

by benjamin bannister


SEO秘诀:Google的逆向工程算法 (SEO Secrets: Reverse-Engineering Google’s Algorithm)

What have I learned from creating content for the internet? One thing is crystal clear: if you want people to discover your work, you need search engine optimization (SEO).

从创建互联网内容中学到了什么? 一件事很明确:如果您希望人们发现您的工作,则需要搜索引擎优化(SEO)。

Take this article for example, if you search for “reverse engineer Google,” “seo secrets,” “reverse engineering seo,” this article is on the first page for each of those search terms. Talk about meta.

以本文为例,如果您搜索“ 反向工程Google ”,“ seo机密 ”,“ 反向工程seo ”,则本文在每个搜索词的首页上。 谈论meta。

SEO isn’t magic, it’s knowing what to do.


Whether you’re an SEO newbie or a seasoned practitioner, I encourage you to fully read this to understand how you can get your content on top of search results. It’s meant as a solid foundation to SEO. There are lots of essentials to discuss and juggle, and I will distill the information in plain English.

无论你是一个新手SEO还是经验丰富的从业者,我建议你仔细阅读这个理解你如何获得在搜索结果顶部您的内容。 这是SEO的坚实基础。 有很多要讨论和讨论的要点,我将用简明的英语摘录这些信息。

Join me and let’s delve into the minds of Google search engine programmers and reverse-engineer how they analyze, judge, and rank content. We’ll do this through a combination of intuition and logic, and not necessarily empirical analysis.

和我一起,让我们深入研究Google搜索引擎程序员的思想,并对它们如何分析,判断和排名内容进行逆向工程。 我们将通过直觉和逻辑的结合来做到这一点,而不必进行实证分析。

“Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion.” — Steve Jobs

“在我看来,直觉是非常强大的事情,比智力更强大。” — 史蒂夫·乔布斯

Attempting to game or cheat Google’s algorithm with this information will only backfire on you, because as an engineer, that’s what I would do (minus 30 points from Slytherin!).

尝试使用此信息来玩游戏或欺骗Google的算法只会适得其反 ,因为作为一名工程师,这就是我要做的( 从Slytherin减去30分! )。

Let’s start with an essential question: What is SEO?

让我们从一个基本问题开始: 什么是SEO?

“SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website/webpage in a web search engine’s unpaid results.” —Wikipedia

“ SEO(搜索引擎优化)是影响网站/网页在网络搜索引擎的未付费结果中的可见性的过程。” — 维基百科

Translation: SEO is all the things you have to do to get your website ranked high in search results, without paying for it.


Next question: What is Google.com’s goal?

下一个问题: Google.com的目标是什么?

Google’s number one priority is to make sure a search inquiry’s results are accurate and relevant.


The happier users are with results, the more likely they’ll keep coming back and remain loyal to Google.

用户对结果的满意度越高,他们越有可能继续回来并忠于 Google

Think of Google (Bing, Baidu, Yandex, etc.) as librarians. They categorize (index) many books (websites) in libraries around the world (internet). It’s their job to find the exact (relevant) book you’re looking for. They are very good at this and that is why Google is number one in search.

将Google(必应,百度,Yandex等)视为图书管理员。 他们对世界各地的图书馆(互联网)中的许多书籍(网站)进行分类(编制索引)。 找到您要查找的确切(相关)书是他们的工作。 他们在这方面非常擅长,这就是为什么Google在搜索中排名第一。

To have gotten to this point, Google created a complex algorithm (to be now referred to as ‘The Algorithm’), with top-secret variables that judges websites, and ranks them based on their content.

为了达到这一点,Google创建了一个复杂的算法(现在称为“算法” ), 该算法具有用于判断网站并根据其内容进行排名的机密信息。

Have you ever searched for something and found exactly what you wanted, and then started another search, and before you could type three letters Google has already predicted the next thing you planned on searching for? That’s the brilliance of The Algorithm. It can even predict what you want based on the context you previously searched for!

您是否曾经搜索过某些东西,找到了您想要的东西,然后又开始另一次搜索,并且在键入三个字母之前,Google已经预测了您打算搜索的下一个东西? 那就是算法的光彩。 它甚至可以根据您之前搜索的上下文来预测您想要的内容!

Great SEO follows guidelines that Google determines are best practices to have your content ranked on top. Unless you work at Google, no one truly knows what these variables are. But there are clues to extrapolate what they might be.

