

You read the title right!  I was offered a development position with a  company and after some negotiating I accepted their very generous offer!

您没看错标题! 我在一家公司担任开发职位,经过一番谈判,我接受了他们的慷慨提议!

I am beyond blown away, excited, happy, and (if I'm being 100% honest) terrified - in a good way though.  I'm still in disbelief that this is really happening but ecstatic to start working on production code.

我感到无比的激动,兴奋,快乐,并且(如果我是100%诚实的话)感到恐惧-尽管这是一种很好的方式。 我仍然不敢相信这确实在发生,但是对于开始生产代码欣喜若狂。

I've had a lot of people ask me to distill my journey into an article to share and help others.  So, buckle up because here we go.

我有很多人要求我将自己的旅程提炼成一篇文章,以分享和帮助他人。 所以,请系好安全带,因为我们要走了。

入门 (Getting Started)

I've always been interested in computers, tech, etc. Like many people my age, I got to 'cut my teeth' with development by creating a GeoCities site and later by personalizing my MySpace page with some basic CSS.


I didn't know it at the time but this was development, a crude version of it but still development nonetheless. At that time, I didn't know that people would pay for this kind of work or I might have stuck with it. So, I went to college and got a degree in nothing tech related - psychology. Not a useless degree, but one I ultimately never put into professional use.

当时我还不知道,但这只是开发,是它的粗略版本,但仍在开发中。 当时,我不知道人们会为这种工作付费,否则我可能会坚持下去。 因此,我上了大学,获得了与技术无关的学位-心理学。 不是没有用的学位,而是我最终从未投入专业使用的学位。

查找我的电话 (Finding My Calling)

Fast forward to the summer time in 2016 where I found myself with an abundance of free time on my hands outside of work.  I had always wanted to teach myself to code/program and decided now was the time - no more delay.  With the amount of free and accessible resources online to teach myself how to code it was the perfect time to jump in.

快进到2016年的夏季,我发现自己在工作以外的时间有很多空闲时间。 我一直想教自己编码/编程,现在决定了,不再浪费时间了。 在线上有大量免费且可访问的资源来教自己如何编码,现在正是您进入的最佳时机。

I started by searching for resources and came across Codecademy. I took handwritten notes by copying the entire question, answer, and result into a notebook.  I wrote down everything thinking that I would need it. I came back to these notes from time to time to review them. It's also interesting to look back on them and compare what I considered difficult then to what I consider difficult now. ?

我从搜索资源开始,偶然发现了Codecademy。 我通过将整个问题,答案和结果复制到笔记本中来记下手写笔记。 我写下了所有我认为需要的东西。 我不时回到这些笔记中进行审查。 回顾它们并将我认为困难的东西与现在我认为困难的东西进行比较也很有趣。 ?

A friend introduced me to freeCodeCamp because he knew I was self teaching and told me this platform was built for people like me.  I had planned to check it out, maybe do one or two lessons and then go to bed.  I finished the entire section on HTML that night!  I was hooked.

一个朋友向我介绍了freeCodeCamp,因为他知道我是在自学,并告诉我该平台是为像我这样的人构建的。 我原计划检查一下,也许要上一两个课,然后上床睡觉。 那天晚上我完成了HTML的整个部分! 我迷上了。

The more I learned the more questions I had.  I felt this urge, this pull to find answers to those questions.  So I continued on working through the lessons and projects.  I finished 2 projects before the curriculum was overhauled and revamped on freeCodeCamp.

我学得越多,我所提出的问题就越多。 我感到这种渴望,这是寻找这些问题答案的动力。 因此,我继续完成课程和项目。 在对课程进行全面修订并在freeCodeCamp上进行修订之前,我完成了2个项目。

I was finding any excuse to learn and work on projects.  While I was standing in any line waiting for something I would pull out my phone and instead of looking at social media, I began to read web development articles or watch a development related video.

我发现有任何借口来学习和从事项目。 当我站在任何排队等候的事情时,我会掏出手机,而不是看社交媒体,而是开始阅读Web开发文章或观看与开发相关的视频。

I feel like this was a major shift in the way I viewed downtime as compared to previously where "mindless consumption" ruled my time. (If you enjoy social media or funny animal videos I'm not calling you mindless, I'm simply saying that type of consumption typically doesn't require you to be engaged.  It's the type of consumption that you can do on auto pilot and frankly I still do it from time to time.)

