软件说明手册 创作过程_适用于软件开发人员和创作者的简单内容营销手册

软件说明手册 创作过程

by John Saddington

约翰·萨丁顿(John Saddington)

适用于软件开发人员和创作者的简单内容营销手册 (A Simple Content Marketing Playbook for Software Developers and Creators)

Building stuff can be hard. But as designers, developers, and business builders, it’s one of the most satisfying things that we get to do. When we get to share those creations with others we get to share our joy en masse. This enhances our own personal pleasure. Thus it becomes a virtuous cycle that creates value for everyone involved.

建立东西可能很难。 但是作为设计师,开发人员和业务构建者,这是我们要做的最令人满意的事情之一。 当我们与他人分享这些创作时,我们就可以分享我们的喜悦。 这增强了我们自己的个人乐趣。 因此,这成为一个为每个参与方创造价值的良性循环。

But for many of us the challenge isn’t with the building, it’s with the sharing part that we struggle with the most. Because, for whatever reason, we feel like a great product, a great piece of work should speak for itself.

但是,对于我们许多人来说,挑战不在于建筑物,而在于我们最努力的共享部分。 因为无论出于何种原因,我们都觉得自己是很棒的产品,所以一件伟大的作品应该说明一切。

Unfortunately, that’s not how it works, especially if you’re building something digital.


We all have to spend as much time and effort marketing our efforts as we do putting them together. This is true whether it’s a personal side project, an indie app, or even an early-stage startup,

我们所有人都必须花费与投入在一起一样多的时间和精力来推销我们的努力。 无论是个人端项目,独立应用程序,还是什至是早期创业公司,都是如此,

If this grates on your conscience a bit I can empathize. I’ve built a few personal side projects, and I’ve learned that sharing my work is as important as developing them. And as a result, some of those projects have done well.

如果这对您的良心不满,我可以同情。 我已经建立了一些个人副业项目,并且了解到共享工作就像 在开发它们时很重要。 结果,其中一些项目做得很好。

And when I started putting together a larger project, a startup, I knew I would have to do the same thing. I knew I needed to follow the same techniques and strategies that I used for the smaller indie projects.

当我开始组建一个更大的项目(一家初创公司)时,我知道我必须做同样的事情。 我知道我需要遵循与较小的独立项目相同的技术和策略。

I’d have to grow a platform and a community as discussed in Marketing From Day #1: Leaving Nothing to Just Chance. And I would have to commit to product-marketing.

我必须要发展一个平台和一个社区,如《 营销从第一天起:一无所有》所述 。 而且我将不得不致力于产品营销。

I remembered this the other day when I read Why Founders Fail To Market Their Products by David Bailey. We may dream of building things without having to market them. But David, a successful serial entrepreneur, addresses our misguided notions in the article. The reality, as he notes, is that you will need marketing as much as you need a product:

前几天,我读了大卫·贝利 ( David Bailey) 撰写的《为什么创始人无法销售他们的产品》 ,这让我想起了这一天。 我们可能梦想建造东西而不必销售它们。 但是,成功的连续企业家戴维(David)在本文中谈到了我们的误导概念。 正如他所指出的那样,现实是您需要与产品一样多的营销:

“Someone needs to be doing marketing activities at your startup from day 1. Not after launch. Not during some PR campaign. Every day. Building a great product is hard. Great marketing is hard too. And you absolutely need both in order to win.”
“从开始的第一天起,就需要有人进行营销活动。 不在某些公关活动中。 每天。 打造出色的产品很难。 出色的营销也很难。 为了赢得胜利,您绝对需要两者。”

David is speaking specifically about startups. But his advice applies to creators and builders of digital products. And it doesn’t change, regardless of product scope and size. We all know that we need to market what we’ve built to maximize that virtuous cycle that we all want to spin on!

大卫专门谈论创业公司。 但是他的建议适用于数字产品的创建者和构建者。 而且,无论产品范围和大小如何,它都不会改变。 大家都知道,我们需要推销自己制造的产品,以最大化我们都希望实现的良性循环!

