



我从一个旧的GitHub项目中学到的东西,该项目在一周内赢得了3,000颗星 (What I learned from an old GitHub project that won 3,000 Stars in a Week)

孤独的开源 (A Lonely Open Source)

We have been developing a Markdown WYSIWYG Editor project for three years, with its first commit in March 2015. I went to work on December 30, 2017 to release version 1.0 and publish it to npm.


At that time, the repository was as quiet as the air in the office at the end of the year. An issue posted once in several months, and it seemed to try to say “This project is open source.” It received exactly 160 GitHub stars over three years, and a pull request was hard to expect.

那时,存储库与年底的办公室一样安静。 这个问题每隔几个月发布一次,似乎试图说“这个项目是开源的”。 在过去的三年中,它总共获得了160个GitHub明星的奖励,而且很难提出请求。

No surprise. Even from Google and Facebook, there are open source projects that have no contributors. I guess some of you may have experienced disappointment as your precious open source went to nothing but the void. Moreover, we are used to using GitHub as our free Git repository. Aren’t we?

没有惊喜。 即使来自GoogleFacebook ,也有没有贡献者的开源项目。 我想你们中的一些人可能会感到失望,因为您宝贵的开放源代码除了虚无之外什么都没有。 此外,我们习惯使用GitHub作为我们的免费Git存储库。 不是吗

As of release 1.0, I wanted more people to know about this project. I believed this project was worth more than what it looked like at that point. I did a few things to accomplish that, and as a result it got 2,000 stars in 4 days and 3,000 stars in a week! Now It has over 5,500 stars and full issues and pull requests. It happened in only one month.

从1.0版开始,我希望更多的人了解这个项目。 我认为这个项目比当时的样子更有价值。 我做了一些事情来做到这一点,结果它在4天内获得了2,000颗星,在一周内获得了3,000颗星! 现在,它已拥有5500多个星星,并且有完整的问题和下拉请求。 它只发生了一个月。

I wrote this article to share my experience over the last month. I will also show you the numbers I recorded when possible. I hope it can help you to make your open source project full of contributors.

我写这篇文章是为了分享上个月的经验。 如有可能,我还将向您显示我记录的数字。 我希望它可以帮助您使您的开源项目充满贡献者。

良好的自述文件可赢得好评 (A good README file earns stars)

Despite the nearly three years we had been developing our editor, no one seemed interested in it. It was inevitable, as the documents were poor.

尽管我们已经开发了近三年的编辑器,但似乎没有人对此感兴趣。 由于文件不多,这是不可避免的。

Even for a washing machine, you will want to read the manual once. You should provide even more documents for your project.

即使是洗衣机,您也需要阅读一次手册。 您应该为项目提供更多文档。

The README file describes the essence of the project. The DEMO shows it is ready to use. Examples should be the first step in various requirements. Tutorials should help anyone get started.

README文件描述了项目的本质。 DEMO显示它已经可以使用了。 示例应是各种要求中的第一步。 教程应帮助任何人入门。

If you miss any of these documents, users will give up on your project. Pushing out source code doesn’t make your project an open source project.

如果您错过任何这些文档,用户将放弃您的项目。 推出源代码并不能使您的项目成为开源项目。

Among the documents, the README plays the most important role. It is not enough just to list several documents. You, I, and most developers are lazy. Most visitors will simply scroll down about twice on the README and leave if they are not interested. So, the README file should provide the reason why developers want your project.

在这些文件中,自述文件扮演着最重要的角色。 仅列出几个文档是不够的。 您,我和大多数开发人员都很懒惰。 大多数访问者只会在自述文件上向下滚动大约两次,如果不感兴趣,则离开。 因此,自述文件应提供开发人员希望您的项目的原因。

Let’s see what difference updating the README file brought. GitHub Stars are actually nothing but bookmarks for visitors. But the number of GitHub stars tells you how much visitors are interested in your project.

让我们看看更新自述文件带来了什么不同。 GitHub Stars实际上只是访客的书签。 但是GitHub明星的数量告诉您多少访客对您的项目感兴趣。

The tables below are the number of stars and unique visitors I recorded before and after I published the TOAST UI Editor 1.0.

下表是在发布TOAST UI Editor 1.0之前和之后我记录的星星和唯一身份访问者的数量。

There were no features added or design refreshes. There were only updates to the documents — mostly in the README file — and some refactoring. The following numbers resulted entirely from changes in the README file.

没有添加功能或设计更新。 仅对文档进行更新-大多数在README文件中-并进行一些重构。 以下数字完全来自自述文件中的更改。

It would’ve been better if we had a record from the start of the project. But I just recorded the numbers to check on trends. I can’t help this at this point. So, let’s just look at the numbers, and I’ll leave it to your gut feeling.

