
Over the past 18 months, our nonprofit has made nearly $2,000 from people who are using the Brave Browser to visit freeCodeCamp.org.


In this article, I'm going to tell you about the Brave Browser and show how it works.

在本文中,我将向您介绍Brave Browser并展示其工作方式。

I'll also help you decide whether it's worth registering your website or YouTube channel as a Brave publisher.


And if you want to register so you can get paid, I'll show you how to do that, too.


But first, I want to temper your expectations. Unless you have a huge audience, Brave is unlikely to be a significant proportion of your income.

但是首先,我想减轻您的期望。 除非您有大量的听众,否则“勇敢”不可能占您收入的很大一部分。

For some perspective:


  1. freeCodeCamp.org is one of the top 2,000 most-visited websites

  2. And our audience is mostly developers, who are much more likely to use the Brave Browser than a less-technical audience


In other words, your mileage may vary.


关于我的客观性的简要说明 (A quick note on my objectivity)

Before anyone accuses me of using my influence to drive up the value of Brave's Basic Attention Token (BAT) cryptocurrency: we sold all of freeCodeCamp's BAT before publishing this.


We transferred it into freeCodeCamp's bank account, where it will help us cover this month's server costs.


By the way, if you want to support freeCodeCamp, I recommend you donate to us directly. This is where a vast majority of our nonprofit's budget comes from. The resources we get from Brave certainly help, but they don't even begin to cover the costs of running a nonprofit like ours.

顺便说一句,如果您想支持freeCodeCamp,我建议您直接捐赠给我们 。 这是我们非营利组织预算的绝大部分来源。 我们从《勇敢传说》中获得的资源肯定会有所帮助,但它们甚至还没有涵盖运营像我们这样的非营利组织的成本。

勇敢的浏览器到底是什么? (What exactly is the Brave Browser?)

Brave is an open source browser with a built-in ad blocker.


Brave was created by Brendan Eich - that same developer who created the JavaScript programming language back in 1995.

Brave由Brendan Eich创建,他是1995年创建JavaScript编程语言的同一位开发人员。

The big idea behind Brave is that instead of supporting websites by viewing their banner ads, you can pay them directly through your browser.


Here's how it works:


  1. You use money to buy Brave's Basic Attention Token (BAT) cryptocurrency, and that BAT goes into your Brave wallet.

  2. Brave will keep track of how much time you spend on each website or YouTube channel.

  3. Then Brave will divide up your BAT and pay websites and YouTube channels each month based on how much time you spent using them.


This means instead of making a bunch of small individual donations to the dozens of websites and YouTube channels you use each month, you can just load money into Brave. Brave will then passively distribute that money for you.

这意味着您不必向每月使用的数十个网站和YouTube频道进行大量的个人捐款,而只需将钱存入“勇敢”。 然后,勇敢的人会被动地为您分配这笔钱。

Brave also has a manual "tipping" feature.


您如何从“勇敢”中赚钱? (How do you make money from Brave?)

First, you have to register your website or YouTube channel as a publisher. You can register as a Brave publisher here.

首先,您必须将您的网站或YouTube频道注册为发布者。 您可以在此处注册为Brave发布者

Then each month, if people are using Brave to browse your website or watch your videos, Brave will send you their Basic Attention Token (BAT) cryptocurrency through a service called Uphold.


In order to actually withdraw that BAT from Uphold (and convert it into another currency), you have to first create an Uphold account.


Note that this involves filling out forms and sharing a lot of sensitive information, such as your bank information, social security number, your ID, and your photo.


您如何才能尝试Brave Browser本身? (How can you can try out the Brave Browser itself?)

Brave is free and open source. You don't have to pay money to use it.

《勇敢传说》是免费和开源的。 您不必花钱就可以使用它。

But if you do put money into your Brave wallet, Brave will share 95% of that with the websites you visit. (Brave keeps 5% of it as a transaction fee).

但是,如果您确实将钱存入Brave钱包,Brave将与您访问的网站共享95%的钱。 (勇敢者保留其中的5%作为交易费用)。

If you install Brave using this link, Brave says they'll donate $5 to freeCodeCamp. Brave says - rather vaguely - that you have to "use the browser (minimally) over a 30 day period" in order for freeCodeCamp.org to get the $5. So I guess try to use it at least a little each day.

如果您使用此链接安装Brave ,Brave表示他们将向freeCodeCamp捐款5美元。 勇敢地说-相当模糊-您必须“至少30天使用浏览器”,以便freeCodeCamp.org获得5美元。 因此,我想每天至少尝试使用一次。

There are some other interesting aspects of Brave, too. For example, you can voluntarily view Brave's own ads - which are more anonymized than traditional ad network ads. Brave will then pay you a small amount of Basic Attention Token in exchange for your attention.

《勇敢传说》还有其他有趣的方面。 例如,您可以自愿查看Brave自己的广告-与传统的广告网络广告相比,这些广告的匿名性更高。 然后,Brave会向您支付少量的Basic Attention令牌,以换取您的注意力。

Brave's approach of replacing more intrusive ads on websites with more privacy-minded ads of their own is still a controversial one. But it could eventually pressure some of the worst actors in the "ad tech" space to become less intrusive themselves.

勇敢的用自己拥有更多隐私意识的广告替换网站上更具干扰性的广告的方法仍然是一个有争议的方法。 但这最终可能给“广告技术”领域的一些最糟糕的参与者施加压力,使他们自己变得不那么具有侵略性。

勇敢有美好的未来吗? (Does Brave have a bright future?)

Over the past 2 years, aside from a few spikes, the value of Brave's BAT cryptocurrency has been around US $0.20 per token:


I don't know anyone working at Brave, and I don't have any information about their company that isn't already public.


According to Crunchbase, Brave hasn't raised any money since June of 2017, when they had one of the only successful ICOs in history, selling $35 million worth of BAT in less than 30 seconds.

根据Crunchbase的说法,自2017年6月以来,Brave就没有筹集任何资金,当时他们拥有历史上唯一成功的ICO之一 ,在不到30秒的时间内售出了价值3500万美元的BAT。

It's possible they may not need to raise additional funding if they are making enough money through BAT and their operations.


If anything, Brave seems well-poised to grow. Google plans to essentially kill ad-blocker Chrome extensions. This may cause more people to switch over to a browsers with built-in ad blockers, like Brave.

如果有的话,《勇敢传说》似乎已经做好了成长的准备。 Google计划从根本上终止广告拦截器Chrome扩展程序 。 这可能会导致更多的人切换到带有内置广告拦截器的浏览器,例如Br​​ave。

到目前为止,您的《勇敢传说》收入如何? (How are your Brave earnings so far?)

If you've been a Brave publisher for a while, I encourage you to share your numbers. How much have you all made from Brave so far?

如果您已经是《勇敢传说》的发行人已有一段时间了,我鼓励您分享您的电话号码。 到目前为止,你们从勇敢中赚了多少钱?

I hope this guide has been a helpful resource for you. Happy coding.

希望本指南对您有所帮助。 快乐的编码。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-brave-browser-how-much-money-can-your-website-make-as-a-publisher/

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