我是如何在尼日利亚的沃里创立Google Developers Group GDG分会的,并达到了100位成员...

It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. — Kurt Kaiser, Pass It On

只需要一点火花就能使火熄灭,周围的所有人很快就会在炽热的火焰中升温 — Kurt Kaiser,传递下去

I am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that technology will play (and is already playing) a vital role in the change of narratives across the African continent.


You need not look far to share in my conviction. Take a look at Andela’s mission of building the next generation of tech leaders and Udacity’s Google Africa Scholarship program. They’re designed to locate the most talented software developers in Nigeria and the whole of Africa.

您不必太过分就可以分享我的信念。 看看安德拉(Andela) 建立下一代技术领导者 使命以及Udacity的Google非洲奖学金计划 。 他们旨在寻找尼日利亚和整个非洲最有才华的软件开发人员。

I was really inspired by the works that the Google Developers are doing across Sub-Saharan Africa and the world through community building. So, using the Google Developers Groups (GDG), I applied earlier in the year to start a local GDG chapter in Warri, Nigeria.

Google开发人员通过社区建设在整个撒哈拉以南非洲乃至世界范围内所做的工作,确实使我深受启发。 因此,我在今年早些时候使用Google Developers Groups (GDG)申请在尼日利亚沃里开设了本地GDG分会。

Since I don’t live close to Lagos (the centre of the tech revolution that is sweeping the African continent) — I’m in Warri, a city in Delta State, in the South of Nigeria — it meant that I could only participate in meetups and tech events remotely (through Twitter, to be specific). Not the best of ways to build a network, if you are a remote worker like I am!

由于我不住在拉各斯(席卷非洲大陆的技术革命的中心)附近-我在尼日利亚南部三角洲州沃里市的沃里市-这意味着我只能参加远程聚会和技术活动(具体来说是通过Twitter)。 如果您像我一样是远程工作者,那不是构建网络的最佳方法!

I needed to feel, touch, and meet the people who are in the industry in my area, and I wanted to help inspire those who are aspiring and wiling to embrace technology and become developers.


我是谁? (Who am I?)

I am a front-end developer, technical writer, a volunteer editor for the freeCodeCamp Medium publication, and the Lead Organizer of Google Developers Group, GDG, Warri, Nigeria.

我是freeCodeCamp Medium出版物的前端开发人员,技术作家, 志愿者编辑 ,也是尼日利亚瓦里GDGGoogle Developers Group的首席组织者。

My journey into software development started in my teens. In 2003, I was introduced to QBASIC, the language for the introduction to programming course that I had to take as part of my requirements to obtain a diploma certificate in Data Processing. This was taught through the department of Computer Science at the University of Benin in Nigeria.

我的软件开发之旅始于十几岁。 在2003年,我被介绍给QBASIC,这是我获得数据处理文凭证书所必需的编程语言入门语言。 这是通过尼日利亚贝宁大学计算机科学系教授的。

Uncle Frank, a lecturer in the CS department, started a software club in collaboration with some students led by Roland Ukor. We were taught Visual Basic 6.0, Cold Fusion, classic ASP, and then DOT NET (that had just been released by Microsoft).

CS系讲师Frank叔叔与Roland Ukor领导的一些学生合作建立了一个软件俱乐部。 我们先后学习了Visual Basic 6.0,Cold Fusion,经典ASP和DOT NET(Microsoft刚刚发布)。

In retrospect, that was my earliest encounter with group study and the tech community culture.


为什么选择GDG和我对GDG Warri的愿景? (Why GDG and my vision for GDG Warri?)
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. — Isaac Newton
如果我比其他人看到更多,那就是站在巨人的肩膀上。 - 艾萨克·牛顿

The Google Developers Groups are a local groups of developers (and aspiring developers) who are interested in Google technologies and APIs. A local GDG chapter can host meetups that suit their communities, like helping people learn how to code and become developers, hosting hackathons, and running codelabs.