In other words, we all need to be like pollen when it comes to our product. But it’s hard when you have so many other things to do. Especially when it comes to building a product that people will want and love. And yet, the pressure and competition continues to mount!

换句话说,当涉及到我们的产品时,我们所有人都需要像花粉一样 。 但是当您还有很多其他事情要做时,这很难。 特别是在打造人们想要和喜爱的产品时。 然而,压力和竞争仍在继续!

Recently, I read an article by Tomasz Tunguz. Tomasz is a VC @ Redpoint who’s articles have always found a lot of favor with our team. His posts are strategic and data-driven and not highfalutin or heavy with “startup-speak”.

最近,我读了Tomasz Tunguz的一篇文章。 Tomasz是VC @ Redpoint的VC,他的文章始终受到我们团队的青睐。 他的职位是战略和数据驱动的,而不是冠冕堂皇的用“启动发言”或重。

His most recent post, titled The Best Content Marketers in the World, was about how the best content marketers do some of the following:

他最近发表的标题为“ 全球最佳内容营销人员文章是关于最佳内容营销人员如何做到以下几点的:

  • Match persona with content, cadence, length, and more.

  • Mechanize efforts through calendaring and scheduling.

  • Allows the business to guide prospects into a journey that will end with conversion.

  • Have distinct discipline when it comes to execution.


The result? You can reduce the cost of customer acquisition and the potential for churn and loss of revenue.

结果? 您可以减少获取客户的成本以及潜在的流失和收入损失。

All this makes complete sense but it can still seem a bit daunting. This is still true for the experienced. Even for an early-stage company or experienced project builder and creator.

所有这些都是完全合理的,但似乎仍然有些令人生畏。 对于有经验的人来说仍然如此。 即使对于早期公司或经验丰富的项目构建者和创建者。

What should we do? What can we do when we have limited resources to pull the trigger?

我们应该做什么? 当我们有有限的资源来触发触发器时,我们该怎么办?

We can first keep things super-simple. And when I say “simple” I do mean simple.

我们首先可以使事情变得简单。 当我说“简单”时,我的意思是简单

There are a ton of much broader and more comprehensive “Marketing Playbooks” out there. But the challenge is that they are broader and comprehensive. You may need more resources to comply than you currently have.

那里有大量更广泛,更全面的“市场营销手册”。 但是挑战在于它们更广泛 全面。 您可能需要比现在更多的资源来进行合规。

In other words, most of those playbooks are far too complex for anyone to use, especially in the beginning. And I’m speaking from experience. Using those larger playbooks was impossible when it was only me and a small, indie app!

换句话说,大多数这些剧本太过复杂,以至于任何人都无法使用,尤其是在一开始的时候。 我是根据经验讲的。 当只有我和一个小型独立应用程序时,使用那些较大的剧本是不可能的!

Remember, you can always make things more complex. But it’s always more difficult to make complex things simple!
请记住,您总是可以使事情变得更复杂。 但是,使复杂的事情变得简单总是比较困难的!

And so here’s a simple and small alternative playbook for you to review. I hope that it will be much more useful. I hope it help you set an appropriate goal for what your product could become and where you could take it.

因此,这里有一个简单而又小的替代剧本供您查看。 我希望它将更加有用。 我希望它可以帮助您为产品的用途和使用地点设定适当的目标。

小型和简单的内容营销手册 (A Small and Simple Content Marketing Playbook)

Let’s first start with the basics, which Tomasz links to as well: The Buyer’s Journey, which is a 3-stage process:

让我们首先从Tomasz链接到的基础知识开始: “买方之旅” ,这是一个3个阶段的过程:

  • Awareness Stage: The buyer realizes they have a problem.


  • Consideration Stage: The buyer defines their problem and researches options to solve it.


  • Decision Stage: The buyer chooses a solution.


What I love about this breakdown is that it’s clear and concise and it’s simple to execute against. What’s also brilliant is that t it helps you focus on the stage that matters at this point: Awareness.

