

One does not simply learn to code. Because coding isn’t easy. Coding is hard. Everyone knows that. Anyone who’s scoured a stack trace — or git detached their head — can tell you that.

人们不会简单地学习编码。 因为编码并不容易。 编码很难。 每个人都知道。 搜寻堆栈跟踪记录的任何人-或git卸下头-都可以告诉您。

Unfortunately, there are a lot of marketers out there trying to cash in on the notion that “coding is easy!” Or that it will be, if you use their product.

不幸的是,有很多营销人员试图从“编码容易!”这一概念中获利。 或者,如果您使用他们的产品,那将会是。

When someone tells you that coding is easy, they are doing you a huge disservice. This can really only play out in one of three ways:

当有人告诉您编码很简单时,他们就给您带来极大的伤害。 这实际上只能以以下三种方式之一进行播放:

场景1 (Scenario 1)

Person 1: “I tried to learn to code once. I had a hard time. Life got in the way, and I am no longer trying to learn to code.”

人1 :“我尝试过学习一次编码。 我很难过 生活妨碍了我,我不再试图学习编码。”

Marketer: “Coding is easy!”

营销人员 :“编码很容易!”

Person 1: “What? Oh. Maybe coding is easy after all. Maybe I’m just dumb.”

人1 :“什么? 哦。 毕竟编码也许很容易。 也许我只是傻瓜。”

方案2 (Scenario 2)

Person 2: “I want to learn to code, but it sounds hard.”

第二个人 :“我想学习编码,但这听起来很难。”

Marketer: “Coding is easy!”

营销人员 :“编码很容易!”

Person 2: “Really?”

第二个人 :“真的吗?”

Marketer: “Yes. Buy my course/program/e-book and you’ll be an elite coder in less than a month.”

营销人员 :“是的。 买我的课程/程序/电子书,您将在不到一个月的时间里成为一名高级编码员。”

Person 2:


Person 2, one month later: “I thought coding was supposed to be easy. Maybe I’m just dumb.”

第二个人,一个月后 :“我认为编码应该很容易。 也许我只是傻瓜。”

场景3 (Scenario 3)

Person 3: I have no interest in ever learning to code. I’m a successful manager. If I ever need something coded, I’ll just pay someone to code it for me.

第三个人 :我对学习编码毫无兴趣。 我是一位成功的经理。 如果我需要编码的东西,我会付钱给我替它编码。

Marketer: Coding is easy!

营销人员 :编码很简单!

Person 3: Oh, OK. Figures. In that case, I guess I won’t pay those code monkeys very much, or hold their work in very high regard.

第三个人 :哦,好。 数据。 在那种情况下,我想我不会付出那么多代码猴子,也不会非常重视他们的工作。

脑部手术很容易 (Brain surgery is easy)

Saying “Coding is easy!” is like saying “Brain surgery is easy!” Or saying “Writing novels is easy!”

说“编码很容易!” 就像在说“脑部手术很容易!” 或说“写小说很容易!”

A brain surgeon at a dinner party says to novelist Margret Atwood: “I’ve always wanted to write. When I retire and have the time, I’m going to be a writer.”
宴会上的一名脑外科医师对小说家玛格丽特·阿特伍德说:“我一直想写。 当我退休并有时间的时候,我将成为一名作家。”
Margret Atwood replies: “What a coincidence, because when I retire, I’m going to be a brain surgeon.”
玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margret Atwood)回答:“真是巧合,因为当我退休时,我将成为一名脑外科医师。”

And yet, marketers continue to say: “Coding is easy!”, “Coding isn’t that hard!”, or my personal favorite, “Coding is easy! It’s the <something that makes coding hard> that’s hard!”

但是,营销人员继续说:“编码很容易!”,“编码并不难!”或我个人最喜欢的“编码很容易!”。 这是<使编码变得困难的事情>很难!”

And all that these marketers achieve in saying this is to make people feel dumb — sometimes taking their money in the process.


知识的诅咒 (The curse of knowledge)

Unfortunately, it’s not just marketers who say coding is easy. I meet experienced developers all the time who also say “coding is easy!”

不幸的是,不仅仅是营销人员说编码很容易。 我经常遇到经验丰富的开发人员,他们也说“编码很简单!”

Why would someone who’s gone through the thousands of hours it takes to get good at coding say that coding is easy? Because they’re suffering from a cognitive bias called the curse of knowledge. They cannot remember what it was like to not know how to code. And even if they can, they’ve probably long forgotten how hard coding was for them at first.

为什么一个花了数千小时才能熟练掌握编码的人会说编码很容易? 因为他们正遭受一种称为知识诅咒的认知偏见。 他们不记得不知道如何编码是什么感觉。 即使他们可以,他们很可能早就忘记了最初编码对他们有多难。

The curse of knowledge prevents many experienced developers from being able to empathize with beginners. And nowhere is this lack of empathy more apparent than everyone’s favorite Google result: the coding tutorial.

知识的诅咒使许多有经验的开发人员无法同情初学者。 没人能比每个人都喜欢的Google结果:编码教程更能说明这种缺乏同理心的情况。

How many times have you actually been able to finish a random tutorial you found through Google, without getting derailed by some cryptic error or ambiguity?


And the worst thing about this process is when tutorial authors unconsciously pepper their instructions with words like “obviously” “easily” and most mocking of all: “simply.”


