焦虑 程序员
by Emily Aamodt
艾米丽·阿莫特(Emily Aamodt)
我如何克服焦虑和沮丧来完成freeCodeCamp的前端开发程序 (How I fought through anxiety and depression to finish freeCodeCamp’s front end dev program)
I recently completed freeCodeCamp’s front end development program. Woohoo! It took me two and a half years, which initially made me cringe when I thought about it. After thinking back on everything that happened in that time span, I’m proud to have finished at all.
我最近完成了freeCodeCamp的前端开发程序。 hoo! 我花了两年半的时间,当我想到它时,最初使我感到畏缩。 在回顾了这段时间里发生的所有事情之后,我为能够完成一切感到自豪。
Why did it take so long? Well, the entire time I was silently struggling with depression and anxiety. Only my doctors and a few people close to me knew the truth.
为什么要花这么长时间? 好吧,在整个过程中,我一直在默默地应对抑郁和焦虑。 只有我的医生和一些靠近我的人知道真相。
开始 (The beginning)
I’ve had generalized anxiety my entire life, and clinical depression since I was 11. My family doesn’t really believe in mental illness, so I had to wait until I was out on my own to get help.
With the help of a friend, I went to my doctor and finally got my life back. I started taking anti-depressants and going to a therapist. The meds I was on made me sleepy, but they were so helpful that I was happy to make that tradeoff.
在朋友的帮助下,我去了医生那里,终于使我的生活重获新生。 我开始服用抗抑郁药并去治疗师。 我所服用的药物让我昏昏欲睡,但是它们非常有用,我很乐意做出这种权衡。
陷入黑暗 (Descent into darkness)
About two and a half years ago, around the same time I started freeCodeCamp, I became fed up with how tired the meds made me. It was a massive struggle to get anything done, and I spent the majority of my free time sleeping.
大约两年半前,大约在我启动freeCodeCamp的同时,我对药物使我感到多么疲倦感到厌倦。 完成任何事情都是艰巨的努力,我大部分的空闲时间都在睡觉。
I spent a harrowing two years trying to solve that problem by going off meds, switching meds, switching doctors, switching therapists, and reading self-help books. The list goes on and on. I actually went a full year without meds thinking that, like a lot of people who try anti-depressants, I could wean myself off them and be okay.
我花了令人痛苦的两年时间,试图通过停药,更换药物,更换医生,更换治疗师以及阅读自助书籍来解决该问题。 清单不胜枚举。 我实际上整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整整地了了多地了整整整整了整整一年没有药物认为,象许多尝试抗抑郁药的人一样,我可以使自己断奶并且可以。
Nooooope. I definitely need them. Once I established that fact through excruciating months of suffering, I took the next step: trying to find the right meds for me. Thus began a horrible year and a half of medication roulette. Every drug I tried seemed to have worse side effects than the last. ALL of them had ridiculous withdrawal side effects. I started to believe I was never going to recover, and that made me spiral even further into darkness.
Nooooope。 我绝对需要它们。 通过数月的痛苦确定了这一事实后,我便采取了下一步:尝试为我找到合适的药物。 这样就开始了可怕的一年半的药物轮盘赌。 我尝试的每种药物似乎都比上一种药物具有更差的副作用。 他们都有可笑的戒断副作用。 我开始相信自己永远也不会康复,这使我更加陷入黑暗。
Finally, I found a great psychiatrist who worked with me to troubleshoot my issues (and troubleshoot was his word! It’s one of the reasons he’s my favorite psychiatrist). We eventually landed on a med that worked and found the right dose. Now I finally feel like a functioning human being and I’m not tired all the time.
最终,我找到了一位出色的精神科医生,他与我一起对我的问题进行了故障排除(而故障排除是他的话!这是他是我最喜欢的精神科医生的原因之一)。 我们最终找到了一种有效的药物,并找到了合适的剂量。 现在,我终于感觉自己像个正在运转的人, 而且我一直都不会疲倦。
穿越流沙 (Slogging through quicksand)
While all this was happening, I was working full time and going through freeCodeCamp in my spare time. Amazingly, my work was never really affected. I showed up every day and did my job. It was really hard, but work has always been my number one priority. So I made sure I didn’t mess it up, even when I had a migraine or brain zaps in the middle of the day.
