airbnb 体验_游击队可用性在Airbnb的iOS应用上测试新的体验功能

airbnb 体验

by Irene Kuo


游击队可用性在Airbnb的iOS应用上测试新的体验功能 (Guerrilla Usability Testing the New Experiences Feature on Airbnb’s iOS App)

Airbnb recently came out with Experiences, which are activities designed and led by hosts. I encountered some problems when using the newly redesigned app, so I conducted a usability test to:

Airbnb最近推出了Experiences ,这是由房东设计和领导的活动。 使用新设计的应用程序时遇到了一些问题,因此我进行了可用性测试以:

  1. See if other users were experiencing similar issues

  2. Identify user pain points / priorities and

  3. Make the user experience more frictionless and intuitive.


The current layout is great for when a user first heads to a new city — the variety of options are all laid out. But it’s not as great for when users want to search for something more specific.

当前布局非常适合当用户首次前往新城市时-各种选项都已布置好。 但是,当用户想要搜索更具体的内容时,它并不是那么好。

Note that I conducted this usability test in early January of 2017, so it doesn’t reflect changes introduced after that.


目的 (Objective)

To run a guerrilla usability test to answer the question: Can users easily search for and book a specific experience (non-random browsing) through Airbnb’s mobile app?

要进行游击可用性测试来回答以下问题: 用户可以通过Airbnb的移动应用轻松搜索和预订特定体验(非随机浏览)吗?

目标用户 (Target Users)

I interviewed both high-frequency and low-frequency travelers to get a sense of the behavioral differences between each group. How would a traveler who is more familiar with a range of spontaneous, exploratory experiences act compared to a low-frequency traveler whose idea of experiences might consist of booking traditional tour guides for mainstream sightseeing? I also made sure interviewees had a range of technical experience, from basic to advanced proficiency.

我采访了高频和低频旅行者,以了解每组之间的行为差​​异。 与低频旅行者相比,他们对一系列自发的探索性体验更加熟悉,而低频旅行者的体验观念可能包括为主流观光预订传统的导游,该如何做? 我还确保受访者具有从基本到高级的各种技术经验。

Although travelers aged 25 to 34 are the largest demographic of Airbnb’s users, senior women are Airbnb’s largest growing segment of hosts. Including those that can be considered extreme users into the usability test helped me design for their amplified needs, which often include the needs of average users.

尽管25岁至34岁的旅行者是Airbnb用户的最大人群,但高级女性是Airbnb增长最快的房东群体 。 将那些可以视为极端用户的需求纳入可用性测试有助于我针对他们的放大需求进行设计,这些需求通常包括普通用户的需求。

I tested 7 users that I approached in coffee shops and public parks. The focused scope of the study allowed me to iterate through the design cycle with a small sample size.

我测试了在咖啡店和公园接触过的7位用户。 研究的重点范围使我能够以较小的样本量迭代设计周期。

任务 (Tasks)

I gave the users contextual scenarios and asked them to think-aloud* while they completed four tasks:


  1. Scenario: Let’s say you just landed in Los Angeles for the week and you wanted to book a yoga class for tomorrow. What would you do now?

    场景:假设您本周刚登陆洛杉矶,并且想为明天预订瑜伽课。 您现在要做什么?
  2. Scenario: You’re planning a trip to Tokyo the 2nd week of October. How would you book a cooking class experience over a couple of days?

    场景:您正计划在10月第二周前往东京。 您将如何预订几天的烹饪课体验?
  3. Task: Look for reviews.

  4. Task: Book an experience.


* I demonstrated a quick think-aloud session to show participants what was expected of them. I tried to incorporate instances in which I would be confused while using my chosen app to encourage users to share their unfiltered thought process.

*我演示了一个快速的思考式会议,向参与者展示了他们的期望。 我尝试合并一些实例,在使用我选择的应用程序鼓励用户分享他们未经过滤的思维过程时,我会感到困惑。

综合笔记 (Synthesizing Notes)

To synthesize my research, I wrote the key points from the interviews onto post-its and grouped them together by themes. Using Stanford’s sense-making framework, I noted tensions and relevant design principles, then derived insights using the “I noticed, I wonder” structure to brainstorm ideas to combat these pain points.

为了综合我的研究,我将访谈中的要点写到了帖子上,并按主题将它们分组在一起。 我使用斯坦福大学的感官分析框架注意到了紧张情况和相关的设计原则,然后使用“我注意到,我想知道”的结构来集思广益,集思广益,以解决这些难题。

主要发现 (Key Findings)

My research revealed 3 key findings:


1.搜索栏混乱和过滤器按钮被忽略 (1. Search bar confusion & overlooked filter button)
“Where do I search?”

All the users I interviewed attempted to use the top search bar to look for a specific experience.


“Am I just going to have to scroll through everything?”

