

This is part 1 of 2.  In this part I will cover the big advantages of having one or more previous careers offers when you switch to a career in dev.  In part 2 I cover strategies that make you more compelling if you're worried about how your previous career will look when you interview for dev roles.

这是第2部分的第1部分。在这一部分中,我将介绍当您转为开发人员职业时拥有一个或多个以前的职业机会所带来的巨大优势。 第2部分中,我介绍了一些策略,如果您担心在面试开发人员角色时以前的职业会如何,那么它们会使您更具吸引力。

I am no stranger to changing careers.  I started 16 years ago as a litigating lawyer, then moved to corporate law, and after 11 years of practice, left the law and went into middle management.  Then I started my own startup. As my startup struggled to attain sustainability, I discovered a love for coding (largely out of necessity, in startup-land!).  I set crazy learning goals, and switched my attention from my startup to code (mainly to become my own technical co-founder). And then I figured that since I love to code, and I love technology, I might as well become a dev.

我对改变职业并不陌生。 我16年前开始担任诉讼律师,后来又转到公司法,经过11年的实践,离开了法律,进入中层管理。 然后我开始了自己的创业。 当我的初创企业努力实现可持续性时,我发现了对编码的热爱(很大程度上是出于必要,在初创国家!)。 我设定了疯狂的学习目标,并将注意力从初创公司转移到了代码上(主要是成为我自己的技术联合创始人 )。 然后我发现,由于我喜欢编码,也喜欢技术,所以我很可能会成为一名开发人员。

Looking back I see how I've grown exponentially with each career change.  But here's the unexpected professional advantage :  each new 'job' benefited enormously from my previous experience, even though most people (especially non-career changers) thought it was a bad idea.  As it turns out all the people who had strong views about it had never done it themselves.

回顾过去,我发现自己在每次职业转变中都呈指数增长。 但这里有一个意想不到的专业优势: 受益匪浅每一个新的“工作” 根据我以前的经验,即使大多数人(尤其是非职业变更者)都认为这是个坏主意。 事实证明,所有对此有深刻见解的人都从来没有自己做过。

Career changers have some very significant advantages that are often overlooked, and almost always underplayed

Right after I decided to try and land a dev job late last year, I also decided to document the strategies and plans that actually worked for me when I taught myself to code - by publishing a course on Udemy targeted at people (especially those that long to get into a tech role) who want to teach themselves this vital skill of the new world.  As part of that process, and based on feedback from a number of colleagues and recruiters for dev roles, I realised that us career changers have some very significant advantages that are often overlooked, and almost always underplayed.  

就在我去年年底决定尝试找到一名开发人员职位之后,我还决定记录下我自学编程时实际对我有用的策略和计划 -通过发布针对人群的Udemy课程(尤其是那些长期存在的课程)成为技术角色)谁想要自学这项新世界的重要技能。 作为该过程的一部分,并根据许多同事和招聘人员对开发人员角色的反馈,我意识到,我们的职业变更者具有一些非常重要的优势,这些优势常常被忽视,而且几乎总是被低估。

经验 (Experience)

OK, so this is a no-brainer.  But a shallow analysis of this will only mean that you don't actually leverage this asset properly.  Why is experience in an unrelated, or semi-related field of any use? Most people would tell you that you need direct and "relevant" experience.  And that is definitely the case when it comes to satisfying the specifics of the Job Description.  But anyone that has actually reflected on their role will acknowledge that the real experience of the job is often quite different from the sanitized words in a JD.  The difference is the same difference as a colouring in book before you colour it in and after. So here are the main reasons why experience really does matter, even if it is an unrelated field (potentially even more so then as it gives you depth and breadth of life experience).

好的,这很容易。 但是对此进行浅浅的分析只会意味着您实际上没有适当地利用此资产。 为什么在无关或半相关领域中的经验有任何用处? 大多数人会告诉您,您需要直接和“相关”的经验。 在满足职位描述的要求时,绝对是这样。 但是,实际上反映自己角色的任何人都会承认,工作的实际经验通常与JD中经过消毒的词语完全不同。 区别在于书中着色前后的颜色相同。 因此,这就是经验确实很重要的主要原因,即使它是无关的领域(可能甚至会更重要,因为它可以为您提供生活经验的深度和广度)。

1) Maturity.  Dealing with teams teaches you soft skills, hard skills, and subconscious skills at dealing with personalities, temperaments, cultures, habits and mindsets.