与以前的“无意识的消耗”支配我的时间相比,我觉得这是我对停机时间的看法的重大转变。 ((如果您喜欢社交媒体或有趣的动物视频,我并不是想念您,我只是在说消费类型通常不需要您参与。这是您可以在自动驾驶和坦白说,我仍然会不时这样做。)

During that time I had bounced around the various different sources and was like a kid in a candy store.  At one point I had a folder that had roughly 300 links to material I had planned to work through.  I now know that finding a resource and sticking with it is far better than hoping from one resource to another.

在那段时间里,我在各种不同的来源周围蹦蹦跳跳,就像小时候在糖果店里一样。 有一次,我有一个文件夹,其中包含大约300个我计划要处理的材料的链接。 我现在知道,找到一种资源并坚持使用它比从一种资源转移到另一种资源要好得多。

I was doing all of this at night when my wife and daughter were asleep.  I was staying up until 12:30 AM sometimes as late as 2:00 AM and then having to get up at 6:00AM to do my normal day job.  At first, when the topics weren't as mentally taxing this was not an issue.  But as I started moving into JavaScript, learning the basics of networking, servers, accessibility, etc I noticed that the later it got, the more difficult it became to keep my brain engaged.

我的妻子和女儿在晚上入睡时,我一直在做所有这些事情。 我一直待到12:30 AM,有时最晚是2:00 AM,然后不得不在6:00 AM起床来做我的日常工作。 最初,当主题不那么费力时,这不是问题。 但是,当我开始使用JavaScript时,学习了网络,服务器,可访问性等基础知识,我注意到它越迟,保持头脑活跃的难度就越大。

Needless to say, this routine only lasted a few months before having to change it.


I didn't want to stop working on projects/learning but I needed to alter my schedule in order to benefit my well being.  That's when I decided to go to the other end of the work day spectrum.

我不想停止从事项目/学习的工作,但是我需要更改时间表以使自己的健康受益。 那是我决定去工作日的另一端的时候。

I started getting up at 4:00 AM, instead of staying up late, to learn and work on projects before going to the gym then starting my day.  I must say, this was a pivotal moment in my journey because I started to retain more of the information I was learning and that ultimately helped me move forward with more projects/material.

我从凌晨4:00开始起床,而不是熬夜,而是去健身房之前学习并从事项目研究,然后开始新的一天。 我必须说,这是我旅程中的关键时刻,因为我开始保留更多我所学的信息,并最终帮助我进行更多的项目/材料。

Also, this is the time when I started to buy up every resource I could find (Udemy courses and books mostly) dealing with any aspect of web development.  I can tell you that this isn't a wise (or financially sound) choice to make.  If you find a resource you like and that you're learning from then stick with that resource until it's exhausted.  The last thing you want to be doing is jumping to the new resource each time you find one like I did.

同样,这是我开始购买可以找到的与Web开发的各个方面有关的所有资源(大部分是Udemy课程和书籍)的时候。 我可以告诉你,这不是明智的选择(或财务上合理的选择)。 如果找到了自己喜欢的资源并且正在学习,那么请坚持使用该资源,直到用尽为止。 您想要做的最后一件事是每次您找到与我一样的新资源。

与Google和Udacity奖学金一起成长 (Grow With Google & Udacity Scholarship)

In January 2018 I applied for and was awarded a scholarship to Udacity's Front-End Nanodegree program.  This was not only an awesome opportunity to help propel me towards my goal but a humbling experience as well.

在2018年1月,我申请了Udacity的前端纳米学位课程并获得了奖学金。 这不仅是一个绝佳的机会,可以帮助我朝着自己的目标前进,而且也是令人沮丧的经历。

I came into this program with a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and a small portion of JavaScript in the vanilla flavor.  In this course I was introduced to jQuery, functional programming, object-oriented programming (OOP), test driven development (TDD), accessibility, servers, API's, basic networking, React, AJAX, and so many more facets of web development that I hadn't previously been exposed to.