After users tried to search for an experience by typing a specific word or phrase into the search bar where the location & date are usually inputted, they wouldn’t know how to narrow down the results further because they often overlooked the filter button. Even users who had prior experience with Airbnb’s app didn’t see it when they were directly looking for a filter option.

用户尝试通过在通常输入位置和日期的搜索栏中键入特定的单词或短语来搜索体验后,由于通常会忽略过滤器按钮,因此他们不知道如何进一步缩小搜索范围。 即使是曾经使用过Airbnb应用程序的用户,在直接寻找过滤器选项时也看不到它。

When I asked users to filter down according to how long an experience would last, the majority scrolled past the time filter in the filter options.


2. 评论 (2. Reviews)
“Is clicking this supposed to work?”

Users intuitively tried to click the bottom bar where the stars are to access reviews.


“What did each person rate?”
3. 预订 (3. Booking)
“Oh no!!! Did I book it?”
“不好了!!! 我预定了吗?”

From the time users click ‘Book,’ users must click a minimum of 5 times to finalize booking. Users thought that clicking ACCEPT meant that they booked the experience.

从用户单击“预订”开始,用户必须至少单击5次才能完成预订。 用户认为单击接受意味着他们预定了体验。

构思和原型解决方案 (Ideate & Prototype Solutions)

After highlighting the primary pain points, I began brainstorming possible solutions through sketching before I moved on to wireframing and creating high-res mockups.


1.搜索和过滤 (1. Search and filter)

Upon reviewing my findings, the lack of a search bar was the most common friction point that also induced the most negative emotional feedback. 100% of users looking for a specific experience in a new city intuitively looked for a search bar to type into.

回顾我的发现后,缺乏搜索栏是最常见的摩擦点,也引起了最负面的情绪反馈。 在新城市中寻找特定体验的100%的用户会直观地寻找要输入的搜索栏。

Instead of creating an independent search bar, the search + filter button was modeled after the Airbnb Home’s filter + map button to keep the two-function consistency.

无需创建独立的搜索栏,而是在Airbnb Home的filter + map按钮之后对search + filter按钮进行建模,以保持两个功能的一致性。

Although the second and third options would minimize user clicks by letting them automatically type in the search bar, I wanted the button to be secondary to the input bar at the top to prioritize the entry for location, date, and the number of guests.


After creating a mock-up based on the wireframe, which has the search+filter button at the top, I realized that placing the search + filter at the top blocked the add-to-wishlist heart icon for the first experience. The proposed solution below moves the button back down to where it originally was but still emphasizes it through color. My suggestions can be expanded across the mobile app for a consistent experience.

在基于线框创建了一个模型之后,该模型在顶部具有search + filter按钮,然后我意识到将search +过滤器置于顶部会阻止首次添加“心愿单”图标。 下面提出的解决方案将按钮移回原来的位置,但仍然通过颜色来强调它。 我的建议可以扩展到整个移动应用程序,以获得一致的体验。

1b。 筛选持续时间 (1b. Filter for duration)

The time filters were often overlooked. The whole host-guided experiences are all categorized under the tab “Experiences.” Understandably, users did not immediately discern that there was another category of guided tours (Immersions). To combat the ambiguity of the first terms that users see in the filters (Immersion vs. Experience), the proposed solution:

时间过滤器经常被忽略。 整个主机指导的体验都归类于“体验”标签下。 可以理解的是,用户并没有立即发现导游是另一种类型(浸入式)。 为了解决用户在过滤器中看到的第一项的歧义(沉浸感与体验),建议的解决方案:

  1. …forgoes the vague terms altogether for clearer distinctions between experiences that span hours vs. days.

  2. …replaces the word “Types” with “Duration” to clarify that this filter is about time / how long the experience will last.

2. 评论 (2. Reviews)

Users wanted to know what each specific person rated the experience.


Users have both ratings as a guest and host (if they are a host). Given that there has been confusion in the Airbnb community about the separation of guest / host ratings in Homes, I wanted to make sure that the confusion didn’t carry over to the experience / host / guest ratings. In my design, I had to be careful to clarify that the rating left by each guest who went through the experience was for the experience and NOT the overall rating of the guests themselves.

用户既有访客身份又有主人身份( 如果他们是主人)。 鉴于Airbnb社区对房客中的房东/房东评分分离感到困惑 ,我想确保这种混淆不会延续到体验/房东/房客评分上。 在我的设计中,我必须小心地阐明经历体验的每位客人留下的评价都是为了体验,而不是客人本身的总体评价。

All users tested expected to click the stars on the bottom to read reviews so the flow should meet user expectations:


Users were also confused when looking at new experiences because it wasn’t explicitly mentioned that there were 0 reviews. However, they would still try to look for a review section.