我喜欢这种故障,因为它清晰明了,执行起来也很简单。 同样出色的是,它可以帮助您专注于重要的阶段:意识。

This is especially important for an early-stage startup or smaller digital project.


This means that all your available efforts will circle around the first part of the process.


With that in mind, the singular goal of your content marketing efforts will be awareness. You can worry about the rest of the stages later. You can find more available time, work out your process, and even build or put together a larger team. All in due time!

考虑到这一点,您的内容营销工作的唯一目标将是意识。 您稍后可以担心其余的阶段。 您可以找到更多可用时间,制定流程,甚至组建或组建更大的团队。 一切按时!

The ingredients to this playbook are simple and straightforward:


  1. Affirm that your singular goal is to create awareness.

  2. Choose 1 (yes, only 1) tool to start creating this awareness.

  3. Schedule in your planned updates.

  4. Execute against your calendar.

  5. Rinse and repeat.


That’s it. That’s the playbook. Simple, right? You start with mental assent, you make a decision around one tool or technology, you spend a few moments adding a repeating event in your calendar and then you execute against it.

而已。 那是剧本。 简单吧? 您首先需要心智同意,然后围绕一种工具或技术做出决定,花一些时间在日历中添加重复的事件,然后对它执行。

Want an example? Sure, why not! In fact, I’ll give you the exact content marketing attack plan that I had for a small indie project that I built last year.

想要一个例子吗? 当然,为什么不呢! 实际上,我将为您提供我去年建立的一个小型独立项目的确切内容营销攻击计划。

I built a small image resizing app for macOS. It was a (financial) failure, by the way.

我为macOS构建了一个小型图像调整大小应用程序。 顺便说一句,这是一次(财务上的)失败。

So, let’s start with some context and go from there.


I was building a small image editing macOS app and I wanted people to know about it. But, it was a side-project and my time was very limited.

我当时正在构建一个小型图像编辑macOS应用程序,我希望人们对此有所了解。 但是,这是一个附带项目,我的时间非常有限。

I was selling the app in the Mac App Store so I needed to put serious investment in awareness for the app to succeed. This included both product, engineering, and building awareness.

我当时在Mac App Store中销售该应用程序,因此我需要投入大量资金来提高应用程序的成功意识。 这包括产品,工程和建筑意识。

I made a commitment to blog once a week. The topics didn’t matter as much as the fact that I was sharing something about what I was doing. I wrote blog posts that included

我承诺每周写一次博客。 这些话题与我分享自己所做的事情无关紧要。 我写了博客文章,其中包括

  • the design (UI/UX)

    设计(UI / UX)
  • product and engineering considerations

  • random screenshots of things that were inspiring me.


So, I put a reminder in my calendar and it looked exactly like this:


I made my commitment simple and I chose one tool/technology: One blog post a week. I would commit an hour to it from end-to-end and I would publish something.

我的承诺很简单,我选择了一种工具/技术:每周一篇博客。 我将从头到尾花一个小时,然后发表一些东西。

There were more than a few times around 10:00 am when I would inwardly groan. I had a million other things that I felt were more pressing. But if people were going to buy the app I needed to do my part.

大约上午10:00左右,我会内吟几次。 我有一百万个我觉得更紧迫的事情。 但是,如果人们要购买该应用程序,我需要尽我所能。

I needed to consistently execute against the first part of the Buyer’s Journey: Awareness.


And, to do this, I needed to make good on my commitment.


Starting at 10:00am I would sit and I wouldn’t get up until I published something an hour later. Then, if I remembered, I would go one more step and publicly share the post into my personal Twitter. But that’s it.

从10:00 am开始,我会坐下来,直到一个小时后发布一些东西,我才站起来。 然后,如果我记得的话,我将再走一步,将帖子公开分享到我的个人Twitter中 。 就是这样。

Nothing to it, right?


Well, I’ve counseled and coached many early-stage companies and I know the struggle (it’s real). The challenge that most encounter is pressure. They believe they need a comprehensive strategic plan and lots of digital air cover.