Google Developers Groups是对Google技术和API感兴趣的本地开发人员(以及有抱负的开发人员)组。 当地的GDG分会可以举办适合其社区的聚会,例如帮助人们学习如何编码和成为开发人员,举办黑客马拉松以及运行代码实验室。

The GDGs have been in the forefront of building tech communities across Sub Saharan Africa. GDGs are the largest developers community in Africa (See the directory). As I’m keen on building a community of developers in Warri from the ground-up, and want to bring the same excitement and empowerment that technology gives, starting a GDG chapter naturally fit in. I am confident that the community can stand on the shoulders of other GDG chapters and Google Developers Experts to see further.

GDG一直在整个撒哈拉以南非洲地区建设技术社区的最前沿。 GDG是非洲最大的开发人员社区(请参阅目录 )。 我热衷于从头开始在Warri中建立开发人员社区,并希望带来技术所带来的兴奋和力量,因此自然而然地开始了GDG章节。我有信心社区可以站在GDG其他章节和Google Developers Experts的肩膀上有进一步的了解。

I am laser-focused, and my vision for starting a GDG chapter in Warri is encapsulated in:


  • Building a community of software developers by inspiring as many youths as I can to become software developers

  • This community of developers will, in the long run, gain valuable skills that will make them employable. It will also create innovative solutions for the society and help build start-ups.

    从长远来看,该开发人员社区将获得宝贵的技能,使他们可以就业。 它还将为社会创造创新的解决方案,并帮助建立初创企业。
  • The group will help change the narrative in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria through technology.

GDG Warri聚会页面上最多运行前100名成员 (Run Up to the first 100 members on the GDG Warri meetup page)

People need to be touched, seen, felt, and heard.


I understood the role of social media in helping us to get members to our meetup page, but I also realized that I had to do some onsite campaigning. So I started at college campuses (targeting Computer Science undergrads) within Warri and the Delta State.

我了解社交媒体在帮助我们吸引成员加入我们的聚会页面中的作用,但我也意识到我必须进行一些现场竞选活动。 所以我开始在Warri和Delta State的大学校园(针对计算机科学本科生)。

But getting into the colleges to spread the word about the new GDG chapter in Warri required some strategic planning. I needed some field workers and volunteers, which at the time, I didn’t have. I had to run solo to get the word out.

但是进入大学传播有关Warri中新的GDG章节的信息需要一些战略计划。 我需要一些现场工作人员和志愿者,而当时我还没有。 我不得不独自奔跑才能说出这句话。

我是怎么做的? (How did I do it?)

On March 16, 2018, I was scheduled to speak at the forLoop meetup in Asaba, the Delta State capital, a three hours drive away from Warri. Since it was the first time I was ever going to give a tech talk, I made a post on a Facebook group inviting people to attend the meetup. A certain gentleman made a comment about coming. I replied that I would be wearing a shirt with the inscription “Riding on Grace,” and that if he attended, he should say hello to me.

2018年3月16日,我计划在距离沃里(Warri)三个小时车程的三角洲州首府阿萨巴(asaba)的forLoop聚会上演讲。 由于这是我第一次进行技术演讲,因此我在一个Facebook小组上发了一个帖子,邀请人们参加聚会。 一位绅士对即将来临发表了评论。 我回答说,我会穿着一件上面写着“骑在优雅上”的衬衫,如果他参加,他应该对我问好。

You can only imagine how surprised and pleased I was when, after the meetup, a gentleman walked up to me and introduced himself as Ilekura Idowu. With a smile he said to me “You truly wore the riding on grace shirt.” Immediately, I remembered the Facebook conversation and was excited to have met this gentleman.

您只能想象在聚会后一位绅士走到我面前并自我介绍为Ilekura Idowu时,我多么惊讶和高兴。 他面带微笑对我说:“您真的穿了宽限期衬衫。” 立刻,我想起了Facebook的谈话,很高兴见到这位先生。

Idowu is a student of the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun-Warri, Nigeria. He went on to play a vital part as a pioneer volunteer for the GDG Warri, and set up my first appointment to introduce GDG Warri to the final year Mathematics students at the university.