在发生所有这些事情的同时,我全职工作,并在业余时间使用freeCodeCamp。 令人惊讶的是,我的工作从未真正受到影响。 我每天都出现并完成工作。 确实很辛苦,但是工作一直是我的头等大事。 因此,即使在中途出现偏头痛或脑震荡时,我也确保不会弄乱它。
Since freeCodeCamp wasn’t mandatory like my paying job, I struggled to work on it consistently. After pouring all my energy into work and dealing with depression, anxiety, and medication side effects, it was really hard to find the time and energy to practice coding.
由于freeCodeCamp不是像我的薪水工作那样强制性的,因此我一直在努力工作。 在将我所有的精力投入到工作中并解决了抑郁症,焦虑症和药物副作用之后,真的很难找到时间和精力来练习编码。
不是我的第一个牛仔竞技表演 (Not my first rodeo)
I should mention that I’m not a beginner. I took some website building, hardware, and programming classes at the local community college after I finished school, and was looking for a job during the 2009 recession. I was very active in a Ruby meetup group for a few years before freeCodeCamp, and together we completed Zed Shaw’s Ruby the Hard Way. My job is in the software industry, and also involves a lot of coding (VB, definitely not as fun as JavaScript or Ruby) and front-end stuff.
我应该说我不是初学者。 毕业后,我在当地社区大学上了一些网站建设,硬件和编程课程,并在2009年经济衰退期间寻找工作。 在freeCodeCamp之前的几年中,我非常活跃于Ruby聚会小组,我们一起完成了Zed Shaw的Ruby the Hard Way 。 我的工作是在软件行业,还涉及很多编码(VB,绝对不如JavaScript或Ruby有趣)和前端工作。
Since I have some programming experience under my belt, there were parts of freeCodeCamp that flew by. Particularly if it was one of those rare moments when I was also feeling okay.
由于我有一定的编程经验,因此有一些freeCodeCamp可以幸免。 特别是那是我感到还不错的那些难得的时刻之一。
The rest became a slow, frustrating slog. I definitely felt like a loser sometimes, and wondered if I would ever get out of the various ruts I fell into. My productiveness varied wildly. There were times when I slogged through at a slow but steady pace. There were other times when I slowed down to a glacial crawl. I would work on freeCodeCamp material once a week if I was lucky. Occasionally I would just give up and go on a hiatus.
其余的变成了缓慢而令人沮丧的口号。 我有时确实感觉自己像一个失败者,并且想知道我是否会摆脱掉我陷入的各种困境。 我的生产力千差万别。 有时候,我的步伐缓慢而稳定。 还有其他的时候,我放慢了脚步去爬冰。 如果幸运的话,我每周会处理一次freeCodeCamp资料。 有时我会放弃并停顿一下。
During one particularly long hiatus, I almost decided to stop working on freeCodeCamp forever and just focus on my job and my mental health.
光在隧道的尽头 (Light at the end of the tunnel)
Despite all the setbacks, I somehow kept going. I worked through all the algorithms, the lessons, and the projects. I have a competitive nature, and there was no way I was going to back down from a challenge.
尽管遭受了所有挫折,但我还是继续前进。 我研究了所有算法,课程和项目。 我具有竞争性,没有办法让我从挑战中退缩。
Learning to program is frustrating on its own, even without all the mental illness roadblocks. No matter what happened in life, and no matter how stuck or frustrated I got, I just kept coming back. I wasn’t going to give up. Sometimes I wanted to, but I just kept fighting anyway.
即使没有所有精神疾病障碍,学习编程本身也令人沮丧。 不管生活中发生了什么,无论我多么沮丧或沮丧,我都会不断回来。 我不会放弃的。 有时候我想,但是我还是一直在战斗。
They used to call me “clutch” when I played softball, because I always came through in the end when it was most critical. I’ve retired from competitive sports, but I still have that fighting spirit.
当我打垒球时,他们曾经称我为“离合器”,因为我总是在最关键的时候才最终通过。 我已经从竞技运动中退休,但是我仍然有那种战斗精神。
Honestly, I think freeCodeCamp actually helped me get through that rough time. It structured my free time, and distracted me from what was going on with my health. The projects and algorithms in particular required me to focus and ignore any outside distractions.
老实说,我认为freeCodeCamp实际上帮助我度过了那段艰难的时光。 它安排了我的空闲时间,并分散了我对健康状况的关注。 这些项目和算法特别需要我专注并忽略任何外界干扰。
I’ve always done my best when working under pressure. The freeCodeCamp curriculum provided the tough challenges I needed to pull myself out of my depression and into a flow state. In flow state, there are no panic attacks, and there is no depression. There is only adrenaline and the thrill of solving puzzles. For me, nothing compares to the joy of becoming completely absorbed in a difficult project.