Nothing is more frustrating than being 30 minutes into a tutorial and getting stuck on a step that says “simply integrate with Salesforce’s API,” or “simply deploy to AWS.”


And when this happens, the voice of a thousand marketers echoes through your head: “Coding is easy!”


You’ll remember those experienced developers you met a few weeks ago who tried their best to encourage you by saying: “Coding is easy!”


You’ll even have flashbacks of all those bad Hollywood hacking scenes where they make coding look so easy.


Before you know it, you’ll suddenly hear the sound of your own voice screaming, feel your body rising to its feet and (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


But it’s OK. Take a deep breath. Coding isn’t easy. Coding is hard. Everyone knows that.

但没关系。 深吸一口气。 编码并不容易。 编码很难。 每个人都知道。

Still, you’ll yearn for those l33+ h@x0r skills. You’ll feel impelled to vanquish bugs with nothing but your wits — and a gratuitous number of green-on-black monitors.

不过,您仍然渴望拥有那些l33 + h @ x0r技能。 您将无所不用其事,无所不用其事地打败虫子-并配备了无数绿色的黑色显示器。

So let’s chase that dragon. Let’s be that elite Hollywood programmer. If only for a moment, let’s feel what that’s like.

因此,让我们追逐那条龙。 让我们成为好莱坞的精英程序员。 如果只是片刻,让我们来感受一下。

Here we go:


Step 1: Turn out the lights, pop your collar, put on some aviator sunglasses


Step 2: Guzzle an energy drink, crush the can, and chuck it over your shoulder


Step 3: Go here and bang on your keyboard as fast as humanly possible

步骤3: 前往此处 ,以最快的速度敲键盘

Power fantasy fulfilled.


Do you feel better? Are you laughing at the absurdity of our collective construct of software development?

你好点了吗? 您在嘲笑我们的软件开发集体构建的荒谬性吗?

Now that we’ve gotten that out of our system, let’s talk about the most insidious word in the English language.


没有比这更简单的了 (Nothing is ever simple)

There’s a good chance that if you encounter a word like “simply” in a tutorial, that tutorial will assume a lot about your prior knowledge.


Maybe the author assumes that you’ve previously coded something similar and are just using their tutorial as a reference. Maybe the author wrote the tutorial with themselves in mind as their target audience.

也许作者认为您之前已经编写过类似的代码,并且只是将其教程用作参考。 也许作者以他们的目标读者为对象编写了该教程。

Either way, there’s a good chance that the tutorial will not be designed for someone at your exact level of coding skills.


Hence the “rule of simply”:


Don’t use the word “simply” in your tutorials, and don’t use tutorials that use the word “simply.”

Learn it. Know it. Live it.

学习吧。 知道。 活下去

Unfortunately, twenty minutes into a desperate Googling session, you are unlikely to remember that you should search the tutorial page to see whether its author presumptively uses words like “simply.”


Well, we’ve got you covered. Albert Meija has created a Chrome extension that will detect the word “simply” in a tutorial and will pop up a notice that the tutorial isn’t designed for beginners.

好吧,我们已经覆盖了您。 Albert Meija创建了一个Chrome扩展程序,该扩展程序将在教程中检测到“简单”一词,并会弹出一个通知,指出该教程并非为初学者设计。

SimplyThis extension will analyze a tutorial and determine if it's beginner friendly.chrome.google.com

简而言之, 此扩展程序将分析教程并确定它是否适合初学者。 chrome.google.com

This Chrome Extension serves as a proverbial canary in the coal mine, notifying you of the presence of the word “simply” — and thus likely assumptions about your prior knowledge — before you get too far into the tutorial.


Albert built this chrome extension in just a few hours, in response to a challenge I tweeted out. Here are some of the other entries from Free Code Camp campers, whose extensions do similar things:

阿尔伯特在短短几个小时内就构建了这个Chrome扩展程序,以应对我在推特上发布的挑战。 以下是Free Code Camp营员的其他条目,其扩展名执行类似的操作:

Simply for Beginners?Highlights all instances of the word simply and will send a notification letting you know it's not for beginners.chrome.google.comNot So SimpleSimple Chrome extension utilizing the "simply" rule. If a tutorial contains the word simply, it's probably not for…chrome.google.comnot-so-simplyWarns you if the page you are on contains the word 'simply'. Used to avoid programming tutorials that tend to not be so…chrome.google.com

仅仅是初学者? 仅突出显示单词的所有实例,并会发送通知,告知您不适合初学者。 chrome.google.com 不太简单 利用“简单”规则的简单Chrome扩展程序。 如果教程中仅包含单词,则可能不适合… chrome.google.com( 不是很简单) 警告您所在的页面上包含“简单”单词。 用来避免可能并非如此的编程教程 。chrome.google.com

We could certainly take these chrome extensions further. Maybe use Natural Language Processing to produce a more accurate assessment of the relative difficulty of a given tutorial, or its “presumptive index.”

我们当然可以进一步扩展这些chrome。 也许使用自然语言处理来对给定教程的相对难度或其“推定指标”进行更准确的评估。

But in the meantime, this simple extension may steer you clear of those ship-sinking “simply” icebergs out there in the chilly ocean that is learning to code.


Until we meet again — stay strong and don’t believe the hype. Learning to code is hard. Tune out the noise, stick with it, and profit.

在我们再次见面之前-保持坚强,不要相信炒作。 学习编码很难。 调整噪音,坚持下去并获利。

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/one-does-not-simply-learn-to-code-f25bacdc5b62/


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