

When you think about skills, you're probably thinking about programming languages and frameworks. There are a lot of those, and they vary depending on which kind of developer you want to be. We can consider these hard skills.

当您考虑技能时,您可能会考虑编程语言和框架。 其中有很多,并且取决于您要成为哪种类型的开发人员。 我们可以考虑这些硬技能。

But there are many so-called soft skills (I personally do not agree with the name, but we will go with it). The dictionary defines those as:

但是有很多所谓的软技能(我个人不同意这个名称,但是我们会继续使用)。 字典将其定义为:

“Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.”

Those skills are more complex than your tech stack, because you can’t just prove them in a test, and most companies won’t ask you about them. But they are, in my opinion, vital to new developers.

这些技能比您的技术堆栈还要复杂,因为您不能仅仅在测试中证明它们,而且大多数公司不会向您询问它们。 但我认为它们对新开发人员至关重要。

I am Pachi, a self-taught developer and a Latinx immigrant. And without perseverance, I would have given up on a developer career a while ago.

我是Pachi,是一个自学成才的开发人员,也是拉丁移民。 如果没有毅力,我会在不久前放弃开发人员的职业。

What is perseverance, you might ask? The dictionary says:

您可能会问,毅力是什么? 字典上说:

“Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.”

And let me tell you, the delay will feel eternal and the difficulties will show up one after another.


I am telling you this from a place of experience. I have yet to get that first dev job we all see people talking about. All my work experience comes from accepting any and every opportunity that is offered to me (which I don’t recommend – it is exhausting and the burn out is certain).  

我是根据经验告诉您的。 我尚未获得我们大家都在谈论的第一份开发工作。 我所有的工作经验都来自接受为我提供的任何机会(我不建议这样做-这很累,而且肯定会倦怠)。

So how do you keep going? Well, I'll tell you.

那么,你如何继续前进呢? 好吧,我告诉你。

如何坚持三个步骤 (How to persevere in 3 steps)

知道你的“为什么” (Know your "why")

I don’t care if your reason is to save the hungry, to be the next Bill Gates, to help your parents buy a new home, or even just to pay your monthly bills.


You have to have a reason that is strong enough to motivate you when things aren’t looking awesome.


My family is in Brazil, and dollars convert to a lot of money there. I really want to help my family to live a more comfortable life.

我的家人在巴西,美元在那里赚了很多钱。 我真的很想帮助我的家人过上更加舒适的生活。

So I have a picture frame with them just sitting on my computer. They are my number one reason I'm working to become a developer.

因此,我坐在他们的计算机上就拥有一个相框。 这是我致力于成为开发人员的第一原因。

So just find something that can keep you going: money, family, glory – or all of it!


有一个计划 (Have a Plan)

No, you don’t have to buy a pretty planner and fancy pens and stickers and write down short and long term life goals. Although you can do that if if that is your thing. It certainly isn’t mine. I am a minimalist. So let’s keep things short and effective.

不,您不必购买漂亮的规划师和精美的笔和贴纸,也不必写下短期和长期的生活目标。 尽管如果那是您的事,您可以这样做。 当然不是我的。 我是极简主义者。 因此,让我们保持简短和有效。

Figure out what you want to learn, and why. And how. You can give yourself a time frame, but keep it loose so you don’t pressure yourself too much and end up feeling like a failure.

弄清楚你想学什么,为什么。 如何。 您可以给自己一个时间框架,但要保持宽松,这样就不会给自己施加太大的压力,最终会感觉自己像失败者。

Your plans should look something like this:


“I want to learn React. Because I am a front-end developer, and React is a popular framework that I see a lot in job ads in my area.

“我想学习React。 因为我是前端开发人员,所以React是一个受欢迎的框架,在我所在的地区的招聘广告中看到很多。

“I want to learn React. Because I am a front-end developer, and React is a popular framework that I see a lot in job ads in my area.

“我想学习React。 因为我是前端开发人员,所以React是一个受欢迎的框架,在我所在的地区的招聘广告中看到很多。

It has to make sense to you, seem doable, and not scare you too much (unless that is how you work).