如果我们从项目开始就有记录,那就更好了。 但是我只是记录了数字以检查趋势。 目前,我对此无能为力。 因此,让我们看一下数字,然后让您直觉。

Before updating the README file, about 4% of all visitors gave a star. Surprisingly, after updating the README file, about 20% of all visitors gave a star. By updating the README file, this project received almost five times more stars from visitors!

在更新README文件之前,大约4%的访问者给了一颗星星。 令人惊讶的是,更新自述文件后,所有访问者中约有20%给予了好评。 通过更新README文件,该项目收到了来自访客的近五倍的星星

Everyone says that the README file is important. But who knew it would make such a huge difference? I was also surprised to see this. If you want to have contributors on a project, you should write a nice attractive README file more than anything else.

每个人都说自述文件很重要。 但是谁知道这会带来如此大的改变? 看到这一点我也感到惊讶。 如果您想在项目上有贡献者,那么您应该比其他任何东西都编写一个有吸引力的自述文件。

You can easily find articles about how to write a nice README file on Google. It is also a good idea to study the READMEs in other projects listed on Awesome Readme.

您可以轻松找到有关如何在Google上编写漂亮的README文件的文章。 在Awesome自述文件上列出的其他项目中研究README也是一个好主意。

在社区传播 (Spread the word around the community)

Our project had about ten visitors a day. If you worked hard on your documents, it is time to let people know about your project.

我们的项目每天大约有十个访客。 如果您努力处理文档,那么该让人们知道您的项目了。

Of course, it would be best if someone else spread the word about your project instead of you. But you have to start it yourself. If your project is not linked from anywhere, it won’t be shown in Google searches. Nobody would know that your project exists.

当然,最好是别人代替您来宣传您的项目。 但是您必须自己开始。 如果您的项目未链接到任何地方,则不会在Google搜索中显示。 没有人会知道您的项目存在。

每次有机会谈论您的项目 (Talk about your project every chance you have)

Answer the questions on StackOverflow and Quora. Talk to people in Facebook Groups. Submit a link to HackerNews and Reddit. And ask Newsletters to post your project.

回答有关StackOverflowQuora的问题。 与Facebook群组中的人交谈。 提交一个链接到HackerNewsReddit 。 并要求新闻通讯发布您的项目。

You can also ask communities to help you with your project, as well as tell them about your project.


But, do not spam them blindly. Communities and the media have different personalities. Spamming your project without understanding each community may cause your posting to be deleted or simply ignored. In the worst case, you may be banned from those communities, or your project may get a bad reputation.

但是,不要盲目向他们发送垃圾邮件。 社区和媒体具有不同的个性。 在不了解每个社区的情况下向您的项目发送垃圾邮件可能会导致您的帖子被删除或被忽略。 在最坏的情况下,您可能会被禁止进入这些社区,或者您的项目可能会获得不良声誉。

Be active in each community to understand them. Knowing communities is not just good for PR. What you learn from them will help your projects, too.

在每个社区中积极了解他们。 了解社区不仅对PR有好处。 您从他们那里学到的东西也将对您的项目有所帮助。

One day a salesman told me:


“Engaging your customers in your work is the best way to get loyal customers.”

I agree one hundred percent on this. And I think we should do the same for our work.

我同意这一点。 我认为我们应该为我们的工作做同样的事情。

As I updated the README file, I asked them to review the document. And thankfully, two people sent a pull request after reviewing the new README. I’m sure the two of them are more interested in our project than any other visitors. I bet they also hit a star on our project.

在更新自述文件时,我要求他们审阅文档。 值得庆幸的是,两个人在审查了新的自述文件后发送了请求请求。 我敢肯定,他们两个对我们的项目的兴趣要超过其他任何访问者。 我敢打赌,他们也在我们的项目上大放异彩。

学习GitHub探索 (Learn GitHub Explore)

GitHub is the best place to get your contributors. If your project is on GitHub, don’t look too far away, and learn more about it first. At the top of GitHub, you can always find a menu that follows you around with a cute Octocat. The Explore is what we should pay attention to. The page shows developers useful and interesting open-source projects.

GitHub是吸引您的贡献者的最佳场所。 如果您的项目在GitHub上,请不要看起来太远,请先了解更多信息。 在GitHub的顶部,您总是可以找到一个菜单,该菜单后跟着可爱的Octocat。 探索是我们应该注意的。 该页面向开发人员显示了有用且有趣的开源项目。

Explore gives you an opportunity to showcase your project to 24 million GitHub users. That’s why you should maintain your open source project on GitHub.