伊多乌(Idowu)是位于尼日利亚埃夫富隆-瓦里的联邦石油资源大学的学生。 他继续作为GDG Warri的先驱志愿者发挥着至关重要的作用,并建立了我的第一个职位,将GDG Warri介绍给大学的最后一年的数学学生。

I wasn’t going to take chances by pointing the students to the meetup URL. I wanted them to sign up on the spot, for those who were interested. Armed with my MIFI, I opened up the internet and walked the students through signing up for Meetup and becoming members on the GDG Warri, meetup page.

我不会通过将学生指向聚会URL来冒险。 我希望他们对感兴趣的人当场注册。 带着我的MIFI武装起来,我打开了互联网,引导学生们注册了Meetup,并成为GDG Warri,meetup页面的成员。

This visit led to the sign up of our first members of the GDG community and laid the foundation for me to meet the head of the department of Computer Science at the university. I made more presentations following that first one. We were on our way to 100 members for the GDG Warri meetup page.

这次访问使我们成为了GDG社区的第一批成员,并为我见到大学计算机科学系主任奠定了基础。 在第一个演讲之后,我做了更多的演讲。 我们正前往100名成员参加GDG Warri聚会页面。

举办第一次聚会-移动网站认证研究报告 (Hosting the first meetup — a mobile site certification study jam)

Community building is not and never will be a one-man show. I needed to get co-organizers and volunteers who were passionate about building a community of software developers.

社区建设不是而且永远不会是一个人表演。 我需要得到热衷于建立软件开发者社区的联合组织者和志愿者。

Being passionate about female participation in tech, I reached out to Judith Njoku, a front-runner in the #100DaysOfCode community to be a co-organizer. She would share her tech story in our upcoming meetups.

我热衷于女性对科技的参与,因此与#100DaysOfCode社区的领军人物Judith Njoku进行了合作。 她将在我们即将举行的聚会中分享她的技术故事。

For our first meetup, we hosted the Google mobile site certification study jam on April 14, 2018. The mobile site study jams are peer-led, facilitator based study sessions. Participants are meant to study the basic and advanced aspects of building mobile websites, and then get a certification upon passing the test.

对于我们的第一次见面会,我们于2018年4月14日举办了Google移动网站认证研究果酱。该移动站点研究果酱是由同行领导,基于主持人的研究会议。 参与者旨在研究构建移动网站的基本和高级方面,然后在通过测试后获得认证。

获取研究果酱的协助者 (Getting the facilitators for the study jam)

Our study jam was going to span three hours, covering four modules. We realized that it was going to be a strain on one person facilitating a study jam for so long. So we decided to get three facilitators, each taking one module, so we could have breaks in between the sessions and achieve maximum impact for the attendees.

我们的学习困境将持续三个小时,涵盖四个模块。 我们意识到,这么长时间以来,一个人难以忍受学习困境。 因此,我们决定聘请三位主持人,每位负责一个模块,这样我们就可以在会议之间进行休息,并为与会者带来最大的影响。

让与会者在聚会上学习编码 (Getting the attendees to learn to code at the meetup)

Since we’re an evolving community, I had to get someone who could help inspire the attendees to get into coding. After the meetup, the fire had to spread! I also wanted to offer them a platform that they could use to kick-start their developer careers.

由于我们是一个不断发展的社区,所以我必须找一个可以帮助激发与会者参与编码的人。 见面后,火势蔓延了! 我还想为他们提供一个平台,他们可以用来启动他们的开发人员职业生涯。

Who else could be more qualified to talk about learning to code than the shepherd of millions of people learning to code, Quincy Larson? He’s the founder of the freeCodeCamp, and I have had the opportunity of working with him for the past year — so it seemed like an easy choice.