好吧,我已经为许多早期阶段的公司提供了咨询和指导,我知道这是一场斗争(这是真的)。 大多数遇到的挑战是压力。 他们认为,他们需要一项全面的战略计划和大量的数字化空中掩护。

The intent and motive is good. I understand that they want to present the very best picture of themselves and their project. I get it, I do! But 9 out of 10 times this good intent gets in the way of what matters: Execution.

目的和动机是好的。 我了解他们希望呈现自己和项目的最佳画面。 我明白了,我做到了! 但是,十分之九的这种好意图妨碍了重要的事情:执行。

Their expectations are set way too high and they become discouraged.


Discouragement can pile on them until they realize they haven’t promoted any product awareness. A week can become two weeks which becomes a month which becomes a year.

挫折可以堆在他们,直到他们意识到他们没有任何提升产品知名度。 一个星期可以变成两个星期,一个月变成一年。

And then they’re ready to launch, and their very first (and only) blog post is their “Hello World” announcement post, essentially, about their v1.0 launch! I mean, let’s be honest for a moment — how many times have you seen this exact thing happen?

然后他们准备好发布了,他们的第一篇(也是唯一一部)博客文章是他们的“ Hello World”公告帖子,实质上是关于其v1.0发布的信息! 我的意思是,老实说吧-您已经看过多少次确切的事情了?

At that point, it’s too late and they’ve lost months, if not years, of time. Time to create awareness, build a community around the product. They could have converted some of them into paying customers. It’s disheartening when only a few folks show up and they don’t convert.

到那时,为时已晚,他们已经失去了几个月甚至数年的时间。 是时候建立意识,围绕产品建立社区。 他们本可以将其中一些转变成付费客户。 当只有几个人出现并且他们不convert依时,这令人沮丧。

That’s not the story that you want for your creative project or early-stage company. You want the opposite. You want hundreds (if not thousands) of folks lined up to buy your product when it first shows up on digital shelves. And even more folks cheering you on!

那不是您想要的创意项目或早期公司的故事。 您要相反。 您希望成百上千(如果不是成千上万)的人排队购买您的产品,当它首次出现在数字货架上时。 甚至还有更多的人为您加油!

Imagine how that would feel and how different the outcomes might be.


But to do that you have to follow the Simple Content Marketing Playbook. You need to commit to building the awareness through one channel, add it to your calendar, and then do it. And don’t quit.

但是要做到这一点,您必须遵循《 简单内容营销手册》 。 您需要致力于通过一个渠道来建立意识,将其添加到您的日历中,然后再进行。 而且不要退出。

You may be tempted to add complexity to this simple content marketing playbook. You may be influnced by the many “best practice” strategies that you’ve encountered before.

您可能会想为此简单的内容营销手册增加复杂性。 您可能会受到以前遇到的许多“最佳实践”策略的影响。

But remember:


execution > strategy 100% of the time

If you out-strategize your ability to execute then you’ve got it backward.


Alright. Go forth, market content, build awareness, and profit.

好的。 前进,市场内容,建立知名度和利润。

太容易了? 好的。 这是勇敢者的一些奖励材料…… (Too Easy? Okay. Here’s some bonus material for the brave…)

Okay, so you’ve done all that. Great. You’re already a million light years ahead of your competition. Many won’t do strategy-building of a content marketing playbook, let-alone execute against it!

好的,您已经完成了所有操作。 大。 您已经比竞争对手领先了一百万光年。 许多人不会制定内容营销剧本的策略,更不用说针对它了!

But you want a bit more. Sweet.

但是您想要更多。 甜。

I’ve got a bit of that for you too and the system is as simple as the foundation. To expand on the fundamentals all you have to do is one of the following:

我也为您提供了一些服务,系统就像基础一样简单。 要扩展基础知识,您需要做的是以下操作之一:

  • Either add one more communication channel (i.e. tool, platform, technology) or…

  • Increase the number of times you execute by one.