出色的SEO遵循Google认为将您的内容放在首位的最佳做法的准则 。 除非您在Google工作,否则没人真正知道这些变量是什么。 但是,有一些线索可以推断出它们可能是什么。

一,质量为王 (I. Quality is King)

You may have been told, “Content is King.” If you think about it, you can make all the content you want, but it doesn’t automagically make it good. No, the real word here is quality. Quality is King. This concept should be clear and ingrained into your head, and should be the number one priority when creating content.

您可能已经被告知,“内容为王”。 如果您考虑一下,就可以制作所有想要的内容,但是并不能自动将其制作得很好。 不,这才是真正的质量质量至上 。 这个概念应该清晰并根深蒂固,并且应该是创建内容时的头等大事。

What does “quality is king” mean?

Quality content needs to have value to your audience. Value can be many things. Does your content do any of the following:

高质量的内容需要对您的受众有价值 价值可以是很多东西。 您的内容是否执行以下任何操作:

  • Inform/teach the audience (knowledge)

    通知/教听众( 知识 )

  • Make the audience laugh/cry (emotion)

    让观众笑/哭( 情绪 )

  • Show something new/different (discovery)

    显示新事物/不同事物( 发现 )

If your content isn’t doing one or more of these things, then why are you even trying? Start by creating something that provides value, lasting value. Not some “mission statement” page, not some “about us” page. Actual. Quality. Content. You can follow almost every point on this page to 100% accuracy, but if the quality isn’t there, then good luck to you.

如果您的内容没有执行这些操作中的一项或多项,那么您为什么还要尝试? 首先创建能够提供价值,持久价值的东西。 不是某些“任务说明”页面,也不是“关于我们”页面。 实际。 质量。 内容。 您可以按照此页面上几乎所有要点进行操作,以达到100%的准确性,但是如果质量不高,那么祝您好运。

If you forget that quality content is a top priority, then you can forget about having an SEO strategy.

HISTORY LESSON: In the Old Days, the internet was littered with “content farms.” These websites took quality content and aggregated them on their own ad-filled sites, with the goal of getting traffic, making money, and topping search rankings (and they still do).

历史课:在过去,互联网上到处都是“内容农场”。 这些网站采用了高质量的内容,并将其汇总到自己的广告填充的网站上,目的是获得点击量,赚钱并超越搜索排名(现在仍然如此)。

Quality still ranks at the top, the only difference now is The Algorithm favors the original creators, and their work deservedly shows at the top.

质量仍然排在首位,现在唯一的区别是算法偏爱原始算法 创作者,他们的作品理应显示在顶部。

Google likes to provide search results that have value. Whether it’s a tutorial video, a funny article, or an amazing photo series, it’s possible to create something of quality that benefits your brand’s bottom line, and, benefits your audience. Win-win.

Google喜欢提供有价值的搜索结果。 无论是教学视频,有趣的文章还是令人惊叹的照片系列,都可以创造出有益于品牌底线并有益于受众的高质量产品。 双赢。

IIa。 谁在分享? (IIa. Who is Sharing?)

Quality content leads to popularity, which leads to sharing (also known as linking or backlinking). Who and how many people link/share your content, are SEO variables:

高质量的内容会导致人气,从而导致共享(也称为链接或反向链接)。 多少人链接/共享您的内容,是SEO变量:

  • Experts: credible and knowledgeable people in their fields


  • Celebrities: Hollywood/Music/Sports celebrities (paid or unpaid)


  • Influencers: people that have a large following


  • Social Media: the masses of people online


  • Peers: your friends, family, and people you know


Having people share your content is something you have little control over. You could and should ask (or pay) the people above to link/share, but the best thing for The Algorithm is to have it shared organically. That means growing through word of mouth. And to do that, you start with quality content. (And a marketing budget helps spread the word.)

让人们共享您的内容是您无法控制的事情。 您可以并且应该要求(或付费)上述人员进行链接/共享,但是The Algorithm最好的方法是使其有机共享。 那意味着通过口耳相传而成长 。 为此,您要从高质量的内容开始。 (营销预算有助于宣传。)

If Google sees that a lot people are sharing your content, it considers it as potential QUALITY.

IIb。 共享者是否与您的内容相关? (IIb. Are Sharers Relevant to Your Content?)

