

This is how I career changed to front-end development at 40, starting with no relevant background experience or degree. I used only self-directed study while working full-time and spending next to nothing.

这就是我从40岁起就没有相关背景经验或学位的职业转变为前端开发的方式。 在全职工作和几乎没有花钱的时候,我只使用自我指导的学习。

“ I’m sitting in a café in the heart of Madrid, having a cup of coffee, tapping away at my laptop while it rains outside. In a few moments I will walk into my first day as a front-end developer. 10 months ago I was an English teacher in Granada who knew nothing about programming, and now I’m here. How did this happen?”
“我坐在马德里市中心的一家咖啡馆里,喝着咖啡,在外面下雨的时候轻敲我的笔记本电脑。 稍后,我将进入前端开发人员的第一天。 10个月前,我是格拉纳达的一名英语老师,对编程一无所知,现在我在这里。 这怎么发生的?”

I wrote those excited words a few months ago as I was getting ready to start my first day at my new job. Come along with me as I share with you my journey of how I got here.

几个月前,当我准备开始新工作的第一天时,我写了那些激动的词。 与我一起分享我的旅程。

感觉很特别 (Feeling special)

When I first started thinking about becoming a developer, I would read articles like this one with a bit of skepticism. I kept on looking for something in the writer’s background that made them “special”. That made them suited for this job. Something that I didn’t have.

当我刚开始考虑成为一名开发人员时,我会有点怀疑地阅读此类文章。 我一直在作者的背景下寻找某种使他们“特别”的东西。 那使他们适合这份工作。 我没有的东西。

I have since come to understand that this is not how it works. There aren’t any “special” requirements to becoming a developer. I’m not going to tell you it’s easy, because it isn’t. But the good news is that all the requirements are things that are in everyone’s reach. You have to be willing to work hard, learn a lot, and be consistent. You need to persist when things get tough. Talk yourself out of the moments of desperation when you feel like you are not cut out for this. That’s all it takes, and everyone can do these things with a bit of practice.

从那以后,我开始明白这不是它的工作原理。 成为开发人员没有任何“特殊”要求。 我不会告诉您这很容易,因为事实并非如此。 但好消息是,所有要求都是每个人都能达到的。 您必须愿意努力工作,学习很多东西并且保持一致。 当事情变得艰难时,您需要坚持。 当您感到自己没有为此感到沮丧时,请让自己摆脱绝望的时刻。 这就是全部,每个人都可以通过一些练习来做这些事情。

I started with no related background study. I had no money to spend on expensive courses, no time in my already busy day, and I was already almost middle aged. Everyone’s circumstances are different, but I learned that if you put your mind to it, you can do it.

我从没有相关的背景研究开始。 我没有钱花在昂贵的课程上,在已经很忙的一天中没有时间,而且我已经快中年了。 每个人的情况都不一样,但是我了解到,只要您放心,就能做到。

背景 (Background)

On the day I wrote my first line of code, I had never done any programming before or had any contact with it. I had an early career in the restaurant business. Then I got a degree in Music technology, followed by a decade as an ESL teacher in Spain. I wasn’t even particularly skilled with computers. I did always feel excited by the latest tech ideas. And I considered programmers the modern day superheroes.

在编写第一行代码的那天,我从未进行过任何编程或与之接触过。 我在餐馆业很早的职业。 然后,我获得了音乐技术学位,随后在西班牙担任了十年的ESL老师。 我什至对计算机都不是特别熟练。 我一直对最新的技术创意感到兴奋。 我认为程序员是当今的超级英雄。

I never contemplated doing it myself, though. Partly because I thought coding was some kind of an elite activity. Something for gifted individuals who graduate from top (and expensive) universities. While individuals like this do exist, the majority of developers aren’t that Hollywood hacker type. Development is far more accessible than I believed.

不过,我从未考虑过自己做。 部分原因是我认为编码是一种精英活动。 那些从顶尖(和昂贵的)大学毕业的有才华的人的东西。 尽管确实存在这样的个人,但大多数开发人员并不是那种好莱坞黑客类型。 发展比我想象的要容易得多。

起源故事 (Origin story)

It all started with an animated conversation with my partner. She was exploring the causes behind the low numbers of women in STEM and especially in tech. She decided to do something about it by becoming a programmer herself. She wanted to be a model for younger girls in our family. And just like that she started learning about it.