That’s it.


So, if you’re blogging then add Twitter to the mix. Or, if you’ve started with Twitter then add a blog. Or create a LinkedIn page for your business or Google+ or Facebook.

因此,如果您要写博客,则将Twitter添加到组合中。 或者,如果您已经开始使用Twitter,则添加一个博客。 或为您的公司,Google +或Facebook创建一个LinkedIn页面。

Or perhaps you’re good with your single channel. But you feel that instead of every other week you’re now going to publish one time a week. Great. Four blog posts a month instead of two? You can do it!

也许您对自己的单个频道很满意。 但是您会觉得现在每隔一周发布一次,而不是每隔一周发布一次。 大。 一个月四个博客帖子,而不是两个? 你能行的!

So choose to either increase by one channel or increase the amount of times you publish something on your blog. That’s it.

所以选择要么通过增加一个通道增加你发布你的博客的东西倍。 而已。

To a certain degree it almost doesn’t matter as long as you add one new thing at a time. Don’t go crazy here.

在某种程度上,只要一次添加一个新东西,几乎就没有关系。 在这里不要发疯。

You can continue this steady and incremental growth strategy infinitely. As you get more comfortable, automate your systems, and even hire staff.

您可以无限地继续执行此稳定且递增的增长策略。 随着您的舒适度提高,请自动化系统,甚至雇用人员。

Again, this adds more complexity so do it wisely. Make sure you’ve locked in to a workflow that works for you and your team.

同样,这会增加更多的复杂性,因此请明智地进行操作。 确保您已锁定适合您和您的团队的工作流程。

If you’d like more ideas, here are a few of the content marketing channelsthat I’ve added to my blog. I did so after blogging for 6 months (without adding complexity).

如果您想要更多的想法,这里有一些我已添加到博客中的内容营销渠道 。 我在写了6个月的博客后才这样做(不增加复杂性)。

I didn’t start with just one channel to begin with, but, I’ve done this a few times and I’ve automated some tasks.


Finally, if I were to add one more more piece of counsel it would be this:


Don’t be afraid to experiment. Don’t be afraid to be wrong.
不要害怕尝试。 不要害怕犯错。

This advice may seem a bit moot considering that I’m talking to entrepreneurs. You are already testing boundaries and breaking through them. You are already executing against the odds.

考虑到我正在与企业家交谈,这一建议似乎有些无聊 您已经在测试界限并突破界限。 您已经在赔率执行了。

But not all entrepreneurs and builders are amazing content marketers.

In fact, most aren’t. It’s a skill that takes time to develop and you need to work on it, just like anything else. You don’t have to become a master or anything close to expert-level status, but, you do have to try.

实际上,大多数不是。 这是一项需要花费时间才能发展的技能,您需要像其他任何东西一样努力进行这项工作。 您不必成为硕士或任何接近专家级别的人,但是,您必须尝试。

And, what’s nice is that you don’t have to have Jedi skills! Real impact can be sown from even the smallest amount of content marketing efforts.

而且,好处是您不必具备绝地技能! 即使是最少量的内容营销工作也可以带来真正的影响。

There are a thousand things that can threaten to kill your startup.


My hope is that a lack of content marketing won’t be one of them.


I hope that you’ll make the time to put together the first building-block of the Buyer’s Journey: Awareness.


And I hope you will be wildly successful!


Hit me up if you have any further questions or even want me to review what you’ve put together! And if you’d like to hear me rant on a vlog a bit about this, I’ve got you covered.

如果您有任何其他问题,甚至要我回顾一下您提出的内容,请打我一下 ! 如果您想在vlog上听到我的声音, 我已经为您服务

Bottom-line is this: I’d love to help! So ping me. And you can Read more of my articles on #EngOps.

底线是:我很乐意提供帮助! 所以ping我。 您也可以阅读有关#EngOps的更多文章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-simple-content-marketing-playbook-for-software-developers-and-creators-937f86d6dd90/

软件说明手册 创作过程

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