1) 成熟度 。 与团队打交道会教给您处理个性,性情,文化,习惯和思维方式的软技能,硬技能和潜意识技能。

2) Insight. other roles gives you insight into other functions in an organisation. For example,  if you're implementing a billing system you will have a better awareness of critical aspects of the user's experience if you understand how a sales person uses billing data to manage the sales pipelines and increase customer acquisition or reduce churn. If you were previously in sales or marketing or had your own startup, you would really have valuable skills when it comes to designing the system and selecting SaaS products.

2) 洞察力 。 其他角色可让您深入了解组织中的其他职能。 例如,如果您实施的是计费系统,则可以了解销售人员如何使用计费数据来管理销售渠道并增加客户获取或减少流失,从而更好地了解用户体验的关键方面。 如果您以前从事销售或市场营销,或者拥有自己的创业公司,那么在设计系统和选择SaaS产品时,您将真的具有宝贵的技能。

3) Context. Have worked in another team, in another role, in another organisation also helps you contextualise the drivers, habits, behaviours and motivations that influence how teams interact.  Product, engineering, marketing, finance, they all have drivers and unique pressures and motives.  Truly understanding the context of your co-workers and collaborators outside your narrow function makes you hugely valuable because it helps you cooperate better, which in turn encourages others to cooperate with you.  No matter how skilled a dev you are, if you annoy the heck out of the folks who are driving revenue, you will struggle to be taken seriously, and that will impact the quality of your work life.  

3) 上下文 。 在另一个团队中,在另一个角色中,在另一个组织中工作过,还可以帮助您将影响团队互动的驱动因素,习惯,行为和动机进行情境化。 产品,工程,营销,财务,它们都有驱动力以及独特的压力和动机。 在狭窄的职能范围之外,真正了解您的同事和协作者的环境会使您变得非常有价值,因为它可以帮助您更好地进行合作,从而鼓励其他人与您合作。 不管您有多熟练的开发人员,如果您烦恼那些增加收入的人,您都将很难被重视,这将影响您的工作质量。

4) Cultural adaptiveness. The ability to understand context, have insight, and deal with coworkers maturely adds up to an overall skills that I call your cultural adaptability.   This just isn't about different ethnic, regional or anthropological cultures.  This is about team-cultures too, the unique dynamics that an organisation's culture produces in its teams.  Being adaptive in this way makes you highly effective, and effective team players are more valuable as employees than talented but ineffective members.  Being great at your role is much, much more than pure technical skill or intellectual horse power.  

4) 文化适应性 。 能够理解背景,具有洞察力并与同事打交道的能力逐渐加深了我称为您的文化适应能力的整体技能。 这与不同的种族,地区或人类学文化无关。 这也与团队文化有关,这是组织文化在团队中产生的独特动力。 以这种方式适应能力可以使您变得高效,而有才能的团队成员比有才华但效率低下的成员更有价值。 发挥出色的作用远不止纯粹的技术技能或知识力量。

5) Communication. While a lot is written about improving communication in the engineering culture, the fact is that relatively poor communicators can still be highly effective if they have a broadened vocabulary in the context of their business.  You may not have to know or care what Net Present Value or EBITDA is. But understanding these things will make you a better inter-team communicator.  In exactly the same way that it helps if your finance person understands what a firewall, or API call is.  Knowing some of the technical language spoken by other team members is flattering to them, useful to you, and beneficial for the organisation. And since these may be very boring to you (or not), the best way to pick up the vernacular is to have been in or close to those functions in a previous life, so you know not just what they mean but why they're important to your colleague.

5) 沟通 。 尽管在改善工程文化中交流方面有很多文章,但事实是,相对较差的交流者如果在其业务范围内掌握更多的词汇,仍然可以非常有效 。 您可能不必知道或关心什么是净现值或EBITDA。 但是了解这些内容将使您成为更好的团队间沟通者。 与财务人员了解防火墙或API调用的含义完全相同。 知道其他团队成员所说的某些技术语言对他们很受宠若惊,对您有用,对组织也有利。 而且由于这些对您来说可能很无聊(或不是很无聊),所以最好的拾起白话语的方法就是在上一生中处于或接近这些功能,因此您不仅知道它们的含义,还知道它们为什么会对您的同事很重要。

6) Prioritization. Effective team members prioritise in a way that benefits the team and also the larger organisation. If you have previous experience in other domains, you will understand how something that is a low priority to you has an outsized impact on another function, and vice versa.  This sensitivity to the co-worker's perspective and professional pressures is a huge asset when it comes to building rapport, trust, camaraderies, and very important - organisational influence.