一切始于与我的伴侣进行生动的对话。 她正在探索STEM尤其是科技领域女性人数偏低的原因。 她决定自己成为一名程序员来做一些事情。 她想成为我们家庭中年轻女孩的榜样。 就这样,她开始学习它。

That soon excited me too, as we realized that there are plenty of resources available. This wasn’t some dark art, but a skill that we could learn and master.

当我们意识到有很多可用资源时,这也让我激动。 这不是什么黑暗的艺术,而是我们可以学习和掌握的技能。

Spoiler alert, she also managed a career change from HR and in fact got a developer job a month before I did.


And so, one day we found a children’s book about programming in a science museum. We went back home, opened Notepad, wrote <h1>Hello World</h1> opened it in the browser and then changed color: red. We were screaming with excitement! What witchcraft was that!

因此,有一天,我们在一家科学博物馆里找到了一本关于编程的儿童读物。 我们回到家,打开记事本,写了<h1>Hello Worl d </ h1>在浏览器中将其打开,然后hen change颜色:红色。 我们激动地尖叫! 那是什么巫术!

I was hooked. I wanted to make stuff with code, I wanted computers to do things I said!

我迷上了。 我想用代码制作东西,我想让计算机按照我说的做!

我以前的工作 (My previous job)

At that point I had been working with kids for 8 years. This is not going to be the typical part where one talks about a dead-end job that they didn’t like. Because I loved my teaching job, enjoyed working with kids, and I was comfortable in my workplace. It was gratifying and enjoyable.

那时我已经和孩子们一起工作了8年。 这不会成为人们谈论他们不喜欢的死胡同工作的典型部分。 因为我热爱教学工作,喜欢与孩子们一起工作,所以我在工作场所感到舒适。 这是令人愉快和愉快的。

But sometimes, even when you love something, you know in your heart that it is time to move on. It was a new phase in my life and I had a new outlook and new aspirations. And above all, I wanted a new challenge. Something that would push me well out of my comfort zone.

但是有时候,即使您爱上了某件东西,您也会内心知道该继续前进了。 这是我生命中的一个新阶段,我拥有新的视野和新的抱负。 最重要的是,我想要一个新的挑战。 会使我完全脱离舒适区的事情。

通往成功的真正途径 (The one true path to success)

This clearly doesn’t exist. Three of us started around the same time learning to code for a career change: my partner, myself, and a good friend. All three of us are now working in the field, and there is very little in common between our approaches. Each one followed the material and methods that worked for them. If there is one thing in common between us, it is that we simply did not give up, and kept on going. We all put a lot of hard work and persistence.

这显然不存在。 我们三个人几乎同时开始学习编码以适应职业转变:我的伴侣,我自己和一个好朋友。 我们三个人现在都在该领域工作,我们的方法之间几乎没有共同点。 每个人都遵循为他们工作的材料和方法。 如果我们之间有共同点,那就是我们只是没有放弃,而是继续前进。 我们所有人都付出了很多努力和毅力。

So instead of the one true path, I’m going to tell you a bit about my path. It’s not the only way, it is not the best way. It is what worked for me.

因此,我将告诉您一些有关我的道路的信息,而不是一条真实的道路。 这不是唯一的方法,也不是最佳的方法。 这对我有用。

入门 (Getting started)

First, I started reading and watching YouTube videos about programming to understand where to begin. Then I started playing around with HTML and CSS. I followed tutorials and coded along to build some basic web pages. This made me see that it was something I really wanted to get into.

首先,我开始阅读和观看有关编程的YouTube视频,以了解从哪里开始。 然后,我开始使用HTML和CSS。 我遵循了教程并进行了编码,以构建一些基本的网页。 这让我看到这是我真正想要进入的东西。

设定目标 (Setting an Objective)

I reached out to two of my friends working in the field for tips and advice. Those early words of encouragement and guidance were vital in getting me going and in focusing my mind on a clear goal.

