没有秘密的例行程序。 他从不沉思。 尽管麦当劳吃早餐,午餐和晚餐,他还是很瘦。 但是,凯尔拥有超级英雄的能力。 API语法和文档中的照片存储。

I wanted that and I was jealous. My career was stuck and something needed to change. And so I began a dedicated journey into spaced repetition. Every day for three years, I spent one to three hours in spaced repetition. It was brutal and I needed it.

我想要那,我很嫉妒。 我的职业生涯陷入困境,需要进行一些改变。 因此,我开始了专心致志的间隔重复之旅。 三年中的每一天,我都花了一到三个小时进行重复练习。 那太残酷了,我需要它。

什么是间隔重复? (What Is Spaced Repetition?)

Spaced repetition is a remembering technique that will remind you of concepts at spaced intervals to maximize memory retention efficiently. It’s a strategy to remind our brains of facts; it exploits the fact that the best time to be remember a fact is right before we forget it. Our brains are forgetful, but we can use strategies to make it less forgetful.

间隔重复是一种记忆技术,可以使您以一定间隔记住一些概念,以有效地最大程度地保留内存。 这是一种提醒我们大脑注意事实的策略; 它利用了这样一个事实:记住一个事实的最佳时间是在我们忘记它之前。 我们的大脑健忘,但是我们可以使用策略来减少健忘。

At increasing spacing intervals, memory is more likely to be consolidated into long-term memory (and less likely forgotten). Notice the duration of each reminder is further out every time.

随着间隔时间的增加,内存更可能被整合为长期内存(并且被遗忘的可能性较小)。 请注意,每次提醒的持续时间都更远。

Note: This image represents exactly the same as above, but in different colors to promote retention. I’m full of brain hacks.
注意:此图像表示的图像与上面的图像完全相同,但颜色不同以促进保留。 我到处都是脑袋。

Pretend you had six chances in a year to remind Bill Gates of your name. If Bill remembers your name a full calendar year later, you get a million dollars!

假设您一年中有六次机会提醒比尔·盖茨您的名字。 如果比尔在一个完整的日历年后记得您的名字,您将获得一百万美元!

Which reminder interval would you pick?


  • Option 1 — Cram Before the Exam: Dec 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st.

    选项1-考试前补习: 12月26日,27日,28日,29日,30日,31日。

  • Option 2 — The Ivy League Valedictorian: 1st of every other month. Jan 1st, March 1st, April 1st, etc.

    选项2-常春藤盟友Valedictorian:每两个月1日。 1月1日,3月1日,4月1日,等等。

  • Option 3 — Spaced Repetition: January 1st, January 3rd, January 20th, Feb 28th, April 15th, September 30th.

    选项3-间隔重复: 1月1日,1月3日,1月20日,2月28日,4月15日,9月30日。

Option 3 (Spaced Repetition) gives you the highest probability of Bill remembering your name. Ah, the Captain Obvious Blog Writer.

选项3(空格重复)使Bill记住您名字的可能性最高。 啊,船长明显博客作者。

But Why Option 3?


  1. Cramming rarely works after it passes from short-term memory. How many cram sessions do you remember from high school?

    从短期记忆消失后,填塞很少起作用。 您从高中还记得几次补习班?
  2. Evenly spaced reminders sort of work, but you’d have to review all your knowledge at every interval, which doesn’t sound scalable/fun/allow you to have a social life.

  3. Our brains work best with exponentially spaced reminders.


Outside of medical students and language learning apps like Duolingo, spaced repetition isn’t common. It’s not as cool as cramming, but it works. Medical students use it to memorize those awful thousand page textbooks. Duolingo uses it because it’s effective. Remember that guy dominating Jeopardy a few years ago? Spaced repetition fanatic.

除了医学生和诸如Duolingo之类的语言学习应用程序之外 ,间隔重复并不常见。 它不像填塞一样酷,但是可以。 医学生使用它来记住那些可怕的数千页教科书。 Duolingo使用它是因为它有效。 还记得几年前统治危险的家伙吗? 间隔重复狂热。

If it’s so amazing, why isn’t spaced repetition common?


  • People don’t know about it.

  • Even if you use it, it’s hard to make a habit of reviewing flashcards.

  • Making flashcards is annoying. Who wants to type notes into a flashcard app?

