计算机本科学位有用吗_计算机科学学位真的能提高您的工资吗? 我整理了数字以找出答案。...


by Leigh Silverstein

由Leigh Silverstein

计算机科学学位真的能提高您的工资吗? 我整理了数字以找出答案。 (Does a Computer Science degree really boost your salary? I crunched the numbers to find out.)

I was in the middle of writing an article about the correlation of specialization to salary in the software industry. I had worked out the theory of why and how specialization affects salary, and where specialization tends to occur. The only thing I needed was statistical proof.

我当时正在写一篇有关软件行业中专业化与薪水相关性的文章。 我已经弄清了专业化为何以及如何影响薪资以及专业化在何处发生的理论。 我唯一需要的就是统计证明。

So I took the 2017 Stack Overflow Survey Data, cleaned it, and started plugging in variables from previous analyses that were known to affect final salary.

因此,我获取了2017年Stack Overflow调查数据 ,将其清理干净,并开始插入以前已知会影响最终薪水的分析中的变量。

One of the trickiest part of data analysis is understanding which variables you want to test for, and which ones you don’t. That way, you can control their behavior.

数据分析中最棘手的部分之一就是了解要测试的变量,而不要测试的变量。 这样,您可以控制他们的行为。

For example, I could test to see whether using PHP at work increases your salary. But if I didn’t factor in the country of the respondents, I wouldn’t be able to truthfully account for the influence of PHP.

例如,我可以测试一下在工作中使用PHP是否会增加您的薪水。 但是,如果我不考虑受访者所在的国家/地区,那么我将无法如实解释PHP的影响。

Since I was testing specialization, I needed to simplify the dataset and improve sensitivity to changes in specialization. I chose to use only professional web developers from the United States, and to account for specialization, I was looking to test the salaries of frontend and backend specialists against full-stack generalists.

由于我正在测试专业化,因此我需要简化数据集并提高对专业化更改的敏感性。 我选择只使用来自美国的专业Web开发人员,并且考虑到专业化,我一直在寻找针对全职通才的前端和后端专家的薪水。

I gradually added in variables: Experience, Education, Web Developer Type. The results weren’t perfect. I was expecting formal education to have a more positive influence, but I was optimistic, and I was already seeing some evidence of the advantage of specialization.

我逐渐添加了以下变量:体验,教育,Web开发人员类型。 结果并不完美。 我原本希望正规教育会产生更积极的影响,但我很乐观,而且我已经看到一些证明专业化优势的证据。

And that’s when something unexpected happened.


I am a web developer by trade, and I do full-stack development. I’ve always speculated that if I had been a little more mature, and acquired a computer science (CS) degree instead of a fine arts degree, I might be making a lot more money.

我是按行业分类的Web开发人员,并且我进行全栈开发。 我一直在推测,如果我已经成熟一点,并且获得了计算机科学(CS)学位而不是美术学位,那么我可能会赚很多钱。

One of my younger brothers has a CS degree, and our pay appears to be on two different scales, and these scales will never meet. Everyone I meet who has an interest in programming, I always tell them that a undergraduate CS degree is worth at a minimum, a 20k pay difference in perpetuity, and I think I’m being conservative.

我的一个弟弟拥有CS学位,我们的薪水似乎在两个不同的等级上,而且这些等级永远无法满足。 我遇到的每个对编程感兴趣的人,我总是告诉他们,一个大学的CS学位至少值得,永久性的薪水相差2万,我认为我很保守。

So you can imagine my shock when I ran the analysis for undergrads with CS degrees against everyone else. There was no significant difference.

因此,当您对其他人进行CS学位的本科生分析时,您可以想象我的震惊。 没有显着差异。

“Surely I made a mistake,” I thought. The first time I ran the analysis, I had lumped CS grads in with engineers, mathematicians, and information technology graduates. Clearly CS needed to be separated into its own division.

我想:“我当然错了。” 第一次进行分析时,我将工程师,数学家和信息技术专业的毕业生与CS毕业生混在一起。 显然,CS需要分成自己的部门。

So I ran the analysis again.


But again, there was no significant difference.


让我概述一下这里到底发生了什么。 (Let me outline exactly what was going on here.)

When I accounted for formal education, experience, web developer type, and undergrad major, there was no correlation between having a CS major — or an engineering or mathematics major — and salary.


So I started removing variables. “Maybe CS majors generally stream into the backend,” I thought. So I remove the “web developer” type. No correlation.

因此,我开始删除变量。 我想:“也许CS专业普遍进入后端。” 因此,我删除了“ Web开发人员”类型。 没有相关性。

I removed formal education altogether. No checking for a bachelors, or a masters, or a doctoral degree. No correlation.

我完全取消了正规教育。 无需检查学士学位,硕士学位或博士学位。 没有相关性。

There are several possible explanations for the lack of statistical relevance surrounding the undergraduate CS degree and salary. The first thing that comes to mind is that the data is bad. It wasn’t a proper sampling of the population, or people lied, or people didn’t complete the survey.