Part two of sharing is: Is your post being shared by related sites? Is your video on “The Future of Design,” being shared by designers and creative people? Is your article about “A Possible Cure for Cancer,” being shared by doctors and established institutions in the medical industry?

共享的第二部分是:您的帖子是否被相关网站共享? 您的有关“设计的未来”的视频是否由设计师和富有创造力的人分享? 您的文章是否与医学界的医生和知名机构分享有关“癌症的可能治愈方法”的文章?

If Google sees that related sites are sharing your content, it considers it as likely RELEVANT.

EXAMPLE: You have a food connoisseur friend and a college professor friend. They both recommend the same new restaurant. You are likely to listen to both, but whose opinion will have more impact? Who is more relevant?

示例:您有一个食品鉴赏家朋友和一个大学教授朋友。 他们俩都推荐同一家新餐厅。 您可能会同时听这两种话,但是谁的意见会产生更大的影响? 谁更相关?

HISTORY LESSON: Old SEO advice suggested you connect with websites and trade links with each other. True, a big legit site linking to you can boost up your ranking, but, it won’t help your relevancy score if the linked content isn’t related to the site sharing it.

历史记录:旧的SEO建议建议您连接网站并彼此建立贸易链接 的确,与您链接的大型合法网站可以提高您的排名,但是,如果链接的内容与共享该网站的网站无关,则对您的相关性得分没有帮助。

Sorry, if your site is about kittens and you share someone’s link to making roasted broccoli and vice versa, as Google, I would think both of you are just colluding with one another and I would deduct one house point from both of you for irrelevancy.


Obviously, people and brands share all types of content. The ones with a true identity — that know themselves, know to share things that fall in line with what they are representing. If you share, keep it relevant.

显然,人们和品牌共享所有类型的内容。 拥有真实身份的人-知道自己,知道分享与他们所代表的相符的事物。 如果您分享,请保持相关性。

三, 交联您的品牌 (III. Crosslinking Your Brand)

A simple way to show relevancy in your brand is through crosslinking. If you have accounts on several networks and want Google to know they are all related to you, link them together.

显示品牌相关性的一种简单方法是通过交联。 如果您在多个网络上都有帐户,并且希望Google知道它们都与您相关,请将它们链接在一起。

EXAMPLE: If I have a YouTube, Twitter, and Behance account with the same name, i.e. BravoEcho, make sure your main site, BravoEcho.com, has links to your YouTube, Twitter, and Behance accounts. Do the same for those separate networks.

示例:如果我有一个具有相同名称的YouTube,Twitter和Behance帐户,即BravoEcho,请确保您的主站点BravoEcho.com包含指向您的YouTube,Twitter和Behance帐户的链接。 对那些单独的网络执行相同的操作。

This lets Google know that the BravoEcho on YouTube, is the same BravoEcho on Twitter and Behance. Make it easy for Google to know you are the same entity.

这使Google知道YouTube上的BravoEcho与Twitter和Behance上的BravoEcho相同。 让Google轻松知道您是同一实体。

I only have one caveat here: do not crosslink if you have empty content. i.e.: If you link your Facebook page to your Twitter page, but your Twitter profile doesn’t have any tweets, that is just bad UX (user experience). Make sure your platforms have content if you link them.

我这里只有一个警告: 如果您有空白内容,请不要进行交叉链接 。 即:如果您将Facebook页面链接到Twitter页面,但是您的Twitter个人资料没有任何推文,那就是糟糕的UX(用户体验)。 如果链接它们,请确保平台具有内容。

Crosslinking is simple and easy to implement. So do it.

交联简单易行。 这样吧

静脉注射 关键字是皇后 (IVa. Keywords are Queen)

Keywords, or search terms, are what Google uses to index your site. While keywords do not hold the same weight as they used to, they are still necessary.

关键字或搜索字词是Google用于索引您的网站的内容。 尽管关键字的权重与以前不同,但仍是必需的。

Your choice of words and keywords on your page matters. Every. Single. Word. Filling your page with search terms just for the sake of filling it is not impactful nor helpful to Google (and you will get a deduction for deception, and you know I’m all for deducting house points!).

您在页面上选择的单词和关键字很重要。 每一个 单。 字。 仅出于填充目的而用搜索词填充您的页面对Google既没有影响,也没有帮助 (而且您将获得欺骗性的扣除,而且您知道我全都可以扣除内部积分!)。

HISTORY LESSON: “Keyword stuffing,” used to be a thing where keywords were repeated over and over ad nauseam throughout a page to trick search engines to think that because a site has certain words so many times, that that site must be about those keywords. Not anymore.