    制作抽认卡很烦人。 谁想要在抽认卡应用中输入笔记?
  • People talk a big talk about self-improvement, but don’t want to do no stinkin’ hard work.

  • It’s not cool. You’re not going to bringing up flashcard studying on your first date.

    不酷 您不会在初次约会时提起学习卡片。

But software engineers already have these pain points …


  • Engineers are expected to know about upcoming trends. Otherwise, you’d still be using BitBucket and Adobe Flash.

    工程师应了解即将到来的趋势。 否则,您仍将使用BitBucket和Adobe Flash。
  • Engineers are creatures of habit. Make reviewing your flashcard app your first work task (on the train, the toilet right before Candy Crush). Stop StackOverflowing “how do I amend my git commit” five times every month.

    工程师是习惯的产物。 使检查您的抽认卡应用程序成为您的第一项工作任务(在火车上,就在Candy Crush之前的厕所)。 每月停止五次StackOverflowing“我如何修改git commit”。
  • Instead of using Quiver, EverNote, Notion, etc, for note taking, save it as a flashcard.

  • Being a good software engineer requires lifelong learning.

  • Let’s be honest, you’re not getting many first dates.


Anki and SuperMemo are the most common spaced repetition applications. Both help create flashcards and quiz based off a spacing algorithm. If you get a question right, it’ll ask again further out. Get a card wrong? It’ll remind you tomorrow. I use Anki. Anki seems more common among software engineers. Download the mobile app (iOS/Android). The Android app is fantastic.

AnkiSuperMemo是最常见的间隔重复应用程序。 两者都可以根据间隔算法帮助创建抽认卡和测验。 如果您有正确的问题,它将再次提出进一步要求。 弄错卡了吗? 明天会提醒你的。 我用安琪 Anki在软件工程师中似乎更为普遍。 下载移动应用(iOS / Android)。 Android应用程序很棒

Some quick terminology (in case you, you know, forgot):


  • Spaced repetition is a learning technique.

  • Anki and SuperMemo are applications that will use spaced repetition.

  • You create flashcards in Anki and SuperMemo. They quiz you at spaced intervals.

    您可以在Anki和SuperMemo中创建抽认卡。 他们以一定间隔向您提问。
  • A deck is commonly referred to as your entire flashcard collection.


Habit: Whenever I search StackOverflow, I’ll immediately create a flashcard of my question and add the answer(s) into Anki.


Spaced repetition is an offline poor man’s StackOverflow (Yes, I tried Dash). Pre-Anki, I was forgetting syntax equivalent to my daily learnings. I was already using Anki for general knowledge. Why not embrace programming flashcards for Anki? I was hesitant because of a few reasons.

间隔重复是一个离线穷人的StackOverflow(是的,我尝试过Dash )。 在Anki之前,我忘记了相当于我日常学习的语法。 我已经在使用Anki来获取常识。 为什么不接受Anki的编程抽认卡? 由于某些原因,我很犹豫。

  • Laziness. Writing good Anki programming flashcards can be hard.

    懒惰。 编写好的Anki编程抽认卡可能很难。
  • Flashcards w/code are difficult to remember. It’s much easier to remember the capital of Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar) than how to copy a list of files in a .txt file from an externally mounted hard drive using xargs (cat list.txt | xargs -l{} mv /Volumes/External/{} /Desktop). Getting a card wrong for multiple days is frustrating.

    带有代码的抽认卡很难记住。 记住蒙古首都(乌兰巴托)比使用xargs从外部安装的硬盘驱动器复制.txt文件中的文件列表要容易得多(cat list.txt | xargs -l {} mv / Volumes / External / {} /桌面)。 连续数天弄错卡令人沮丧。

And for the last three years, I’ve added everything to Anki. Bash aliases, IDE Shortcuts, programming APIs, documentation, design patterns, etc. Having done that, I wouldn’t recommend adding everything. The topic of my Anki mistakes deserves it’s own article … ?

在过去的三年中,我将所有内容添加到了Anki中。 Bash别名,IDE快捷方式,编程API,文档,设计模式等。这样做之后,我不建议添加所有内容 。 我的Anki错误的主题值得写自己的文章……?

好处 (Benefits)

After embracing Anki, once I had mastered a card, the quick recall around language and framework APIs was like having my prayer to the flow gods finally being answered.