在压力下工作时,我总是尽力而为。 freeCodeCamp课程提供了使自己摆脱沮丧并进入流行状态所需的艰巨挑战。 在流动状态下,没有惊恐发作,也没有抑郁症。 只有肾上腺素和解决难题的快感。 对我来说,没有什么比完全专注于困难的项目所带来的快乐更胜一筹了。
团队合作 (Team effort)
As much as I’d like to tell you that I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps (No, not THAT Bootstrap, you nerds!), I had a lot of help:
My local freeCodeCamp group was a great source of inspiration. I don’t go to meetings and events as often as I’d like, but the ones I have attended have been invaluable. Meeting fellow students made it feel like I wasn’t alone, coding in the cold vacuum of space, where no one could hear me scream. The best part of meetups is bouncing ideas off each other and seeing what everyone is working on. It never fails to spark ideas.
我本地的freeCodeCamp小组是一个很好的灵感来源。 我参加会议和活动的次数不多,但我参加的会议非常宝贵。 遇见同学时,我感到自己并不孤单,在寒冷的太空中编码,没人能听到我的尖叫声。 聚会中最好的部分是互相交流想法,看看每个人都在做什么。 它永远不会激发思想。
My friends who introduced me to freeCodeCamp were instrumental. Talking with them about projects and algorithms was fun, and encouraged me to keep going. Sometimes it was also nice just to have people to commiserate with when we were stuck.
向我介绍了freeCodeCamp的朋友很有帮助。 与他们讨论项目和算法很有趣,并鼓励我继续前进。 有时候,当人们陷入困境时,让人们同情也是很好的。
Let’s not forget all the doctors! (Including some of my doctor friends, who gave me awesome advice) It took multiple GPs, psychiatrists, and therapists to get me to this point. I am extremely grateful for all of their help.
让我们不要忘记所有的医生! (包括我的一些医生朋友,他们给了我很棒的建议)花了很多全科医生,精神科医生和治疗师使我达到了这一点。 我非常感谢他们的所有帮助。
My close friends and my boyfriend were a HUGE help! Even though they don’t code, they were always there to cheer me on. Special thanks to my boyfriend for testing all of my projects and giving me advice from a user’s perspective.
我的密友和男友帮了大忙! 即使他们不编码,他们也总是在那为我加油。 特别感谢我的男朋友测试我的所有项目并从用户角度为我提供建议。
现在怎么办? (What now?)
Right now I’m going through P1xt’s Computer Science and Web Development — comprehensive guide and getting ready to delve into the back end and data sections of freeCodeCamp. It’s nice to be able to think clearly and maintain a consistent pace.
现在,我正在研究P1xt的计算机科学和Web开发—全面的指南,并准备深入研究freeCodeCamp的后端和数据部分。 能够清晰思考并保持一致的步伐是一件很高兴的事。
Whether I’m studying on my own or working on projects at work, I feel like I’m learning something new every day. That’s extremely rewarding. I know I can never “beat” anxiety and depression, but I’m able to manage them and keep them in check so that they don’t ruin my life.
无论是我自己学习还是从事工作中的项目,我都觉得自己每天都在学习新知识。 那是非常有益的。 我知道我永远无法“消除”焦虑和沮丧,但我能够管理它们并保持控制,以免它们破坏我的生活。
I’m a private person, and I don’t usually like to talk about this sort of thing. But I feel like it’s import to share my story. Hopefully it can help others who are in similar situations.
我是一个私人,我通常不喜欢谈论这种事情。 但是我觉得分享我的故事很重要。 希望它可以帮助处于类似情况的其他人。
If you’re like me, and you struggle with mental illness, don’t give up! You can do it! There are rough times, but you can keep moving forward. Don’t let it stop you from learning to code. Even if you go really slowly, you can make progress and build up your skills. Learning might even give you something to look forward to. It definitely did in my case. And the best part is that you will never run out of new things to learn, especially in this field. So code on!
如果您像我,并且患有精神疾病,请不要放弃! 你能行的! 有艰难的时期,但您可以继续前进。 不要让它阻止您学习代码。 即使您走得很慢,您也可以进步并建立自己的技能。 学习甚至可以给您一些期待。 就我而言,它确实做到了。 最棒的是,您将永远不会用完新的东西来学习,尤其是在这个领域。 如此编码!
If you enjoyed this article, please give me some claps so more people see it. Thanks!
如果您喜欢这篇文章,请给我一些鼓掌,以便更多的人看到。 谢谢!
焦虑 程序员