c 语言编程学习 编程环境_学习C ++编程语言的前5个网站

c 语言编程学习 编程环境

Top websites for learning C++ programming language

Let’s have a look about C++ programming language first,

首先让我们看一下C ++编程语言,

C++ is an Object Oriented Programming language and it was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985. In Object oriented programming language data and function are organised in one entity called classes.

C ++是一种面向对象的编程语言 ,由Bjarne Stroustrup于1985年开发。在面向对象的编程语言中,数据和功能组织在一个称为类的实体中。

Everything in this world is an object and the human being in this world is very close to these objects because these objects are commonly used by human beings. So, the programming Technology is modelled as Object oriented it is very easy to handled and understand by the programmer or common users.

这个世界上的一切都是物体,这个世界上的人类与这些物体非常接近,因为这些物体是人类普遍使用的。 因此,编程技术被建模为面向对象,它很容易被程序员或普通用户处理和理解。

That’s why this programming technology is also known as the real world or real time programming language.


The object-oriented programming technique treats the data as an element or as an object. This binds the object or element with the function which is used to manipulate object. Oops protect the object from accidental modification in the structure of object is called class.

面向对象的编程技术将数据视为元素或对象。 这将对象或元素与用于操作对象的功能绑定在一起。 哎呀,保护对象免受对象结构中意外修改的影响称为类。

C++ works on the concept of Object and the Classes. Classes are the collection of similar type of objects and object are the variable of type class. Class is a factory which is used to produce object. Classes are logical abstraction while object have the physical existence.

C ++处理对象和类的概念。 类是对象的相似类型的集合,对象是类class的变量。 类是用于生产对象的工厂。 类是逻辑抽象,而对象具有物理存在。

Some important Characteristic of object-oriented programming


  • Object Oriented Programming Follow Bottom up approach.


  • In Oops data is hidden and cannot access by any external function even main.


  • Objects of the same class may communicate with each other through the functions design in the main.


  • The concept of Object Oriented Programming can directly be mapped with real life problem.


  • The functions operate on the data of the object are tied together in a data structure.


  • In Oops Inheritance is one of the characteristic by using this we can create new class by extending and enhancing the new class.


  • Oops provides the concept of encapsulation in which we wrap up the data and functions in a single unit. The functions which are only in the class can access the data.

    Oops提供了封装的概念,其中我们将数据和功能包装在一个单元中。 只有该类中的函数才能访问数据。

  • Object –Oriented Programming can easily be manipulated from small system to large system.


  • In Oops for design software we have to identify objects, design the models and try to create the link between objects.

    在Oops for design软件中,我们必须识别对象,设计模型并尝试在对象之间创建链接。

学习C ++编程语言的热门网站 (Top websites for learning C++ programming language)

1)Cplusplus (1) Cplusplus)

Top websites for learning C++ programming language - cplusplus

An amazing website for computer science students and developers to learn C++ programming language from beginning to advance level.

一个很棒的网站,供计算机科学专业的学生和开发人员从入门到高级学习C ++编程语言。

This website has good collection of C++ programming tutorials, function, class’s references, articles and forum.

该网站收集了很多C ++编程教程,功能,类的参考资料,文章和论坛。

Link: http://www.cplusplus.com/

链接: http //www.cplusplus.com/

2)TutorialsPoint (2) TutorialsPoint)

Top websites for learning C++ programming language - tutorialspoint

Tutorialspoint is top most website, which provides step by step tutorials on Computer programming languages. I would recommend learning C++ programming language from this website.

Tutorialspoint是最热门的网站,它提供有关计算机编程语言的逐步教程。 我建议从此网站学习C ++编程语言。

Link: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/index.htm

链接: https //www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/index.htm

3)LearnCpp (3) LearnCpp)

Top websites for learning C++ programming language - learncpp

Learncpp is a completely free website which provides you to learn how to program in C++. Whether you have any prior programming experience or not. The tutorials on this site will teach you everything you need to know with lots of examples.

Learncpp是一个完全免费的网站,可让您学习如何使用C ++进行编程。 是否具有任何以前的编程经验。 该站点上的教程将通过大量示例教您所有需要了解的内容。

Link: http://www.learncpp.com/

链接: http //www.learncpp.com/

4)MyCplus (4) MyCplus)

Top websites for learning C++ programming language - mycplus

This website is developed to help everyone who wish to learn C and C++ programming language. This website provides many necessary resources like programming tutorial, source code, library references and also the discussion forum where you can post your problem.

该网站旨在为希望学习C和C ++编程语言的每个人提供帮助。 该网站提供了许多必要的资源,例如编程教程,源代码,库参考以及可以在其中发布问题的讨论论坛。

Link: https://www.mycplus.com/

链接: https //www.mycplus.com/

5)编程 (5) Cprogramming)

Top websites for learning C programming language - cprogramming

This is a best site for C and C++ programming language. Which is very popular and beginner friendly. It hopes to facilitate the creation of solution that makes a world smarter.

这是使用C和C ++编程语言的最佳站点。 这是非常受欢迎和初学者友好。 它希望促进创建使世界变得更智能的解决方案。

Link: https://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/c++-tutorial.html

链接: https //www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/c++-tutorial.html

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/articles/top-5-websites-for-learning-cpp-programming-language.aspx

c 语言编程学习 编程环境





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