6) 优先级 。 有效的团队成员会以使团队以及整个组织受益的方式确定优先级。 如果您以前在其他领域有经验,那么您将了解对您来说低优先级的内容对其他功能的影响很大,反之亦然。 在建立融洽关系,信任,友善以及非常重要的组织影响力方面,这种对同事观点和专业压力的敏感性是一项巨大的财富。

7) Organisational Dynamics. This is the name for its healthy form. It's unhealthy twin is known as sh!tty politics. But it's a fact of life.  You do not and should not have to participate. But it really helps to be able to detect it, foresee it, recognise it, sidestep it, and handle it.  On rainy days it always helps to see a car speeding towards that puddle next to you, so you can avoid being splashed, right?   In all its forms, the ability to navigate and deal constructively with Organisational Dynamics is a tremendous skill as it reduces stress, improves productivity, builds trust and credibility and delivers successful outcomes for the teams involved.  If you've been only in one career or domain all your life you will become adept at recognising its forms in your specific function and in your context.  But recognising it when it happens elsewhere but is coming soon to a colleague near you, is a huge strategic advantage as you can anticipate and prepare for it appropriately.

7) 组织动力 。 这是其健康形式的名称。 这是不健康的双胞胎,被称为小政治。 但这是生活中的事实。 您没有也不应该参加。 但这确实有助于检测,预测,识别,避开和处理它。 在下雨天,总能看到一辆汽车驶向您旁边的水坑,这对您很有帮助,这样您就可以避免被泼溅,对吗? 各种形式的组织动态导航和处理能力都是一项巨大的技能,因为它可以减轻压力,提高生产力,建立信任和信誉并为相关团队带来成功的成果。 如果您一生都只从事一种职业或领域,那么您将变得擅长于根据自己的特定职能和背景来认识其形式。 但是,当它发生在其他地方但很快就会出现在您附近的同事面前时,您就意识到了这一点,这是巨大的战略优势,因为您可以预期并适当地进行准备。

FreeCodeCamp学生的 后记 (Postscript For FreeCodeCamp students)

I really, truly believe your most precious resources are your time, effort and money. Of these, the single most important resource is time, because the other two can be renewed and recovered. So if you’re going to spend time on something make sure it gets you closer to this goal.

我真的,真的相信您最宝贵的资源是您的时间,精力和金钱。 其中,最重要的资源是时间,因为其他两个资源可以更新和恢复。 因此,如果您要花时间在某些事情上,请确保它使您更接近此目标。

With that in mind, if you want to invest 3 hours with me to find your shortest path to learning to code (especially if you’re a career changer, like me...), then head to my course site and use the form there sign up (not the popup!). If you add the words “FREE MY TIME” to the message, I will know you’re a freeCodeCamp reader, and I will send you a promo code, because just like you, freeCodeCamp gave me a solid start.

考虑到这一点,如果您想花3个小时与我一起寻找最短的学习编码的途径(特别是如果您是像我这样的职业转变者...),请前往我的课程站点并使用以下表格在那里注册(而不是弹出窗口!)。 如果您在消息中添加“ FREE MY TIME”(免费),我会知道您是freeCodeCamp的读者,并且会向您发送促销代码,因为与您一样, freeCodeCamp也为我提供了一个良好的开端。

Also if you would like to learn more, check out  episode 53 of the  freeCodeCamp podcast, where Quincy (founder of FreeCodeCamp) and I share our experiences as career changes that may help you on your journey. You can also access the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify.

另外,如果您想了解更多信息,请查阅freeCodeCamp播客的 第53集 ,其中Quincy(FreeCodeCamp的创始人)和我分享了我们的职业经历,可为您的职业转变提供帮助。 您还可以在iTunesStitcherSpotify上访问播客。

I can be contacted on Twitter: @ZubinPratap


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-career-changers-have-an-advantage/






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