历史记录:“ 关键字填充 ”曾经是在整个页面上反复在广告恶心中重复使用关键字的一种方法,以欺骗搜索引擎,以为某个网站包含某些单词的次数很多,因此该网站必须与这些关键字有关。 不再。

One important set of keywords is the title of your content. The title has to accomplish multiple objectives:

一组重要的关键字是内容的标题。 标题必须实现多个目标:

  • Be concise and accurate


  • Be interesting enough to click on

    足够有趣 ,可以点击

  • Have words that doubles as search terms


It’s not easy to get this trifecta. Don’t let this point hold you back from a good title, but do take it into consideration. Use keywords in your title that people are likely to search for.

获得这种三连冠并不容易。 不要让这一点使您失去良好的头衔,但要考虑到这一点。 在标题中使用人们可能会搜索的关键字。

EXAMPLE 1: I had a tough decision in naming this article. I could’ve had something simple and effective like, “SEO Secrets Everyone Should Know,” or, “9 Powerful and Essential SEO Tips,” but zzzZZZZZ, snooze.

示例1:在命名本文时,我有一个艰难的决定。 我本来可以拥有一些简单有效的方法,例如“每个人都应该知道的SEO秘诀”或“ 9个强大且必不可少的SEO技巧”,但zzzZZZZZ却可以打sn。

I could’ve chosen a “safe” (clickbait) title and be like every other SEO site. But no, I wanted something different, not to be contrarian, but something that accurately represented the content best. (And honestly, it’s really hard to title things these days without sounding clickbaity!)

我可以选择一个“安全”(点击诱饵)标题,就像其他所有SEO网站一样。 但是,不,我想要一些不同的东西,而不是要逆势而为,而是要准确地代表内容的最好。 (老实说,这几天真的很难不发出喀哒声!

As for length, there are no strict rules on how long or short a title should be. The title of your content should be as long as it needs to be (but don’t make it too long).

至于长度,没有严格的规则来规定标题的长度。 内容的标题应尽可能长 (但不要太长)。

EXAMPLE 2: I can’t deduct points for a long technical title if it needs a long technical title. I can’t deduct points for a short title if it describes the content accurately.

例2:如果需要较长的技术职称,我不能扣分。 如果简短描述的内容准确,我无法扣分。

IVb。 撰写准确的元描述 (IVb. Write an Accurate Meta Description)

In addition to keywords in your title, there is the meta description tag in your html code. These differ from meta tags. Google and most search engines to do not use meta tags for indexing (but they use it in some context).

除了标题中的关键字之外,您的html代码中还包含meta description标签。 这些与元标记不同 Google和大多数搜索引擎不使用元标记进行索引(但在某些情况下会使用元标记)。

HISTORY LESSON: Like keyword stuffing, websites used to spam their code with countless variations of the same meta tags over and over, i.e.: “iPhone,” “best iPhone,” “iPhone X,” etc. They did this even though the content didn’t have anything to do with iPhones, with the goal that Google will think:

历史经验:像关键字填充一样,网站过去常常一遍又一遍地使用相同的元标记来对代码进行垃圾邮件处理,例如:“ iPhone”,“最佳iPhone”,“ iPhone X ”等。即使内容与iPhone没有任何关系,目的是Google认为:

“Oh, this site MUST be about iPhones because it’s mentioned A LOT in the tags and content.” Sorry, no. Google has smart programmers who see through this immediately. They don’t use meta tags.

“哦,这个网站必须与iPhone有关,因为它在标签和内容中提到了很多。” 抱歉,没有。 Google有精明的程序员,他们可以立即查看这些内容。 他们不使用元标记

Write out an accurate and optimized meta description. This description tag allows Google to index your page accurately. It’s not always used, but it’s a factor. Do not mislead here (do not!). If you attempt to misdirect, it will count against you in search rankings. Because why? Because that’s what I would do.