探索使您有机会向2400万GitHub用户展示您的项目。 这就是为什么您应该在GitHub上维护开源项目。

Other services are also great, so don’t get me wrong. I have been using BitBucket for a very long time to manage personal projects privately. GitLab also has really nice features that sometimes work better for me than GitHub’s in recent years. However, open source projects must be maintained on GitHub to get visitors from Explore.

其他服务也很棒,所以请不要误解我的意思。 我已经使用BitBucket很长时间了,以私下管理个人项目。 GitLab还具有非常好的功能,这些功能有时对我来说比最近几年比GitHub更好。 但是,必须在GitHub上维护开源项目,才能从Explore中吸引访问者。

Take a look at what kind of project there are, discover what are the good parts of those projects, and how the current trend is going. If you haven’t seen the Explore page yet, it’s time to check it out. Here you can learn what you need to do to make your project better.

看看有什么样的项目,发现这些项目的优点是什么,以及当前趋势如何。 如果您还没有看到“浏览”页面,那么现在该将其签出。 在这里,您可以了解需要做些什么来使您的项目变得更好。

When you open this page, you will see the Collections, Topics, and Trending tabs — each of those list nice open source projects. Among them, we will look into Trending and Topics. We can’t help with the Collections, as it is curated by GitHub.

当您打开此页面时,您将看到“ 集合” ,“ 主题 ”和“ 趋势”选项卡-每个选项卡都列出了不错的开源项目。 其中,我们将研究趋势和主题。 我们无助于Collections,因为它是由GitHub策划的。

The Trending section in the Explore Main page shows projects that received the highest number of stars that week in all languages. Getting up there would be really hard.

“浏览”主页上的“趋势”部分显示了所有语言中当周收到的星星数量最多的项目。 站起来真的很难。

But you don’t have to give up. Narrow the language and date range, then look at the projects in the lower ranks. There will be a realistic number which your project can also reach.

但是您不必放弃。 缩小语言和日期范围,然后查看排名较低的项目。 您的项目也可以达到一个现实的数字。

Focus on visitors within certain days to get on the list by bringing in every community you are in. If you can collect enough stars, your project can be on the Trending list, too. The number of stars you get depends on your project language, day of week, and so on.

通过吸引您所在的每个社区,将注意力集中在特定的访问者上,以进入列表。如果您可以收集足够的星星,那么您的项目也可以在“趋势”列表中。 获得的星数取决于您的项目语言,星期几等。

If you released a new project or added features to the project, it is the perfect time to put it out there. Don’t be disappointed even if your project is listed low. Your project will still get additional visitors. Think of the Trending section as incentive for visitors based on your rank.

如果您发布了一个新项目或为该项目添加了功能,那么现在是将其发布的最佳时机。 即使您的项目列在低位也不要失望。 您的项目仍将获得其他访问者。 根据您的排名,将“趋势”部分视为对访问者的激励。

The chart above is a breakdown of visitors at GitHub Insight after I spread the word in various communities on January 10. Referring Sites in GitHub Insight gives values from a two week period, so you need to make some calculations to get the numbers you want.

上图是1月10日我在各个社区中传播该词后,GitHub Insight的访客细分的信息。GitHub Insight中的引用站点提供了两周期间的值,因此您需要进行一些计算以获得所需的数字。

On January 10 — Day One — almost all visitors came from my own communities. Luckily, a small part in the chart shows that our editor was on the Trending list. The next day, on January 11, GitHub was already bringing in half the traffic. It is good incentive to be on the Trending list.

1月10日(第一天),几乎所有访客都来自我自己的社区。 幸运的是,图表中的一小块GitHub.com部分显示我们的编辑器位于趋势列表中。 第二天,即1月11日,GitHub已经吸引了一半的流量。 进入趋势列表是一个很好的动力。

The next day, on January 12, the editor was recorded as the #1 Trending Today in all languages. Most of the visitors came from GitHub. From this day on, visitors coming in from the posts I wrote myself decreased considerably. On the other hand, as visibility increased, visitors were appearing from unexpected referrers.

第二天,即1月12日,该编辑器被所有语言记录为“当今趋势第一”。 大多数访问者来自GitHub。 从今天开始,来自我自己写的帖子的访问者大大减少了。 另一方面,随着知名度的增加,访问者从意外的引荐来源出现。

The following day, January 13, most visitors came from GitHub. The editor recorded 2,000 stars on this day, four days after it was posted on the communities. Although the growth has decreased since then, a month later, the Trending for This Month is still bringing in new visitors.

