

by Colin Morgan

通过科林·摩根(Colin Morgan)

这是我从事远程软件开发人员工作的主要技巧 (Here are the top tips I’ve used to land a remote software developer job)

Applying for a remote software developer job means you are voluntarily choosing to compete against the entire country versus people just in one city. In some cases, multiple countries. There a lot of people interested in working from home, setting their own hours, and maintaining separation of their job from where they live. This results in extremely stiff competition.

申请远程软件开发人员职位意味着您自愿选择与整个国家竞争,而不仅仅是一个城市的人。 在某些情况下,多个国家/地区。 有很多人对在家工作,设定自己的工作时间以及保持工作与居住地的分离感兴趣。 这导致极度激烈的竞争。

So how do you increase you chances of landing a remote job? There are a lot of ways to maintain a competitive edge. In my experience, these approaches have helped me beat the odds consistently over the last decade.

那么,如何增加找到远程工作的机会呢? 有很多方法可以保持竞争优势。 以我的经验,这些方法在过去十年中一直帮助我战胜了困境。

步骤1:投放广域网 (Step 1: Cast a Wide Net)

There’s always two sides to a coin, right? It’s true that remote software developer jobs have a large pool of candidates to choose from. This also means that, for people looking to work remotely, there is a large pool of positions they can apply to.

硬币总是有两个方面,对吗? 确实,远程软件开发人员的工作有大量的应聘者可供选择。 这也意味着,对于希望远程工作的人们,他们可以申请大量职位。

Although it’s true that the competition for remote software developer jobs is stiff, it also means that there are more options out there.


With that in mind, it’s important to cast a wide net when applying for remote jobs. Use every source at your disposal to track down available remote positions and apply to them.

考虑到这一点,在申请远程工作时必须广撒网。 使用所有可用的来源来跟踪可用的远程位置并应用到这些位置。

One of the biggest problems I’ve seen when developers are trying to land a remote job is that they underestimate the number of applications they need to submit before getting a response. It’s not unusual for me to submit twenty applications before hearing back from one. Don’t take it personally, and don’t assume it means you aren’t qualified. Unfortunately it’s a numbers game, so just keep playing.

当开发人员尝试进行远程工作时,我看到的最大问题之一是,他们低估了获得响应之前需要提交的应用程序数量。 对于我来说,先提交二十份申请,然后再收到一份答复,这并不稀奇。 不要以个人身份对待,也不要以为这意味着您没有资格。 不幸的是,这是一个数字游戏,所以继续玩吧。

If you are currently searching for a remote software developer job, check out this article I published that describes the resources I’ve used to cast a wide net. It’s worked for me and it will likely work for you, too.

如果您当前正在寻找远程软件开发人员的工作,请查看我发表的这篇文章 ,其中描述了我用来铸造宽带网络的资源。 它对我有用,对您也可能有用。

步骤2:专注于简历 (Step 2: Focus on Your Resume)

With so much competition, it’s important that you focus your resume for the type of job you are looking to land. The more specific your resume is to a position, the more likely you’ll find yourself on the interview list.

在如此激烈的竞争中,重要的是要把简历集中在要寻找的工作上。 履历越具体,职位面试中就越有可能找到自己。

For example, if you are applying for a front-end position, you should have a resume that is specifically tailored to this type of position. It should highlight your previous front-end work experience and the applicable technologies.

例如,如果您要申请前端职位,则应有专门针对此类职位的简历。 它应该突出您以前的前端工作经验和适用的技术。

If you have a goal or mission statement, it should specifically mention the job title for the job you are applying to.


Right now you’re probably thinking “If I cast a wide net and customize my resume to each job posting, when will I have time to sleep and eat?” This is a completely valid concern, and I’m not going to lie: it’s a lot of work.

现在,您可能会想:“如果我投出宽广的网并针对每个职位发布自定义简历,我什么时候有时间睡觉和吃饭?” 这是一个完全正确的问题,我不会说谎: 这是很多工作

Sometimes applying for remote jobs can feel like a full-time job in itself.


Just remember why you want a remote job in the first place. The freedoms that come with a remote software developer job completely outweigh the effort you have to put into obtaining one.

只需记住为什么首先要进行远程工作即可。 远程软件开发人员工作带来的自由完全超过了您获得自由所付出的努力。

步骤3:React灵敏 (Step 3: Be Extremely Responsive)

This goes without saying for any type of job, but it’s even more important for remote software developer jobs. Be responsive when communicating with potential employers. Being successful in a remote position requires strong communication between team members. Your initial correspondence with a potential employer is sort of it’s own mini interview. It shows them how well you can communicate and how responsive you are.