写出准确且优化的元描述。 此描述标签使Google可以准确地为您的页面编制索引。 它并不总是使用,但这是一个因素。 不要在这里误导( 不要! )。 如果您尝试误导,它将在搜索排名中对您不利。 因为为什么? 因为那是我会做的。

IVc。 在自定义网址中使用关键字 (IVc. Use Keywords in Custom URLs)

The URL of this article is:https://medium.com/@benjaminbannister/seo-secrets-and-reverse-engineering-googles-algorithm-92fad4f5a39

本文的网址是:https://medium.com/@benjaminbannister/ seo-secrets-and-reverse-engineering-googles-algorithm-92fad4f5a39

The above is a perfectly fine URL. It uses the main keywords in the title to reinforce the topic and for consistency. I limited the duplication of this phrase to the title and the custom URL. The shorter the URL is, the less likely it will look like keyword stuffing, and the less likely it will be automatically truncated by some websites.

上面是一个非常好的URL。 它使用标题中的主要关键字来增强主题并保持一致性。 我将此短语的重复限制为标题和自定义URL。 URL越短,看起来像关键字填充的可能性就越小,并且被某些网站自动截断的可能性就越小。

I would have a problem if my link was:https://medium.com/@benjaminbannister/92fad4f5a39

如果我的链接为:https://medium.com/@benjaminbannister/ 92fad4f5a39,我会遇到问题

Do you see a difference? The first link clearly describes the content, the second is some randomly generated link.

你有什么区别吗? 第一个链接清楚地描述了内容,第二个链接是一些随机生成的链接。

Google is not going to understand what gibberish numbers and letters are in your URL. Make it clear for them.
Google不会了解您网址中的乱码和字母。 为他们清楚。

TIP: Use a dash (-) between words when naming web links and files. It helps Google separate the words. i.e.: website.com/your-cool-product.html.

提示:命名网页链接和文件时,请在单词之间使用破折号(-)。 它可以帮助Google分隔单词。 即:website.com/your-cool-product.html。

To summarize keywords/meta tags/URLs: Be accurate, interesting, and searchable.

总结关键字/元标记/ URL:准确,有趣且可搜索。

IVd。 在命名图像中使用关键字 (IVd. Use Keywords in Naming Images)

I like to include images when I can. Accurate and relevant naming of your images reinforces your content, and also becomes indexed in Google’s image search.

我希望在可能的情况下包括图像。 准确和相关的图像命名可以增强您的内容,并可以在Google的图像搜索中建立索引。

Whenever I create graphics and save images, I make sure file names do multiple things:


  • Identifies the photo

  • Has a consistent naming scheme

  • Has keywords


Like naming the title of your content, two things matter in photos: the name of the file, and the caption you give it (or the text around it).


EXAMPLE: If I took a picture of Diamond Head in Hawaii, I would probably name it “diamond-head-hawaii-benjamin-bannister.jpg.” I could also add the words “volcanic-tuff-cone” in there, but it could count as keyword stuffing. I can add that as a caption instead.

示例:如果我在夏威夷拍了钻石头的照片,我可能会将其命名为“ diamond-head-hawaii-benjamin-bannister.jpg”。 我也可以在其中添加“ volcanic-tuff-cone”一词,但可以算作关键字填充。 我可以将其添加为标题。

I personally include my name if I create a graphic. However, if that makes the file name too long, I take it out.

如果创建图形,则我个人包括我的名字。 但是,如果那使文件名太长,我将其取出。

Again, relevancy is key. It’s important that the file name and caption/surrounding text accurately represents the picture.

同样,相关性是关键。 重要的是,文件名和标题/环绕文字必须准确代表图片。

NOTE: If you post to other sites, they may automatically rename your images. Don’t let that bother you. Keep naming files with consistency.

注意:如果您发布到其他站点,它们可能会自动重命名您的图像。 不要让那困扰你。 保持文件命名的一致性。

五,内容内容的深度和简洁 (V. Depth and Conciseness of Your Content Matters)

Gone are the days where you could write a 300-word piece, throw in some links to other popular content, and end up at the top of the charts. Google sees this as “thin content.” You are probably aware of them when you encounter them as they leave you wanting more. Now, more points are given to content that has meat.

如今,您可以写一篇300字的文章,添加指向其他流行内容的链接,并最终排在图表顶部的日子已经一去不复返了。 Google将此视为“ 稀疏内容。 ”当他们遇到他们时,您可能会意识到它们,因为他们离开时想要更多。 现在,对含有肉的内容给予更多的评分。

I want a thick, juicy, medium-rare piece of meat to chew on, with very little fat. That was a metaphor.
我想要一块厚,多汁,稀有的肉咀嚼,而脂肪却很少。 那是一个比喻。

That doesn’t mean everything has to be epic in length. Google wants pages that give people exactly what they want, not pages that are longer than necessary or that slows down user experience.

