算法训练营 重编码_我在编码训练营中的经验(以及是否适合您)

算法训练营 重编码

by Florian Mueller

通过弗洛里安·穆勒(Florian Mueller)

我在编码训练营中的经验(以及是否适合您) (My experience with a coding bootcamp (and whether one might be right for you))

Looking at the calendar, I now realize that almost three months have passed since I finished my intensive coding Bootcamp. Time flies by, crazy. Let’s go back a bit more and see how I made up my mind and joined Ironhack Berlin in summer 2018.

查看日历,我现在意识到自从完成密集的Bootcamp编码以来已经过去了将近三个月。 时间飞逝 ,疯狂。 让我们再回头看看我如何下定决心并于2018年夏天加入Ironhack Berlin。

成为数字架构师 (Being a digital architect)

For a long time now I have had the wish to create and build. I was never really sure what, but I just know that I want TO CREATE and hopefully make an impact one day. Being a generation Y-er this is actually one of the unique character traits most of us have in common. You can read more on that in my article about Generation Y here.

很长一段时间以来,我一直希望创建和构建。 我从来没有真正知道是什么,但我知道,我要创造 ,并希望使一天,一个影响。 作为Y-er一代,这实际上是我们大多数人共有的独特性格特征之一。 您可以在此处有关Y世代的文章中了解更多内容。

我对编码的兴趣 (My interest in coding)

I finished my Masters in 2014 and, after having spent half of it in Mexico, I got a job as a Co-Founder in a StartUp in Mexico City. Before I had worked mainly in banking so this was basically my first insight into the Startup world.

我在2014年完成了硕士课程,在墨西哥度过了一半的学业后,我在墨西哥城的一家Startup公司找到了联合创始人的工作。 在我主要从事银行业务工作之前,这基本上是我对Startup世界的首次了解。

One year fast-forward our startup failed, but I learned some valuable lessons about the founding of a company, marketing, and business development. Since it was an E-Commerce company, I had a first look at coding and I can tell you it looked like hieroglyphs to me. Nevertheless, my interest was awakened and I was fascinated by how you can build stuff online just by writing lines of code in this language I didn’t understand.

一年过去了,我们的创业公司失败了,但是我学到了一些有关公司成立,市场营销和业务发展的宝贵经验。 由于这是一家电子商务公司,所以我首先看了一下编码,我可以告诉您它对我来说就像象形文字。 但是,我的兴趣被唤醒,我着迷于如何仅用这种我不懂的语言编写代码行就可以在线构建东西。

After my Mexican startup experience, I came back to Germany and worked for a mobile app company in marketing and business development. Since we were a very small team I was also in steady communication with the programming team and learned about frameworks and programming languages. It was then when I was certain that I wanted to know more about coding.

在墨西哥的创业经历之后,我回到德国,在一家移动应用公司的市场营销和业务开发部门工作。 由于我们是一个很小的团队,所以我也与编程团队保持着稳定的沟通,并了解了框架和编程语言。 那时,当我确定要对编码有所了解时。

So this summer I decided to make a change and take coding seriously. I had already looked at resources on freeCodeCamp, which is amazing by the way, especially their Webpage and Tutorials on Youtube. I also did some free courses on Codecademy and followed some coding channels on Youtube. While I was in Berlin, I attended one of Ironhack’s Meetups and basically learned more in one day than I had learned in two months of online learning before. I was convinced to do a Bootcamp.

因此,今年夏天,我决定进行更改并认真对待编码。 我已经看过freeCodeCamp上的资源, 顺便说一下 ,这真是太好了,尤其是他们的网页和Youtube上的教程。 我还在Codecademy上做了一些免费课程,并在Youtube上遵循了一些编码渠道。 在柏林的时候,我参加了Ironhack的一次聚会,基本上一天之内学习的内容比之前两个月的在线学习所学的更多。 我被说服去做一个训练营。

哪个Bootcamp最适合我? (Which Bootcamp is best for me?)

I did a lot of research on coding Bootcamps, and you can shoot me a message or comment below if you have any questions — I will try to answer as best as I can.


