1t模式 和12t 模式_T +的完整形式是什么?

1t模式 和12t 模式

T +:积极思考 (T+: Think Positive)

T+ is an abbreviation of Think Positive.

T +是Think Positive的缩写

Think Positive is an affirmation for a constructive mindset in which a person expects better and favorable consequences. In other words, think positively is the process of creating thoughts that have better and encouraging sequences that create and transform energy into reality. A positive thinking mind hangs around for happiness, joy, health and a happy ending in every situation.

积极思考是对建设性思维的肯定,在这种思维中,人期望更好和有利的后果。 换句话说,积极思考是创造思想的过程,这些思想具有更好的和令人鼓舞的序列,可以创造能量并将其转化为现实。 在每种情况下,积极思考的思想都可以为您带来幸福,快乐,健康和幸福的结局。

More people these days become are attracted to this concept of positivity; fine indication is the increasingly courses and books about it. Positive thinking is gaining attractiveness among surrounding.

这些天来,越来越多的人被这种积极概念所吸引。 好的指示是关于它的越来越多的课程和书籍。 积极思考正在周围环境中获得吸引力。

More and more successful people will describe their success that whatever they achieved and where they are now are all because they made a lifestyle around positive thinking. A person that goes through life with a positive mindset will always be more successful in life both professionally and personally, in comparison to a person that cannot manage and organize his thoughts in the direction of positivity. It is all the time more common to hear people say: "Think Positive" to a person who is sad and worried. Unfortunately, lots of people do not take this urge seriously.

越来越多的成功人士将他们的成功描述为无论他们取得了什么成就以及他们现在所处的位置,都是因为他们以积极思考为生。 与一个无法朝着积极方向管理和组织思想的人相比,一个拥有积极心态的人在生活上无论在职业上还是个人上都将更加成功。 听到人们对悲伤和忧虑的人说“积极思考”的呼声越来越普遍。 不幸的是,很多人没有认真对待这种冲动。

积极思考的应用 (Application of Think Positive)

  • Use of positive words while talking: If a person continuously repeats "I cannot" a person can convince himself that it's true. Substitute the words which are negative with positive ones.

    说话时使用肯定的词语 :如果一个人不断重复“我不能”,那么一个人可以说服自己这是真的。 用否定的单词代替肯定的单词。

  • Eliminate all the thoughts and emotions that are negative: A person needs to do not let his negative thoughts and emotions take control when a person is not in a good mood. Even if it is for a few hours a day, a person needs to eliminate negative thoughts and emotions and pay attention to positive things in his life.

    消除所有消极的思想和情绪 :一个人心情不好时,就不要让消极的思想和情绪控制住自己。 即使一天要花几个小时,一个人也需要消除负面的思想和情绪,并注意生活中的积极事物。

  • Use words that bring to mind strength and success: A person needs to fill his thoughts with words that make him feel strong, happy, joy and having control over his life. A person needs to make an effort to concentrate on these words instead of the ones that imply failure or ineffectiveness or lack of ability.

    使用能使人联想到力量和成功的词语 :一个人需要用使自己感到坚强,快乐,快乐并能控制自己生活的词语来充实自己的思想。 一个人需要努力专注于这些词,而不是那些暗示失败,无效或缺乏能力的词。

  • Positive affirmations practice: One of the most widespread training for positive thinking is positive affirmation. A person needs to start repeating positive phrases like "I deserve to be happy" or "I deserve to be loved". By believing that these phrases are factual, true and repeating them always in his mind will inflict a highly positive outlook about his life.

    积极肯定实践积极肯定是最广泛的积极思考训练之一。 一个人需要开始重复积极的短语,例如“我应得幸福”或“我应得被爱”。 通过相信这些短语是真实的,真实的,并始终在他的脑海中重复这些短语,将对他的生活产生非常积极的看法。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/t-full-form.aspx

1t模式 和12t 模式





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