我以基本HTML,CSS和一小部分具有香草味JavaScript的基础知识进入该程序。 在本课程中,我向您介绍了jQuery函数式编程面向对象的编程 (OOP), 测试驱动的开发 (TDD), 可访问性 ,服务器, API ,基本网络, ReactAJAX以及Web开发的许多其他方面以前没有接触过。

I'll be honest, it wasn't always easy or fun and there were times I seriously considered dropping out.  I felt like I would never learn these concepts and that I was in over my head.

老实说,这并不总是那么容易或有趣,有时我会认真考虑退学。 我觉得我永远也学不会这些概念,我感到头疼。

I'm happy that I didn't quit because no one ever accomplished their goals by quitting - first and only cliche statement I promise :D


I had the chance to build many awesome projects like the Card Matching Game, Arcade Game Replica, Restaurant Review App, and the Neighborhood Map App.  More than the projects though, I got to meet many great people and valuable experience collaborating with other developers in the course.

我有机会构建了许多很棒的项目,例如纸牌比对游戏街机游戏副本餐厅评论应用程序邻里地图应用程序 。 但是,除了项目之外,我还遇到了很多很棒的人,并且在课程中与其他开发人员合作获得了宝贵的经验。

Without this course, I can truly and honestly say that I would not be where I am today.  I gained many valuable experiences and lessons in this 9 month course.

没有这门课程,我可以真实而诚实地说我不会成为今天的我。 在这9个月的课程中,我获得了很多宝贵的经验和教训。

求职... dun dun duuuuunnn! (Job Hunting...dun dun duuuuunnn!)

At this point I had been working diligently (sometimes slacking off as well) for about two years.  I did not feel as though I was job ready but a friend who became my mentor told me that I'll never feel ready.  He said that I should apply and if I get interviews then let them tell me I'm not ready if that's the case but to not exclude myself from an opportunity.

在这一点上,我已经努力工作了两年(有时也有所懈怠)。 我似乎并没有准备好工作,但是一个成为我导师的朋友告诉我,我永远也不会准备好。 他说我应该申请,如果得到面试,然后让他们告诉我我是否还没有做好准备,但不要把自己排除在机会之外。

So, with a metric ton of fear, anxiety, and doubt I decided to start applying for jobs.


At first, I was only applying for jobs where I met the majority of the qualifications.  I can tell you now that this is not the way to do it, however, at the time I was terrified that someone would actually call me about an interview. (Later down the road I was applying for anything that interested me.  Senior developer - sure, I applied for that.  Front-end ninja with React skills - yep, threw in an application for that as well.  API developer with SQL experience - oh yeah!  I applied for that one as well.  I did this because you never know what will come of your application.  Maybe you don't get hired for that senior role but maybe they like you and your personality so much that they ask you to interview for their junior role.)

起初,我只申请符合大多数资格的工作。 现在,我可以告诉您,这不是做到这一点的方法,但是,当我感到害怕时,有人真的会打电话给我说一次面试。 ( 后来,我正在申请任何令我感兴趣的东西。高级开发人员-当然,我申请了。具有React技能的前端忍者-是的,也为此提供了一个应用程序。具有SQL经验的API开发人员-哦是的,我也申请了这一职位,因为您不知道自己的申请会如何,也许您没有被聘为高级职位,但也许他们非常喜欢您和您的个性,所以他们要求您担任他们的初级职位。 )

That's exactly what happened after I'd been applying for about 3 months.  I got a call for my first interview!  I was so happy and scared at the same time.  Now the pressure was really on.

这就是我申请大约3个月后发生的事情。 我接到了第一次面试的电话! 我既高兴又害怕。 现在压力真的很大了。

I read articles, brushed up on my interviewing skills, read books, asked my wife to quiz me on topics, and tried to run through different scenarios that I thought would come up in the interview.  I also prepared questions for interviewer because I wanted to know what it was like to work at this company.

我阅读文章,专心学习面试技巧,阅读书籍,请我的妻子对我的主题进行测验,并尝试通过各种我认为会在面试中出现的场景。 我还为面试官准备了一些问题,因为我想知道在这家公司工作的感觉。

Ultimately, I did what I wasn't supposed to do; I convinced myself that this was the perfect job and I wanted it.  I wanted it more than anything I could ever remember wanting.  I built it up as something that I had to have.

