


by William Newton


设计过程:金字塔 (The Design Process: A Pyramid)

在确定下一个设计项目之前要回答的问题。 (Questions to answer before nailing your next design project.)

Almost two years ago, I got to sit down with Ryan Germick, the lead of the Google Doodle team.

大约两年前,我和Google Doodle团队的负责人Ryan Germick坐了下来。

When I asked how his team kept shipping such great designs consistently, Ryan asked for my notebook, and drew a pyramid. He divided it into five layers, and he told me:

当我问到他的团队如何保持一贯的出色设计水平时,瑞安问我要笔记本,并画了一个金字塔。 他将其分为五层,并告诉我:

首先,从任务, 灵魂“为什么”开始。 (First, start with the Mission, the Soul, the ‘Why?’)

Understanding the soul of a project is the foundation upon which a complete design solution is built. It’s quite abstract, and can take some thought, but within the soul are the answers to your design problem.

理解项目的灵魂是构建完整设计解决方案的基础。 它是非常抽象的,可能需要一些思考,但是内心深处是您设计问题的答案。

Everything you design ties back to this idea, so identifying it is the first and most important part of the design process.


If your mission statement is too long, ask dumb questions and challenge your assumptions to whittle it down to its essence. The soul should elegantly answer the question “what is this for?”

如果您的任务说明太长,请提出愚蠢的问题并挑战您的假设,以使其精简。 灵魂应该优雅地回答“这是为了什么?”这个问题。

第二阶段:了解用户故事 (Phase Two: Understand the User Story)

A person’s life will never begin and end with your product/website/poster/hardware. There is context before, during, and after.

一个人的生活永远不会以您的产品/网站/海报/硬件开始和结束。 在前后,前后都有上下文。

Consider how a person feels, what they are primed for, and what they want before they interact with your design. Be as human-centric as possible. There are lots of ways to do this.

在与您的设计进行交互之前,请考虑一个人的感受,他们的追求以及他们想要的东西。 尽可能以人为本。 有很多方法可以做到这一点。

When a person interacts with your *thing*, what do they experience, and how does it relate to the mission and soul of the project?


The experience a person has using, listening to, seeing, and touching your *thing* should reinforce the soul of the design. In other words: how integrate ‘what the user does’ and ‘what the project does.’

一个人使用,聆听,看到和触摸您的“东西”的经历应该可以增强设计的精髓 。 换句话说:如何集成“用户做什么”和“项目做什么”。

Furthermore, when the user’s experience is ‘over’, what happens next?


第三阶段:发展外观 (Phase Three: Develop the Look & Feel)

Now that you know why you’re making this thing and how people will interact with it, it’s time to answer the question: What does it look like?

现在您知道了制作这个东西的原因以及人们如何与之互动,现在该回答这个问题了: 它看起来像什么?

This layer is tertiary to the user story and the soul of the design, but it is commonly misunderstood as the ‘biggest’ or ‘most important’ part of a designer’s job.


Answering the first two questions makes it easy to design something that is fulfilling and resonates with people on a subconscious level.


Using the soul and the story as a guide simplifies building visual design that is integrated in a profound way.


第四阶段:我们如何执行? (Phase Four: How do we execute?)

The final component of a design is the implementation. If you’re a design-only type, it’s tempting to take a ‘hands off’ approach during this phase and let developers do their thing—but stay vigilant!

设计的最后一部分是实现。 如果您是仅设计类型的人员,那么在此阶段很想采取“放手”的方法,让开发人员做他们的事,但是请保持警惕!

This phase is flexible because there are many different ways to implement a design. Find the way that integrates with the soul, the user story, and the look & feel to create a cohesive whole.

此阶段非常灵活,因为有许多不同的方法可以实现设计。 找到与灵魂 ,用户故事和外观融为一体的方式,以创建一个具有凝聚力的整体。

Take an active part in ensuring no detail is spared. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s, measure twice, cut once, etc…

积极参与,确保不遗漏任何细节。 点一下您的i,然后越过t,测量两次,切割一次,等等……

Regardless if you’re doing the making yourself, make sure it’s made, and made right.


第五阶段:超越目标 (Phase Five: Go Over the Top)

So you’ve materialized an idea that solves the problem and works well. At this point, you’ve got a completed design.

因此,您已经实现了一个可以解决问题并且运作良好的想法。 至此,您已经完成了设计。

Most designers stop here. Don’t.

大多数设计师都在这里停下来。 别。

This is the part where you take it up a notch.


This is the difference between ‘good’ design and ‘great’ design.


This step is where you can really unleash your creativity to take what you already have (which is solid) and make it shine with something unexpected and awesome.


Since you’ve designed your way from the soul, the user experience, the visual design, and through the execution, you are given a powerful opportunity to tie your project together with a magnificent star on top.

由于您已从灵魂 ,用户体验,视觉设计以及整个执行过程中进行了设计,因此,您将获得一个将项目与顶部宏伟的明星联系在一起的强大机会。

让我们回顾一下: (Let’s Recap:)

When building a pyramid, you’ve got to start at the bottom.


Your foundation is defining the mission and soul of the project.


From there, consider the user story and context.


This leads you to a solid vantage point from which to create a visual design that looks and feels just right.


Execute the design and build something you’re proud of.


Finally, put a cherry on top with surprising and delightful details that let the soul really shine all the way through.


While my examples are software-related, these principles apply globally to all design-related arenas by replacing ‘user’ with ‘listener’, ‘viewer’, etc.


If you found this article helpful, sign up for my email list where I write about designing products! Thanks for reading!

如果您发现本文很有帮助,请注册我写有关设计产品的电子邮件列表 ! 谢谢阅读!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-design-process-a-pyramid-c77135c177d4/






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