I often see people saying they don’t set goals because they are afraid that they will fail and feel terrible about it. Your little plan here is just a plan. It helps if it makes you feel excited and hopeful but not overwhelmed.

我经常看到人们说他们没有设定目标,因为他们担心自己会失败并且对此感到恐惧。 您在这里的小计划仅仅是一个计划。 如果它使您感到兴奋和希望,但又不至于不知所措,它会有所帮助。

Also, there is no shame in changing your plan as needed. I was freelancing for a company that used a framework I didn’t know (they didn't use ReactJs, the one I wanted to learn).

此外,根据需要更改计划也不会感到羞耻。 我正在为一家使用我不知道的框架(他们没有使用我想学习的ReactJs)的公司提供自由职业。

So I revised and adapted my plan. That also helped me work on being flexible, and that is definitely an important skill in our big tech world, where things change everyday.

因此,我修改并调整了计划。 这也帮助我努力保持灵活性,这绝对是我们每天变化的大技术世界中的一项重要技能。

允许自己冷静 (Give yourself permission to chill)

New coders are fearless and unstoppable. They are active on social media, they have 10 Udemy courses and have started only 3, they have way too many websites saved and tabs open, and people keep telling them more and more things to learn.

新编码员无所畏惧,势不可挡。 他们在社交媒体上很活跃,有10项Udemy课程,仅开设了3项,保存了太多网站并打开了选项卡,人们不断告诉他们要学习的东西越来越多。

*deep breath* It is exhausting!


You want to succeed. I know, I see you! And there is SO much to learn. But you have to respect your mind and body.

你想成功。 我知道,我见到你! 还有很多东西要学习。 但是您必须尊重自己的身心。

It is okay to take a day off and binge watch some show, read a good (non-technical) book or just do nothing at all. It may be cold tea or a warm bath, maybe chocolate or going for a walk. But it helps to know that little things that can help you relax and get your mind where it needs to be to go back to work in a health way.

可以请一天假,狂欢观看一些节目,读一本好书(非技术性书籍),或者什么也不做。 它可能是冷茶或温水浴,也许是巧克力或散步。 但这有助于您了解一些可以帮助您放松身心的小事情,使您能够以健康的方式回到工作中去。

We all know that procrastination is our biggest enemy (I will just check my Twitter REAL quick before finishing this article). But sometimes it is easier to deal with things in the long run if we give in every now and then.

我们都知道拖延是我们最大的敌人(在完成本文之前,我将很快检查一下我的Twitter REAL)。 但是,从长远来看,如果我们时不时地作出让步,有时会更容易应对。

结论 (Conclusion)

I am by no means what most people would consider a "successful" developer yet. I have a part-time job at a small company and I have big dreams and places to go. So I also will be revisiting this article again and again.

我绝不是大多数人认为的“成功”开发人员。 我在一家小公司做兼职工作,有远大的梦想和理想的去处。 因此,我还将一次又一次地回顾这篇文章。

But here you have my "secrets"... The things that has been keeping me going. And I bet you already do some of these things as well, and you didn’t even know it!

但是,这里有我的“秘密”……让我前进的事物。 我敢打赌,您也已经做过其中一些事情,而您甚至都不知道!

I bet you are a Junior Dev full of perseverance, making your way in this dev world. And now, you do know these tricks and you can use them in your favor.

我敢打赌,您是一个充满毅力的初级开发人员,可以在这个开发世界中立足。 现在,您确实知道了这些技巧,并且可以根据需要使用它们。

Every time that you are stuck, go back to your plan and check if you are on track with it. If everything is on track but you still feel "off", have a little talk with yourself about your WHYs and try to get pumped up about them again.

每次遇到困难时,请返回计划并检查您是否按计划进行。 如果一切都按计划进行,但您仍然感到“不满意”,请与自己谈谈您的WHY,然后尝试再次进行讨论。

But don't forget, sometimes the answer is to just take some time off to relax for a bit.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-secret-to-perseverance-and-success/






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