对于任何类型的工作,这都不言而喻,但是对于远程软件开发人员的工作而言,这甚至更为重要。 与潜在雇主沟通时要React灵敏。 要在遥远的位置上取得成功,就需要团队成员之间进行强有力的沟通。 您与潜在雇主的最初往来有点像是自己的小型面试。 它向他们展示了您可以很好地交流和响应的能力。

So be prompt when you are returning emails, on time for calls and hangouts, and make sure to be clear and concise when communicating with interviewers.


If you are neck and neck with another applicant, they may just lean towards the person that was the easiest to get a hold of or seemed the most eager to get back to them.


步骤4:建立强大,专注的产品组合 (Step 4: Build a Strong, Focused Portfolio)

Your portfolio is probably the most effective tool for both getting your foot in the door and succeeding in an interview. Just like your resume, you want to create and highlight personal projects that are directly related to the position you are applying for.

您的作品集可能是使自己步入正轨并成功进行面试的最有效工具。 就像您的简历一样,您想创建并突出显示与您所申请职位直接相关的个人项目。

This means you may need to do some programming in your spare time. If you are applying for a job that specifically mentions React.js as the main qualification, you better have a React.js application that you can show them and talk about in depth.

这意味着您可能需要在业余时间进行一些编程。 如果您正在申请一份专门提到React.js作为主要资格的工作,那么最好有一个React.js应用程序,可以向他们展示并进行深入讨论。

Does it have to be a huge project? No.

它一定是一个巨大的项目吗? 不行

It just has to be big enough that it highlights your knowledge and capability with the technology in question.


I want to emphasize how important having a relevant portfolio is. For most professional programmers, your day to day work is proprietary and can’t be shown off. Yes, you have years of experience programming, but the fact of the matter is that the majority of teams hiring remote software developers want to see examples of your code. It’s very rare that I don’t get asked this, so I make sure to have my portfolio sharpened when looking for a new position.

我想强调一下拥有相关投资组合的重要性。 对于大多数专业程序员而言,您的日常工作是专有的,因此无法被炫耀。 是的,您有多年编程经验,但是事实是,大多数雇用远程软件开发人员的团队都希望看到您的代码示例 。 很少有人问我这个问题,因此在寻找新职位时,请确保我的投资组合更清晰。

步骤5:坚持不懈 (Step 5: Be Persistent)

Unfortunately, due to the nature of remote jobs, you’re going to get a lot of radio silence from your applications. Don’t be discouraged by this. I’ve talked to businesses that have gotten hundreds and hundreds of applications for a single available remote software developer job.

不幸的是,由于远程作业的性质,您将从应用程序中获得大量无线电静音。 不要为此而灰心。 我已经与那些已经为一项可用的远程软件开发人员工作获得了数百个应用程序的企业进行了交谈。

Often times, they simply don’t have the time or resources to respond to all of the applicants.


So be persistent. Keep applying to positions that you are interested in and qualified for. If you don’t hear back after a few weeks and it’s a position you are really interested in, you can try submitting your application again. Otherwise assume that the position is no longer available and move on. Hit the job boards, let people know you’re looking, and keep the applications flowing. Eventually, you’ll start to see the fruits of your labour.

因此要坚持不懈。 继续申请您感兴趣且有资格的职位。 如果几个星期后您没有收到回音,并且您确实对这个职位感兴趣,可以尝试再次提交申请。 否则,假设该职位不再可用并继续前进。 点击工作板,让人们知道您正在寻找,并保持应用程序的畅通。 最终,您将开始看到自己的劳动成果。

祝好运 (Good Luck)

Landing a remote software developer job can be a lot of tedious work. It often takes a large investment of time and effort before you finally see any results. In the meantime, continue your professional growth, follow the approaches I’ve mentioned in this article, and you’ll be working in your pajamas in no time.

获得远程软件开发人员的工作可能是许多繁琐的工作。 在最终看到任何结果之前,通常需要花费大量时间和精力。 同时,继续您的职业发展,遵循我在本文中提到的方法,您将立即穿着睡衣工作。

Good Luck!


Learning Python? Wanna Learn Flask? Check out my free video series.

学习Python? 想学习烧瓶吗? 看看我的免费 视频系列

Originally published at fullbit.ca on April 23, 2018.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/here-are-the-top-tips-ive-use-to-land-a-remote-software-developer-job-37108d86c118/






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