这并不意味着所有内容都必须具有史诗般的长度。 Google希望提供的页面能够满足人们的实际需求,而不是比需要的页面长或会减慢用户体验的页面。

EXAMPLE 1: If someone is searching for the definition of a technical term, don’t spend three paragraphs meandering until you define it. Define the word. You can add related words and context examples, but that word definition should be the first thing a user sees.

示例1:如果有人在寻找技术术语的定义,在定义它之前,请不要花三段话来回曲折。 定义单词。 您可以添加相关的单词和上下文示例,但是单词定义应该是用户首先看到的内容。

EXAMPLE 2: If someone is researching “how to repot a plant,” I would expect the articles that rank on the first page are all concise, with enough depth to give the answers you’re looking for.


If you write articles, read and reread and learn to axe unnecessary words and sentences. If you make videos, cut out the ums and uhs, and get to the point. Don’t waste people's time with unnecessary filler; ain’t nobody got time for that. Every creator loves their work but they should know when to edit themselves.

如果您撰写文章,请阅读并重新阅读,并学会切掉不必要的单词和句子。 如果您要制作视频,请切掉ums和uhs,然后切入要点 。 不要用不必要的填充物浪费人们的时间; 没人会为此腾出时间。 每个创作者都喜欢他们的作品,但他们应该知道何时进行编辑。

People don’t want scraps or fat, give them a delicious lean steak or a bite-sized rich dessert, whichever serves your content best.


VI。 UX(用户体验)是一个因素 (VI. UX (User Experience) is a Factor)

A site that is well-designed, intuitive, and easy to use, will get points for being properly made. If you have confusing navigation, links that lead to broken/missing pages, navigation that requires more clicks than necessary, then it means you’re not maintaining it or hiring a proper web architect.

设计良好,直观且易于使用的网站将获得正确制作的分数。 如果您的导航混乱,导致页面损坏/丢失的链接,需要的点击次数超过必要的导航,那么这意味着您无需维护它或雇用合适的Web架构师。

UX is a very in depth topic on its own. To keep it simple, having a website with great UX is like having an ergonomic chair. Make sure your chair is comfortable and natural to use. I shouldn’t have to think about how to use your chair.

UX本身是一个非常深入的主题。 为了简单起见, 拥有出色的用户体验的网站就像拥有符合人体工程学的椅子。 确保您的椅子舒适自然。 我不必考虑如何使用你的椅子

Terrific UX on a computer should be similar: nice to look at and intuitive to use. If you can’t jump into a new system and figure things out like that (snaps finger), then the designers didn’t do a good job with the UX.

计算机上的出色UX应该相似:外观漂亮,使用直观。 如果您不能跳入一个新系统并弄清楚那样的事情(指尖弯曲),那么设计人员就不能在UX上做得很好。

七。 限制广告和广告展示位置 (VII. Limit Ads and Ad Placements)

Another part of good UX is not being flooded by ads on a page. Yes, businesses and websites need to make money, and they make some of that with ads. It’s a necessary evil.

优质UX的另一部分不会被页面上的广告所淹没。 是的,企业和网站都需要赚钱,而其中的一部分是通过广告赚钱的。 这是必要的邪恶。

However, when you position your ads between your content, that does two things: it confuses the audience to think the ad is part of the content; and it annoys the hell out of them (and brand loyalty starts going out the window).

然而,当你你的内容之间的位置的广告,做两件事情:它混淆观众认为广告是内容的一部分; 并惹恼了他们(品牌忠诚度开始消失)。

NOTE: One could debate placing ads that look like content for good design aesthetics. That’s fine, to an extent. But when you sandwich ads between written content to make it look like it’s part of it, or have a huge graphical ad banner indistinguishable from actual content, you’re trying to deceive. How would Google know the difference? Google knows.

注意:有人可能会争论放置看起来像内容的广告是否具有良好的设计美感。 在一定程度上还可以。 但是,当您将广告夹在书面内容之间以使其看起来像是它的一部分时,或者将巨大的图形广告标语与实际内容区分开时,您就在试图欺骗。 Google如何知道两者之间的区别? Google知道。

Then there’s the sin of having too many ads on your site where the question becomes: “is this a page of content, or a page of ads?” There is a fine line to walk between giving an audience good content, while still making enough money to run your business.