我联系了我在该领域工作的两个朋友,以获取提示和建议。 这些早期的鼓励和指导措辞对于使我前进并集中精力于一个明确的目标至关重要。

It took some time to sort through all the options and set realistic objectives that would work for me. I needed a swift career change. I had no alternative source of income, which meant maintaining my job until I could do the switch.

花了一些时间来整理所有选项并设定对我有用的现实目标。 我需要Swift的职业转变。 我没有其他可替代的收入来源,这意味着要维持工作直到我可以转换为止。

I decided that front-end development was the most accessible and in-demand option. I narrowed it down further by focusing on the skills needed for a job in a startup rather than the freelance route.

我认为前端开发是最易于访问和需求最大的选择。 我通过集中精力于初创公司工作所需的技能而不是自由职业者来进一步缩小范围。

Then I set a deadline. I did not want this objective to end up on a to-do list I never see again. It was spring of 2017, so I promised myself that the following school course was going to be my last as a teacher. So by September 2018, a little over a year later, I had to be working in the field.

然后我设定了最后期限。 我不希望这个目标出现在一个我再也看不到的待办事项清单上。 那是2017年春天,所以我向自己保证,接下来的学校课程将是我最后的老师课程。 因此,到2018年9月,一年多以后,我不得不在实地工作。

It would be naive to pretend that at this stage I had everything crystal clear and under control. I didn’t. Certainty is not a luxury you can have while making such a risky career change. There were all kinds of doubts at that point and throughout the process. The key here was persistence. Once I made the decision, I was going to walk this path to see where it led no matter what.

假装在这个阶段我一切都非常清晰并处于控制之下,这是很天真。 我没有 在进行如此冒险的职业转变时,确定性不是奢侈。 在这一点上和整个过程中都存在各种疑问。 这里的关键是持久性。 做出决定后,我将沿着这条路走下去,不管它是什么导致的。

学习 (Learning)

I knew that the only way forward was to study for it. I had full-time employment, so waiting until “I had time” was never an option. I had to do it while working, or not at all. I was lucky that my partner was learning at the same time. This helped us organize our days to maximize learning time. At first we would do what we called our “weekend boot camps” where we would dedicate the entire weekend to coding. A typical day looked like this:

我知道前进的唯一方法就是为此学习。 我有全职工作,所以等到“我有时间”再也没有选择。 我必须在工作时这样做,或者根本不这样做。 我很幸运,我的伴侣在同一时间学习。 这有助于我们安排自己的日子,以最大限度地提高学习时间。 首先,我们将做我们所谓的“周末新手训练营”,在那儿我们将整个周末用于编码。 典型的一天如下所示:

8:00 am: Wake up, breakfast.8:30 am: Start coding12:30 pm: Go to the gym1:30 pm: Have lunch, then a break3:00/4:00 pm: Continue coding8:00/11:00 pm: Finish for the day

8:00上午:醒来,早餐8:30 am:开始编码12:30 pm:健身房1:30 pm:吃午饭,然后休息3:00/4:00 pm:继续编码8:00/11:下午00:当天结束

Then my summer holiday came and I made the most of it by turning the “weekend boot camp” into the “daily boot camp”. I stuck to that schedule assiduously despite the temptation to enjoy the summer and kick back a bit.

然后我的暑假到了,我把“周末训练营”变成了“每日训练营”,从而充分利用了这一点。 尽管有享受夏天和放松的诱惑,但我还是坚持不懈地遵守了时间表。

September came and I was back to work. I had made a conscious decision to reduce my hours at work. I accepted that I would have less income in exchange for having more time to study. It was also another step to make my commitment to the career change more serious.

九月到了,我又回到工作了。 我已经做出了明智的决定,减少了工作时间。 我接受了我有更少的收入来换取更多的学习时间。 这也是使我对职业转变的承诺更加认真的又一步。

It is hard to convey how difficult it was to be away from my code. All I wanted to do was to be back at my computer to finish solving this problem or fixing that layout. But then real life kicks in. The start of a school year always requires a lot of time for preparation and organization. As any teacher will tell you, it also takes up a lot of one’s personal time too.