最终,我做了我不应该做的事情; 我说服自己,这是完美的工作,我想要它。 我想要的东西比我想念的要多。 我将其构建为必需的东西。

The day of the interview came and to say I was nervous is an understatement.  I was sweating bullets.  I answered all of the questions and when it was my turn I asked the questions I had prepared.  After it was over I left feeling like the interview went well.

采访的日子到了,说我很紧张是一种轻描淡写。 我在出汗子弹。 我回答了所有问题,轮到我问准备好的问题了。 结束之后,我感到面试进行得很顺利。

Ultimately, I didn't get the position and I was crushed.  I felt like everything went like it should have but for some reason the stars just didn't align.  Little did I know that this would be a common pattern among my interviews.

最终,我没有得到这个职位,我被压垮了。 我觉得一切都应该发生,但是由于某种原因,星星只是没有对齐。 我几乎不知道这将是我采访中的一种常见模式。

I decided not to let these disappointments define or destroy my confidence.  I started working harder, learning more, using that disappointment I felt to fuel my passion.  I would do whatever it took to ensure that one of these interviews would end with a full time offer.

我决定不让这些失望定义或破坏我的信心。 我开始更加努力地学习,学到了很多东西,利用这种失望情绪激发了我的激情。 我会尽一切努力确保其中一个面试以全职工作结束。

Here are some metrics about my job search:


  • Applications submitted across all platforms: 271

    跨所有平台提交的应用程序: 271

  • Any form of contact from company after application: 28

    申请后公司的任何形式的联系: 28

  • Phone Interviews: 7

    电话采访: 7

  • In person interviews: 8

    面试: 8

  • Job offers: 3 (one was contract with the (small) possibility for full time, one a part time freelance gig, and the eventual offer that I took for a full time position

    职位空缺: 3 (一份是与(小)全职合同,一份是兼职自由职业,最后我接受了一份全职职位

  • Companies that ignored me after expressing interest: Too many to count

    在表达了兴趣之后忽略了我的公司: 太多了

If you are applying for jobs, in any field, don't let the numbers discourage you!  Yes it is disheartening, yes it can be daunting, yes it stinks to fill out an application and never hear anything back, but don't quit!  You can do this!  I'm proof!

如果您正在求职,请不要在任何领域打扰您! 是的,这令人沮丧,是的,它可能令人生畏,是的,它很糟糕地填写了应用程序,并且从没有听到任何回音,但是请不要退出! 你可以这样做! 我证明!

This is by no means an exhaustive list of tips/tricks but below are some pieces of advice I've picked up along my journey to getting a job in development:


  • Develop thick skin - it's a must!  Companies will disappoint you

    形成厚皮-这是必须的! 公司会让你失望的
  • Apply for anything you're interested in

  • Apply even if you don't meet all of the requirements (this is what I did and also how I landed my first developer job)

  • Spend time perfecting your resume

  • Just because companies turn you down doesn't mean you're a failure

  • Show companies you can do the work by building projects outside of tutorials

  • Ask for help if you need it (this was a hard one for me to learn)

  • Apply for jobs on all of the major platforms but don't forget that platforms like GitHub jobs also exist


  • Ensure you take care of yourself - get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthy (it's important for overall health!)

  • Don't be afraid to take breaks

  • Don't compare yourself, your job search, your situation, or your skills to others

  • If it takes you 3 months or 3 years (like me) remember, this is not a race

  • Work hard, learn well, and never give up!


As always, I wish you nothing but the best in all you do.  If you need advice or help I'd be glad to do what I can.  Connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn.  I'm always willing to help and I love meeting new people!

一如既往,我祝您一切顺利。 如果您需要建议或帮助,我将竭尽所能。 在TwitterLinkedIn上与我联系。 我总是愿意提供帮助,而且我喜欢结识新朋友!

I also run a personal blog where I write articles related to web development.  While you're there consider signing up for my newsletter that I send out once a month with articles and great finds from around the web.

我还经营一个个人博客 ,在其中撰写与Web开发相关的文章。 当您在那里时,请考虑注册我的新闻通讯,我每月发送一次,其中包含网络上的文章和重要发现。

Have an amazing day and happy coding!








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