I was checking most information on Course Report and Switchup, which are the main platforms comparing Bootcamp providers. Although I just experienced Ironhack, I think there are a lot of Bootcamps on there that are great. Just check for dates and prices, read the reviews and check for the length of the camp. Mine was 9 weeks which in retrospect I think was a bit short. For a beginner like me, I would definitely recommend one that is 12 weeks like many are.

我正在查看有关课程报告和切换的大多数信息,这是比较Bootcamp提供程序的主要平台。 尽管我刚刚经历过Ironhack,但我认为那里有很多很棒的Bootcamp。 只需检查日期和价格,阅读评论并检查营地的长度即可。 我的时间是9周,回想起来,我认为这有点短。 对于像我这样的初学者,我绝对会建议像其他许多人一样,花12周的时间。

汉堡,柏林或阿姆斯特丹 (Hamburg, Berlin or Amsterdam)

My final choice was between Hamburg, Amsterdam, and Berlin. In most Bootcamps, there is an interview process where they want to know about your motivation and future plans. It is not too hard — just know what you want and especially why you want to code.

我的最终选择是在汉堡,阿姆斯特丹和柏林之间。 在大多数训练营中,都有一个面试过程,他们想了解您的动机和未来计划。 并不难-知道您想要什么,尤其是为什么要编码。

My interview in Amsterdam was probably the hardest due to the fact that after the Bootcamp they offered to find you a job with one of their cooperation partners. While all three Bootcamps had their pros and cons, I decided on Berlin because I know Berlin and I wanted to focus on coding without any distraction of being in a new city…and, well, in Amsterdam there is an abundance of distractions.

我在阿姆斯特丹的采访可能是最艰难的一次采访,因为在Bootcamp之后,他们愿意与他们的一个合作伙伴找到工作。 尽管这三个Bootcamp都有其优缺点,但我决定选择柏林,是因为我知道柏林,我想专注于编码,而不会因为去一个新城市而分心……而且,在阿姆斯特丹,有很多分心的地方。

Ironhack is one of the biggest players in the market. It cost 6000 Euro for 9 weeks, which yes is a lot of money. So you should be really sure you want to put the time and effort into it.

Ironhack是市场上最大的公司之一。 9周的费用为6000欧元,是很多钱。 因此,您应该确定要花费时间和精力。

After deciding on it, I only had a short amount of time to do the pre-work, which is required for participating. It covers the setup of your programming environment on your machine with all the necessary tools that you need throughout the camp. You have classes on HTML and CSS, and creating an example website. The last chapter introduces Javascript, the programming language of the world wide web.

决定了之后,我只有很短的时间来准备参加工作所需的前期工作。 它涵盖了整个训练营中所需的所有必要工具,从而在您的机器上设置了编程环境。 您拥有有关HTML和CSS的课程,并创建了一个示例网站。 上一章介绍了Javascript,这是万维网的编程语言。

After completing the pre-work, it was time to pack my bags and make my way to Berlin to finally start my very own programming Bootcamp experience for the weeks to come.


训练营 (The Bootcamp)

The coding Bootcamp was probably one of the hardest, most frustrating and desperate times of my entire life. Sounds awful? Well, you still have time to run away, but if not keep on reading.

编码训练营可能是我一生中最艰难,最令人沮丧和绝望的时刻之一。 听起来很可怕? 好吧,您仍然有时间逃跑,但是如果不继续阅读。

9 weeks every day from around 9 o’clock in the morning until 6 p.m full of classes and afterward homework and self-study. Yeah, that is a lot to do, especially since every day there is new information to remember and learn.

从上午9点到下午6点,每天有9周的时间上完课,然后进行家庭作业和自学。 是的,要做的事情很多,尤其是因为每天都有新的信息需要记住和学习。

However, even though it was really hard, at the same time it was one of the most gratifying experiences of my life.


Every day you are hustling, learning new stuff trying to keep up and continue to do so throughout the night and on the weekends. I am not trying to exaggerate here — just giving you a real overview of how it is gonna be.

