
by Gitter


建立在线社区:JuliaLangES (Building Online Communities: JuliaLangES)

Ismael Venegas Castelló is a data analyst and organizer of the JuliaLangES community in Mexico, focused on Spanish users of the Julia Language. Learn about their approach to community building and visit the JuliaLangES channel on Gitter!

Ismael VenegasCastelló是墨西哥JuliaLangES社区的数据分析师和组织者,主要关注Julia语言的西班牙语用户。 了解他们的社区建设方法,并访问Gitter上的JuliaLangES频道

Tell us about a little bit about yourself and the JuliaLangES community. How did it all begin?

告诉我们一些关于您自己和JuliaLangES社区的信息。 这一切是怎么开始的?

My name is Ismael, and I’m the main JuliaLangEs community organizer. It all started when I read about the Julia meetups organized around the world, and I wanted to meet the amazing people from this community. I realized I was the only Julian around where I live, and noticed how there was apparently no Julian activity in Mexico, which made me decide to start a meetup group and get the ball rolling.

我叫Ismael,我是JuliaLangEs社区的主要组织者。 当我读到有关在世界各地组织的Julia聚会时,一切就开始了,我想认识这个社区中的杰出人士。 我意识到自己是我住过的唯一朱利安人,并且注意到墨西哥显然没有朱利安人的活动,这使我决定成立一个聚会小组并开始活动。

Julia is a programming language developed mainly to solve the “two language problem” so pervasive in technical computing domains, in which one needs a (slow) high-level language for prototyping and a (fast) low-level language for deploying solutions.


This has made Julia performance a primary concern, but it also has other important aspects, such as ease of use and flexibility. This actually makes Julia a great general purpose programming language, instead of a domain specific one.

这已使Julia的性能成为首要考虑因素,但它还具有其他重要方面,例如易用性和灵活性。 实际上,这使Julia成为了一种出色的通用编程语言,而不是特定于领域的语言。

What common goals do you have as a community?


Our aim is to help the Spanish speaking community to promote, learn, teach, use, translate and improve Julia itself.


What issues related to the project are you most excited about these days?


I’m very excited about Julia’s future and it’s path towards a 1.0 version. Being developed in the open has made Julia the perfect project for me to learn and contribute to.

我对Julia的未来感到非常兴奋,它正朝着1.0版本迈进。 公开开发使Julia成为我学习和贡献的完美项目。

What are the main issues discussed in the JuliaLang channel on Gitter?Everything! From support of simple questions to deeply complex issues with Julia code. What’s best about Gitter is the amount of integration it has with GitHub. Moreover, many new Gitter chat rooms start to appear for various Julia packages, not just the main Julia one.

在Gitter上的JuliaLang频道中讨论的主要问题是什么? 一切! 从简单问题的支持到Julia代码的深层复杂问题。 Gitter最好的地方是它与GitHub的集成量。 此外,许多新的Gitter聊天室开始出现各种Julia软件包,而不仅仅是主要的Julia软件包。

What are the most important factors that you have taken into account while creating and maintaining the community?


The most important factors are openness, being inclusive, respectful and helpful.


What are the key challenges that you encounter while managing the community?


The greatest challenge is keeping in touch with others in the community, especially give that we are spread all around the globe and live in different time zones.


How do you encourage participants’ commitment and contribution to the community?


I encourage them to start their own local meetups, and help them with any organizational advice I can think of. I also teach them how to contribute to the Julia project itself, via opening new issues, sending pull requests, help testing, debugging and translating, and so on.

我鼓励他们开始自己的本地聚会,并向他们提供我能想到的任何组织建议。 我还教他们如何通过打开新问题,发送请求请求,帮助测试,调试和翻译等为Julia项目本身做出贡献。

Based on your experience, do you feel that the open source communities have changed and evolved over the past years? If so, how?

根据您的经验,您是否觉得开源社区在过去几年中发生了变化和发展? 如果是这样,怎么办?

Yes, I think it’s important not only to have an open source codebase, but also an open community around it. I believe that people begin to realize this now more than ever.

是的,我认为不仅拥有开源代码库,而且围绕它的开放社区也很重要。 我相信人们现在比以往任何时候都更加意识到这一点。

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start an online open source community from scratch?


Just do it! Don’t wait for someone else to start it so you can jump in. The key to success is to use the right tools that will let you be in touch with your community. Invite others to help you in your organizational duties as you go along, and be persistent and patient. The most important thing is to enjoy it and share your joy.

去做就对了! 不要等待其他人启动它,这样您就可以加入。成功的关键是使用正确的工具,让您与社区保持联系。 邀请他人在您进行组织工作时帮助您,并保持执着和耐心。 最重要的是享受它并分享您的喜悦。



翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/ismael-venegas-castello-is-a-data-analyst-and-organizer-of-the-julialanges-community-from-mexico-eeac2af0743a/





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