

by Alin Rauta

通过Alin Rauta

我终于找到了第一份编程工作,现在呢? (I finally got my first programming job, now what?)

In my recent post, I told my story as a self-starter in the vast field of programming. A story filled with struggles, anxiety, excitement, passion, frustration, and hustle. Also, at the end of the story I told you that I was in being in advanced talks with two companies and close to getting my first job in programming.

在我最近的帖子中 ,我讲述了自己在广阔的编程领域中的自我入门故事。 一个充满挣扎,焦虑,激动,激情,沮丧和忙碌的故事。 另外,在故事的结尾,我告诉您,我正在与两家公司进行高级对话,并且即将获得编程的第一份工作。

Guess what? I did not get either of those jobs. Instead, I once again returned to the drawing board, and applied to other programming jobs. However, I was not demoralized. I knew that it was just a matter of time before I’ll got my hands on my elusive first programming job.

你猜怎么了? 我没有得到任何一份工作。 相反,我再次回到了绘图板上,并应用于其他编程工作。 但是,我并没有灰心丧气。 我知道,要开始难以捉摸的第一笔编程工作只是时间问题。

As this article’s title suggests, I finally made it. Two weeks from now will be my first day as a front-end developer. (First I have to serve out my two-weeks notice at my current job at a local subsidiary of a US startup.)

正如本文标题所暗示的,我终于做到了。 从现在开始的两个星期将是我作为前端开发人员的第一天。 (首先,我必须在美国一家初创公司的当地子公司的当前工作中履行为期两周的通知。)

How did I make it? It was pretty ironic and random, to be honest.

我是怎么做到的? 老实说,这是非常讽刺和随意的。

I was sitting in my girlfriend’s dorm room, and her colleague had her Facebook account open. A job ad caught my eye due to its animated design. I told her to send me that ad so I could take a look at it when I got home.

我坐在女友宿舍的房间里,她的同事开了她的Facebook帐户。 由于其动画设计,一个招聘广告引起了我的注意。 我告诉她向我发送该广告,以便我回家后可以看一下它。

I applied to that job, and I got a call from the company for an interview the next day.


During the first interview, we had a talk about myself and my professional trajectory. They also gave me two math problems to solve on the spot. I solved them correctly, and I think they weighed this heavily in their decision to hire me.

在第一次面试中,我们谈论了自己和我的职业轨迹。 他们还给了我两个数学问题,可以当场解决。 我正确地解决了他们,而且我认为他们在聘用我的决定中担当了重任。

They also emailed me an assignment, which involved pure coding skills. I had to turn a .psd file into a real website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. After 16 hours of work, I sent them the solved assignment.

他们还通过电子邮件给我发送了一项作业,其中涉及纯编码技能。 我必须将.psd文件转换为具有HTML,CSS和JavaScript的真实网站。 经过16小时的工作,我向他们发送了已解决的作业。

Then I got called in to a second interview where I met the other managing partner of the company. Basically, it was a discussion meant to see if I met their organizational culture requirements. The discussion went well, and they told me right there on the spot that I was hired.

然后,我接到第二次面试的机会,在那里我遇到了公司的另一位管理合伙人。 基本上,这是一场讨论,旨在了解我是否满足他们的组织文化要求。 讨论进行得很顺利,他们就在那儿告诉我我被录用了。

The moment I heard the sentence: “You’re hired”, I felt such a mix of emotions. I felt proud and euphoric. But I also felt relieved.

当我听到一句话:“你被录用了”时,我感到非常激动。 我感到自豪和欣喜。 但我也感到放心。

After all of those feelings sunk in, I thought to myself: “Ok, and now what?” I felt like that junior tennis player who manages to win his first tournament, enjoys the moment, and then the next week flies to yet another tournament. Because it’s never over. There are just new beginnings.

在所有这些感觉都沉没之后,我对自己想:“好吧,那又是什么?” 我感觉自己像是一名初级网球选手,设法赢得了自己的第一场比赛,享受了这一刻,然后第二周又飞到了另一场比赛。 因为它永远不会结束。 只有新的开始。

Right now, a lot of new experiences await me. I will figure out how to work in a web development team, and how much different the software industry is from all those courses and tutorials I have been learning from.

现在,许多新的经验正在等待着我。 我将弄清楚如何在Web开发团队中工作,以及软件行业与我从中学到的所有课程和教程有何不同。

It will be a new beginning that I have been waited for almost eleven months — a journey I started on March 16, 2015 (yes — I remember the exact date).


And, for sure, I will learn a lot about programming and more important, about myself. I am a young man who is making his transition into adulthood.

而且,可以肯定的是,我会学到很多有关编程的知识,更重要的是关于我自己的知识。 我是一个正在向成年过渡的年轻人。

As I cross that line, I can’t help but ask myself: what exactly brought me this far, to the point of getting a programming job?


FreeCodeCamp and the community Quincy Larson managed to build around it were clearly is the most important technical factor in my success.

FreeCodeCampQuincy Larson设法建立的社区显然是我成功的最重要的技术因素。

Until I heard about Free Code Camp, I didn’t even know that you could use Javascript for both client-side and server-side web development. I didn’t know there were specific stacks for this, like the MEAN stack.

在听说Free Code Camp之前,我什至不知道您可以在客户端和服务器端Web开发中都使用Javascript。 我不知道有特定的堆栈,例如MEAN堆栈。

The algorithm challenges taught me more Javascript than I had learned from other courses and tutorials combined. The Front-End Development Projects were the web projects I put in my resume that got the attention of the potential employers — and in the end, got me hired.

算法挑战教给我的Javascript比我从其他课程和教程中学到的要多。 前端开发项目是我放入履历表中的Web项目,这些项目引起了潜在雇主的注意-最终,我被录用了。

So, I cannot state how a big role Free Code Camp has played in my development as a beginning programmer. And I want to express all my gratitude and admiration for all the people who make it possible for Free Code Camp to exist.

因此,我无法说明Free Code Camp作为一名初级程序员在我的开发中所起的重要作用。 我想对所有使Free Code Camp成为可能的人们表示感谢和钦佩。

After all the positive feedback my most recent post received (which could have not been possible without help from Quincy and the entire Free Code Camp community), I want to thank all of you for this.

在收到我最近的帖子的所有积极反馈之后(如果没有Quincy和整个Free Code Camp社区的帮助,这是不可能的),我要感谢大家。

I’ve decided to start writing once a week about all the mistakes I made as a self-starter programmer, and all the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I want to share with you all the experiences that shape me as a programmer — that lead to me getting this first programming job, and will lead to further success in this field.

我已决定每周开始写一次有关我作为自入门程序员的所有错误以及在此过程中所学到的所有教训的文章。 我想与大家分享使我成为一名程序员的所有经验,这些经验使我获得了第一份编程工作,并将在该领域取得更大的成功。

Based on the feedback I receive from sharing my experiences as a self-starter, I plan to write a handbook for all the self-starters around the world that want to get into web development. It will explain to them the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and how the web actually works.

根据从分享自我启动者的经验中得到的反馈,我计划为世界各地所有希望从事Web开发的自我入门者编写一本手册。 它将向他们解释HTML,CSS,JavaScript的基础知识以及网络的实际工作方式。

So, subscribe to my email list if you want to read about my mistakes and drop me a tweet on Twitter. :)

因此,如果您想了解我的错误并在Twitter上给我发推文 ,请订阅我的电子邮件列表 。 :)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/i-finally-got-my-first-programming-job-now-what-e8389ee16ef2/


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