每天您都在忙碌,学习新的东西,试图在整个晚上和周末都保持这种状态,并继续这样做。 我不会在这里夸大其词-只是给您一个关于它将会如何的真实概述。

Be prepared to have very little free time and get “brain f’ed” in a very good way, so to speak. Always remember you are not alone in this, you do the Bootcamp with amazing likeminded individuals helping each other and pushing forward together.

可以这么说,准备很少的空闲时间,并以很好的方式获得“大脑”。 永远记住,您并不孤单,您会在志趣相投的人中互助互助,共同前进,共同完成Bootcamp。

Classes will most probably consist of people with a diverse background, some will be absolute beginners, others might have years of experience in other programming languages. Nevertheless, you will all work through it together and even the most seasoned student in your class will learn something from one of the beginners.

课程很可能由具有不同背景的人们组成,有些是绝对的初学者,有些则可能在其他编程语言上有多年的经验。 但是,你们将一起努力,甚至班上经验最丰富的学生也将从一个初学者那里学到一些东西。

结构 (The structure)

My Bootcamp was divided into three sections, with each section lasting three weeks. Having seen other Bootcamp schedules, it is somewhat similar everywhere. The first three weeks were dedicated to the introduction of coding, but beware — right from the first day you get bombarded with information, techniques, and tasks.

我的训练营分为三个部分,每个部分持续三个星期。 看过其他Bootcamp时间表后,到处都有些相似。 前三周专门介绍编码,但是要小心-从第一天起,您就被信息,技术和任务所困扰。

The first two weeks we learned HTML, CSS and plain vanilla Javascript and put our newly acquired knowledge to the test in week three. We had to develop our first game. Being a huge Star Wars fan, I build a memory based Star Wars shooting game, quite simple but fun. Soon everyone was trying to break the high score.

前两周,我们学习了HTML,CSS和普通的Javascript,并在第三周对我们新获得的知识进行了测试。 我们必须开发我们的第一个游戏。 作为《星球大战》的忠实粉丝,我制作了一款基于记忆的《星球大战》射击游戏,非常简单却有趣。 很快,每个人都试图打破高分。

The second section was dedicated to the back-end. We learned Node.JS, the Express framework, and MongoDB. Like in the first few weeks, every day there was a new chapter dedicated to one part of back-end development. Following the theory, we had our daily task to finish for the evening and night.

第二部分专门介绍后端。 我们学习了Node.JS,Express框架和MongoDB。 像头几周一样,每天都有新的章节专门介绍后端开发的一部分。 按照理论,我们每天晚上都要完成日常任务。

The second project was a group task, building a website in the backend, on the server. Pair programming is a widely used technique in the real world, so the idea was to get used to it as soon as possible.

第二个项目是一个小组任务,在服务器上的后端建立一个网站。 结对编程是现实世界中一种广泛使用的技术,因此其想法是尽快适应它。

Staying up to date with the correct version of your program can be very tricky in a team. Each person is coding and then committing their changes to merge them with their partner’s changes. This usually leads to lots of ‘merge conflicts’. Those of you already coding are probably all too familiar with this phenomenon. My partner and I built a website to store articles to read them later, kind of like Pocket. It was great fun and a big challenge.

在团队中保持最新状态与正确的程序版本可能非常棘手。 每个人都在编码,然后提交其更改以将其与伙伴的更改合并。 这通常会导致很多“合并冲突”。 你们已经编码的人可能对这种现象太熟悉了。 我和我的搭档建立了一个网站来存储文章,以供日后阅读,有点像Pocket。 这很有趣,也是很大的挑战。

最后倒数 (The final countdown)

The last three weeks were dedicated to React.JS, a Javascript framework to build Single Page Applications and one of the ‘hottest’ frameworks right now. We had around one and a half weeks of classes and then another week and a half for our final project. After some thought I decided on a dating website. Yeah I know there are a bunch of them out there, but mine came with a twist hehe.