然后就是您的网站上有太多广告的问题所在:“这是内容页面还是广告页面?” 在向受众提供良好的内容,同时又要赚到足够的钱来经营您的业务之间,有一条很好的界限。

And lastly, we have the ratio of ads to content. Five ads for a paragraph of content? (GTFO, minus 15 points.) One ad for a paragraph? You’re fine. Consider coding ads that are responsive (automatically adjusts) to the amount of content. Keep your ad ratio in check.

最后,我们得出广告与内容比率 。 一段内容包含五个广告? (GTFO,减去15分。)一段广告? 你没事。 考虑编写对内容​​量具有响应性 (自动调整)的广告。 确保您的广告比率。

And definitely do not auto-play video ads on a page (minus 10 points, Ravenclaw). That’s all.

绝对不要在页面上自动播放视频广告( 负10分,Ravenclaw )。 就这样。

八。 先发布胜利 (VIII. First to Post Wins)

Google has gotten smart to those that copy and paste popular content (usually without permission), onto their own sites in hopes of getting traffic and ad revenue (minus one hundred points in Life if you do this). Sure, you’ll get your AdSense money, but you won’t be ranked higher in results.

Google擅长将热门内容 (通常未经许可) 复制并粘贴到自己的网站上,以期获得点击量和广告收入(如果这样做的话,请减去100点Life)。 当然,您会获得AdSense奖金,但结果排名不会更高。

If you create something that gets 1 million views, while someone else shared it and gets 20 million views (because they’re a larger platform), yours will still be ranked first because:


Google knows who posted it first.


Thank goodness for timestamps. The person who posted it first is considered the original source, and will in turn be ranked higher. Anyone else who has the same content is considered someone that copied it or shared it, no matter their numbers. Being first may not go into effect immediately, but The Algorithm will course-correct as time goes on and as more data is collected.

谢天谢地的时间戳。 首先发布该信息的人被认为是原始信息来源,并且排名将更高。 具有相同内容的任何其他人,无论其人数如何,都被视为复制或共享该内容的人。 最初可能不会立即生效,但是随着时间的流逝和收集到更多数据,该算法将自动纠正。

EXAMPLE: I wrote “Why Typography Matters — Especially At The Oscars,” which received millions of views and got republished on big platforms like Vox, Good, and even shared by George Takei, but my original Medium post is ranked first when you search for “typography oscars.” (First!)

示例:我写了“ 为什么排版很重要-尤其是在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上 ”,它获得了数百万的观看次数,并重新发布在VoxGood等大型平台上,甚至被George Takei共享,但是当您搜索时,我的原始Medium帖子排名第一。 “ 版式奥斯卡奖 。” (第一!)

If you intend to post the same content across several platforms, make sure you post to the main site you want your audience to go to, then post to the rest. Don’t worry too much about people copying your content, The Algorithm will sort out the proper hierarchy. (Plus, if people aren’t stealing your content, it’s not good enough to steal.)

如果您打算在多个平台上发布相同的内容,请确保将其发布到希望观众访问的主站点,然后再发布到其余站点。 不必担心别人会复制您的内容,该算法会整理出正确的层次结构。 (此外,如果人们没有窃取您的内容,那么窃取还不够好。)

EXAMPLE: You have a photo series of Disney characters as (insert noun), and post it on Behance, Tumblr, and DeviantArt, in that order. That is the likely order Google will sort them over time.

示例:您有一系列的迪斯尼人物照片(插入名词),并按此顺序张贴在Behance,Tumblr和DeviantArt上。 这可能是Google随时间对它们进行排序的顺序。

九。 一致地产生内容 (IX. Consistently Produce Content)

Continually create. It doesn’t have to be every day, but enough to give your audience a steady flow of you and your brand. Google wants fresh content on top. Think of this like a supermarket putting new milk behind the old ones. Let people know you continually produce milk and it’s fresh.

不断创造。 不必每天都这样,但足以让您的听众源源不断地吸引您和您的品牌。 Google希望获得新鲜的内容。 可以想像这就像是一家超市,在新旧牛奶后面放上新牛奶。 让人们知道您不断生产牛奶,而且牛奶是新鲜的。

EXAMPLE: If you wrote about “Best Laptops of 2016.” Guess what? “Best Laptops of 2017,” will rank above you.

