

by Rachel Bird

雷切尔·伯德(Rachel Bird)

嗨,网络开发人员训练营的毕业生:这是您第一份工作需要了解的内容。 (Hey web dev bootcamp grads: Here’s what you need to know for your first job.)

You worked your butt off and gained all kinds of coding skills. Now it’s time to take them out into the real world and find out what you’re made of. It’s exciting and scary at the same time (‘cause those two feelings go together like peas and carrots).

您精打细算并获得了各种编码技能。 现在是时候将它们带入现实世界,并了解您的构成了。 同时令人兴奋和恐惧(因为这两种感觉像豌豆和胡萝卜一样在一起)。

Here are some things that can help you relax and feel like you’re right where you belong on day one.


JIRA (know how to pronounce it): This is a popular way companies handle project management. It’s part of the Atlassian suite. You should check that out and familiarize yourself with it, because their products are super popular in tech. You’re probably on a collision course with owning one of their t-shirts. You’ll get assigned tickets on JIRA and probably be put on a story board.

JIRA( 知道如何发音 ) :这是公司处理项目管理的一种流行方式。 它是Atlassian套件的一部分。 您应该检查一下并熟悉一下,因为他们的产品在技术上非常受欢迎。 您可能拥有自己的一件T恤正处于碰撞过程中。 您将在JIRA上获得分配的门票,并且可能会放在故事板上。

Side note: if your company uses Stash instead of GitHub, you’ll use virtually all the same commands you’d use with GitHub. Alternatively, they might use BitBucket. Either way, you’ll be fine using these Atlassian products.

旁注:如果您的公司使用Stash而不是GitHub,则几乎将使用与GitHub相同的所有命令。 或者,他们可以使用BitBucket。 无论哪种方式,您都可以使用这些Atlassian产品。

There’s a chance they could use something else like GitLab. You can find out before you start and then research what the company uses.

他们有可能使用其他类似GitLab的东西。 您可以在开始之前先进行查找,然后研究公司的用途。

New Relic: DevOps is going to manage how your company’s apps are performing, and this is a popular way to go about it. They’ll probably have a screen up with a graph, and everyone will flip when there are spikes on it. Don’t worry. You don’t have to deal with it (at least yet). But it’s good if you have an idea of what it is when you start.

New Relic :DevOps将管理您公司的应用程序的运行情况,这是一种流行的解决方法。 他们可能会有一个带有图形的屏幕,并且每个人都会在出现尖峰时翻转。 不用担心 您不必处理(至少尚未处理)。 但是,如果您对启动时的状态有所了解,那就很好了。

Development, staging, and production: Now that you’re working on a project with a large team, it’s important you work on the appropriate branch. You’re going to branch off development to start. Make sure you know how your company’s branching and commit messaging processing works so you can tag your tickets appropriately.

开发,分段和生产 :既然您正在与一个大型团队一起进行项目,那么在适当的分支上工作就很重要。 您将开始开发。 确保您知道公司的分支和提交消息处理的工作方式,以便可以适当地标记票证。

QA handles staging to make sure everything works before your code gets pushed up to production (or “prod” as we call it in the biz). Then users will be actually using what you made!

质量检查会进行阶段性处理,以确保在将代码推送到生产之前(或我们在biz中称为“生产”的产品)之前一切正常。 然后,用户将实际使用您所做的!

Project management: The thing I found most interesting in the beginning with tickets was how they were prioritized. Something could be broken, but if there’s a workaround, it wouldn’t be a serious priority (as in not level 1 or even level 2). 500 error codes and spikes in New Relic meant serious problems.

项目管理 :在开始使用票证时,我发现最有趣的是如何确定票务的优先级。 某些东西可能会损坏,但是如果有解决方法,那么它就不会成为一个严重的优先事项(例如,不在1级或2级中)。 500个错误代码和New Relic中的峰值意味着严重的问题。

QA (Quality Assurance): The team that makes sure everything works as expected. So when the users get the product, they aren’t going wtf?

QA(质量保证) :确保一切正常的团队。 因此,当用户获得产品时,他们不会继续吗?

There’s a process to doing QA right. QA people should be able to say in what browser(s) they experienced the problem, on what kind of device, and exactly what was going on when it happened (what view they were on, what they clicked, what the result was, etc.). What they’re reporting should be able to be replicated so it can be dealt with.