最近三周专门讨论React.JS,这是一个用于构建单页应用程序的Javascript框架,也是目前“最热门”的框架之一。 我们大约有一个半星期的课程,然后又有一个半星期的时间来完成最后的项目。 经过一番思考,我决定在一个约会网站上。 是的,我知道那里有一堆,但是我的来来有点he。

After about half the time spent, I realized that I had to cut back on this “super-mega-amazing“ idea of a website and stick to a basic version of my final project. This is one thing I noticed: usually, your ambitions exceed your knowledge, at least in the beginning. It is super important not to grow frustrated and to handle these situations well. It is completely normal NOT to know everything after 9 weeks coding, and even the most seasoned programmer will spend a good amount of their time on StackOverflow or some other page looking for answers to challenges.

在花费了大约一半的时间之后,我意识到我不得不减少网站的“超级惊人”构想,并坚持使用我最终项目的基本版本。 这是我注意到的一件事:通常,至少在开始时,您的野心就超过了您的知识。 不要沮丧并妥善处理这些情况是非常重要的。 在9个星期的编码之后,什么都不知道是完全正常的,即使是经验最丰富的程序员也会在StackOverflow或其他页面上花费大量时间来寻找挑战的答案。

I finally finished my project and it worked. For the presentation, I even populated it with some 100 people’s profiles from some API in order to give my dating app some ‘users’ and show the matching algorithm …. and hey it worked, nothing fancy but what more could I ask for? :)

我终于完成了我的项目,它成功了。 对于演示文稿,我什至用来自某些API的大约100个人的个人资料填充它,以便为约会应用程序提供一些“用户”并显示匹配的算法……。 嘿,它奏效了,没什么花哨的,但是我还能要求什么呢? :)

思想 (Thoughts)

So what’s my take on 9 weeks Bootcamp and what happened so far? I can only say that this experience has been amazing for me. It was an amazing and intense time, and I think I’ve never learned so much in such a short period of time. You have to be prepared to mentally suffer and motivate yourself to push through, but if you do it is soooooo rewarding. Being able to create something, even though it is a small thing, is an incredible feeling and worth all the effort.

那么我在9周的Bootcamp上有什么看法,到目前为止发生了什么? 我只能说这种经历对我来说真是太神奇了。 那是一段令人兴奋而又紧张的时期,我想我在这么短的时间内从未学到太多。 您必须准备好在精神上受苦并激励自己前进,但是如果您这样做,那将是非常有意义的。 即使是很小的事情,也能够创造出一种令人难以置信的感觉,值得付出所有的努力。

那你以后是编码员还是什么? (So are you a coder afterward or what?)

I would say a Bootcamp gives you all the tools, necessary skills, and knowledge to get a foot in the door towards being a programmer. Don’t expect to code your own apps or programs without any help afterward, though. If you continue learning and put in the work you can likely get a job as a junior developer between three to six months after the Bootcamp. Of course, while on the job hunt you should continuously work on your skills and knowledge.

我想说,Bootcamp为您提供了所有工具,必要的技能和知识,以帮助您成为一名程序员。 不过,不要指望在没有任何帮助的情况下编写自己的应用程序或程序。 如果您继续学习并投入工作,那么您可能会在Bootcamp之后的三到六个月内找到初级开发人员的工作。 当然,在求职时,您应该不断提高自己的技能和知识。

任何人都可以给您的最佳建议:秘密 (Best advice anyone can give you: THE SECRET)

Sounds fancy but it is very simple: Code, code, code, code.


The only way you get better is by coding, trial and error, and continuing to code. Look for a project to work on, build your own portfolio or support some cool cause like freeCodeCamp and work on real-world problems. It doesn’t matter what you do, but you only get better with practice. It is as simple as that. I know from experience, as I thought watching tutorials was a good way to learn. Yes you take away knowledge, but only practice will show you how the real developing world looks like.

变得更好的唯一方法是编码,反复试验并继续编码。 寻找一个项目进行工作,建立自己的投资组合或支持一些很酷的事业,例如freeCodeCamp并解决实际问题。 做什么都不重要,但是练习只会使你变得更好。 它是如此简单。 我从经验中知道,因为我认为观看教程是学习的好方法。 是的,您带走了知识,但是只有实践才能向您展示真实的发展中国家。

This is one of the reasons why I think a coding Bootcamp is a great investment. Yes, they are damn expensive but the good thing is that by investing so much money you feel obliged to put in the work and learn to code.