用户在查看新体验时也感到困惑,因为没有明确提及有0条评论。 但是,他们仍然会尝试查找评论部分。

3. 预订 (3. Booking)

I noticed that the booking process for experiences vs. homes are different. Compared to the 5 step minimum booking process for experiences, home booking shows all the steps on one page, as seen below:

我注意到体验与房屋的预订过程有所不同。 与体验的5步最低预订流程相比,家庭预订在一页上显示所有步骤,如下所示:

To clarify the current experience booking process, I took a page from the ‘steps left’ indicator in homes. Because the experience booking isn’t all on one page, users don’t really know when it stops. The words ‘next’ or ‘accept’ led users to believe that they had falsely confirmed the booking.

为了阐明当前的体验预订流程,我从首页中的“走近一步”指示器中浏览了一页。 由于体验预订并非全部在一页上,因此用户并不真正知道何时停止。 “下一个”或“接受”一词使用户认为他们错误地确认了预订。

  1. Changed the word from “book” to “select” because the word “book” makes people think of the last step

    将单词从“ book”更改为“ select”,因为“ book”一词使人们想到了最后一步
  2. Changed “next” to “2 steps left” so users know where they are in the process

  3. Originally, the word “accept” made users think that clicking it would finalize their booking. It was changed to ‘1 step left’ to remove user apprehension of clicking to the next page

    最初,“接受”一词使用户认为单击它可以完成他们的预订。 它已更改为“向左移1个步骤”,以消除用户对单击下一页的担心

Edit: A suggestion in the comments makes a very valid point: the 2 steps left doesn’t look like a clickable button, so users might get confused about what to do next. My improvement would be to use a button to indicate the next action item, either with the words ‘2 steps left’ or ‘next,’ although 2 steps left would give users a better marker for where they are in the booking process.

编辑 :注释中的建议非常有意思:剩下的2个步骤看起来并不像可单击的按钮,因此用户可能对下一步的操作感到困惑。 我的改进是使用一个按钮来指示下一个操作项目,用“左2步”或“下一步”两个词表示,尽管左2步将为用户提供更好的标记,指示他们在预订过程中的位置。

验证解决方案 (Validating Solutions)

To validate my solutions, I printed out paper prototypes and asked 7 users (4 from initial study) to complete the tasks again, this time with much less friction. Although I couldn’t actually see how a search bar would actually work within Airbnb’s system, users experienced much less confusion.

为了验证我的解决方案,我打印了纸质原型,并要求7位用户(最初研究的4位用户)再次完成任务,这次的摩擦要小得多。 尽管我实际上看不到搜索栏在Airbnb系统中的实际工作方式,但用户所受的困扰却要少得多。

A comment below from Bac Le suggested that my solution in the booking process could create confusion because the ‘2 steps left’ doesn’t look like a clickable button. This just goes to show that I need to validate with more users.

Bac Le的以下评论建议我在预订过程中遇到的解决方案可能会造成混乱,因为“剩下的2个步骤”看起来并不像一个可单击的按钮。 这只是表明我需要与更多用户进行验证。

However, during my validation process, I noticed that there was an unconscious friction point while navigating through the whole app. By that, I mean that users experienced difficulty but remained neutral and disregarded the pain point. First, the app uses both left-right and up-down scrolling. For example, when browsing homes, users scroll by up-down but in Experiences, if users don’t input a location, the scrolling is both right-left AND up-down which turns into ONLY up-down once a location is inputted. Second, the image sizes for homes, experiences, and places are all different, making the experience inconsistent. This issue was also present in my original study, but was outside the scope of non-random browsing in Experiences. This could be another study in the future.

但是,在验证过程中,我注意到在浏览整个应用程序时存在一个无意识的摩擦点。 我的意思是,用户会遇到困难,但保持中立,而忽略了痛点。 首先,该应用程序同时使用左右滚动和上下滚动。 例如,在浏览房屋时,用户按上下滚动,但是在“体验”中,如果用户未输入位置,则滚动既是左右滚动又是上下滚动,只有在输入位置后才变为上下滚动。 其次,房屋,体验和地点的图像大小都不同,从而导致体验不一致。 我最初的研究中也存在此问题,但不在“体验”中的非随机浏览范围之内。 这可能是将来的另一项研究。

结论 (Conclusion)

Thanks for reading! This is a self-initiated UX Research and Design project and I am in no way affiliated with Airbnb. I wanted to solve problems that I was running in to when I browsed their new Experiences section. I would LOVE x 10000 to hear your feedback!

谢谢阅读! 这是一个自发的UX研究与设计项目,我与Airbnb无关。 浏览他们的新“体验”部分时,我想解决遇到的问题。 我希望x 10000听到您的反馈!

I’m currently studying Design Leadership MA/MBA at Johns Hopkins University and the Maryland Institute College of Art. Find me at

我目前正在约翰霍普金斯大学和马里兰艺术学院学习设计领导力硕士/ MBA。 在irenekuo.com找到我


airbnb 体验





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