昆西·拉尔森 ( Quincy Larson) 是成千上万学习编程的人 ,还有谁比他更适合谈论学习编程 ? 他是freeCodeCamp的创始人,在过去的一年中,我有机会与他合作-所以这似乎是一个简单的选择。

Quincy joined us remotely to give a talk on why you should be a developer. He laid out some of the points he wrote in this article, please do learn to code. He wrapped up the talk with a Ask Me Anything (AMA) session.

Quincy远程加入了我们,就您为什么应该成为开发人员进行了演讲。 他列出了他在本文中写的一些观点, 请务必学习编码 。 他通过“任何问题”(AMA)会议结束了演讲。

关键要点和未来 (Key Takeaways and Going Forward)
A candle doesn’t lose its light by lighting another candle — James Keller
一支蜡烛不会因为点燃另一支蜡烛而失去光芒–詹姆斯·凯勒(James Keller)

On the night of April 13, a day before the meetup, I was skeptical about the number of people that will turn up — after all, I’d never hosted a meetup before! Our meetup event page was set at 40 persons. We had the spots reserved already, but I was worried about people showing up.

在聚会之前的4月13日晚上,我对即将到来的人数表示怀疑–毕竟,我以前从未举办过聚会! 我们的聚会活动页面设置为40人。 我们已经预订了景点,但我担心有人出现。

That night, I went on my knees and said a prayer.


The worries were unnecessary, as we had 41 persons in attendance. I was truly overwhelmed by the turn out as seen on my tweet.

我们有41人出席,因此不必担心。 我在推文上看到的结果确实让我不知所措。

Communities are built by people who are passionate about making others better. Our community does not have a large number of developers yet, but we will inspire as many people as we can to embrace coding as the new literacy. It’s a tool for enriching their lives as developers, and for making the world a better place through innovative solutions.

社区是由那些热衷于使别人变得更好的人建立的。 我们的社区还没有大量的开发人员,但是我们将鼓励尽可能多的人接受编码作为新的读写能力。 它是一种丰富他们作为开发人员的生活,并通过创新解决方案使世界变得更美好的工具。

And for the big win, we had people sign up on freeCodeCamp to learn to code. And so they begun the journey into becoming developers with us.

为了取得重大胜利,我们让人们注册了freeCodeCamp以学习编码。 因此,他们开始了与我们一起成为开发人员的旅程。

I want to specially thank Google in Africa, Google Developers, Aniedi Udo-Obong, and Olaiwola Bolaji for giving me the tremendous opportunity to create a developer community in Warri.

我要特别感谢非洲的 GoogleGoogle DevelopersAniedi Udo-ObongOlaiwola Bolaji给予的巨大机会,让我在Warri建立了一个开发者社区。

These are exciting times for the city of Warri and Delta state and I want to invite you to join the Google Developers Group, GDG Warri, on our meetup page.

对于沃里市和三角洲州来说,这是令人振奋的时刻,我想邀请您加入Google开发者小组GDG Warri,在我们的聚会页面上

Here are the photos from the meetup.


Reach out to me on charles[dot]eteure[at]gmail[dot]com

在Charles [dot] eteure [at] gmail [dot] com上与我联系

We will also be hosting the Google I/O Extended 2018 Warri, on June 2, 2018 at the PTI Conference Centre in Effurun-Warri, Nigeria. Check it out.

我们还将于2018年6月2日在尼日利亚Effurun-Warri的PTI会议中心托管Google I / O Extended 2018 Warri 。 看看这个。

And if you found this article interesting, you can help me get others to see it by giving it some claps ? or sharing it. Am also on Twitter

如果您觉得这篇文章有趣,可以给我一些鼓掌以帮助我让其他人看到它? 或分享。 我也很喜欢

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-started-a-google-developers-group-gdg-chapter-in-warri-nigeria-and-reached-100-members-22cbd622d070/

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