
by Toni Shortsleeve

通过托尼·肖特里夫(Toni Shortsleeve)

我的外展之旅的下一步:Docker,大挑战和小胜利 (The next steps on my Outreachy journey: Docker, big challenges, and small victories)

This has been an interesting couple of weeks for me. As a result, I was slightly delayed in getting this article out.

对我来说这已经是有趣的几个星期了。 结果,我将这篇文章发表的时间略有延迟。

I was recently selected to intern at Outreachy. Outreachy is a program that organizes three-month paid internships with free and open-source software projects for people who are typically underrepresented in tech.

我最近被选为Outreachy的实习生。 Outreachy是一个计划,为通常在技术领域代表性不足的人组织三个月的带薪实习,提供免费和开源软件项目。

As an Outreachy intern, I have been tasked with writing about my experience every couple of weeks. This is unique for me, as I am used to editing instead of writing.

作为一名外展实习生,我每两周被要求撰写有关自己的经历的文章。 这对我来说是独一无二的,因为我习惯于编辑而不是写作。

In my first article, I had just been accepted as an Outreachy intern working with LibreHealth. The next article discussed my preparation to begin the actual internship after I was accepted. Today, I’ll share where I am at the moment, since the internship began.

在我的第一篇文章中 ,我刚刚被接受为LibreHealth外展实习生。 下一篇文章讨论了我被录取后准备开始实际实习的准备。 今天,我将分享自实习开始以来我现在的位置。

想要了解更多 (Wanting to learn more)

I recently submitted my latest revision of the documentation I’ve been working on, and I am waiting for feedback. Meanwhile, I realized I still didn’t have enough information about the Radiology module and the LibreHealth Toolkit that runs it.

我最近提交了我正在处理的文档的最新修订版,正在等待反馈。 同时,我意识到我仍然没有足够的关于放射学模块和运行该模块的LibreHealth Toolkit的信息。

My intern-mate @adele turned me onto a great blog site. Ivange Larry Ndumbe is a GSOC 2017 intern who worked on the LibreHealth Radiology Module.

我的实习生@adele使我成为了一个很棒的博客网站。 Ivange Larry Ndumbe是GSOC 2017实习生,从事LibreHealth放射学模块的研究。

A couple of his articles led me in the right direction to help set-up the Toolkit. It turned out that I needed to download Docker. But there was just one problem: I had no idea what Docker was or what it does.

他的几篇文章引导我朝着正确的方向来帮助设置工具包。 原来,我需要下载Docker。 但是只有一个问题:我不知道Docker是什么或它做什么。

一波三折 (Some twists and turns)

But sometimes, timing is everything. Right around that time, I was fortunate to edit Let me guide you through your first date with Docker for freeCodeCamp’s Medium publication. This gave a me good introduction to the Docker downloads. Except the Docker Windows download is only for Windows 10.

但是有时候,时间就是一切。 就在那个时候,我很幸运地进行了编辑, 让我引导您完成与Docker的第一次约会,以获得freeCodeCamp的Medium出版物。 这为我很好地介绍了Docker下载。 除了Docker Windows下载仅适用于Windows 10。

Do you remember Windows 95, Vista, and XP? My computer does. They were best friends through each new upgrade until Windows 8. I am perfectly happy with much of my software upgrades over the years. But I found that some of my favorites were no longer available after the upgrade. And personally, I’m not impressed enough with Windows 10 to give up my favorite suites. This has been the source of my angst over this past session.

您还记得Windows 95,Vista和XP吗? 我的电脑可以。 在Windows 8之前的每次新升级中,他们都是最好的朋友。多年来,我对自己的许多软件升级感到非常满意。 但是我发现升级后,我的一些收藏夹不再可用。 就个人而言,我对Windows 10的印象不足以放弃我最喜欢的套件。 在过去的会议中,这一直是我焦虑的根源。

More research led me to the Docker Toolbox. But first, the Docker documentation said:

更多的研究使我进入了Docker Toolbox 。 但是首先,Docker文档说:

Make sure your Windows system supports Hardware Virtualization Technology and that virtualization is enabled.

This was scary.


Back for more research. I (sort of ) found a strategy to enable the Virtualization here.

返回进行更多研究。 我(有点)在这里找到了启用虚拟化的策略。

I had to go inside my computer BIOS as it was turning on, and change a code before it fully loaded.


It took a lot of reboots. I had to play with the suggested F-keys while being fast enough to catch it before the system totally moved forward in the turning-on phase. Then I repeated the reboot with a different F-key until I found the right one at the right time. After going through all those F-keys I tried the Delete key. Success!

重新启动了很多次。 我必须使用建议的F-keys同时要足够快以赶上它,然后才能在开机阶段完全前进。 然后,我用不同的F-key重复了重新启动操作,直到在正确的时间找到正确的F-key 。 经过所有这些F-keys我尝试了Delete键。 成功!

Of course, my switch was hidden in the Advanced Section, and I had to search to find the right commands for it. But the next reboot had my Virtualization Enabled!

当然,我的开关隐藏在“高级”部分中,我必须进行搜索以找到正确的命令。 但是,下次重启时,我的虚拟化已启用!

一次胜利 (One victory at a time)

Now it was time to download the Docker Toolbox. It took a couple of tries, but then I was ready to run the docker-compose command. But I forgot to run the command as an Administrator, and my access was denied.

现在该下载Docker Toolbox了。 尝试了几次,但随后我准备运行docker-compose命令。 但是我忘记以管理员身份运行命令,并且我的访问被拒绝。

So I ran it again, as Administrator this time. And I received a File Not Found error.

因此,我这次以管理员身份再次运行。 而且我收到“ File Not Found错误。

Back to the research. The freeCodeCamp PairProgrammingWomen chatroom has been great in connecting with me through private message and sending me helpful links. And my tech mentor has been awesome in providing even more helpful links and information.

回到研究。 freeCodeCamp PairProgrammingWomen聊天室非常适合通过私人消息与我联系并向我发送有用的链接。 而我的技术导师在提供更多有用的链接和信息方面也很棒。

I’ve finally managed to get the Docker Compose to work! But now I can’t access my localhost. My mentor is continuing to work with me on this. It’s a process.

我终于设法使Docker Compose正常工作! 但是现在我无法访问我的本地主机。 我的导师正在继续与我合作。 这是一个过程。

向前进 (Moving forward)

I’m going to keep following the suggestion I got from the freeCodeCamp chatroom of using the Read-Search-Ask method. I’m also going to pour over all of those links and continue with creating a manageable Radiology facility.

我将继续遵循从FreeCodeCamp聊天室获得的使用Read-Search-Ask方法的建议。 我还将遍历所有这些链接,并继续创建易于管理的放射学设施。

This will be a great User Guide by the time we finish. Thank you for being with me as I continue my internship journey with Outreachy and LibreHealth journey. Until next time!

到完成时,这将是一个很棒的用户指南。 感谢您与我在一起,继续我在Outreachy和LibreHealth旅程中的实习之旅。 直到下一次!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-next-steps-on-my-outreachy-journey-docker-big-challenges-and-small-victories-2c3a2dd2277a/





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