示例:如果您写过“ 2016年最佳笔记本电脑”。 你猜怎么了? “ 2017年最佳笔记本电脑”将排在您之上。

For me, I try to create rich, quality content at least 1–2 times a month. For you, that might be a different number.

对我而言,我尝试每月至少创建1-2次,以创建丰富,优质的内容。 对于您来说,这可能是一个不同的数字。

As a recovering perfectionist, I urge you to just post your creations. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and on most platforms (except video), you can pull George Lucas’ and keep editing and refining (like I do).

作为恢复中的完美主义者,我敦促您仅发布您的作品。 它不一定是完美的,并且在大多数平台(视频除外)上,您可以拉乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)并继续进行编辑和优化(就像我一样)。

If you’re always updating your blog or site with well-researched and in-depth content, you should expect improved rankings. Sites that publish sporadically can expect the same irregularity in their rank positioning.

如果您始终使用经过精心研究和深入的内容来更新博客或网站,那么您应该期望获得更高的排名。 偶尔发布的网站可能会在排名排名中遇到同样的不规范现象。

Produce a steady flow of fresh content. Once you get on a regular schedule it will be easier to maintain.

产生稳定的新鲜内容。 一旦按计划进行,将更易于维护。

综上所述… (In Summary…)

The main variables for powerful SEO comes down to:


Quality and depth of content+Links/shares from related sites+Popularity+Accurate keywords in content, meta tags, URL+Being the original source+Ads-to-content ratio+Good UI and UX of website+Steady flow of produced content

内容的质量和深度 + 相关网站的链接/共享 + 受欢迎程度 + 内容,元标签,URL中的准确关键字 + 原始来源 + 广告内容比 + 网站的UI和UX良好 + 所生成内容的流量稳定

Google seeks to provide quality content that answers user inquiries. Content that is linked and sourced by lots of credible sites boosts its authority on the subject. And content that is properly keyworded in the right places will make it indexable for search engines.
Google寻求提供能够回答用户查询的高质量内容。 由许多可信站点链接和来源的内容增强了其在该主题上的权威性。 在正确的位置正确关键字化的内容将使它可被搜索引擎索引。

Google does not have time for books (websites) that say one thing on the cover (code), but end up being something else (not relevant). Do not mislead Google. (Here’s a list of things you should not do.) You do not want to be on their blacklist, which basically means you don’t exist.

Google没有时间去看书(网站)在封面(代码)上写有一句话,但最终却是其他(无关)。 不要误导Google。 ( 这是您不应该做的事情的清单 。)您不想被列入黑名单,这基本上意味着您不存在。

The above points are the most important variables for search engine optimization. Some you have control over, some you don’t. If you succeed on all points, you won’t have to worry about whether your content will show up on at the top of listings, it should get there on its own, organically (and again, a marketing budget helps).

以上几点是搜索引擎优化中最重要的变量。 有些您可以控制,有些则没有。 如果您在所有方面都取得了成功,则不必担心您的内容是否会出现在列表的顶部,它应该有机地独立到达那里(同样,营销预算也会有所帮助)。

No matter how many times Google tweaks or evolves The Algorithm, from Panda to Penguin to Polar Bear, these logical and intuitive core SEO tips should remain timeless.


To learn even more about SEO, check out these three official Google links:




How Google Search Works | Search AlgorithmsFrom analyzing words in your Search term to considering factors like your location, see how Google Search algorithms…www.google.comOfficial Google Webmaster Central BlogSearch engine (and SEO) blog with tips and announcements to connect your website or app with Google Searchers and…webmasters.googleblog.com

Google搜索的工作原理| 搜索算法 从分析 搜索 词中的单词到考虑位置等因素,您将了解Google搜索算法的方式 。www.google.com 官方Google Webmaster Central博客 搜索引擎(和SEO)博客,其中包含提示和公告,可将您的网站或应用与Google搜索者和… webmasters.googleblog.com

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Did I miss anything that should be essential when it comes to SEO? Add your voice in the comments.

你怎么看? 你同意还是反对? 我是否错过了有关SEO必不可少的任何内容? 在评论中添加您的声音。

Show your support by clapping this article, tweeting it, sharing it, and follow me to discover new things.

Also by benjamin bannister:

另外,本杰明·班尼斯特(benjamin bannister):

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/seo-secrets-reverse-engineering-googles-algorithm-92fad4f5a39/






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