c 语言编程学习 编程环境_学习C编程语言的前5个网站

c 语言编程学习 编程环境

Top websites for learning C programming language

Let’s have a look about C programming language first,


The C programming language is known as mother language. This is a language which is used for making operating system like windows, ios and other operating software’s. It is a high level language or also known as human language. This is a highly efficient language because of its portability. It follows top to down approach. It is a hardware dependent language.

C编程语言被称为母语。 这是一种用于制作操作系统的语言,例如Windows,iOS和其他操作系统。 它是一种高级语言,也称为人类语言。 这是一种高效的语言,因为它具有可移植性。 它遵循从上到下的方法。 它是一种与硬件相关的语言。

It can be defined by following ways


  • C language is also known as Procedure oriented programming language.


  • It is a structured programming language.


  • It also named as mid level programming language, since it was designed to have both: a good programming efficiency and good machine efficiency.


Historical development of C language


C is a programming language developed at AT and T’s Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972. It was designed and written by Dennis Ritchie.

C是1972年在美国AT和T的Bell实验室开发的一种编程语言。它是由Dennis Ritchie设计和编写的。

Features of C programming language


  • It is simple and have rich library.


  • Format free language.


  • Low level operations can be performed such as development of Editors, Interpreters, and Compilers etc.


  • Utilities can be developed which can be used later.


  • It is extensible and portable.


学习C编程语言的热门网站 (Top websites for learning C programming language)

1)CodeForWin (1) CodeForWin)

Top websites for learning C programming language - codeforwin

Codeforwin is a blog about computer science, for computer science learners by computer science lover. I started this blog with an aim to provide easy and quality programming contents for beginners. It’s a blog where beginners can learn programming and advance their skills to intermediate and professional level. It features C programming and Data Structures tutorials, programs, hacks, tricks etc.

Codeforwin是一个有关计算机科学的博客,面向计算机科学爱好者的计算机科学学习者。 我创建此博客的目的是为初学者提供简单而优质的编程内容。 这是一个博客,初学者可以在其中学习编程并将其技能提高到中级和专业水平。 它具有C编程和数据结构教程,程序,黑客,技巧等功能。

Link: https://codeforwin.org/

链接: https //codeforwin.org/

2)极客 (2) Geeks for Geeks)

Top websites for learning C programming language - geeksforgeeks

It is a computer science portal for those who have to learn the different programming languages. It contains well explained and well written articles which are easy for those who are starting from the beginner level. This portal has been created to provide well finest solutions for selected question.

对于那些必须学习不同编程语言的人来说,这是一个计算机科学门户。 它包含了讲得很好并且写得很好的文章,对于从入门级开始的人来说很容易。 创建此门户的目的是为所选问题提供最佳解决方案。

Link: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c-programming-language/

链接: https //www.geeksforgeeks.org/c-programming-language/

3)CppRefernce (3) CppRefernce)

Top websites for learning C programming language - cppreference

This is a portal that chooses quality over quantity. There main objective is to have a good command on c and c++ programming language .They provide complete course to a programmer for the C and standard libraries.

这是一个选择质量而不是数量的门户。 主要目标是对c和c ++编程语言有一个良好的命令。它们为程序员提供有关C和标准库的完整课程。

Link: http://en.cppreference.com/w/c

链接: http //en.cppreference.com/w/c

4)学习C (4) Learn-C)

Top websites for learning C programming language - learn-c

This website is for everyone who wishes to learn C programming language. In this there is nothing to download just click on a chapter you wish to start from and just go through from it.

该网站适合所有希望学习C编程语言的人。 在此没有什么可下载的,只需单击您希望从中开始的章节,然后直接阅读即可。

Link: http://learn-c.org/

链接: http //learn-c.org/

5)编程 (5) Cprogramming)

Top websites for learning C programming language - cprogramming

This is a best site for C and C++ programming language. Which is very popular and beginner friendly. It hopes to facilitate the creation of solution that makes a world smarter.

这是使用C和C ++编程语言的最佳站点。 这是非常受欢迎和初学者友好。 它希望促进创建使世界变得更智能的解决方案。

Link: https://www.cprogramming.com/

链接: https //www.cprogramming.com/

更多受欢迎的网站,用于学习C编程语言 (More popular website(s) for learning C programming language)

6)GNU C编程教程(LinuxTopia) (6) The GNU C programming Tutorials (LinuxTopia))

Top websites for learning C programming language - linuxtopia

The aim of GNU is to teach how to write software in C. It is primarily written as a tutorial for beginner, which is written from different experience programmers. The scope of this tutorial is to provide C library manually.

GNU的目的是教授如何用C编写软件。它主要是为初学者编写的,它是由不同经验的程序员编写的。 本教程的范围是手动提供C库。

Link: https://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/programming_books/gnu_c_programming_tutorial/index.html

链接: https //www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/programming_books/gnu_c_programming_tutorial/index.html

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/articles/top-5-websites-for-learning-c-programming-language.aspx

c 语言编程学习 编程环境





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