很难表达离开我的代码有多么困难。 我要做的就是回到我的计算机上,以解决此问题或修复该布局。 但是随后便开始了现实生活。学年的开始总是需要大量的时间进行准备和组织。 正如任何一位老师会告诉您的,它也占用了很多个人时间。

That was the moment my mission could have been derailed. Despite my best efforts, I had less and less time to code. I started losing my momentum. I tried to keep it up but there were days when I simply didn’t have time. Even with the best of intentions and good motivation, life can make things complicated.

那一刻我的任务可能会出轨。 尽管我尽了最大的努力,但是我编写代码的时间却越来越少。 我开始失去动力。 我试图保持下去,但是有时候我根本没有时间。 即使有最好的意图和良好的动力,生活也会使事情变得复杂。

However, as you can see from my GitHub activity image, I kept trying. I kept putting in the time, even if it was an hour, even if it was reading an article. I did everything I could not to get to the stage of losing all motivation. When you have left something for long enough, it makes it harder to get back to with every passing day.

但是,正如您从我的GitHub活动图像中看到的那样,我一直在尝试。 我一直在花时间,即使是一个小时,即使是在读文章也是如此。 我做了一切我无法摆脱的动机。 当您留下的东西足够长的时间时,它会变得越来越难以恢复。

Then as December approached, seeing the new year looming and my deadline closer, I rallied again and got organized. I started pushing through, putting in those hours no matter how tired I was and how little time I had. Sometimes I would get up early to code, sometimes I would stay up late.

然后随着十二月的临近,看到新的一年临近,我的截止日期越来越近,我再次集会并变得井井有条。 我开始努力,不管我有多疲倦和有多短的时间,都花些时间。 有时我会很早起床编码,有时会熬夜。

This meant that my life was pretty much reduced to doing the job that was paying the rent, and studying. And little else. And I basically maintained that rhythm all the way until the day I started packing to move to Madrid. That was in the spring of 2018, several months before my deadline.

这意味着我的生活大大减少了,去做支付房租和学习的工作。 别的。 我基本上一直保持着这种节奏,直到我开始打包搬到马德里的那天。 那是2018年的春天,比我的截止日期早了几个月。

工具和资源 (Tools and resources)

Over the 10 months leading to my job offer, I immersed myself in everything code related. The most frequent question I get asked on Twitter is about what resources I used. I’ve written another article that answers this question in-depth. However, here is a brief list of the most important tools and resources.

在获得工作的10个月中,我全神贯注于与代码相关的所有内容。 我在Twitter上最常被问到的问题是我使用了哪些资源。 我写了另一篇文章 ,深入回答了这个问题。 但是,这里是最重要的工具和资源的简短列表。

培训班 (Courses)
  • Cassidy Williams and Colt Steele’s Udemy courses

  • Wes Bos’ JavaScript 30 and other courses

    Wes BosJavaScript 30和其他课程
  • YouTube: Traversy Media, LevelUpTuts

  • Christina Truong’s courses

    Christina Truong的Lynda.com课程
  • Udacity Front-End Nanodegree (a paid course, but I got a scholarship from Google)


Courses can only take you so far, so I complemented this with other tools to help me learn and get a job.


  • Twitter: a cornerstone of my experience. Especially the incredibly supportive and warm #100DaysOfCode community.

    Twitter:我经验的基石。 特别是#100DaysOfCode社区令人难以置信的支持和热情。

  • GitHub: an important tool to learn, and where I hosted all my projects for free. It’s usually the first place employers look to see your work.

    GitHub:一个重要的学习工具,也是我免费托管所有项目的地方。 通常,这是雇主​​希望看到您的工作的第一个地方。
  • Portfolio: I learned the most vital development skills by building it and other self-initiated projects.


You can also check out My Learning Tracker GitHub repo. It has a full list of the resources and paths I used those first ten months.

您还可以查看My Learning Tracker GitHub存储库。 它提供了我前十个月使用的资源和路径的完整列表。

得到一份工作 (Getting a job)

Surprisingly, for me, this part was not overly complex. I didn’t send masses of CVs, or spend hours looking for jobs. Instead I opted for being selective and focused.

