react 统一字段验证_如何使用React的受控输入进行即时表单字段验证

react 统一字段验证

by Gosha Arinich

通过Gosha Arinich

如何使用React的受控输入进行即时表单字段验证 (How to use React’s controlled inputs for instant form field validation)

Controlled inputs enable simple things, like disabling the Submit button when some fields are missing or invalid.


But we’re not stopping there, of course.


While a disabled button is nice, the user might not know why they can’t click that button. They might not know what mistake they made that disabled it or even which field is causing it.

尽管禁用的按钮很不错,但用户可能不知道为什么无法单击该按钮。 他们可能不知道自己犯了什么错误而导致禁用它,甚至是哪个字段导致了它。

And that ain’t pretty. We absolutely have to fix that.

那不是很漂亮。 我们绝对必须解决该问题。

受控输入的基础 (The basics of controlled inputs)

Using controlled inputs implies we are storing all the input values in our state. We can then evaluate a particular condition with every value change, and do something based on it. Previously, all we did was disable the button.

使用受控输入意味着我们将所有输入值存储在状态中。 然后,我们可以评估每个值变化的特定条件,并根据此条件执行某些操作。 以前,我们所做的就是禁用按钮。

We used a simple expression to compute whether the button should be disabled (for example, when either the email or password field was empty):


const { email, password } = this.state;const isEnabled =  email.length > 0 &&  password.length > 0;
<button disabled={!isEnabled}>Sign up<;/button>

It got the job done. Now, to mark the bad inputs, we need to ask ourselves a couple of questions.

它完成了工作。 现在,为了标记错误的输入,我们需要问自己几个问题。

错误将如何显示? (How will the errors be shown?)

This is an important question to ask yourself, as different requirements might warrant different error representations.


There are many ways to show input errors. For example, you could:

有很多显示输入错误的方法。 例如,您可以:

  • Display an ❌

  • Mark the inputs red that contain bad data

  • Display errors right next to the relevant inputs

  • Display a list of errors at the top of the form

  • Any combination of the above, or something else!


Which one should you use? Well, it’s all about the experience you want to provide. Pick what you want.

您应该使用哪一个? 好吧,这一切都与您要提供的体验有关。 选择您想要的。

For the purpose of this post, I’m going to use the simplest one — marking the bad inputs red, without anything else.


错误将如何表示? (How will the errors be represented?)

The way you want to display errors influences how you might represent them.


To indicate whether a particular input is valid, without any additional information as to why it might be invalid, something like this will suffice:


errors: {  name: false,  email: true,}

false means no errors or entirely valid; true means a field is invalid.

false表示没有错误或完全有效; true表示字段无效。

In the future, if we decide we need to store the reason something was invalid, we can replace the true/false with a string containing an error message.


但是如何创建此错误对象? (But how is this error object created?)

Now that we know how we want to display the errors AND know how to represent them, there’s something crucial missing.


How to actually create errors.


Or, put another way: how do we take existing inputs, validate them, and get the error object we need?


We are going to need a validation function for that. It will accept the current values of the fields and return the errors object to us.

我们将需要一个验证功能 。 它将接受字段的当前值,并将errors对象返回给我们。

We’ll continue with the sign-up form example. Recall that we had this:

我们将继续使用注册表单示例。 回想一下,我们有:

const { email, password } = this.state;const isEnabled =  email.length > 0 &&  password.length &gt; 0;

We can, in fact, turn that piece of logic into a validation function that will:


  • Have email: true if email is empty, and

    email: true如果电子邮件为空,则为email: true ,并且

  • Have password: true if password is empty

    拥有password: true如果密码为空,则为password: true

function validate(email, password) {  // true means invalid, so our conditions got reversed  return {    email: email.length === 0,    password: password.length === 0,  };}

剩下的一块 (The remaining piece)

There’s one piece of the puzzle remaining.


We have a validation function and we know how we want to show errors. We also have a form.

我们具有验证功能,并且知道如何显示错误。 我们也有一个表格。

Now it’s time to connect the dots.


Step 1: Run the validator in render.


It’s no use having the validate function if we never call it. We want to validate the inputs every time (yes, every time) the form is re-rendered — perhaps there’s a new character in the input.

如果我们从不调用validate函数,则没有用。 我们希望每次(是,每次)重新渲染表单时都要验证输入-也许输入中有一个新字符。

const errors = validate(, this.state.password);

Step 2: Disable the button.


This is a simple one. The button should be disabled if there are any errors (that is, if any of the errors values are true ).

这很简单。 如果有任何错误(即,如果任何errors值均为true ),则应禁用该按钮。

const isEnabled = !Object.keys(errors).some(x => errors[x]);

Step 3: Mark the inputs as erroneous.


This can be anything. In our case, adding an error class to the bad inputs is enough.

这可以是任何东西。 在我们的例子中,将error类添加到error的输入中就足够了。

<input  className={ ? "error" : ""}  .../>

We can also add a simple CSS rule:


.error { border: 1px solid red; }

还有一件事 (One more thing)

If you look at the JS Bin above, you may notice something odd. The fields are marked red by default, because empty fields are invalid.

如果您查看上面的JS Bin,您可能会发现有些奇怪。 默认情况下,这些字段标记为红色,因为空字段无效。

But we never even gave the user a chance to type first! Also, the fields are red when focused on for the first time.

但是我们甚至从未给用户提供第一次输入的机会! 此外,首次聚焦时这些字段为红色。

This is not great for UX.


We are going to fix this by adding the error class if the field was in focus at least once but has since been blurred. This ensures that the first time a user focuses on the field, the error won’t appear right away. Instead, it will only pop up when the field is blurred. On subsequent focuses, though, the error would appear.

我们将通过添加error类来解决此问题,如果该字段至少一次成为焦点,但此后一直被模糊。 这样可以确保用户第一次关注该字段时,该错误不会立即出现。 取而代之的是,它只会在视场模糊时弹出。 但是,在随后的重点上,将出现错误。

This is easily achievable by using the onBlur event and state to keep track of what was blurred.


class SignUpForm extends React.Component {  constructor() {    super();    this.state = {      email: '',      password: '',      touched: {        email: false,        password: false,      },    };  }
// ...
handleBlur = (field) => (evt) => {    this.setState({      touched: { ...this.state.touched, [field]: true },    });  }
render()    const shouldMarkError = (field) => {      const hasError = errors[field];      const shouldShow = this.state.touched[field];
return hasError ? shouldShow : false;    };
// ...
<input      className={shouldMarkError('email') ? "error" : ""}      onBlur={this.handleBlur('email')}
type="text"      placeholder="Enter email"      value={}      onChange={this.handleEmailChange}    />  }}

Not so hard, right?


最后的润色 (Final touches)

Note that shouldMarkError only affects field presentation. The status of the submit button still depends only on validation errors.

请注意, shouldMarkError仅影响字段表示。 提交按钮的状态仍然仅取决于验证errors

Want to add a nice final touch? You could force display of errors in all fields, regardless of whether they have been in focus, when the user hovers or clicks a disabled submit button. Now go try it out for yourself.

想要添加一个不错的最终效果吗? 当用户悬停或单击禁用的提交按钮时,可以强制在所有字段中显示错误,而不管它们是否已成为焦点。 现在,亲自尝试一下。

I originally published this on my blog at


If you are digging this, give me some claps and check out my series on handling forms with React. You can also subscribe to get new posts straight in your inbox.

如果您正在研究这个问题,请给我一些鼓掌,并查看我有关使用React处理表单的系列文章 。 您也可以订阅 ,直接在收件箱中获取新帖子。


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