Three years ago, my all-too common pattern was :


  • Start coding

  • StackOverflow some syntax I frustratingly forgot

  • Get distracted. Read HackerNews

    分心。 阅读HackerNews
  • Hmm, nothing new on HackerNews, let’s try Reddit

  • Try to get into flow?

  • Despair. Maybe someone posted a new story on HackerNews?

    绝望。 也许有人在HackerNews上发布了新故事?

Now equipped with an improved memory in API syntax, documentation, country capitals, and engineering — there’s a stark difference.


2016年—短暂的突发,随后令人沮丧的干扰 (2016 — Short Bursts Followed By Frustrating Distractions)
本年度至今-我应该找到新的爱好... (Current Year to Date — I Should Find A New Hobby …)
承诺 (Commitment)

Spaced repetition requires a daily commitment, but guarantees a great memory. Most users average about twenty minutes a day reviewing. If you’re adding zero additional cards (cough, slacker), your review time averages to zero as knowledge becomes long-term memory. The confidence of knowing that once something is added to Anki it won’t be forgotten is intoxicating.

间隔重复需要每天做出承诺,但要保证良好的记忆力。 大多数用户平均每天大约要审核20分钟。 如果您要增加零张卡片(咳嗽,懒惰),则随着知识成为长期记忆,您的复查时间平均为零。 知道一旦添加到Anki中不会被遗忘的信心令人陶醉

反射 (Reflection)

Spaced repetition is my most important career/life-hack. It’s not always easy. It doesn’t guarantee you’ll be a better engineer (best practices and design beats syntax), but it’ll make you a capable one. When you can quickly recall syntax, you’ll be amazed at how fast you can code. Sometimes that just results in crappy code, faster. But the best coders code a lot. And that’s the only guaranteed way to improve.

间隔重复是我最重要的职业/生活 。 这并不总是那么容易。 它不能保证您会成为一名更好的工程师(最佳实践和最佳设计语法),但可以使您成为一名有能力的工程师。 当您可以快速回忆起语法时,您会惊讶于编写代码的速度。 有时,这只会导致糟糕的代码更快。 但是最好的编码员编码很多 。 这是唯一可以保证的改进方法。

Knowledge compounds in interesting ways. Many of my flashcards include blogs and articles about engineering - knowing the history of RPC, SOAP, REST and GraphQL has lead to improved design and architecture decisions. Counter: Memorizing binary search tree algorithms has yet to come in handy …

知识以有趣的方式复合。 我的许多抽认卡都包括有关工程的博客和文章-了解RPC,SOAP,REST和GraphQL的历史可以改善设计和架构决策。 柜台 :记住二叉搜索树算法还没有派上用场……

追逐10倍 (Chasing 10X)

I began this by chasing an absurd dream of “becoming a 10X engineer like Kyle”. Like there would be a graduation ceremony or something ridiculous. On second thought, the “Biggest Tool of the Year” award sounds about right.

首先,我追求一个荒谬的梦想,即“成为像Kyle这样的10倍工程师”。 就像有毕业典礼或荒唐的事情一样。 再三考虑,“年度最大工具”奖听起来像是对的。

I have no idea what constitutes a 10X engineer; we don’t have benchmarks that encompass output, leadership, code quality and technical debt. Chasing 10X became meaningless when I finally had the confidence that I was shaping my own self-improvement. An improved memory gave me control of my own destiny.

我不知道什么是10X工程师。 我们没有包含产出,领导力,代码质量和技术债务的基准。 当我终于有信心自己在塑造自己的自我完善时,追逐10X变得毫无意义。 记忆力的增强使我可以控制自己的命运。

Kyle is still multiples better than I will ever be, and that’s perfectly fine.


Advice I Needed But Ignored #421: Don’t compare yourself to others. Just make sure you’re improving everyday. Compound interest is the most powerful thing in the universe.

我需要但被忽略的建议#421 :不要将自己与他人进行比较。 只要确保您每天都在进步。 复利是宇宙中最强大的事物。



Other Great Articles About Spaced Repetition:


Followup Articles:


  • Best and Worst Mistakes with Anki studying, memory hacks and creating first principles vs tactical flashcards. (April 10th)

    Anki的最佳和最差的错误是学习,记忆黑客并创建基本原则与战术抽认卡。 (4月10日)
  • My Favorite Hacks to Avoid The Internet’s Distractions (April 13th)


Originally published at








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