第二天,即1月13日,大多数访问者都来自GitHub。 在将它发布到社区四天后,编辑者在这一天记录了2,000颗星星。 尽管此后增长有所下降,但一个月后,“ 本月趋势”仍吸引了新的访问者。

来自GitHub主题的稳定访问者 (Steady visitors from GitHub Topics)

Topics show projects in the order of the number of stars in a topic.


This means once your project has enough stars to be listed on a Topic, it can still get visitors through the Topic, even if your project is unlisted from Trending.


There are not as many visitors from the Topic list as from Trending. But it is still worth it.

与“趋势”相比,“主题”列表中的访客不多。 但这仍然值得。

I saw many projects that have no Topics. Look at the image above to see where you can set up Topics in your project. You can set up any Topics you want.

我看到许多没有主题的项目。 查看上图,查看可以在项目中的何处设置主题。 您可以设置任何所需的主题。

However, GitHub manages a list named Featured Topics. Therefore, it is better to choose the relevant topics from the Featured Topics to get more visitors.

但是,GitHub管理一个名为Featured Topics的列表。 因此,最好从“特色主题”中选择相关主题以吸引更多访问者。

In addition, the number of stars needed to be listed on top varies significantly depending on the topics.


Take the JavaScript Topic as an example. There is dinosaur-sized project like FreeCodeCamp (hello guys ?), BootStrap, React, Vue and so on. This makes it about 100 times harder to get your project on this list.

以JavaScript主题为例。 有恐龙大小的项目,例如FreeCodeCamp(大家好?),BootStrap,React,Vue等。 这使将您的项目列入此列表的难度大约增加了100倍。

Our editor is ranked 10th in the Markdown Topic with 5.4k stars. Take a look at the Topics and choose topics those are not too competitive.

我们的编辑器在Markdown主题中以5.4k星排名第十。 查看主题,然后选择竞争不太激烈的主题。

最适合您的项目描述的单行 (The best single line for your project description)

Let’s find the description in the image above again. What is the project description for your project? I had written the description of our editor as a long version of the title (this is a bad idea). Have you come up with your line? Then let’s look at the next image.

让我们再次在上图中找到说明。 您的项目的项目描述是什么? 我已经将编辑器的描述写成标题的长版(这是一个坏主意)。 你有没有想好办法? 然后让我们看下一张图像。

This is what the our project looks like on Trending and Topics. Try to look at it from the point of view of visitors. There is an organization, a name, contributor pictures, and so on. The only useful information there to determine whether to click or not is the description.

这就是我们的项目在“趋势和主题”中的外观。 尝试从访问者的角度来看它。 有一个组织,一个名称,参与者图片等。 唯一可用于确定是否单击的信息是描述。

The description should be the best single line to describe your project.


最后的话 (Final word)

Write documents. Be active in communities. Utilize GitHub’s tools.

写文件。 在社区中活跃。 使用GitHub的工具。

The tips I share in this article will help you make your project better as an open source (in addition to getting more stars).


But those tips alone can’t make your project popular without the value of your project itself. I hope this article helps you to find the contributors your project deserves.

但是,没有这些项目本身的价值,仅凭这些技巧就无法使您的项目受欢迎。 我希望本文能帮助您找到您的项目应有的贡献者。

I’ve had the chance to write this article because the former maintainers (Shiren, JungHwan) who did a great job for this project. I believe this project already had the value that it has today. And the tips in this article helped us achieve the rest.

我不得不写这篇文章,因为前者的维护者(机会石人JungHwan谁做了伟大的工作,这个项目)。 我相信这个项目已经具有了今天的价值。 本文中的技巧帮助我们完成了其余的工作。

Last month I had a truly special experience as a developer. I would like to thank the TOAST UI family and the Dooray! Team for all your support!

上个月,我作为开发人员经历了一次真正的特殊经历。 我要感谢TOAST UI系列Dooray! 团队全力支持!

If you are interested in the TOAST UI Editor, I recommend that you try Dooray! too. It comes with the editor and is free for less than 100 collaborators. Let the TOAST UI Editor be with you ?

如果您对TOAST UI Editor感兴趣,建议您尝试Dooray! 太。 它随编辑器提供,少于100个协作者免费。 让TOAST UI Editor与您在一起吗?

Pleasure to work together, Dooray!Mail, Issue tracker, and Chat, anyone can easily post their task and collaborate with guests as well as project members.dooray.comnhnent/tui.editortui.editor — ?? Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML

很高兴能一起工作,Dooray! 邮件,问题跟踪器和聊天,任何人都可以轻松发布任务并与来宾以及项目成员进行协作。 nhnent / tui.editor tui.editor-?? Markdown所见即所得编辑器。 GFM标准+图表和UML

Originally posted at Toast Meetup written by KyuWoo Choi ?

最初由KyuWoo Choi发表在Toast Meetup上



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