vue cli的工作流程_这些出色的CLI工具可改善您的工作流程

vue cli的工作流程

by Dylan Tientcheu


这些出色的CLI工具可改善您的工作流程 (Improve your workflow with these awesome CLI tools)

Happily(?), today we are in an era where productivity is mostly achieved through smart work rather than hard work. We constantly have to be looking for faster, easier and smarter ways to achieve results.

幸运的是,今天,我们正处在一个主要通过精打细算而非辛勤工作来提高生产力的时代。 我们一直在寻找更快,更轻松,更智能的方法来取得成果。

The following tools will not only help you work faster, but you’ll also do so while having fun in your terminal.


Note to Windows users: As you may notice, most of this tools are Unix based and implement some features that may not function properly on CMD or Powershell. I’d recommend you to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Windows用户注意 :您可能会注意到,大多数此工具都是基于Unix的,并且实现了某些功能,这些功能可能无法在CMD或Powershell上正常运行。 我建议您使用WSL (Linux的Windows子系统)。

Worry not, this post can show you how to make WSL the most beautiful terminal ?

不用担心, 这篇文章可以告诉您如何使WSL成为最漂亮的终端机

Let’s rock our CLIs.


任务管理与计划 (Task Management & Planning)

Yes, I know, we have a plethora of amazing task management tools on both web and desktop. However, you should give a try to those based on your terminal emulator.

是的,我知道,我们在网络和桌面上都有大量出色的任务管理工具。 但是,您应该尝试一下基于终端仿真器的工具。

任务战士 (Task Warrior)

Taskwarrior is Free and Open Source Software that manages your TODO list from the command line. It is flexible, fast, and unobtrusive. It does its job then gets out of your way.

Taskwarrior是免费的开源软件,可以从命令行管理TODO列表。 它灵活,快速且不引人注目。 它会尽力而为,然后让您摆脱困境。

百里香 -控制台番茄钟 (Thyme — Console Pomodoro Timer)

The Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo. This technique really helps with efficiency and time management. Now, Thyme is a tool that helps bring this technique to your terminal alongside big customizable options.

Pomodoro技术由Francesco Cirillo开发。 该技术确实有助于提高效率和时间管理。 现在, 百里香(Thyme)是一个工具,可与大量可自定义选项一起将这种技术带入您的终端。

摩洛 -工作时间跟踪 (Moro — Work Hours Tracker)

A command line tool for tracking work hours, as simple as it can get.


发展历程 (Development)

Wuzz -HTTP检查器 (Wuzz — HTTP Inspector)

Think of a terminalized Postman. Wuzz is an Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection.

想想一个终端的邮递员 Wuzz是用于HTTP检查的交互式cli工具。

FX — JSON查看器 (FX — JSON Viewer)

FX is the go-to tool for JSON processing and viewing. It’s really impressive along with all its execution commands. I’m still looking for its web/desktop-based counterpart.

FX是用于JSON处理和查看的必备工具。 它及其所有执行命令的确令人印象深刻。 我仍在寻找基于Web /桌面的产品。

服务 -最快的CLI文件服务实用程序 (Serve — Fastest CLI file serving utility)

Maybe you think I’m over exaggerating. Well, uhm, I’m not. Remember when you used to download python’s simpleHTTPServer or the web server for chrome app each time you needed to set up a static site in localhost? That’s all past tense. With a command as simple as npx serve directly from the folder of your static site, you get served!

也许您认为我太夸张了。 好吧,嗯,我不是。 还记得当您每次需要在本地主机上设置静态站点时,曾经下载python的simpleHTTPServerChrome应用程序Web服务器吗? 都过去时了。 使用像npx serve这样简单的命令直接从静态站点的文件夹中进行npx serve就可npx serve您服务!

howdoi-您的StackOverFlow快速入门 (howdoi —Your StackOverFlow quickie)

It best describes itself this way “instant coding answers via the command line”.


The next time you’re searching for a coding answer think twice before opening your browser to read through blogs. With howdoi the answer might be closer than you think.

下次搜索编码答案时,请三思而后行,然后再打开浏览器阅读博客。 使用howdoi ,答案可能比您想像的要近。

gitstats —打印(githubCharts); (gitstats — print(githubCharts);)
DevStats —打印(allDevStats); (DevStats — print(allDevStats);)

DevStats is a CLI application that fetches statistics from “developer sites” like StackOverflow, WakaTime and GitHub and displays them nicely. If you are a stats maniac, you can even display your daily reports and switch between days

DevStats是一个CLI应用程序,可从“开发人员站点”(如StackOverflow,WakaTime和GitHub)获取统计信息,并很好地显示它们。 如果您是统计狂,甚至可以显示每日报告并在两天之间切换

TerminalizerAsciinema —终端记录仪 (Terminalizer & Asciinema — Terminal Recorders)
  • Terminalizer helps you record your terminal sessions and generate gif images. This really helps to show how a command is used.

    Terminalizer可帮助您记录终端会话并生成gif图像。 这确实有助于显示如何使用命令。

  • Asciinema is a great open source solution for recording terminal sessions and sharing them on the web. It aims to be a “go to” place for every command-line user who wants to share their skills with others. Or putting it differently, it’s a place to show off your geekiness.

    Asciinema是一个很棒的开源解决方案,用于记录终端会话并在网络上共享它们。 它的目标是成为每个希望与他人共享技能的命令行用户的“去向”。 或换种说法,这是一个炫耀您怪异之处。

好玩 (Fun)

Who really waits for npm install to get done?

谁真正在等待npm install完成?

Bash2048-在终端中播放2048 (Bash2048 — Play 2048 in your terminal)

Play the famous 2048 game right from your terminal. (Copy the following line and paste it in your terminal).

直接在终端上玩著名的2048游戏。 (复制以下行并将其粘贴到您的终端中)。

$ bash <(curl -s

$ bash <(curl -s . )

文字表情 (TextMeme)

Generate good looking text memes like the one below, right from your terminal


CLI Typer —类似于2003年的实践指纹 (CLI Typer —Practice Dactylography like in 2003)

Practice touch typing in the commandline and measure your skills.



速度测试 —互联网速度测试 (Speed test — Internet Speed Test)

Git is acting strange? Maybe you need a quick connection test. Let speed test ping from your terminal.

Git表现得很奇怪? 也许您需要快速连接测试。 让速度从您的终端测试ping。

加时赛 (Overtime-cli)

Easy time-overlap tables for remote teams.


感觉名单太短了? (Feeling the list is too short?)

These are all awesome tools that awesome devs built to help the community.


You know what is even more awesome? An awesome list of awesome lists containing awesome CLI tools ?

您知道什么更棒吗? 含真棒CLI工具真棒名单真棒名单

Make sure to check those out and leave some stars on the repos.


You may leave a clap?? if you enjoyed the read.

您可能会离开交流 ? 如果您喜欢阅读。

Dylan Tientcheu (@DylanTientcheu) | Twitter熱狂者 * Editor: VSCode * Theme: Material Darker * Font: Operator Mono w

迪伦·天蒂(@DylanTientcheu)| Twitter 热狂者*编辑:VSCode *主题:较暗的材质*字体:运算符Mono w连字


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