有一个正确执行质量检查的过程。 质量检查人员应该能够说出他们在哪种浏览器上遇到了问题,在哪种设备上以及发生问题的确切时间(他们在什么视图上,点击了什么,结果是什么,等等)。 )。 他们报告的内容应该能够被复制,以便可以处理。

This is invaluable to developers who want to make good products (you’ll find that this isn’t everyone). And you’ll find that bugs are just part of the process — so no big deal.

对于想要制作优质产品的开发人员来说,这是无价的(您会发现并非所有人)。 您会发现错误只是过程的一部分-没什么大不了的。

Hotfixes: Sometimes there will be a bug in production that needs to be fixed ASAP. That’s called a hotfix. You probably won’t be responsible for these until you have some experience at the company and are super familiar with the codebase.

修补程序 :有时会在生产中出现错误,需要尽快修复。 这就是所谓的修补程序。 除非您在公司有一定经验并且对代码库超级熟悉,否则您可能不会对此负责。

APIs: Your company will probably have its own APIs rather than only third party APIs. Sometimes you’ll need to talk to the people working on the APIs. Maybe you’ll need data that hasn’t been exposed yet, or you’ll need more data than is being exposed (if it limits to 10 records when you want 15+). Or perhaps you’re the first one to realize that the API is getting clobbered by somebody calling it incessantly and it needs to be dealt with. It’s just routine stuff.

API :您的公司可能会拥有自己的API,而不仅仅是第三方API。 有时,您需要与使用API​​的人员交谈。 也许您需要尚未公开的数据,或者您需要的数据要比公开的更多(如果需要15个以上,则限制为10条记录)。 或者,也许您是第一个认识到API不断被有人不断调用而困扰的人,因此需要对其进行处理。 这只是常规的东西。

Daily stand up meetings: Somebody thought these up and now basically everybody is doing them — agile development is all the rage. You will probably literally have to stand up with your team. Everyone will say, in turn, what they worked on since the last stand up, what they’re going to work on next, and if they have any blockers. Blockers are things that mean you can’t move forward, like maybe the person you need to work with has been assigned to something else and isn’t available.

每日站立会议 :有人认为这些,现在基本上每个人都在做-敏捷开发非常流行。 您可能实际上将不得不与您的团队站在一起。 每个人都会反过来说,自从上一次站起来以来他们一直在做什么,下一步将要做什么,以及是否有任何阻碍。 阻止程序是意味着您无法前进的事情,例如您需要与之共事的人已被分配给其他人并且不可用。

Senior devs aren’t defined strictly by years on the job: Don’t look up to people just because they’ve worked in tech for X number of years. People that will be useful to you will be patient and open to explaining things so you can grow as a developer.

高级开发人员并不是严格按照工作年限来定义的 :不要仅仅因为他们从事技术工作X 年就仰望人们。 会对您有用的人会耐心并且乐于解释事物,以便您可以成长为开发人员。

They’ll also have an interest in writing good clean code and growing as developers rather than just getting a paycheck. Seek these people out and maintain good relationships with them.

他们还将对编写良好的干净代码以及发展为开发人员感兴趣,而不仅仅是获得薪水。 寻找这些人并与他们保持良好的关系。

Work is a game and you’re there to win: Focusing on writing good code isn’t necessarily the straight path to getting a promotion. You won’t be working in a vacuum. Every tech company has its biases and interests. Start figuring out how your company operates on day one. There’s a very small likelihood that it runs as a meritocracy.

工作是一场游戏,而您将赢得胜利 :专注于编写良好的代码不一定是获得晋升的直接途径。 您不会在真空中工作。 每个科技公司都有自己的偏见和利益。 开始弄清楚贵公司第一天的运作方式。 它极有可能成为精英阶层。

What really gets people promoted and gets them raises? How can you achieve your goals as a developer and employee? It might be disturbing to figure these things out, but the sooner you do, the faster you can win (or determine if your company is too toxic for you to stick around).

什么才真正能使人们得到晋升并得到培养呢? 作为开发人员和员工,您如何实现目标? 弄清楚这些事情可能会令人不安,但是您做得越早,您获胜的速度就越快(或者确定您的公司是否有毒到无法坚持下去的程度)。







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