这就是为什么我认为编码Bootcamp是一项巨大的投资的原因之一。 是的,它们真是太贵了,但好处是,通过投入大量资金,您不得不投入工作并学习编码。

I am convinced that you can teach yourself coding, and there are enough resources out there to learn it, but you have to be a great self-learner in order to achieve the skills solo. Fighting your way through problems looking for answers on the internet is very cumbersome and a Bootcamp takes away some of that difficulty.

我深信您可以自学编码,并且有足够的资源来学习编码,但是您必须是一个出色的自学者,才能独自掌握技能。 解决在互联网上寻找答案的问题非常麻烦,Bootcamp消除了其中的一些困难。

Flo,您现在在做什么? (So Flo, what are you doing now?)

I got extremely lucky and found a job at Dubé a growing boutique web development agency in Berlin. We are a client agency, developing apps and realizing our customer’s visions, but also have the amazing opportunity to realize in-house projects, basically developing cool stuff. Check out Assetizr our latest creation — neat huh ;)

我感到非常幸运,并在柏林不断发展的精品网络开发公司Dubé找到了一份工作。 我们是一家客户代理机构,致力于开发应用程序并实现客户的愿景,但同时也拥有绝佳的机会来实现内部项目,从根本上开发出出色的产品。 看看Assetizr我们的最新作品-整洁吧;)

It is very challenging and fulfilling. Actually, if you are interested in more amazing content about coding in Javascript and React.JS, you have to check out the blog from our CEO Lukas Gisder-Dubé. This article below is pretty cool and definitely improves your JS skills.

这是非常具有挑战性和充实的。 实际上,如果您对使用Javascript和React.JS进行编码的更有趣的内容感兴趣,则必须查看我们首席执行官LukasGisder-Dubé的博客。 下面的这篇文章很酷,绝对可以提高您的JS技能。

9 Tricks for Kickass JavaScript Developers in 2019Yet another year is over and you JavaScript is ever changing. However, there are some tips that can help you write…levelup.gitconnected.com

2019年面向Kickass JavaScript开发人员的9个技巧 再过一年,您JavaScript也在不断变化。 但是,有一些技巧可以帮助您编写… levelup.gitconnected.com

I hope I could help you in your process of deciding for or against a Bootcamp. If you have any questions or doubts please shoot me a message in the comments and I will answer as best as I can.

希望在决定或反对Bootcamp的过程中能对您有所帮助。 如果您有任何疑问或疑问,请在评论中给我留言,我会尽力回答。

Would you like to know more about Coding Bootcamps, my journey, other resources I use, our story as a webDev agency, or anything else? Write me a comment. Looking forward to having lively conversations with you.

您是否想了解有关编码训练营,我的旅程,我使用的其他资源,作为webDev代理商的故事或其他信息的更多信息? 给我写评论。 期待与您进行生动的对话。

May The Force Be With You ALWAYS ❤️




Hey, I am Florian but call me Flo. I am genuinely interested in many things, which hopefully one day makes me a true Polymath (cool eh). Anyway, I love to read and learn about lots of different stuff and decided to share stories. Feel free to suggest topics. Passionate about webDev, you will probably find many articles about it here. Feel free to drop a line and say “hello”. All the bEst Flo.

嘿,我是弗洛里安,但叫我弗洛。 我对很多事情真正感兴趣,希望有一天能使我成为一名真正的Polymath(很酷)。 无论如何,我喜欢阅读和学习很多不同的东西,并决定分享故事。 随意建议话题。 webDev充满热情 ,您可能会在这里找到许多关于它的文章。 随意下线说“你好”。 所有的第一个Flo。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/my-experience-with-a-coding-bootcamp-and-whether-it-might-be-right-for-you-5c32b4ed0a8/

算法训练营 重编码





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