关于本科生CS学位和薪水缺乏统计相关性,有几种可能的解释。 首先想到的是数据是错误的。 这不是对人口的适当抽样,或者是人们撒谎,或者是人们没有完成调查。

We know, for example, that women were misrepresented in the initial findings. We can also see that only a third of American professional web developer respondents actually included their salary, and from the ones that did include it, the majority were from the US $90,000 to $130,000 annual salary range.

例如,我们知道,在最初的调查结果中妇女所占比例不正确。 我们还可以看到,只有三分之一的美国专业Web开发人员受访者实际包括了他们的薪水,而在包含这些薪水的受访者中,大多数是从90,000美元到130,000美元的年薪范围。

We know that the national average salary for a web developer is closer to $70,000. So there’s a possible bias here, where people would only report their salary if they were proud of it.

我们知道,网络开发人员的全国平均工资接近$ 70,000 。 因此,这里可能存在偏见,人们只有在为此感到自豪的情况下才会报告工资。

So I tested this hypothesis by assigning all N/A salaries with a below average $40,000 salary. I found that it broke all of the previous correlations, and resulted in no new revelations.

因此,我通过分配所有N / A薪水低于平均40,000美元的薪水来检验该假设。 我发现它打破了以前的所有关联,并且没有任何新的启示。

Another possibility was that CS-educated undergrads stream into something other than web development, leaving the stragglers for web development. It’s a stretch, I know, but I’m really trying to get to the bottom of this.

另一个可能性是,受过CS训练的本科生会流到Web开发之外的其他内容,从而使Web开发的人难以为继。 我知道这很费力,但是我真的想尽一切办法。

Statistics is as much an art as a science. It’s easy enough to run regressions on data and find correlations, but sometimes it just comes down to the logic of the whole thing. In dishonest hands, statistics can be used to convey falsehoods.

统计学既是一门艺术,也是一门科学。 在数据上进行回归并找到相关性很容易,但是有时它只是取决于整个逻辑。 在不诚实的手中,统计数据可以用来传达虚假信息。

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” — Mark Twain

“存在三种谎言谎言该死的谎言和统计数据 。” —马克·吐温

Looking back at the first linear regression, I noticed a question regarding respondents who had gone to college, but hand’t earned a degree. A whopping 14% of the respondents were students who didn’t complete their degrees.

回顾第一次线性回归,我注意到一个关于上过大学但没有获得学位的受访者的问题。 高达14%的受访者是未完成学位的学生。

The variable was insignificant, but the estimated effect was strongly negative. What if some of the students dropping out of college and university were CS majors?

该变量无关紧要,但估计的效果却是负面的。 如果某些辍学的学生是CS专业怎么办?

I created two interaction variables: one for CS students who completed their bachelors, and another for CS students who completed their masters. The results were significant, and highly positive. It looked like having a CS undergrad degree did indeed affect salary.

我创建了两个交互变量:一个用于完成学士学位的CS学生,另一个用于完成硕士的CS学生。 结果是显着的,并且是高度积极的。 看来拥有CS本科学位确实确实在影响工资。

Or did it? Look at the effects of having majored in CS and having completed a bachelors in CS. The signs are nearly equivalent. Barely a thousand points off.

还是呢? 看看主修CS并修完学士学位的效果。 这些迹象几乎相等。 仅差一千点。

Having a CS undergrad with a masters degree, on the other hand, was worth an extra $10k. So if you’re interested in web development, and you already have a CS undergrad degree, you might want to consider doing a masters.

另一方面,拥有一个具有硕士学位的CS本科生则额外价值1万美元。 因此,如果您对Web开发感兴趣,并且已经拥有CS本科学位,那么您可能需要考虑做一个硕士。

So I’m almost back where I started. Having a CS degree does affect salary, but the effects are nowhere near my initial assumption of a $20,000 boost.

因此,我几乎回到了起点。 拥有CS学位确实会影响工资,但影响远不及我最初假设的20,000美元的提升。

Instead it’s closer to $1,000 — which for most of the developers who responded to the survey with their salary means less than a 2% difference in total income.

取而代之的是,它接近于1,000美元-对于大多数以薪水答复调查的开发商而言, 总收入差异不到2%。

Now maybe this comes as a shock to me because I’m a Canadian, and we tend to be a little more reserved when it comes to sifting through resumes. Maybe a CS degree is worth more here. And maybe it’s worth more in a lot of places in the world. But CS degrees don’t seem to affect the salaries of professional web developers in the United States.

现在也许这让我感到震惊,因为我是加拿大人,在筛选简历时,我们往往会保留一些意见。 也许CS学位在这里更有价值。 也许在世界许多地方,它的价值更高。 但是CS学位似乎并没有影响美国专业Web开发人员的薪水。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/does-an-undergrad-computer-science-education-affect-a-web-developer-s-salary-80711fff9298/






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