出乎意料的是,对我而言,这部分并不太复杂。 我没有发送大量的简历,也没有花费数小时寻找工作。 相反,我选择了选择性和专注。

In the end I entered five interview processes. I got rejected from one, and failed to finish the take-home challenge of another. I completed three, and got three out of three offers. One of these was completely inadequate and unattractive. The other two, arriving almost at the same time, were both very interesting offers. One of them is my current job.

最后,我进入了五个面试过程。 我遭到一个人的拒绝,但未能完成另一个人的挑战。 我完成了三项,并获得了三分之三的报价。 其中之一是完全不足和缺乏吸引力的。 几乎同时到达的另外两个都是非常有趣的报价。 其中之一是我目前的工作。

I don’t mean to sound nonchalant about this. It was an intense time. I still had no idea if my skills were anywhere near being employable or not. I entered processes not even sure if I was going to be laughed at for how little experience I had. It was a nerve-racking time, but it was an exciting and hopeful time too. And when I finally found myself with two actual good offers on the table I was elated and could hardly believe it.

我并不是说对此保持冷静。 那是一个紧张的时期。 我仍然不知道自己的技能是否可以被雇用。 我什至不确定自己是否会因为经验不足而被嘲笑,所以进入了流程。 这是一个令人费解的时间,但同时也是令人兴奋和充满希望的时间。 当我终于发现自己在桌子上有两个实际的好报价时,我非常高兴,几乎不敢相信。

I will always be eternally grateful to the individuals who made these decisions and decided to give me a chance.


The interview process in the two companies was very different. One was a series of video calls to talk to various people at the company. It was a small but well-established company hoping to build a new team of front-end developers. After a few weeks of back and forth, they made me my first real offer.

两家公司的采访过程非常不同。 其中包括一系列视频通话,以与公司中的各个人员交谈。 这是一家规模不大但实力雄厚的公司,希望组建一支新的前端开发人员团队。 经过几周的往返,他们使我成为了我的第一个真实报价。

The other was a young startup in the middle of great growth. After a phone interview I got sent a technical challenge to complete within few days. It involved building a component, making API calls, and showing the correct information. Then came a video chat about the code I wrote. Then I got invited to have a drink with the tech team to find out if we click. After which I got an offer to join as a junior front-end.

另一家是处于成长中的年轻初创公司。 通过电话采访后,我收到了一项技术挑战,要在几天内完成。 它涉及构建组件,进行API调用以及显示正确的信息。 然后是关于我编写的代码的视频聊天。 然后,我受邀与技术团队一起喝酒,以了解我们是否单击。 之后,我获得了加入初级前端的条件。

In the end I had to choose. Which was a luxury I couldn’t believe I got. But I knew what I wanted, I took the offer with the startup based on one main point: they seemed to be very clear on the importance of mentorship and giving me guidance to grow and learn. That was the key. And it definitely was the right choice.

最后我不得不选择。 我简直不敢相信我得到了那种奢侈。 但是我知道我想要的是什么,我基于一个要点向初创公司提出了要约:他们似乎很清楚指导的重要性,并为我提供成长和学习的指导。 那是关键。 这绝对是正确的选择。

And so, on that rainy day in Madrid, after finishing my coffee. I walked into an office in the business area, introduced myself as the new front-end developer, and started my new career.

因此,在马德里下雨天,喝完咖啡后。 我走进商务区的办公室,介绍了自己作为新的前端开发人员,并开始了我的新职业。

I hope you enjoyed my story. If you did, you would make me happy if you give it some of those tasty claps. And you could even make my day by sharing it so more people can read it and learn they too can make it. I want to keep writing more of these articles. So if there is any particular aspect of this process you would like to know more about, I would love to hear about it. Come and say hi on Twitter @Syknapse

我希望你喜欢我的故事。 如果这样做的话,如果您给它一些美味的拍手,会让我高兴。 您甚至可以通过共享它来度过美好的一天,让更多的人可以阅读并了解他们也可以做到。 我想继续写更多这些文章。 因此,如果您想了解更多有关此过程的方面,我很乐意听到。 过来在Twitter @Syknapse 打个招呼

Check out my article about all the resources I used to get this job.








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